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Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Төгсөө, Д.Монхообор
"The Obtaining Biodiesel from Used Vegetable Oil and Animal Waste Oil by Two Stages Transesterification Reaction" Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, vol. Vol. 91, no. No. 9, pp. 1493-1499, 2018-12-4


The biodiesel obtained from used vegetable oil (UVO) and animal waste oil (AWO) by the two stages transesterification reaction. Also had been determined chemical and technical properties of feed and products. The transesterification reaction’s conditions for each of the oil samples had been determined as a result of several sets of experiments. The suitable conditions of transesterification reaction were the following. Hereto a molar ratio of oil: methanol: catalyst was 1: 6: 1/40, for 30 min, at temperature of 600C. Available to obtain biodiesel directly by the one stage transesterification, in case of using UVO sample, when the acidity number of feed oil had to less than 3 mg KOH/g. The biodiesel from UVO and AWO prepared mixing by 5%, 10%, 20% of volume in the summer and winter diesel fuel. However, the product from mixture of UVO and winter diesel fuel was satisfy of the technique requirements both of winter and summer diesel fuel, but also the product from mixture of AWO and summer diesel fuel was unsatisfied of diesel fuel technical requirements. Keywords: used vegetable oil, animal waste oil, biodiesel, one-stage transesterification, two-stage transesterification, acid number

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Энхсаруул, Д.Монхообор, Г.Энхжаргал
"Characterization and Hydrotreatment of Mongolian Shale Oils" Oil shale, vol. Vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 168-182, 2018-2-6


honhor, Uvurjargalant and Zuun bulag deposits, as well as their distillates were studied by the hydrodesulfurization (HDS), hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) and hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) processes for the possibility of improving the quality of liquid products. Elemental and chemical compositions of the shale oils, distillates and hydrotreated oils were examined qualitatively and quantitatively, using a Thermo Scientific FLASH2000 CHNS analyzer and an Agilent 6890A gas chromatograph (GC). Hydrotreatment of Khoot shale oil (KH) under different reaction conditions showed that with increasing reaction temperature from 330 to 370 °C, HDN, HDS and HDO increased from 13 to 37%, from 65 to 92% and from 59 to 81%, respectively. Among the shale oils hydrotreated at a temperature of 350 °C for 2h, the Uvurjargalant shale oil (UJ) had the highest conversion by HDN (39%), HDS (89%) and HDO (71%).

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Төгсөө, B.Bold-Erdene, Д.Монхообор
"Нефтийн бензиний фракц болон автобензин дэх бензолын агуулгыг харьцуулсан судалгаа." Химийн нийгэмлэгийн бүтээл, vol. 2016. 11, pp. 13-24, 2016-12-1


Хүний бие организмд хуримтлагдан хорт хавдар үүсгэх шинжтэй канцероген бодисын жагсаалтад ордог бензолыг агуулсан бүтээгдэхүүнийг хүн төрөлхтөн хэрэглэгдсээр байна. Манай орны хувьд бензол агуулсан өргөн хэрэглээний бүтээгдэхүүнд автомашины бензин шатахуун ордог. Энэхүү судалгаагаар Монгол оронд олборлож буй 2 ордын түүхий нефтийн бензиний фракц болон импортын 8 аж ахуй нэгжийн 4 төрлийн нефтийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг хамруулан автобензиний физик, химийн үзүүлэлт, тэдгээрийн найрлага дахь бензолын агуулгыг хийн хроматографийн аргаар судлав. Олборлож буй түүхий нефтийн бензиний фракц нь 0.59-0.69% буюу тухайн нефтэд шилжүүлэн тооцвол 0.13-0.14% бензол агуулж байна. Зах зээлд нийлүүлэгдэж буй автобензин дэх бензолын агуулга 1.06-1.25% байгааг тогтоолоо. Харин “Бензиний хөнгөн фракц” гэж нэрлэгдэх бүтээгдэхүүн нь “Автобензиний техникийн шаардлага”-д тохирохгүй бүтээгдэхүүн байсан бөгөөд бензолын агуулга харьцангуй бага (0.53%)-тай болохыг тогтоов. Түлхүүр үг: Шууд нэрлэгийн бензин, фракц, ароматик нүүрсустөрөгч, бензол, хроматограмм.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Төгсөө, S.Yoshikazu, Б.Энхсаруул, Д.Монхообор
"A Comparative study on catalytic hydrocracking for atmospheric residue of Mongolian Tamsagbulag crude oil and other crude oils." Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, vol. 2012, Vol 2, no. 3, pp. 402-407, 2012-4-21


Upgrading heavy and residual oils into valuable lighter fuels has attracted much attention due to growing worldwide demand for light petroleum product. This study focused on hydrocracking process for atmospheric residue (AR) of Mongolian crude oil in the first time compared to those of other countries. Residue samples were hydrocracked with a commercial catalyst at 450˚C, 460˚C, 470˚C for 2 hours under hydrogen pressure of 10 MPa. The AR conversion and yield of light fraction (LF) reached to 90.6 wt% and 53.9 wt%, at 470˚C by the hydrocracking for atmospheric residue of Tamsagbulag crude oil (TBAR). In each sample, the yield of MF was the highest at 460˚C temperature, which is valuable lighter fuel product. The polyaromatic, polar hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds were concentrated in the MF and HF because the large amount of light hydrocarbons produced from TBAR as the increasing of the hydrocracking temperature. The content of n-paraffinic hydrocarbons was decreased in HF of TBAR, on effect of hydrocracking temperature. This result suggests the longer molecules of n-paraffin (С20-С32) in HF were reacted better, than middle molecules of n-paraffin (С12-С20) in MF during the hydrocracking reaction. Because the hydrocarbon components of feed crude oils were various, the contents of n-paraffinic hydrocarbons in MF and HF of TBAR and DQAR were similar, but MEAR’s was around 2 times lower and the hydrogen consumption was the highest for the MEAR after hydrocracking. Keywords: Tamsagbulag Crude Oil; Hydrocracking; Atmospheric Residue; Sulfur Compound; N-Paraffinic

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Төгсөө, S.Yoshikazu, Б.Энхсаруул, Д.Монхообор
"Hydrocracking of atmospheric distillable residue of Mongolian oils" Mongolian journal of chemistry, vol. 12, no. 38, pp. 24-28, 2011-12-1



Many catalytic processes to refine heavy part of crude oil have attracted much interest due to declining reserves of light crude oils. This study focused on hydrocracking process of atmospheric distillable residue of Mongolian crude oil in the first time compared to those of other countries. Residue samples were hydrocracked with a commercial catalyst at 4500C, 4600C, 4700C for 2 h under hydrogen pressure of 10 MPa. The amount of residual fraction (350oC<BP) decreased to 9.4wt% by the hydrocracking of atmospheric distillable residue from Tamsagbulag crude oil. When the ME-AR was hydrocracked, the high consumption of hydrogen was related to the lowest H/C atomic ratio of feed atmospheric residue. The amount of liquid fractions (BP<350oC) including gaseous products increased from 45.4wt% to 89.2wt%, when the reaction temperature increased from 4500C to 4700C. The highest yield of the middle fraction for each sample was observed at temperature of 460oC. On the other hand, the effect of temperature on the yield of middle fraction was not so high as compared with the yields of other fractions. The contents of n-paraffins on midlle and heavy fractions of TB-AR, DQ-AR were similar, but ME-AR’s was around 2 times lower than other after hydrocracking runs. Keywords: Hydrocracking, atmospheric residue, Tamsagbulag crude oil, commercial catalyst, middle fraction

Сул хараатай иргэдэд
зориулсан хувилбар
Энгийн хувилбар