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Хот суурин газруудын геологи орчны судалгааны аргачлалд шинэ технологын санал оруулж байна.
Өнөөдөр нэн хэрэгтэй байгаа геологи хайгуул судалгааны ажлын нормчлолыг хэрхэн зохион байгуулах, нормчлолын болон салбарын онцлогуудыг өгүүлсэн болно.
Presentation: The Geological and Mining Industry Potential to the Mongolian Economy at the Present, in Further.
Монгол орны геологийн хөгжлийг үндсэнд нь: кембрийн өмнөх, палеозойн эхэн, палеозойн дунд ба сүүл, мезозойн, кайнозойн гэсэн таван үе шатанд хуваах боловч үе шатуудын ялгаа болон одоогийн хотгор гүдгэрт нөлөөлөх байдлыг тодорхой болгохын үүднээс кембрийн өмнө ба палеозойн эхэн үе шат, палеозойн дунд ба сүүл үе шат, мезозойн ба кайнозойн үе шат, дөрөвдөгч галавын үе шат гэж ялган үзэж болох юм. Кембрийн өмнө ба палеозойн эхэн үе шатанд Монгол орны нутаг дэвсгэрт Завханы эх газар, түүний баруун болон зүүн талаар Палео-Азийн ба Палео-Номхон далай хөгжиж байсан бол палеозойн дунд ба сүүл үе шатанд эдгээр далайнууд хаагдаж эх газрын горимд шилжсэний сацуу Монгол орны өмнө талд Палео-Тетисын далай хөгжиж эхэлжээ. Палео-Тетисын далай хаагдсанаар мезозой ба кайнозойн үе шатанд Монгол орны газар нутаг эх газрын хөгжлөөр хөгжиж өнөөг хүрч байгаа ба энэ хооронд дөрөвдөгч галавын үе шатанд их мөстлөгийн нөлөөнд автсан нь гадаргын хөгжлийн өөрчлөлтөнд томоохон нөлөөг үзүүлсэн ажээ. Монголын нутаг дэвсгэр ирээдүй хойчдоо ямар хөгжлийг дамжин ямар болох, хэрхэн орших, яаж өөрчлөгдөх асуудал цаашдын судалгааны гол сэдвүүдийн нэг юм.
Монгол Улсад 20-р зууны хагасаас эхлэн геологи шинжилгээний ажил эрчимтэй өрнөж эхэлснээр өсөн нэмэгдэж байгаа мэргэжилтний хэрэгцээг дотоодын боловсон хүчнээр хангах шаардлага гарч ирсэн бөгөөд үндэсний геологийн сургалтыг зохион байгуулсан нь Монголын геологийн салбарын хөгжилд томоохон түлхэц болсон байна. 1960 оны 4-р сарын 11-ний өдрийн БНМАУ-ын Сайд нарын зөвлөлийн ба МАХН-ын Төв хорооны 171/112-р тогтоолын дагуу тухайн ондоо МУИС-ийн Байгалийн ухааны факультет (БУФ)-д Геологийн анги нээн хичээллүүлж эхэлснээр Монгол улсад Геологийн дээд мэргэжилтэй боловсон хүчин бэлтгэж эхлэв. 1982 онд МУИС-ийн харьяа Политехникийн дээд сургууль салснаар МУИС Геологийн ангигүй болжээ. Монгол Улсын ууган их сургууль МУИС-д Геологийн анги зайлшгүй байх шаардлагаар 1991 онд МУИС-ийн Ректорын тушаал гарч, тухайн оны 4-р сарын 1-нд БУФ-ийн дэргэд Геологийн тэнхим байгуулагдаж сургалтын ажлыг эхлүүлснээр МУИС-д геологийн мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэх хоёр дахь үе шат эхэлсэн юм. 1992 оноос Геологийн салбарын багшлах боловсон хүчин, сургалт-эрдэм шинжилгээний үйл ажиллагааг өргөжүүлэн хөгжүүлэх зорилгоор өргөн мэдлэг боловсрол, үйлдвэрлэлийн дадлага туршлагатай эрдэмтэд, судлаачдыг багшаар ажиллуулж эхэлсэн ба тэнхимийн багш нар Монголын геологи, геодинамик, тектоник, геоморфологи, ашигт малтмалын геологи, петрографийн судалгаа, палеонтологи, палеогеограф, ашигт малтмалын ордын эдийн засгийн үнэлгээ, мөн газрын доорх усны экологи, нүүрсний геологи, шатах ашигт малтмалын геохимийн чиглэлүүдээр ажиллаж, олон арван бүтээл туурвисан нь Монголын геологийн шинжлэх ухааны хөгжилд томоохон үүргийг гүйцэтгэж хөгжүүлсэн билээ.
