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Зүүнбүрд нуурын усны гүний хэмжилтийн дүнд үндэслэн анх тэмдэглэгдсэн усны гүнээс даруй 35%-иар усны түвшин буурч усанд агуулагдах Mn, Zn агуулга стандарт хэмжээнээс давсан байна. Зүүнбүрд нуурын ѐроолын хурдас нь төв хэсэгтээ сул хар шаварлаг байхад зах хэсгээр хайрган давхарга зонхилж байна. Хурдсын гүн 19.5-76 см байв. Зүүнбүрд нуурын ѐроолын хурдас дахь нийт элементийн дундаж агуулгад үндэслэсэн тооцоололоос нуурын ѐроолын хурдас хүнд металлаар бохирдсон (PLI>1), антропоген буюу хүний үйл ажиллагаанаас үүдэлтэй металлын хуримтлал их (EF=6.8), усны экосистемд дунд зэргийн эрсдэл (RI=164.6) үүсгэх нөхцөлтэй байна. Зүүнбүрд нуурын ус нь эрдэсжилт (НУХ=500 мг/л) багатай цэнгэг устай ч хүн, малын хөлөөр бохирдож хурдаст зарим элементүүд хуримтлагдах нөхцлийг үүсгэж байна. Хэрэв цаашид антропоген нөлөөллийг бууруулбал нуурын ѐроолын хурдсаас ус уруу шилжих элемент, бодисын хэмжээ нэмэгдэж усны чанарт нөлөөлж болзошгүй байна. Зүүнбүрдийн усны тэжээмжийг гадаргын ус татах замаар нэмэгдүүлсэн ч чанарыг муутгахгүй байхын тулд шим тэжээлийн бодис болон элементийн исэлдүүлэх нөхцлийг үүсгэх шаардлага үүсэх магадлалтай.
Тосон нуурын усны гүний хэмжилтийг 1975 оны хэмжилтийн мэдээтэй харьцуулахад нуурын усны түвшин 50%-иар буурсан байна. Тосон нуурын усан дахь Аs, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni –ийн агуулга стандарт хэмжээнээс 1.4-46 дахин давсан үзүүлэллтэй байна. Тосон нуурын ѐроолын хагшаас нь Зүүнбүрдтэй харьцуулахад тосорхог хар, саарал өнгөтэй байсан. Нуурын төв хэсэгт хайрган давхаргагүй шаварлаг, сорох байдалтай ба хурдсын гүн 15-83 см байсан. Тосон нуурын хурдас дахь элементийн бохирдлын ачааллын индексийн хувьд хүнд металлаар бохирдсон (PLI>1), антропоген гаралтай хүнд металлын хуримтлал дунд зэрэг (EF=4.8) болон усны экосистемд үзүүлэх эрсдэл нь бага (RI=149.6) байна. Зүүнбүрдтэй харьцуулахад Тосон нуур шорвог устай (13800 мг/л) буюу бараг давсны ханасан уусмалын нөхцлийг үүсгэх учир хурдсаас ус уруу, уснаас хурдсын найрлага уруу шилжих шилжилт харьцангуй бага, тэнцвэр тогтсон систем үүсгэсэнтэй холбоотойгоор усны экосистемд үзүүлэх эрсдэл бага байж болох юм гэж үзсэн. Мөн үүнтэй холбоотойгоор Тосон нуурын усны түвшний бууралт (50%), эрдэсжилтийн ихсэлт (44%) бараг адил байгаа нь энэ нуурын усны ширгэлт хүний үйл Зүүнбүрд, Тосон нуурын хурдсын судалгаа ажиллагаанаас илүүтэй байгалийн зөөгдлөөр орж байгаа хөрс, элс, шаварлагаас үүдэлтэй байж болзошгүй юм.
Түлхүүр үгс:Металууд нь геохими, хими, биологи болон биохимийн процесст хамгийн чухал үүргийг гүйцэтгэдэг. Гэвч тэдгээрийн антропоген эх үүсвэрээс ялгарах хэмжээ нь байгалийн эх металлын эргэлтийг алдагдуулж байна. метал нь урагамлын амьдралд чухал үүрэгтэй ба үүнд ургамалын фенолт нэгдлүүд чухал үүргийг гүйцэтгэдэг. Фенолт нэгдлүүд нь байгаль дээр их хэмжээгээр хуримтлагдаж ургамалын амьдралын явцад хүрээлэн буй орчинд тархахаас гадна түүнд хуримтлагдаж байдаг. Мөн эдгээр нэгдлүүд нь металлыг өөртөө хуримтлуулах чадвартай ба тэдгээрийн хими, биологийн шинж чанарыг өөрчилдөг. Сүүлийн жилүүдэд усны ургамал болох гидрофитуудыг метал болон фенолт нэгдлүүдийг зайлуулахад өргөн ашиглаж байгаа ба энэхүү судалгаагаар Байгал нуур болон Монголын зарим бохирдолтой хэсгүүдэд гидрофитуудын үзүүлэх нөлөө, тэдгээрийн метал, фенолт нэгдлийг шингээх хими, биологийн механизмыг судалж тогтооход оршино.
