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Багш ажилтан
Сургалт, удирдлагын мэдээллийн систем нь мэдээллийн технологийн чухал дэвшлүүдийн нэг бөгөөд тус системээр их дээд сургуулиуд оюутнаа бүртгэх, хянах, дүгнэхээс гадна багш, оюутны сургалтын үйл ажиллагаатай холбоотой бүхий л мэдээллийг төвлөрүүлэх үндсэн зорилготой юм. Монгол улсын их дээд сургуулиуд уг системийн олон хувилбарыг хөгжүүлж сургалтын үйл ажиллагаандаа хэрэглэж байна. Энэхүү судалгаагаар системийн хэрэглээтэй холбоотой гардаг асуудлуудыг илрүүлэхийг зорилоо. Судалгаанд МУИС-ийн Эрдэнэт сургуулийн бакалаврын түвшний өдрийн ангийн 103 оюутан, 20 багш, сургалт, оюутны албаны СИСи систем хариуцсан ажилтныг хамруулан судалгааг асуулга, ярилцлагын аргаар явуулж, үр дүнг тоон шинжилгээний арга, статистик шинжилгээгээр боловсруулсан болно. Асуулга 33, 35 асуулт бүхий 4 хэсгээс бүрдсэн бөгөөд дараах үр дүн судалгаанаас харагдаж байна. Тус систем нь хөгжүүлэлт сайтай, олон үйлдэлтэй, сургалт, удирдлагын үйл ажиллагааг явуулах бүтэц, үүрэгтэй боловч хичээл сонгох, баталгаажуулах гэх мэт олон оюутан хандах үед гацах, интернетийн хурдаас шалтгаалах зэрэг сул талтайг судалгаанд оролцогчид онцолжээ. Систем хэрэгжүүлэхтэй холбоотой гол асуудал нь Эрдэнэт сургуулийн багш оюутнууд тус системийг сургалтын үйл ажиллагаанд тогтмол, үндсэн үүргээр нь гүйцэт хэрэглэж хэвшээгүй болох нь ажиглагдаж байна.
Motivation is one of the most important factors affecting students learning English successfully. The current study aimed to discover undergraduate students’ motivation orientation. Moreover, it has purpose to find out the difference between motivation level among students from various majors and factors affecting English learning motivation of students at National University of Mongolia, Erdenet School. The researchers employed mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis to calculate the data collected by 33-item questionnaire from 159 undergraduate students and focus group interviews among 14 students majoring in language and education and 16 students from finance and economics areas at NUM, Erdenet School in 2019-2020 academic year. The findings showed the participants had high instrumental and integrative orientations towards English learning. Furthermore, the students majoring the finance and economics had higher motivation levels as opposed to those students majoring in language and education, due to language demand in finance and economic fields. The students were demotivated by external factors including teachers’ and peer-learners’ attitude, and internal factors to learn English as a foreign language. Mongolian students have high need of esteem, which is considered one important factor affecting their motivation towards learning English.
A decline in number of credit hours of English courses for English-majoring students at National University of Mongolia is forcing teachers and students to focus on how to learn English more effectively and what factors would affect that process within credit hours allowed at the university. However, the English teaching class hours in Mongolian secondary schools have been increasing for the last few years, due to the interest in learning English as a foreign language, and resulting in a growth in the demand for English teachers. This study has a goal to investigate into motivation of English-majoring students towards learning English and the factors affecting them to be demotivated. Twenty students studying English as a major at National University of Mongolia, Erdenet School completed the research questionnaire which intended to discover English learning motivation through 12 items and attended focus group interview with 5 questions to find internal and external demotivating factors in 2019-2020 academic year. The students had instrumental orientation and demonstrated a strong desire to learn English. Furthermore, they were demotivated by their teachers’ and classmates’ attitudes and living conditions. The researchers suggested some recommendations based on the study findings.
A decline in number of credit hours of English courses for English-majoring students at National University of Mongolia is forcing teachers and students to focus on how to learn English more effectively and what factors would affect that process within credit hours allowed at the university. However, the English teaching class hours in Mongolian secondary schools have been increasing for the last few years, due to the interest in learning English as a foreign language, and resulting in a growth in the demand for English teachers. This study has a goal to investigate into motivation of English-majoring students towards learning English and the factors affecting them to be demotivated. Twenty students studying English as a major at National University of Mongolia, Erdenet School completed the research questionnaire which intended to discover English learning motivation through 12 items and attended focus group interview with 5 questions to find internal and external demotivating factors in 2019-2020 academic year. The students had instrumental orientation and demonstrated a strong desire to learn English. Furthermore, they were demotivated by their teachers’ and classmates’ attitudes and living conditions. The researchers suggested some recommendations based on the study findings.