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Энэхүү ажлаар бага чадлын түлшээ үржүүлэн шатаадаг реакторын дизайны нейтроникийн судалгааг Монте Карло аргад сууриласан Япон Улсын Атомын Энергийн Агентлагаас хөгжүүлсэн MVP-GMVP-II комьютерийн кодыг ашиглан гүйцэтгэсэн. Бага чадлын түлшээ үржүүлдэг реакторын хувьд шаталтыг эхлүүлэх нь чухал асуудал байдаг бөгөөд энэ ажлаар баяжуулсан ураныг голомтод бүсэд хуваан ачааллана шаталтын тооцоог гүйцэтгэсэн. Тооцооллын үр дүнгээс харахад бүс ачаалалтай голомт анхны ачаалласан түлшээр 70-аас дээш жил ажил байгаа нь энэхүү ачаалал үр дүнтэй байсныг илтгэж байна.
In Mongolia, energy demand is increasing rapidly and installed capacity cannot keep up the demand due to a weak condition of both electricity access and grid structure. According to a survey, primary electrici-ty demand by 2025 would be higher in the central region and tend to increase in other regions. Full cov-erage of the country by grid extension is difficult from technical as well as economic perspective be-cause of high investment costs and high electrical loss over long distance, and low demand in the re-mote regions. Therefore, small power systems are suitable in remote regions and typical large size pow-er systems are not a very good option. However, a small fast reactor system may be suitable, having unique characters, to reduce nuclear waste and effective use of nuclear fuel. In this study, preliminary design study on a small breed and burn type fast reactor was carried out using continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP/GMVP II with the JENDL-3.3 data library. In the concept of breed and burn, igniting a burning wave is an important concern. This study concerns the igniting burning wave with enriched ura-nium for initiating the conversion process. As seen from the result, the proposed small reactor could operate more than seventy years under breed and burn mode.
Mongolia intends to build its first nuclear research reactor with main purpose of producing radioisotopes and other useful applications. However, technical specifications of research reactor have not decided and reached consensus among the scholars and decision makers. Thus, this paper presents results of preliminary neutronic analysis on three different cores at three different power level.