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Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл
"багш бэлтгэх сургалтын арга зүйг боловсронгуй болгох асуудалд", SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NEW RECOVERY POLICY: LEVERAGING UNIVERSITY RESEARCH, Mongolia, USA, German, , 2024-5-24, vol. 1, pp. 10-17


Товч агуулга: Дэлхий нийтийн урт хугацааны хөгжлийн хөтөлбөр Тогтвортой хөгжлийн зорилгуудыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд боловсролын салбар онцгой үүрэг гүйцэтгэж байна. Боловсролын тэгш хамрагдах боломж, чанар, нийцийг сайжруулахад багш бэлтгэх сургалтын арга зүйг боловсронгуй болгох асуудлууд чухлаар тавигдаж байна. Монгол улс нь боловсролын хувирган өөрчлөлттэй холбоотой ирээдүйн ажлын байрны шаардлагыг хангах цогц чадамжтай, ирээдүйн тодорхойгүй сорилтыг даван туулах чадвартай иргэдийг бэлтгэхэд багш боловсролын хөтөлбөрт анхаарал хандуулж, хууль эрх зүйн орчныг шинэчилж байна. Иймд орчин үеийн боловсролын өөрчлөлт шинэчлэлийн чиг хандлагыг тодруулах, багш бэлтгэх сургалтын хэрэгцээ шаардлага, судалгааны шинэ чиглэлүүдийг шинжлэн дүгнэх нь чухал ач холбогдолтой. Аж үйлдвэрийн IV хувьсгал, технологийн эринд багш нарыг бэлтгэхэд суралцагчдад трансформатив ур чадвар эзэмшүүлэх, хиймэл оюун ухаан, танхим ба виртуал хосолсон орчинд сургалтыг зохион байгуулах, тархи судлалд үндэслэсэн сургахуй ба суралцахуйд суурилсан суралцагч төвтэй сургалтыг боловсронгуй болгох зэрэг чиглэлд анхаарах шаардлага үүсэж байна.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл, Ц.Уянга
"Багш бэлтгэх сургалтын арга зүйг боловсронгуй болгох асуудалд" Боловсрол судлал, vol. №24(598), no. 24, pp. 0-0, 2024-5-14


Товч агуулга: Дэлхий нийтийн урт хугацааны хөгжлийн хөтөлбөр Тогтвортой хөгжлийн зорилгуудыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд боловсролын салбар онцгой үүрэг гүйцэтгэж байна. Боловсролын тэгш хамрагдах боломж, чанар, нийцийг сайжруулахад багш бэлтгэх сургалтын арга зүйг боловсронгуй болгох асуудлууд чухлаар тавигдаж байна. Монгол улс нь боловсролын хувирган өөрчлөлттэй холбоотой ирээдүйн ажлын байрны шаардлагыг хангах цогц чадамжтай, ирээдүйн тодорхойгүй сорилтыг даван туулах чадвартай иргэдийг бэлтгэхэд багш боловсролын хөтөлбөрт анхаарал хандуулж, хууль эрх зүйн орчныг шинэчилж байна. Иймд орчин үеийн боловсролын өөрчлөлт шинэчлэлийн чиг хандлагыг тодруулах, багш бэлтгэх сургалтын хэрэгцээ шаардлага, судалгааны шинэ чиглэлүүдийг шинжлэн дүгнэх нь чухал ач холбогдолтой. Аж үйлдвэрийн IV хувьсгал, технологийн эринд багш нарыг бэлтгэхэд суралцагчдад трансформатив ур чадвар эзэмшүүлэх, хиймэл оюун ухаан, танхим ба виртуал хосолсон орчинд сургалтыг зохион байгуулах, тархи судлалд үндэслэсэн сургахуй ба суралцахуйд суурилсан суралцагч төвтэй сургалтыг боловсронгуй болгох зэрэг чиглэлд анхаарах шаардлага үүсэж байна.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл, Ц.Цогт-Эрдэнэ
"БАГШИЙН ЦАХИМ УР ЧАДВАР БА СУРАГЧДАД ГАРСАН ЭЕРЭГ ҮР ДҮН" Боловсрол судлал, vol. №24(598), no. 24, pp. 0-0, 2024-5-14


