Бидний тухай

Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): М.Мягмархорол, Н.Байгалмаа
"Дэлгэрхаан уулын орчмын археологийн олдворын чулуулгийн тархалтын онцлог", Монголын Геологи Хайгуул (Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup), 2024-3-28, vol. 2024, pp. 1


Дэлгэрхаан уулын археологийн олдворуудын чулуулгийн зэвсгийн найрлага, тархалтыг

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа
"Төрийн тахилгат Их Богд уул: Газарзүй, Геологийн хөгжлийн түүх, ашигт малтмал", "Төрийн тахилгат Их Богд хайрханы тайлга, тахилгын уламжлал-шинэчлэл, байгаль, газарзүйн онцлог", 2023-11-16, vol. 2023, pp. 13


Төрийн тахилгат Их Богд уул: Газарзүй, Геологийн хөгжлийн түүх, ашигт малтмал

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, Л.Жаргал, Б.Эрдэнэцогт
"Нарийнсухайтын ордын нүүрсний петрографийн судалгаа, хүлэр хуримтлалын орчин", Монголын ба бүс нутгийн геологийн асуудлууд, Монгол улс, 2022-10-21, vol. 2022, pp. 19


Нарийнсухайтын ордын нүүрсний петрографийн судалгаа, хүлэр хуримтлалын орчинг тодорхойлсон

Зохиогч(ид): З.Ганбаатар, Б.Бат, Н.Байгалмаа, Ц.Энхбат, Э.Болормаа, Б.Билгүүн-Очир
"Хот суурин газрын геологи орчны тогтвортой байдлын үнэлгээ, таамаглалын асуудалд " Геологийн асуудлууд, vol. 22, no. 22, pp. 248-259, 2022-9-3


The objective of the research was to summarize and analyze the existing and emerging methods of sustainability assessment for the territories of Ulaanbaatar City. The principle of target use of territories assumes determination of its possibilities for performance of social and economic functions on the basis of a preliminary assessment of its natural resources, value of natural objects, etc. It is important that the mandatory damage was minimal, and the planned benefits significantly exceeded them. A principle of safety assumes that any anthropogenic impact on the geological environment should not create environmentally harmful and dangerous to the habitat of the present generation and have long-term environmentally harmful consequences for future generations. Generalization and systematization of information about the state and stability of the geological environment should be consistent with the scale of the problems and the level of decision-making (global, regional, local). The results of assessments of the stability of territories can be presented in various forms, as well as the leading natural and man-made factors that affect their stability. They include quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative assessments. The cost criteria for evaluating the stability of territories are being widely developed at present in two main directions. The first is assessment of the risk of the impact of dangerous natural and natural-technogenic processes. The second is due to the assessment of the costs required for the construction and normal operation of natural-technical systems or objects, including their engineering protection.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Л.Жаргал, Д.Нансалмаа
"Нарийнсухайтын ордын элсэн чулууны петрографи, геохимийн судалгааны үр дүн", Монголын Геологи Хайгуул (Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup), 2022-5-5, vol. Монголын Геологи Хайгуул 2022, pp. 2022-05-05


Middle and Upper Jurassic 18 sandstone core samples from exploration borehole, drilled in Nariinsukhait coal deposit, was studied. Geochemistry of samples indicates that sandstones were derived from acidic and intermediate rocks and mixed with recycled older sedimentary rocks. Possible sources are volcano-sedimentary rocks of Mississippian Tost Formation, granite and granodiorite of Early-Late Carboniferous Tavan-Uul complex and sedimentary rocks of Middle-Upper Triassic Noyon Formation. Paleoclimate indices (C-value, Rb/Sr, Sr/Ba, 1000xRb/K2O and CIA) reflect that coal seams were accumulated in warmer and more humid climate, when paleo-weathering was intense, whereas sandstones were deposited in relatively cold and arid climate. In Late Jurassic, it is more likely that paleoclimate became more arid and cold compared with Middle Jurassic, indicated by quite low CIA and Rb/Sr. Redox condition (Th/U, Ni/Co and V/Cr) was variable, probably controlled by paleoclimate. Moreover, various discrimination diagrams suggested that Middle Jurassic coal-bearing sedimentary rocks were accumulated in foreland basin. It is consistent with previous interpretations of regional tectonic during Triassic and Jurassic time. Түлхүүр үг: элсэн чулуу, тектоник, дунд юра, нүүрс, өмнөд Mонгол, форланд

