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Electrokinetic (EK) remediation used to remove organic and inorganic compounds by using an electric potential. The purpose of this study was to reduce Cu, Mo and As contents from contaminated industrial soil using the EK remediation. Materials and Methods: The soil samples were collected at 0-100 cm depth in industrial area, Erdenet mine, Mongolia. The Cu (7312 mg kg–1), Mo (176 mg kg–1) and As (114 mg kg–1) content in topsoil sample was exceeded the toxic level of Mongolian National Soil Quality Standards (500, 20, 30 mg kg–1, respectively). The heavy metals removal from contaminated soil by EK remediation was studied via comparing electrolyte solution (de-ionized water and 0.1 M NaCl), voltage (10-20 V) and time (108-200 h). Results: Based on results, the maximum removal of Cu was 90% of initial concentration occurred near the anode, in the condition of 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte solution, 15 V constant voltage and 156 h. Besides, the contents of Mo and As in anode and cathode were removed almost 89 and 79%, respectively. Conclusion: This study showed that EK remediation is a viable, environmentally friendly method for treatment of the copper contaminated soil.
In order to investigate copper, arsenic, lead and zinc contamination in topsoil of the Erdenet copper mining area in Mongolia, soil samples collected from the surrounding area were examined for trace element concentrations, geochemical fractions, and phase distributions. Fifteen locations (residential area; mine industrial area; control area; tailings dam) were sampled during all four seasons. Of the 19 trace elements determined, the highest concentrations of Cu (1443–4866 mg kg−1), As (26–52 mg kg−1), and Mo (24–49 mg kg−1) in soils from the mine industrial area exceeded the corresponding values listed in the National Standard of Mongolia. Soil samples were fractionated into five phases: exchangeable, carbonate bound, Fe/Mn oxide bound, organic matter bound, and residual. Copper was largely associated with the organic/sulphide fraction, and As, Pb and Zn were associated mainly with the residual and Fe/Mn oxide fractions. Significantly high enrichment factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) values confirmed that Cu and As in the soil from the mine industrial area reach serious levels and their sources may be related to anthropogenic activities such as mining.