Товч агуулга: Бидний үеийг эрдэмтэд VUCA (хувьсамтгай/Volatility, тодорхойгүй /Uncertainty, ээдрээтэй /Complexity, эргэлзээтэй/Ambiguity) гэж нэрлээд түүхэн дата мэдээлэл дээр үндэслэн шийдвэр гаргах боломжгүй болсон учир аливаа зүйлд маш хурдтай байхыг шаардаж байна. Нийгмийн бүхий л салбарт интернэт, цахим платформыг ашиглан сургалт болон аливаа үйл ажиллагааг явуулах боломжийг эрэлхийлж боловсролын салбарт сургалтын хэд хэдэн аргыг ашиглахын зэрэгцээ танхим болон цахим хосолсон (Hybrid Learning, Blended Learning, Flipped Learning) сургалтыг шинэ чиг хандлага болгон нэвтрүүлж, боловсролтой иргэнээс наад захын мэргэжлийн өндөр мэдлэг, өөрийгөө хөгжүүлэх чадвар, шинэ технологийг хүлээн авч хэрэглэх чадварыг шаардсаар байна. Шавийн эрдэм багшаас гэдэгчлэн багш нарын цахим ур чадварыг хөгжүүлж сурагчдынхаа өсөн нэмэгдэж буй хэрэгцээг хангах нь мэдээжийн зүйл болоод байна.

Зохиогч(ид): Х.Булган-Эрдэнэ, Б.Алтангэрэл
"SOME ISSUES OF STUDENTS’ LECTURE NOTE-TAKING SKILL" Боловсрол судлал, vol. #24(598), no. ISBN-1818-8478, pp. 1-6, 2024-5-1


This article provides some reviews related to lecture note-taking as a beneficial strategy to increase students’ ability to remember, understand and retell the listening material. Note-taking is considered as one of the most important tools in academic lecture listening. There are a lot of studies showing different ways to improve listening comprehension, especially using note-taking method to improve this skill. The aim of study is to promote the effects of note-taking on listening comprehension and recall of lecture information provided in Academic English Oral Communication classes

Зохиогч(ид): Р.Цолмон, Б.Алтангэрэл, B.Chinzorig
"Education on astronomy and satellite constellation", Science in Action International WS, Viladecans Spain, 2023-10-27, vol. 06, pp. 32-34


Education on astronomy and satellite constellation B. Altangerel, 1 R.Tsolmon2 B. Chinzorig 3 1Department of Education, National University of Mongolia 2 Department of Physics, National University of Mongolia 3 Extremum Education center in Mongolia E-mail: Many universities and private companies produce and launch constellation satellites cheaply and quickly. They are furthermore sources of radio frequency interference affecting radio telescopes in near–Earth space. The problem is serious and International communities such as the International Astronomical Union have warnings about the impact of these satellite constellations. Students are developing small satellites with science motivation. Behind science, motivation is astronomy education. University students receive satellite images from constellation satellites for the sun and moon and they would like to take more images of space objects. They have less understanding that satellite constellations affect ground observations and pose to current and next-generation ground-based observations. The students who develop small satellites need more education awareness on the future of astronomy and small satellites. For this, we need also to include a special session for the Remote Sensing conferences. Asian Remote Sensing meeting is positive to include a special session on future Small satellite applications and astronomy. Astronomical outreach activities also will be an excellent tool for this awareness.

Зохиогч(ид): Р.Цолмон, Б.Алтангэрэл, Б.Тамир, B.Solongo
"Education on Astronomy and Satellite Constellation", IAU Symposium 385: Astronomy and Satellite Constellations: Pathways Forward, Spain, 2023-10-2, vol. 385, pp. 23-23


Education on astronomy and satellite constellation R.Tsolmon1 B. Altangerel, 2 B. Tamir 3 1,3 Department of Physics, National University of Mongolia 2Department of Education, National University of Mongolia E-mail: Many universities and private companies produce and launch constellation satellites cheaply and quickly. They are furthermore sources of radio frequency interference affecting radio telescopes in near–Earth space. The problem is serious and International communities such as the International Astronomical Union have warnings about the impact of these satellite constellations. Students are developing small satellites with science motivation. Behind science, motivation is astronomy education. University students receive satellite images from constellation satellites for the sun and moon and they would like to take more images of space objects. They have less understanding that satellite constellations affect ground observations and pose to current and next-generation ground-based observations. The students who develop small satellites need more education awareness on the future of astronomy and small satellites. For this, we need also to include a special session for the Remote Sensing conferences. Asian Remote Sensing meeting is positive to include a special session on future Small satellite applications and astronomy. Astronomical outreach activities also will be an excellent tool for this awareness.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл
"Study of Earth and planets in a geography Lesson", Astro educational ecology, Mongolia, Japan, Russia, Spain, USA, Argentina, 2023-5-22, vol. 2023, pp. 18-22


Summary Public awareness of astronomy, particularly among children and young people, holds significant importance in expanding knowledge about the universe, and planets, and promoting science education. Consequently, our objective is to examine the delivery of this content within the core geography curriculum. As part of the e-course, we conducted a study on the content of the 7th to 11th-grade geography courses, hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science and available on The research methodology encompassed both theoretical and observational studies. The content of the geography course focused on the topic "Earth and Planets" for 7th and 10th graders. In the 7th grade, the aim is to compare the positions and sizes of the planets through the diagram of the solar system and experimentally explain the occurrence of time differences. Meanwhile, in the 10th grade, the goal is to compare the properties and patterns of the solar system with those of Earth, as well as explain the consequences of motion by studying Earth's distinctive features. Based on this analysis, it is evident that astronomy-related knowledge is not adequately provided in general education schools. Therefore, it is crucial to increase the frequency of geography lessons and expand the content in the future.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл
"Creative Usage of Mathematics in Astronomy ", Astro educational ecology, Mongolia, Japan, Russia, Spain, USA, Argentina , 2023-5-22, vol. 2023, pp. 10-17


Summary People began calculating the positions of stars thousands of years ago, and the history of calculation is the story of some of the most gifted and dedicated scientists who have ever lived. Astronomy is a fascinating science that studies everything from the distances between stars and planets to their interactions. According to archaeological findings, astronomy is one of the first natural sciences developed by ancient civilizations around the world. Undoubtedly, mathematics plays a great role in the natural sciences. The history of astronomy is important for the younger generation of Mongolians. Additionally, with the help of mathematical skills, it is possible to explore the principles of astronomy and develop creative thinking. Therefore, efforts should be made to help create the confidence to love Mother Earth. The human race will be destroyed if we don't love and protect Mother Earth. To instill in students the understanding that if we cannot live on Earth, we cannot survive on other planets in the solar system, we establish a standard of creativity by assigning calculations to students aged 16-18, enabling them to comprehend the principles of gravity. Quantitative and qualitative studies were conducted to evaluate progress and analyze measurement reliability. Enhancing students' mathematical abilities through the solution of real-life problems enables them to cultivate their creativity and apply it to their daily lives. In the future, it is imperative to study the impact of mathematical activities on the development of student’s creative thinking, and it is recommended to strengthen the interconnection between subjects.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл, O.Narantuya
" "Impact of globalization on higher education in Asian countries" (Comparative analysis) s" Eurasian Journal of educational Research, vol. NA (not applicable), no. 101 (2022), pp. 1-12, 2023-3-18


Globalization trends in higher education offer profound changes in higher education. The impact of globalization on HE is a subject of research and discussion within the global community. The purpose of the research paper is to present a cross-case comparison of key patterns of globalization's impact on Higher education in some Asian countries. The authors of this paper have presented a comparative analysis of higher education, the impact of innovation, and challenges related to the globalization of higher education institutions. The paper reviews changed dynamics in higher education in Asian countries. The paper tends to have a special focus on the internationalization of HE in some Asian countries in the context of integrated policy strategies. Comparative analyses of reforming strategies and transformations in higher education systems in Asian countries have practical relevance, and the results of analyses can be used in comparative policy analyses. The core ideas developed in this paper were stimulated by previous studies in which authors explored how globalization has been transforming higher education systems in different countries.

Зохиогч(ид): Р.Цолмон, Б.Алтангэрэл
"Astronomy for Mental Health and Wellbeing", XXXIst General Assembly, Korea, 2022-8-3, vol. 31, pp. 1226-1226


This study discusses how astronomy may be useful for mental health and wellbeing, especially for people under quarantine. During the pandemic time, isolated nomads in the Gobi desert of Mongolia found the starry night sky helpful for their mental health and wellbeing.The purpose of this study is to explore potential positive impacts of astronomy for mental health and wellbeing. Mental health and wellbeing issues are major challenges faced by many people in the world during the pandemic. Astronomy as an educational methodology has much to offer to potentially mitigate these varied stress and alienation factors. There will be a workshop integrating astronomy and psychology for mental health and wellbeing in Mongolia in May 2022.We will share guidance on the immersion, enjoyment and inspiration of the night sky, and explore the impacts of understanding the vastness of the universe. The discussion will include how astronomy education can help overcome such psychological and social stress factors as alienation, emotional discontent, antipathies between peoples, anger, disparities, etc. This study will contribute to strategies and initiatives to develop educational psychology and astronomy for mental health.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Алтангэрэл, Р.Цолмон, O.Khulan
"An experiment of applying differentiated instruction in STEAM" Eurasian Journal of educational Research, vol. Volume 98 (2022), pp. 150-165, 2022-5-25


Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) is developing now in Mongolian Universities. Research in STEM education is increasing in importance globally and is an international field. Less information is available concerning the relationships among behavior, multiple intelligence, and learning style of differentiated instruction for the STEM classroom. There is a need for teaching methodology on how to deliver STEM contents to every student in Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Батчулуун, Р.Цолмон, Н.Энхжаргал, Б.Алтангэрэл, Н.Баянмөнх, М.Заяа
"Impact of logging operations on forest ecosystem in the Khantai mountain region and forest cover mapping" Forest Science and Technology, vol. Volume 16, 2020 , no. 3, pp. 123-133 , 2020-7-28


Forests in Mongolia yield low productivity and are vulnerable to disturbances from drought, fire, pests, and illegal logging. Such forests can quickly lose their ecological balance. Logging activities in these areas are limited in monitoring and controls. This study assesses two different logging operations for their natural regeneration capacity by comparing the composition of the soil, soil organisms, physical and chemical properties, and forest cover change after the completion of logging operations. The logging operations were analyzed in two different regions, the Khartsai and Tariakhtai threshold in Selenge soum, Bulgan province. A skyline logging operation was undertaken on Khartsai threshold in 1983 and a tractor logging operation (clear-cutting) on Tariakhtai threshold in 1987. After the completion of the logging, the forests were naturally regenerated. In 2002, soil samples were collected and soil organisms and physical and chemical properties were examined. Satellites images were also used to evaluate forest cover changes after the end of the logging operations. Significant differences in the naturally regenerated tree species in the skyline logging, tractor logging, and natural forest areas were observed. Average tree ring growth was 0.9 mm in the skyline logging site, 0.6 mm in the tractor logging site, and 1.2 mm in the natural forest. Based on forest cover changes observed in satellite images, the density of naturally regenerated tree species in the natural forest area was higher than that in the skyline logging area. In contrast, the latter recorded a higher density than that in the tractor logging area. Therefore, processing of satellite images of forest cover changes with high-resolution data provides valuable information for the local forest community and helps decision-makers in their further actions.

Сул хараатай иргэдэд
зориулсан хувилбар
Энгийн хувилбар