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Буянтогтох, Н.Байгалмаа
"Алаг Өндөрийн нүүрсний ордын нүүрсжилт", Монголын Геологи Хайгуул (Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup), 2022-4-5, vol. Монголын Геологи Хайгуул (Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup) -2022, pp. 13


Алаг-Өндөрийн антрацитийн орд нь Улаанбаатар хотоос 370 км, Дорноговь аймаг Сайншанд хотоос 90км Айраг сумаас 80 км-ийн зайнд орших ба Эс Жи Групп ХХК-ын 2009 онд явуулсан хайгуулын ажлын үр дүнд шинээр нээгдсэн. Алаг-Өндөрийн ордын хувьд нүүрсний давхраас дагасан тектоник хөдөлгөөний улмаас 3 салаалсан хагарал үүсч нүүрсний давхраасуудыг 75-150 м шилжүүлэн 3 давхарласан болох нь хайгуулын ажлын үр дүнд тогтоогдсон юм. Эдгээр хагарлууд нүүрсний давхраасны адилаар зүүн хойшоо 60-650 чиглэлтэй сунаж, баруун хойшоо 40-700 шургана. Тектоник хөдөлгөөний улмаас нүүрсний давхраасууд нунтаглагдан зарим хэсэгтээ завсрын чулуулгуудтайгаа холилдон (брекчлэгдсэн) нягтарсны улмаас түүний үнслэгийг өндөрсгөсөн байж болохыг петрографийн судалгаа харуулж байна. Алаг-Өндөрийн ордыг “Ашигт малтмалын нөөц, баялагийн түр заавар”-ыг үндэслэн геологийн тогтоц тектоникийн бүтцийн хувьд нийлмэл буюу III бүлэгт хамааруулж байна. Антрацитийг нүүрсний бусад төрлүүдтэй харьцуулахад шатах хэсгийн дэгдэмхий бодисын гарц бага (<8,0 %), шатах хэсгийн нүүрстөрөгчийн агуулга өндөр (>92,0 %) болон цахилгаан сайн дамжуулдаг онцлогт тулгуурлан янз бүрийн салбарт ашиглаж байна. Тус судалгааны ажлын үндсэн зорилго нь “Алаг-Өндөр” нүүрсний ордын структур-геологийн тогтоц, нүүрсжилтийн онцлог

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Тэгшжаргал, Н.Байгалмаа, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Э.Болормаа
"Тавантолгойн дунд пермийн элсэн чулууны геохимийн судалгаа", Монголын Геологи Хайгуул (Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup), 2022-4-5, vol. Монголын Геологи Хайгуул (Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup) -2022, pp. 12


Тавантолгойн чулуу нvvрсний орд нь Өмнөговь аймгийн Цогтцэций сумын нутагт, сумын төвөөс баруун урагш 18км-т оршдог. Улаанбаатар хотоос 560км-т буюу газар зvйн уртрагийн 105025I-105032I хойд өргөрөгийн 43035I-43039I солбилцолд далайн төвшнөөс дээш 1500-1830 м-ийн өндөрлөгт Их шанхайн массивийн төв Улааннуурын хөндийд байрладаг. Элсэн чулууны петрографи, геохимийн судалгаагаар тухайн чулуулгийн гарал үүсэл, геодинамикийн нөхцөл болон тэжээгч мужийн уур амьсгал, өгөршлийн эрчим зэрэг хурдас хуримтлалын эртний орчныг тодорхойлж болно. Тавантолгой нүүрсний орд орчим тархсан 3300 метр зузаантай пермийн хурдас нь Өмнөд Монголын пермийн хурдсын бүтэн зүсэлт гэж тооцогддог. Нөгөө талаас пермийн цаг үеийн Өмнөд Монголын геологийн хөгжлийн түүхийг сэргээн босгох нь палеозойн цаг үеийн Төв Азийн геодинамикийн түүхийг сэргээн босгоход тодорхой хувь нэмэр болох юм. Энэ судалгаагаар дунд пермийн нүүрс агуулсан Тавантолгой формацийн элсэн чулууны геохимийн судалгаа хийж, нүүрс агуулсан тунамал хурдас хуримтлагдсан орчин, тектоникийн нөхцлийг сэргээн босгохыг зорилоо.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Н.Байгалмаа, А.Эрдэнэ


hujirt is a syncline that hosts Jurassic coal deposit in Northern Mongolia. Nine coal samples collected from exploration borehole were selected for analyses of major oxide and trace elements of coal ash. The average value of CAI for the samples is 82.8, reflecting intensive weathering in the source area. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that rocks in coal were sourced mainly from Early Permian andesite and basalt and Early Paleozoic granodiorite, which borders Khujirt syncline. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 18.4) and Ti/Zr (avg. 37.1) ratios. To infer tectonic setting, two multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams were used. The results suggest that the tectonic setting of Khujirt was foreland basin that was probably formed by closure of Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. Low Rb/Sr (0.02-0.04) and high Sr/Cu (13.8-30.6) ratios of the studied samples indicate that arid climate condition was dominant during the deposition of Khujirt peat accumulation. This conclusion is supported by C-values. Due to arid condition, salinity was high, reflected by substantially high Sr/Ba ratio varying from 1.7 to 2.7.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, Д.Эрдэнэчимэг, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Л.Жаргал, Т.Огата, Ж.Эрдэнэбаяр, А.Баатархуяг, Д.Нансалмаа, А.Билгүүн


Middle and Upper Jurassic 18 sandstone core samples from exploration borehole, drilled in Nariinsukhait coal deposit, was studied. Geochemistry of samples indicates that sandstones were derived from acidic and intermediate rocks and mixed with recycled older sedimentary rocks. Possible sources are volcanosedimentary rocks of Mississippian Tost Formation, granite and granodiorite of Early-Late Carboniferous Tavan-Uul complex and sedimentary rocks of MiddleUpper Triassic Noyon Formation. Paleoclimate indices (C-value, Rb/Sr, Sr/Ba, 1000xRb/K2O and CIA) reflect that coal seams were accumulated in warmer and more humid climate, when paleo-weathering was intense, whereas sandstones were deposited in relatively cold and arid climate. In Late Jurassic, it is more likely that paleoclimate became more arid and cold compared with Middle Jurassic, indicated by quite low CIA and Rb/Sr. Redox condition (Th/U, Ni/Co and V/Cr) was variable, probably controlled by paleoclimate. Moreover, various discrimination diagrams suggested that Middle Jurassic coal-bearing sedimentary rocks were accumulated in foreland basin. It is consistent with previous interpretations of regional tectonic during Triassic and Jurassic time.

Зохиогч(ид): С.Батгэрэл, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Н.Байгалмаа, Д.Алтанцэцэг
"ӨМНӨД МОНГОЛЫН ДУНД ЮРЫН УУР АМЬСГАЛ, ГЕОДИНАМИКИЙН НӨХЦӨЛ. II ХЭСЭГ: НАРИЙНСУХАЙТ ОРДЫН НҮҮРСНИЙ ГЕОХИМИЙН СУДАЛГАА" Journal of Geological Issues (Геологийн асуудлууд), vol. 19 (554), pp. 63-74, 2021-5-14


Based on the geochemistry of coal samples, collected from East and West mines of Nariinsukhait deposit, provenance, tectonic settings and source areapaleoweathering and paleoclimate was reconstructed. Sediments accumulated in peat swamp were mainly from acidic rocks mixed with smaller amount of intermediate rocks, indicated by Al2O3/TiO2 and A-K-CN diagrams. Seam 5 was deposited under realtively hot climate compared with upper seams (Seam 8, 9 and 10). Seam 5 is characterized by high Sr/Cu (avg. 7.4), Sr/Ba (avg. 2.5) and inertinite content (up to 35%). For upper seams, Sr/Cu (4.8), Sr/Ba (1.5) and inertinite content (~14%) are low, indicating more humid climate and fresher water body. CIA, Ni/Co and V/Cr support the findings. In addition, сoal was deposited in foreland basin. Collision tectonic setting was dominant during Triassic and Jurassic period in southern Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): А.Баатархуяг, Д.Алтанцэцэг, Н.Байгалмаа, Б.Болормаа
"Нарийнсухайтын хотгорын геологийн тогтоц" Геологи судлал, vol. №25, pp. 91-110, 2021-2-2


Нарийсухайтын хотгор нь баруунаас зүүн тийш 300 км сунаж тогтсон бөгөөд Нарийнсухайт хотгор гэсэн нэгжийг Баатархуяг нар 2016 онд анх ялгасан болно

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, Л.Жаргал, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Д.Нансалмаа
"Нарийнсухайт нүүрсний ордын элсэн чулууны петрологи", GIMAR - Geological Issues of Mongolia and Adjacent Regions (Монголын ба бүс нутгийн геологийн асуудлууд), 2020-10-23, vol. GIMAR-2020, pp. P-13


Нарийнсухайтын нүүрсний орд нь Өмнөговийн нүүрсний савд хамаарагдах (Д.Бат-Эрдэнэ нар, 1985) ба Өмнөговь аймгийн Гурвантэс сумын нутагт оршдог. Орд нь Нарийнсухайтын хотгорт орших ба ордын хэмжээнд дунд Юрын Оргилохбулаг (J2ob), дээд Юрын Шархотгор (J3sh), Доод Цэрдийн Өндөр-Ухаа формац (К1uu) формацууд тархсан

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Э.Болормаа, Д.Нансалмаа, Н.Байгалмаа, Б.Бат, Л.Жаргал
"Geochemistry of Middle Permian Tavantolgoi sandstone: Implications for paleoclimate and provenance", Japanese Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting, Japan, 2020-5-26, vol. SCG55-03, pp. SCG55-03


The Tavantolgoi deposit, which has more than six billion tons of coal reserves, is situated in southern Mongolia. In 2018, more than 22Mt coal was produced from the deposit. During the exploration program completed in 2017, eighteen sandstone and two andesite samples for petrographical and geochemical analysis were collected from the upper part of coal-bearing Middle Permian Tavantolgoi Formation, which was intersected completely by 960 m deep bore hole. Petrographically, the sandstones are classified as litharenite reflecting relatively weak weathering intensity in source area, probably due to arid or semiarid climate conditions. Provenance analysis indicates that the sandstones are sourced from transitional arc and undissected arc that were probably formed during the closure of Paleoasian ocean between southern Mongolia and North China block. Geochemistry of major oxide and trace element result are summarized as below. CAI values from major oxides of the studied samples vary between 66.7 and 81.5 with an average of 77.0, reflecting weak to moderate intensity of weathering in source area. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that sandstones were sourced mainly from early Permian andesite and dacite, which are widely distributed around Tavantolgoi. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 19.6), TiO2/Zr (avg. 57.7) and petrographical study. C-value, indicator of paleoclimate, in the sandstone ranges from 0.15 to 1.3 with an average of 0.50, suggesting semiarid and semiarid to semimoist condition. However, some samples accumulated during the short period of arid and moist conditions. Rb/Sr and Sr/Cu of the studied samples are consistent with those of C-value. In addition, Sr/Ba (avg. 0.56), Th/U (avg. 2.8) and Ni/Co (avg. 2.0) of the samples suggest that the sandstones were deposited in paleoenvironment with fresh and oxic water.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, O.Takeyuki, Л.Жаргал, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, J.Erdenebayar
"Geology and geochemical characteristics of coalbearing source rocks in Nariin sukhait deposit, southern Mongolia", European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Austria, 2020-5-7, vol., pp. EGU2020-17731