The objective of the research was to summarize and analyze the existing and emerging methods of sustainability assessment for the territories of Ulaanbaatar City. The principle of target use of territories assumes determination of its possibilities for performance of social and economic functions on the basis of a preliminary assessment of its natural resources, value of natural objects, etc. It is important that the mandatory damage was minimal, and the planned benefits significantly exceeded them. A principle of safety assumes that any anthropogenic impact on the geological environment should not create environmentally harmful and dangerous to the habitat of the present generation and have long-term environmentally harmful consequences for future generations. Generalization and systematization of information about the state and stability of the geological environment should be consistent with the scale of the problems and the level of decision-making (global, regional, local). The results of assessments of the stability of territories can be presented in various forms, as well as the leading natural and man-made factors that affect their stability. They include quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative assessments. The cost criteria for evaluating the stability of territories are being widely developed at present in two main directions. The first is assessment of the risk of the impact of dangerous natural and natural-technogenic processes. The second is due to the assessment of the costs required for the construction and normal operation of natural-technical systems or objects, including their engineering protection.
In the framework of research for engineering geological conditions and mapping of loess-type soil in Orkhon-Kharaa-Selenge basins: Summarizing and analyzing previous research works, Field research such as a sampling-testing-mapping with portable small tools, Qualitative quantification of laboratory parameters of the physical and mechanical properties of soil in monolithic samples, Determination of soil mineralogical composition by high-level laboratory experiments, Comparison and use of quantitative data from laboratory experiments and field tests, Loess-type soil distribution mapping, and Stationary data processing were performed. This research was conducted by a team of researchers from the Department of Geology and Geophysics of the National University of Mongolia, as part of a high-level research project starting in 2017 in Darkhan uul, Orkhon and Selenge aimags.
The Tavantolgoi deposit, which has more than six billion tons of coal reserves, is situated in southern Mongolia. In 2018, more than 22Mt coal was produced from the deposit. During the exploration program completed in 2017, eighteen sandstone and two andesite samples for petrographical and geochemical analysis were collected from the upper part of coal-bearing Middle Permian Tavantolgoi Formation, which was intersected completely by 960 m deep bore hole. Petrographically, the sandstones are classified as litharenite reflecting relatively weak weathering intensity in source area, probably due to arid or semiarid climate conditions. Provenance analysis indicates that the sandstones are sourced from transitional arc and undissected arc that were probably formed during the closure of Paleoasian ocean between southern Mongolia and North China block. Geochemistry of major oxide and trace element result are summarized as below. CAI values from major oxides of the studied samples vary between 66.7 and 81.5 with an average of 77.0, reflecting weak to moderate intensity of weathering in source area. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that sandstones were sourced mainly from early Permian andesite and dacite, which are widely distributed around Tavantolgoi. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 19.6), TiO2/Zr (avg. 57.7) and petrographical study. C-value, indicator of paleoclimate, in the sandstone ranges from 0.15 to 1.3 with an average of 0.50, suggesting semiarid and semiarid to semimoist condition. However, some samples accumulated during the short period of arid and moist conditions. Rb/Sr and Sr/Cu of the studied samples are consistent with those of C-value. In addition, Sr/Ba (avg. 0.56), Th/U (avg. 2.8) and Ni/Co (avg. 2.0) of the samples suggest that the sandstones were deposited in paleoenvironment with fresh and oxic water.
Middle Permian Tavantolgoi coal deposit lies in southern Mongolia and has more than 6 billion tons of coal including significant tonnage of coking coal. In 2017, exploration bore holes were drilled at Borteeg, the largest syncline of the deposit. Eighteen sandstone and two andesite samples for petrographical and geochemical analysis were collected from coal-bearing sequences that were intersected by 960 m deep bore hole. The sandstones are classified as litharenite suggesting that weathering intensity in source area was weak, probably due to short transport distance coupled with relatively arid to semiarid climate conditions. Provenance analysis (Q-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, and Qp-Lvm-Lsm diagrams) suggests that the sandstones are recycled sediments derived from transitional arc and undissected arc that were formed during the closure of Paleoasian ocean between southern Mongolia and North China block. The average value of CIA for the samples is 74.1, reflecting relatively weak intensity of weathering in source area, which is consistent with the results of petrography. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that sandstones were sourced mainly from Early Permian andesite and dacite, which are widely distributed around Tavantolgoi. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 19.6) and petrographical study. To infer tectonic setting, two multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams were used. The results suggest that the tectonic setting of Tavantolgoi syncline, in which the studied sandstone was deposited, was rift.
Middle Permian Tavantolgoi coal deposit lies in southern Mongolia and has more than 6 billion tons of coal including significant tonnage of coking coal. In 2017, exploration bore holes were drilled at Borteeg, the largest syncline of the deposit. Eighteen sandstone and two andesite samples for petrographical and geochemical analysis were collected from coal-bearing sequences that were intersected by 960 m deep bore hole. The sandstones are classified as litharenite suggesting that weathering intensity in source area was weak, probably due to short transport distance coupled with relatively arid to semiarid climate conditions. Provenance analysis (Q-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, and Qp-Lvm-Lsm diagrams) suggests that the sandstones are recycled sediments derived from transitional arc and undissected arc that were formed during the closure of Paleoasian ocean between southern Mongolia and North China block. The average value of CIA for the samples is 74.1, reflecting relatively weak intensity of weathering in source area, which is consistent with the results of petrography. The plotted data on A-CN-K diagram displays that sandstones were sourced mainly from Early Permian andesite and dacite, which are widely distributed around Tavantolgoi. It is also supported by Al2O3/TiO2 (avg. 19.6) and petrographical study. To infer tectonic setting, two multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams were used. The results suggest that the tectonic setting of Tavantolgoi syncline, in which the studied sandstone was deposited, was rift.
Главная особенность Прихубсугулье является юго-западным звеном Байкальской рифтовой зоны и обрамляющих ее предрифтовых образований. Вкрупных формах поверхности-морфоструктурах нашли отражение особенности неотектоники и новейшей структуры.
Байгаль нуурын рифтын бүсийн баруун өмнөд хэсэг болох Хөвсгөл орчмын гол гол онцлогуудыг судалсан судалгаан мэдээл байна.
Гадаргуугийн эерэг хэлбэр үүсгэн, интрүзивийн царцсаны дараа агуулагч чулуулгийг нэвтлэх гранитын цулдалын хөөрөлтийн динамикийг судлав. Гранитын талсжилтын дараа түүгээр тогтсон томоохон биетүүд Архимедийн хүчний үйлчлэлээр дээшлэх хөдөлгөөнөө үргэлжлүүлэх болно. Тухайн хөдөлгөөний хурд интрүзийн оройн хэсгийн өсөлтөөр экспоненциал хуулиар буурах авч удаан хугацаагаар тэрээр хатуу урсацын хэмжээгээр үнэлэгдэх денудацийн хурдаас илүү хэвээр үлдэнэ. Үүгээр гранитын цулдал дээрх гадаргуугийн эерэг бүтцийн хэлбэрийн оршил тайлбарлагдах болно.
Geology, Mineral exploration, Mining potential and Government policy of Mongolia
The resistivity anomalies generated have been interpreted as being associated with an area of silicification or quartz veining and from the dipole-dipole results these seem to occur as shallowly dipping structures similar tk those hosting the Boroo mineralization6