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Education on astronomy and satellite constellation R.Tsolmon1 B. Altangerel, 2 B. Tamir 3 1,3 Department of Physics, National University of Mongolia 2Department of Education, National University of Mongolia E-mail: tsolmon@num.edu.mn Many universities and private companies produce and launch constellation satellites cheaply and quickly. They are furthermore sources of radio frequency interference affecting radio telescopes in near–Earth space. The problem is serious and International communities such as the International Astronomical Union have warnings about the impact of these satellite constellations. Students are developing small satellites with science motivation. Behind science, motivation is astronomy education. University students receive satellite images from constellation satellites for the sun and moon and they would like to take more images of space objects. They have less understanding that satellite constellations affect ground observations and pose to current and next-generation ground-based observations. The students who develop small satellites need more education awareness on the future of astronomy and small satellites. For this, we need also to include a special session for the Remote Sensing conferences. Asian Remote Sensing meeting is positive to include a special session on future Small satellite applications and astronomy. Astronomical outreach activities also will be an excellent tool for this awareness.