The Nariin Sukhait mine is located in the southwest of Umnugobi province 50 kilometers from Mongolia's border with China at Shivee Khuren within the Nariin Sukhait deposit, which has relatively complex geological features. The most prominent feature relating to the Nariin Sukhait coal deposit is the arcuate, east-west trending Nariin Sukhait fault. The coal-bearing section, interpreted to be middle Jurassic in age, is exposed primarily in a window adjacent to this fault. The chemical composition of whole indicates (variable composition, values of the ratio Th/U > 3.8-4.2, values Th/Sc 0.3-0.8, values LaN/YbN > 5 and values Eu/Eu* 0.6-0.9) indicates components derived from the active continental margin type. The low CIA values (50–60) indicate the absence or poor chemical weathering in the source area. SEM-CL-imaging of sandstone quartz from Nariin sukhait show three types of quartz: early Q1 cementation has gray to slightly grey luminescences, postdated compaction, and reduced intergranular porosity associated with illite formed during eogenesis. Q2 is characterized by dark luminescence overgrowths and is more voluminous in the thinly bedded sandstones than in the thickly bedded sandstones filling most of the remaining pore space during mesogenesis. Q3 was formed during the early telogenesis stage fully cementing the sandstones and the fractures were filled by hydrothermal chlorite and sulfides. Significant amounts of trace elements Al, Ti, Ca, K and Fe has been detected in quartz overgrowths. Al varies consistently between each cement with averages of 1324, 1523, and 1352 ppm for the Q1, Q2, and Q3 generations, respectively. The geochemical, SEM-CL imaging and EPMA data results suggest a relatively igneous source, whit felsic composition. The sedimentary environment of the sandstone and argillite of these sedimentary rocks was the poor chemical weathering in the source area.

Зохиогч(ид): E.E.Bolormaa, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Д.Нансалмаа, Н.Байгалмаа, Б.Бат


Middle Permian Tavantolgoi coal deposit lies in southern Mongolia and has more than 6 billion tons of coal including significant tonnage of coking coal. In 2017, exploration bore holes were drilled at Borteeg, the largest syncline of the deposit. Eighteen sandstone and two andesite samples for petrographical and geochemical analysis were collected from coal-bearing sequences that were intersected by 960 m deep bore hole. The sandstones are classified as litharenite suggesting that weathering intensity in source area was weak, probably due to short transport distance coupled with relatively arid to semiarid climate conditions. Provenance analysis (Q-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, and Qp-Lvm-Lsm diagrams) suggests that the sandstones are recycled sediments derived from transitional arc and undissected arc that were formed during the closure of Paleoasian ocean between southern Mongolia and North China block. The average value of CIA for the samples is 74.1, reflecting relatively weak intensity of weathering in source area, which is consistent with the results of petrography. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that sandstones were sourced mainly from Early Permian andesite and dacite, which are widely distributed around Tavantolgoi. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 19.6) and petrographical study. To infer tectonic setting, two multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams were used. The results suggest that the tectonic setting of Tavantolgoi syncline, in which the studied sandstone was deposited, was rift.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, Д.Нансалмаа, Л.Жаргал, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Д.Алтанцэцэг, А.Баатархуяг, М.Номинцэцэг
"Нарийн сухайтын ордын нүүрс агуулагч элсэн чулууны найрлага, хуримтлалын орчин" Journal of Geological Issues (Геологийн асуудлууд), vol. 17 (519), pp. 104-111, 2019-11-1


Seven sandstone samples were collected from Middle Jurassic Orgilokhbulag Formation distributed at Nariinsukhait coal deposit and petrographical study has been completed. According to the results of study, the sandstones are classified into subarkose, sublitharenite and feldspathic litharenite. The sandstone provenance analysis suggests that the sandstones were deposited during the late stage of development of Noyon syncline, which is a foreland basin formed due to early Mesozoic crustal shortening. In addition, MIA suggests that during middle Jurassic time, weathering intensity in the source area of Nariinsukhait sandstone was relatively high, probably due to warm and humid climate.

