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Монгол кинонд япон хүний дүр анхлан 1936 онд дүрслэгдсэн бөгөөд түүх, улс төрийн нөлөөгөөр цаг үеэ даган өөрчлөгдөж иржээ. Бид монгол хүний бүтээсэн, Монгол болоод монголчуудын ахуй амьдралыг тусган харуулсан уран сайхны кинон дахь япон хүний дүр төрх, дүрслэлийг монгол киноны түүх, үечлэл, тухайн цаг үеийн дэлхий болоод улс орны нийгэм, улс төрийн нөхцөл байдал, Монгол, Япон хоёр орны харилцааны түүхэнд тулгуурлан судалж буй бөгөөд энэхүү судалгаандаа ОХУ-н Буриад Улс, БНХАУ-н Өвөр Монголын Өөртөө Засах Оронд бүтээгдсэн киног ч хамруулан, Дэлхийн II дайны өмнө болон хойно хийгээд хүйтэн дайныг эцэс болгосон ардчилсан өөрчлөлт хувьсгалын өмнө болон хойно монголчуудын бүтээсэн кинонд япон хүнийг хэрхэн дүрсэлж ирснийг тодруулахыг зорьсон юм. Судалгааны хүрээнд юуны өмнө, Монгол улсын mөв архив, номын сан, судалгааны хүрээлэн болон дээрх хоёр улсын архив, номын сангуудаас холбогдох судалгааны хэрэглэгдэхүүнийг бүртгэн цуглуулж, судлагдсан байдлыг тодруулах бөгөөд одоогоор нийт 25 орчим кино болон бусад судалгааны ажлыг бүртгэн, дүн шинжилгээг эхлүүлээд байна. Ихэвчлэн харгис хэрцгий, догшин ширүүн дайснаар дүрслэгдэж ирсэн Япон орон, япон хүний дүр төрх одоо ч хэвээр байгаа эсэх, уран зохиол, урлаг гэх мэт бусад салбарт гарч буй япончуудыг хувь хүнийх нь үүднээс авч үзэн эерэгээр дүрслэх нааштай хандлага дээрх кинонууд байгаа эсэхийг тодруулан гаргаж, харьцуулан үзэх нь энэхүү судалгааны гол зорилго болно.
The Image of Japanese in Mongolian Film The image of the Japanese in Mongolian films has been influenced by historical and political influences, and has changed over the time. In this study, we will analyze the depiction of "Japanese" in a film created by mongolians according to the flow of mongolian film history. This study is focusing on the history, world situation, and historical background of Mongolian cinema, especially the political and historical relationship between Mongolia and Japan, the goal is to clarify the change in mongolian views of Japanese people by focusing on how Japan and japanese people have been depicted in the following periods: 1. From the early days of Mongolian films (1936) to World War II 2. From Post World War II to the Democratization of the 1990s 3. From Post Democratization to the present period We investigated and considered 23 Mongolian films with images. In the survey, the two different ways of drawing pointed out in the previous research and the new way of drawing Japan that was newly confirmed in this research are drawn in modern Mongolian films depending on the appearance of the Japanese image. The number of appearances of Japanese images was measured.
Түлхүүр үгс:One special kind of language communications which expresses a person’s senses and tones in the modality of modern Mongolian is the non-linguistic communication. During a communication, the appearance, facial movement or change, gesture and voice tone of a speaker are commonly peripheral to the comparatively perfect senses of what he or she wants to express, but sometimes considerably functional to his or her senses in the most comprehensive and brief way. The non-linguistic communication has several different types, some of which are universal and are unique. As one type of them, the gesture is the most rational and practical among the others to express his or her senses. However, it is unique to the usages by each nation and group depending on their character, thinking, lifestyle, climate, landscape and economy. Since the mid-20th century when the non-linguistic communication was scientifically studied, numbers of dictionaries and research books or articles, etc on it have been printed in many countries excluding Mongolia. So, we are now doing some introductory researches with the beginning of collecting some materials from the body language, gesture and non-linguistic communication of Mongolian people, for the purpose of analyzing and comparing them with the Japanese and English counterparts. Studying the language and culture of nations, learning the body language as well as researching some lingua-country studies’ issues in theoretical and methodological approaches and the gestures practically used in political and business affairs, are of a great importance to know his or her partners’ attitudes during negotiations and agreements, etc. Consequently, we are proposing this draft research project, with a significant assumption that all types of the non-linguistic communication in the Mongolian language are waiting for their language and lingua-country studies as well as their usages in international or business relations and so on. In the sphere of the project, a research article and a Mongolian-English-Japanese visual dictionary of gesture are being planned to be printed in an international journal of linguistics, and to be compiled then respectively.
One special kind of language communications which expresses a person’s senses and tones in the modality of modern Mongolian is the non-linguistic communication. During a communication, the appearance, facial movement or change, gesture and voice tone of a speaker are commonly peripheral to the comparatively perfect senses of what he or she wants to express, but sometimes considerably functional to his or her senses in the most comprehensive and brief way. The non-linguistic communication has several different types, some of which are universal and are unique. As one type of them, the gesture is the most rational and practical among the others to express his or her senses. However, it is unique to the usages by each nation and group depending on their character, thinking, lifestyle, climate, landscape and economy. Since the mid-20th century when the non-linguistic communication was scientifically studied, numbers of dictionaries and research books or articles, etc on it have been printed in many countries excluding Mongolia. So, we are now doing some introductory researches with the beginning of collecting some materials from the body language, gesture and non-linguistic communication of Mongolian people, for the purpose of analyzing and comparing them with the Japanese and English counterparts. Studying the language and culture of nations, learning the body language as well as researching some lingua-country studies’ issues in theoretical and methodological approaches and the gestures practically used in political and business affairs, are of a great importance to know his or her partners’ attitudes during negotiations and agreements, etc. Consequently, we are proposing this draft research project, with a significant assumption that all types of the non-linguistic communication in the Mongolian language are waiting for their language and lingua-country studies as well as their usages in international or business relations and so on. In the sphere of the project, a research article and a Mongolian-English-Japanese visual dictionary of gesture are being planned to be printed in an international journal of linguistics, and to be compiled then respectively.
Түлхүүр үгс: