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The anti-corrosion performance of fatty acid-coated mild steel samples is studied. Samples of structural steel coated with collector reagents deposited from surfactant in an ethanol solution and overcoated with an epoxy barrier paint. A quantitative corrosion rate was determined by the linear polarization resistance method using bio-potentiostat/galvanostat 400. A coating morphology was determined by scanning electronic microscopy. A test for the hydrophobic surface of steel by surfactant was done. Prior to measuring the corrosion rate, mechanical and chemical treatments were performed to prepare the test specimens. Overcoating the metal samples with epoxy barrier paint after exposing them to surfactant the corrosion rate can be inhibited by 34-35µm/year
There is still high need for removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater with easily and quickly at low-cost. In addition, it is desirable to recover the heavy metals which become the valuable materials. As prior studies, foam separation has received considerable interest due to its simplicity, rapidity, high efficiency and costeffective for the solid-liquid separation [1]–[3]. The role of surface active substance is the most important in the foam separation process. Besides, milk casein, one of the eco-friendly surface-active proteins, has unique characteristics such as high foaming capacity and adsorbed to ferric and aluminum hydroxides as collector for removal of suspended substances [1]. However, there is no study about attachment of casein for the removal of heavy metals by the foam separation. In this study, the removal and recovery of heavy metals from artificial wastewater using dispersed bubbles and milk casein were tested with pre-precipitation. In addition, to prove the effectiveness for the actual condition, precipitation and foam separation was applied to the mining tailing water collected from the mining industry in Mongolia. Lime (Ca(OH)2) was used as an alkaline agent for heavy metal precipitation. To simulate the optimum pH for precipitation, jar tests were performed under different conditions. After the precipitation process, casein was added to the precipitated wastewater, and foam separation was performed subsequently. Milk casein functioned as a collector and frother for foam separation. The removal efficiencies of heavy metals were determined via inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. Under the optimum alkaline condition at pH9, where the pH was adjusted by lime addition and a casein dosage of 15 mg/L, 96% of Cr, Cu, Cd, and Pb were removed from the wastewater and recovered in the foam; however, Mo remained in the water. When the pH of the treated water was readjusted at 5.3 and the water was reprocessed by foam separation, 76% of Mo was removed from the treated water. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed precipitation and foam separation method under actual conditions, it was applied to mining tailing water collected from an ore mining facility in Mongolia. The removal efficiencies of heavy metals, such as Mn, Fe, and Cu, included in the mining tailing water were greater than 85%. Furthermore, more than 90% of the suspended solids were also removed from the tailing water. The casein enabled the collection and recovery of the precipitation components of heavy metals within a total processing time of 10 min. Precipitation and foam separation using lime and casein is an effective and adaptable method for treating industrial effluents that contain heavy metals.
Plants have played a significant role in maintaining human health and improving the quality of human life for thousands of years. Pyrethrum was a genus of several old world plants now classified as Chrysanthenum or Tanacetum is one of the largest genera in the Asteraceae family, and reputed to have excellent medicinal value. There are four species of Pyrethrum grown in Mongolia of which P. lanuginosum, P. alatavicum, P. pulchrum and P. changaicum [1] are widely used in traditional medicine as fever, inflammatory conditions, bone fracture, carcinoma and anthrax [2]. Pyrethrum pulchrum L. is recognized as an ingredient of 401 Traditional Mongolian medicines and that it is native to many regions of Mongolia. The aim of the present study was to determine of total flavonoid contents and purify of some flavonoids in the aerial parts of P. pulchrum. In addition, the acute toxicity effect is investigating for ethanolic extract of this plant. There is considerable interest in the health promoting effect of flavonoids from dietary sources e.g from major crops, herbs and medicinal plants. The air-dried and grounded aerial parts of P. pulchrum were extracted with ethanol (96%) and acid hydrolysis. This was carried out by heating in the presence of acid. The total flavonoids were determined by UV-visible spectrophotometry and the result of total flavonoids was 0.68% quercetin equivalents. Rapid extraction (SPE and preparative HPLC) methods were used, in order to reduce degradation prior to LC/MS and NMR analysis. Apigenin (fig.1) and their derivatives (Ap-7-Gls and isovitexin) were obtained from P. pulchrum. From 1H NMR parameters of apigenin in methanol solution, the apparent doublets at δ=6.93 and δ=7.85 derive from AA′XX′ spin system formed by H-2′, H-3′, H-5′ and H-6′. The singlet at δ=6.59 is assigned to H-3, and the doublets at δ=6.21 and δ=6.46 to H-6 or H-8. It has also been compared by Piet Van loo et al and other references.
С помощью метода циклической вольтамперометрии было изучено влияние реагенга EDTA (этлендиаминтеграуксусная к-та ) на электрохимическое поведение медных и железных электродов в растворе сульфида натрия Очистка рабочих электродов определяется рентгеновской флуоресценцией. На вольтамперной кривой измеренной на медных электродах имеются 3 анодных и 3 катодных пика, которые соответствуют (аналогичны ) Cu2S ,CuS и Cu2O на кривой железных электродов имеется один анодный пик который соответсвует Fe2S при отсутствии катодного пика. С другой стороны, образовавшийся при окислении сульфида металла удалялся с использованием ЭДТА.