Бидний тухай

Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"Enhancing Student Engagement and Comprehension in Academic English Reading Classes: A Case Study of Upper-Intermediate Level Students", Европ судлал VIII : Олон улс орон судлал, хэл шинжлэл, гадаад хэлний боловсрол, Монгол, 2024-5-3, vol. 8, pp. тодорхойгүй


This paper presents a comprehensive case study that explores various strategies tomotivate and engage upper-intermediate level academic English students in a reading class.The study focuses on the effectiveness of incorporating home reading assignments alongsidethe standard academic course book to enhance student motivation, engagement, andcomprehension. The results of the study provide valuable insights into the impact ofmotivational techniques on student performance and satisfaction in a reading-intensiveacademic setting.

Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"Broadening of Reading Comprehension in EFL Classroom", Current Studies in Applied Linguistics & British and American Studies, 2023-12-9, vol. 6, pp. тодорхойгүй


This study examines the dynamics and efficacy of reading comprehension strategies specifically tailored for upper-intermediate level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners at the National University of Mongolia (NUM). With an emphasis on this specific proficiency level, the research aims to enhance reading comprehension skills crucial for academic and professional advancement in an English-mediated environment. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, this investigation integrates quantitative analysis with qualitative insights gathered through classroom observations, surveys, and interviews conducted among upper-intermediate EFL students and instructors at the National University of Mongolia. The study focuses on assessing the implementation and impact of targeted strategies, encompassing pre-reading activities, vocabulary enrichment, and comprehension techniques within the university's upper-intermediate EFL curriculum. The resulting recommendations are intended to equip educators at NUM with adaptable pedagogical approaches, facilitating curriculum refinement and instructional methodologies aligned with the distinctive needs of learners at this advanced stage of English language proficiency.

Зохиогч(ид): С.Туул, Д.Оюунцэцэг, Л.Энхжин
"Японы дээд боловсролын онцлог ба зарим асуудал", Олон улс судлал-2022: Монголын Япон судлал, Монгол, 2023-5-18, vol. ISBN 978-9919-9995-2-0, pp. 85-99.


Япон улс 1973 он хүртэлх эдийн засгийн огцом хөгжлөөрөө дэлхийн өндөр хөгжилтэй хоёр дахь улс болсон. Үүний зэрэгцээ их дээд сургууль, оюутан сурагчдын тоо ч нэмэгдэж байлаа. Гэхдээ, 1973 оноос хойш эдийн засгийн өсөлт зогсож, тогтворжуулах бодлогод шилжсэн юм. Японы дээд боловсролын байгууллагууд дэлхий нийтийн даяарчлалын үндсэн дээр өрсөлдөөнд нэгдэн оролцож байна. Нөгөө талаар, их сургуулийн хаалттай бүсэд шахагдан орох жижиг дунд их дээд сургууль ч гарах болж, түүнээс үлдсэн бодлого ч байсаар байна. Японд боловсролын ихэнх салбарт, хөдөлмөрийн зах зээлд ч урьдын адил хүйсийн ялгаа ажиглагддаг. Ялангуяа анх удаа дээд боловсрол эзэмшигчид (Их сургууль төгсөгчид)-д эзлэх эмэгтэйчүүдийн харьцаа доогуур. Японы залуучуудын 4 хүн тутмын 3 нь амьдралынхаа явцад дээд боловсрол (Ихэвчлэн богино хугацааны болон бакалаврын сургалт) эзэмшдэг гэж болно. Японы дээд боловсролын сургуулийн оюутнууд сургалтын өндөр төлбөр төлөх шаардлагатай бөгөөд албан ёсны тусламж дэмжлэг авдаг оюутан цөөхөн.

Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"The Case of Online English to Mongolian Dictionaries and Their Role in Language Learning", Хэл, соёл боловсролын тулгамдсан асуудлууд, 2023-5-18, vol. 6, pp. 20-25


Online dictionaries have become a valuable tool for language learners, translators, and anyone who needs to communicate in different languages. In this research paper, we will examine the history, development, features, and significance of online dictionaries. The English to Mongolian dictionary is an essential resource for individuals who need to communicate with Mongolian speakers or learn the Mongolian language. The availability of online dictionaries has revolutionized language learning and communication. In this research paper, we will examine the development, features, and significance of English to Mongolian online dictionaries in facilitating language learning and communication.

Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"Mobile Applications and Their Use In Language Learning", Digital Education and English Language Learning, Монгол, 2022-9-17, vol. 1, pp. тодорхойгүй


As of past 3 years, conventional classroom teaching unavailable during quarantine. Covid-19 brought many changes and challenges in our lives and working environment. Virtually everything needed to be shifted towards online environment. Fortunately, teaching and learning were inevitable fields that could not be stopped during quarantine and were convertible into an online environment even if it required tremendous work and was quite challenging at times. Eventually, we were able to conduct online classes both effectively and enhanced our classes with appropriate leaning tools With the help of mobile application and its availability, we have seen the particular use of it could be applied quite effectively. Specifically, presenters analyzed how the certain type of language learning applications were possible to be integrated into EFL learning.

Зохиогч(ид): Л.Энхжин, М.Баасанжав
"боловсрол ", Боловсролын чанар, үнэлгээ, аргазүй, Монгол, 2022-5-20, vol. 1, pp. тодорхойгүй


In this paperwork, we covered our work during quarantine time. Conventional classroom teaching was unavailable during quarantine and Covid-19 brought many changes in our lives and working environment. Almost everything needed to be transferred in to virtual version. Fortunately, teaching and learning were inevitable field that can not be stopped during quarantine and was transferrable into online version even if it required vast of work and was quite challenging sometimes. Eventually, we became able to conduct fully online classes and enhanced our classes with some additional applications. Our new experiments, application help and use, during online lectures and classes were introduced here. Moreover, we took questionnaire from our students and tried to analyze them. All in all, quarantine brought many developments and hindrances to teaching and learning methods.

Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"Using Presentation Aids in Listening Lesson (A Case Study for Intermediate Level Students)", New Developments of ESP Teaching And Learning Research in Higher Education in Mongolia, 2021-5-9, vol. 1, pp.


Foreign Language Center of the National University of Mongolia was founded in 2011 and taught English classes for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. Every EFL course student has two semesters to study 6 credit hours of English course. We give lessons in 4 academic English levels of elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper intermediate. As of now, most students receive new knowledge or information through their listening and reading comprehension. Then, they are able to do writing and speaking part. For beginner students, they are able to get lot more knowledge with a listening practice rather than reading. As a result, we considered that basic listening practice lessons are the ground of successful acquisition of further levels. Also, we found out that using the technology tools such as projector and additional presentation aids can help lessons to be more effective for students and we practiced on experimental lesson using these methods. Result shows that using the presentation aids such as postcards, posters, pictures, word calendar, picture books, graphic, video and computer are supportive to students understanding of the main content of lesson subject quicker.

Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"USING PRESENTATION AIDS IN LISTENING LESSON (A CASE STUDY FOR INTERMEDIATE LEVEL STUDENTS) ", New Developments of ESP Teaching And Learning Research in Higher Education in Mongolia, 2021-4-28, vol. 1, pp.


Abstract: Foreign Language Center of the National University of Mongolia was founded in 2011 and taught English classes for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students. Every EFL course student has two semesters to study 6 credit hours of English course. We give lessons in 4 academic English levels of elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper intermediate. As of now, most students receive new knowledge or information through their listening and reading comprehension. Then, they are able to do writing and speaking part. For beginner students, they are able to get lot more knowledge with a listening practice rather than reading. As a result, we considered that basic listening practice lessons are the ground of successful acquisition of further levels. Also, we found out that using the technology tools such as projector and additional presentation aids can help lessons to be more effective for students and we practiced on experimental lesson using these methods. Result shows that using the presentation aids such as postcards, posters, pictures, word calendar, picture books, graphic, video and computer are supportive to students understanding of the main content of lesson subject quicker. Key words: Academic English listening practice and listening comprehension skills, technology and aids, presentation methods.

Зохиогч(ид): М.Баасанжав, Л.Энхжин
"Professional Development Strategies for Teachers of English for Specific Purposes", Emerging Trends for Teaching English at Tertiary Level in Mongolia, Монгол , 2019-11-2, vol. 1, pp. 8


With the smartphones a new market of mini-software called apps (short for applications) has appeared and is growing at an incredible speed. The goal of this study was to investigate the availability of apps that teach English as a foreign or second language. Further the aim was to review and compare some of the apps that students could use as a vocabulary learning tool in self-regulatory environment.

Зохиогч(ид): Л.Энхжин, М.Баасанжав
"Professional Development Strategies for Teachers of English for Specific Purposes", Emerging Trends for Teaching English at Tertiary Level in Mongolia, Mongolia, 2019-11-2, vol. 1, pp. 8


With the smartphones a new market of mini-software called apps (short for applications) has appeared and is growing at an incredible speed. The goal of this study was to investigate the availability of apps that teach English as a foreign or second language. Further the aim was to review and compare some of the apps that students could use as a vocabulary learning tool in self-regulatory environment.

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