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Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Англи нэр: Investing in Inclusive and Sustainable Care: A Macroeoconomic approach to Understanding Care in Mongolia
Бүртгэлийн дугаар: P2024-4634
Санхүүжүүлэгч: Канадын Шинжлэх Ухааны Академи, Торонто их сургууль
Мөнгөн дүн: 890.7 сая ₮
Хугацаа: 2024.01.15 - 2025.01.30
Захиалагч: Монгол улсын их сургууль, эдийн засгийн тэнхим
Төлөв: Хэрэгжиж байгаа


МУИС-ийн Шинжлэх ухааны сургуулийн эдийн засгийн тэнхмийн багш нарын хэрэгжүүлэх Канадын Торонтогийн их сургуулийн хамтран хэрэгжүүлж буй “New Frontiers in Research Fund” төслийн санхүүжилттэй “Хүртээмжтэй ба тогтвортой асрах ажилд хөрөнгө оруулах нь: Монгол улсын асрахуйн салбарыг макро эдийн засгийн загварт оруулах нь судалгаа нь 5 жил хэрэгжих урт хугацааны суурь судалгааны төсөл бөгөөд Монгол Улс дах хэмжигдэггүй, үнэлэгддэггүй боловч нийт эдийн засаг, нийгмийн хэвийн үйл ажиллагаа, өсөлтийг хангаж байдаг цалин хөлстэй болон цалин хөлсгүй хийгдэж байгаа асрах ажлын хэмжээг тогтоож, ДНБ-д оруулж буй хувь хэмжээг хэмжих, улмаар асрахуйн эдийн засгийг Макро эдийн засгийн 2 том загварт оруулж хэмжих зорилготой том төсөл юм. Нийт төслийн санхүүжилт нь 500, 000 Канад доллар бөгөөд үүний 353,750 канад долларын судалгааны ажил нь Монгол улсад, МУИС-ийн санхүүжилтээр дамжин орж ирж, нийт 4 аймаг, УБ хотын 4 дүүрэгт хийгдэх судалгаа юм.


Location: National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and field locations in urban ger districts in Ulaanbaatar, Khuvsgul region and Dundgovi region The team of researchers for Mongolia: 1. Otgontugs Banzragch – team leader, professor in economics, economics department, National University of Mongolia (NUM). 2. Myagmarsuren Boldbaatar (NUM) 3. Khishigt Dandarchuluun (NUM) 4. Tserenbazar Pioner (NUM) 4. Todbaatar Sodbaatar (National Statistics Office of Mongolia) 5. Narantuya Dansran (NUM) 6. Amarjargal Amartuvshin (University of Humanities, Mongolia) 7. Mieke Meurs (American University in Washington DC). The project pays salary for the following RAs: 1. Dulamsuren Ulzaakhishig (MA student in economics, NUM) 2. Undral Erdenebaatar(MA student in economics, NUM) 3. Saran Munkhbat(MA student in economics, NUM) 4. Esui Mungunshagai (MA student in economics, NUM) 5. Zol Narantsatsralt (PhD student in sociology, NUM) 6. Batchimeg Batbold (BA student in economics, NUM) 7. Anand Enkhamgalan (BA student in sociology, NUM) Research Activities • Conduct focus group with activists involved in herder organizations • Conduct focus group with activists involved with urban ger communities. • Design household survey to measure care work in Mongolia • Conduct household survey • Conduct semi-structured interviews with 50 households with children 0-5 • Conduct semi-structured interviews with 50 households with elders who require some care (households facing both issues may participate in both types of interview). Half of these interviews will be conducted in 2 ger districts outside Ulaanbaatar and half with come conducted in two rural regions already impacted by climate change—one area in Khuvsgul region in the north, and one area in Dundgovi region in the south. • Conduct 10 Key Informant Interviews with representatives of the Mongolian Ministries of Labor and Social Welfare of Mongolia and Environment, the city administration of Ulaanbaatar, and paid childcare and elder providers in the areas selected for household interviews, in order to understand key constraints and policy challenges. • Analyze the household interviews using NVIVO to identify key differences among households. • Combine the analysis of the qualitative data with analysis of the time use data • Host an international dissemination workshop • Hold four small workshops will be held in the 4 areas where data was collected • Disseminate the findings to international academic conferences Research Outputs • Household survey dataset, cleaned, anonymized and available for sharing within the international research team for comparative analysis • Anonymized qualitative interview dataset available for sharing within the international research team for comparative analysis • Report with policy recommendations* • Academic papers and publications* • Materials for public dissemination* *Note that all publications must acknowledge the support of the New Frontiers Research Fund of Canada. Work Plan and Anticipated Timeline February 2023: Kick off meeting, scheduling, prepare focus group question guide. March-May 2023: Focus groups, prepare household interviews (refine question guide for households, field test, modify; purchase equipment). Ethics approval sought. Hire assistants. Team training. June-September 2023: Household survey, training for data inputting, data inputting. October 2023- February 2024: Data cleaning, analysis. Key Informant Interviews and analysis. March-May: Preliminary report, revision, final report. June-September 2024: Dissemination: workshops in Ulaanbataar and research locations. International Association for Feminist Economics. October-November 2024: Refine policy recommendations based on workshops. Meetings with key ministries, NGOs. Social media campaign. December 2024-February 2025. Meeting with macroeconomic team and coordination with other country teams on Professor Peng’s project. Budget The budget is laid out in Attachment 2. The PI in Mongolia has the authority to reallocate funds to achieve the goals of the research as long as the use of funds is consistent with the University of Toronto Financial Management plan and the Tri-Agency https://www.nserccrsng. and reimbursable-expenses-policies-and-guidelines/ . Of particular note: the subgrantee may use the funding in the Open category to pay for contractors to conduct the survey or to hire research professionals; however, they may not use the funding to pay the salaries and benefits of researchers or administrators who are already under salary, except with written attestation from their employer that the individual is not being compensated by the employer for time spent on the grant-funded research/activities.

Түлхүүр үгс:
Англи нэр: Care Economies in Context: Canada, Mongolia and Sri-Lanka
Бүртгэлийн дугаар: P2022-4268
Санхүүжүүлэгч: Нээлттэй нийгэм форум
Мөнгөн дүн: 121.1 сая ₮
Хугацаа: 2021.12.31 - 2022.08.30
Захиалагч: University of Toronto
Төлөв: Хэрэгжиж байгаа


2000 оноос хойш улс орнуудад цалин хөлсгүй ажлын цах хүрээг хэмжих, энэ салбарт хийгдэж байгаа үйлчилгээний зардал ДНБ-ний хэдэн хувийш эзэлж байгааг тооцон бодож, улмаар макро эдийн засгийн тооцоонд оруулдаг болохыг хичээж байна. Одоогийн байдлаар олон орон энэ хэмжилтийг хийсэн байгаа ба Монгол улсад энэ хэмжилт хийгдээгүй байгааг энэхүү судалгаагаар хийж байгаа юм.


This research aims to measure the paid and unpaid care economy in Mongolia and aims to explore the size of the care economy in the country, and develop some recommendations suitable for policy analysis in Mongolia. We review the available data sets collected the National Statistical Office of Mongolia (NSO), published reports and publicly accessible and administrative data held by the government, and we summarize the latest research aimed at describing how care needs are met in the country. In the coming years, we aim to employ the macroeconomic models such as Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models incorporating gender and care sector to estimate how changes in the care economy such as increasing the public provisioning of care may affect female labor supply, fiscal outcomes (via the tax and pension contributions of employed women), labor force productivity, economic growth, poverty, and the distribution of income based on other countries’ e.g. South Korea, Colombia cases.

Түлхүүр үгс:

Сул хараатай иргэдэд
зориулсан хувилбар
Энгийн хувилбар