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Багш ажилтан
Төслийн ажлыг төслийн багийнхан удирдамжийн дагуу үндсэн 2 хэсэгт хуваан авч эхний хийв. 1. Даатгалын зах зээлийн өрсөлдөөнийг тодорхойлохын тулд даатгалын зах зээлийн өнөөгийн байдал, даатгалын зах зээлийн тодорхойлогч үзүүлэлтүүд, даатгалын бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээний эрэлт, нийлүүлэлтийн судалгаа хийв. 2. Даатгалын зах зээл, даатгалын шинэ бүтээгдэхүүний талаар судлах, судалгааны тайлан зөвлөмж боловсруулах, өрсөлдөөний тактик боловсруулах ажлыг хийж гүйцэтгэв.
As with many emerging markets, Mongolian insurance market have its own challenges and in this paper we surveyed prospects of this market and recommended potential ways to solve them based on current market situation and main indicators. In conclusion, Mongolian insurance market has: - Lopsided composition: Non-life insurance GWP accounts for 99.0% and the life insurance GWP accounts for 1% only) - Low loss ratio: In recent years, the loss ratio (paid loss to GWP) ranges from 20% to 50% thus it suggests that there is room to develop insurance service as well as improving claims paying level. It is also observed that the data quality should be improved; - Low penetration: Penetration rate of 0.5% means that insurance industry has lot to do and there are lots of business space which is not insured; - Where the amount of value at risk in overall economy and available capital of insurance market which is to receive risks transferred from economy is not comparable, trying to halt reinsurance premium flow from local economy to overseas countries are like trying to stop flood water. Reinsurance premium flows to market where there is capacity. Instead, it might be preferable for FRC to take steps to attract investment to local insurance market. Increased capacity means decreased reinsurance demand;