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The purpose of this work is to investigate the reliability of the virtual state solutions in the CSM as comparing with the solutions of the Jost function method. To investigate the structure of the virtual state, we calculate the energy eigenvalues, phase shifts and photodisintegration cross section of the two-body model with a two-range Gaussian potential by changing the strength of the attractive potential.
5Li цөмийг α + p хоёр кластераас тогтсон систем гэж загварчлан, комплекс хувиргалтын аргаар бага өдөөгдсөн J^π=〖1/2〗^- ба 〖3/2〗^- төлөвүүдийн сарнилын фазын шилжилтийг тодорхойлов.