Зохиогч(ид): Л.Жаргал, Н.Байгалмаа, Э.Эрхэмбаяр, С.Батгэрэл, Р.Энхтүвшин
"Овоот толгой ордын нүүрсний болон агуулагч чулуулгийн петрографийн найрлагын судалгааны үр дүнгээс" Journal of Geological Issues (Геологийн асуудлууд), vol. 17 (519), pp. 124-144, 2019-11-1


Ovoot tolgoi lies Noyon syncline of Gurvantes region, Southgobi coal-bearing basin. petrographical studies of coal and coal-hosting sedimentary rocks of ovoot tolgoi have been completed. The studies reveal that Ovoot tolgoi coal has mixed microtithotypes consisting of duroclarite and clarodurite and contains 45.9-73.4% vitrinite, 12.2-35.3% inertinite, 1.7-5.8% liptinite and 2.0-36.1%minerals. coal hosting sandstone can be classified as feldspathic litharenite and litharenite as well as lithic arkose. The results of modal composition data of sandsthones in ovoot tolgoi suggests that the source tectonic settings were mixed and rcycled orogen

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Байгалмаа, Д.Нансалмаа, Л.Жаргал, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Д.Алтанцэцэг, А.Баатархуяг, М.Номинцэцэг
"Нарийн сухайтын ордын нүүрс агуулагч элсэн чулууны найрлага, хуримтлалын орчин" Journal of Geological Issues (Геологийн асуудлууд), vol. 17 (519), pp. 104-111, 2019-11-1


Seven sandstone samples were collected from Middle Jurassic Orgilokhbulag Formation distributed at Nariinsukhait coal deposit and petrographical study has been completed. According to the results of study, the sandstones are classified into subarkose, sublitharenite and feldspathic litharenite. The sandstone provenance analysis suggests that the sandstones were deposited during the late stage of development of Noyon syncline, which is a foreland basin formed due to early Mesozoic crustal shortening. In addition, MIA suggests that during middle Jurassic time, weathering intensity in the source area of Nariinsukhait sandstone was relatively high, probably due to warm and humid climate.

Зохиогч(ид): Э.Болормаа, Б.Эрдэнэцогт, Д.Нансалмаа, Л.Жаргал, Н.Байгалмаа, Б.Бат
"Дунд пермийн тавантолгой формацийн элсэн чулууны петрографи, геохимийн судалгааны үр дүн" Journal of Geological Issues (Геологийн асуудлууд), vol. 17 (519), pp. 112-123, 2019-11-1


Middle Permian Tavantolgoi coal deposit lies in southern Mongolia and has more than 6 billion tons of coal including significant tonnage of coking coal. In 2017, exploration bore holes were drilled at Borteeg, the largest syncline of the deposit. Eighteen sandstone and two andesite samples for petrographical and geochemical analysis were collected from coal-bearing sequences that were intersected by 960 m deep bore hole. The sandstones are classified as litharenite suggesting that weathering intensity in source area was weak, probably due to short transport distance coupled with relatively arid to semiarid climate conditions. Provenance analysis (Q-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, and Qp-Lvm-Lsm diagrams) suggests that the sandstones are recycled sediments derived from transitional arc and undissected arc that were formed during the closure of Paleoasian ocean between southern Mongolia and North China block. The average value of CIA for the samples is 74.1, reflecting relatively weak intensity of weathering in source area, which is consistent with the results of petrography. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that sandstones were sourced mainly from Early Permian andesite and dacite, which are widely distributed around Tavantolgoi. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 19.6) and petrographical study. To infer tectonic setting, two multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams were used. The results suggest that the tectonic setting of Tavantolgoi syncline, in which the studied sandstone was deposited, was rift.

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