Metals (Me) are the most important component of geochemical, chemical, biological and biochemical processes. But as the anthropogenic press intensifies, the natural cycle of Me is substantially disturbed. Ions Me play a huge role in the life of plants. An important place in the biochemical processes of plants belongs to phenolic compounds (PS). PS accumulate in large quantities in plants and, accordingly, in the environment, during the decomposition and processing of plant biomass. The high reactivity of Me and PS and their simultaneous existence, both in plants and in the environment, lead to a variety of interactions between them. PS are able to restore many Me, dramatically changing their chemical and biological properties. On the other hand, Me activates the oxidation of PS and the formation of highly reactive products from them. Aquatic plants bind various pollutants with great speed and in large numbers, and, in particular, Me and PS. In recent years, more and more works on phytoremediation have appeared using so-called biological ponds, in which hydrophytes are the main component. They are capable of purifying water from PS and Me. This is a highly environmentally friendly, efficient, and cost-effective cleaning method. The phytomass accumulated during phytoremediation can be easily processed into fertilizer and into fertile soil suitable for reclamation of ash and slag dumps and lands disturbed during the extraction of natural resources. Unfortunately, the interaction of Me ions and PS, between themselves and with plants, is extremely poorly studied. Therefore, the study of these interactions can be considered as a fundamental problem, which is important for understanding the geochemical cycles, for improving the environmental situation, for the remediation and the processes of extraction of Me from waste. Anthropogenic emission of Me, and the corresponding pollution takes place in the territories of Mongolia and Eastern Siberia, where various Me, including radioactive Me, are mined and used. On the one hand, huge quantities of wood are processed in Eastern Siberia, and lignin, which is a source of phenol-containing waste, is formed on a gigantic scale. On the other hand, the territories of Eastern Siberia and Mongolia are polluted by the extraction of gold (mercury), aluminum (mercury), pulping (mercury), uranium mining, and other technological processes. When normalizing the load of Me on biota, cosmopolitan organisms are used as biotests in accordance with the law. But such standards, without additional research, cannot be transferred to the unique hydrobionts of Lake Baikal, which are characterized by increased sensitivity and specific requirements. Therefore, during the implementation of the project, it is planned to develop biotests on Baikal organisms and biotest on them PS, Me and their complexes. Within the framework of this project, using the electrochemical, spectral, chromatographic and other methods of analysis, the kinetics and mechanisms of interaction of various heavy Me with hydrophytes in the presence of PS will be studied. The hydrophyte resistance of the water bodies of the Baikal catchment basin and the lake itself to Me, PS, and their complexes will be analyzed and compared. The hydrophytic absorption of Eastern Siberia and Mongolia by Me and PS cations will be investigated. Using the obtained experimental data and revealed patterns, it is planned to develop the scientific foundations of a biotechnological method for processing hydrophyte phytomass (after accumulation of Me cations and elimination of PS), Me concentration and recovery processes.
Түлхүүр үгс:In this project, the improvement of environmental studies as well as the focus on environmental problems and solutions in Mongolia will be aimed. 2 EU institutes (University of Szeged , Hungary - USZ and University of Oulu, Finland - UO) having great experience with BSc, MSc as well as PhD programs of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering will improve BSc program of Environmental Engineering in 3 institutes in Mongolia (New Mongol Institute of Technology - NMIT, National University of Mongolia - NUM and German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology - GMIT) as well as to form MSc level Environmental Engineering curriculum firstly at NUM. During this project, European Partners will improve as well as bring new courses to the Mongolian curriculum in a course, seminar as well as a laboratory level including producing new handouts, presentations, laboratory evaluations, Massive Open Online courses (MOOC) as well as building and managing a proper Environmental Engineering Laboratory in all 3 Mongolian Institutes. With this project, new MSc of environmental engineering program will be revealed, the BSC studies will be improved, mongolian staff (teachers, technicians etc.) will be trained, industrial involved dual programme teaching will be instructed and public and young students will be involved and informed about the importance of climate change and environmental problems, the students will be programmed in an upgraded level, new connections with industries will be formed as well as EU-Mongolian connections will be strengthened in both educational and research point of view. Also the project will disseminate the results to professionals of public and private sector to equip them with useful tools and knowledge. The specific objectives of this project: - to define the new competencies in order to revise environmental engineering program learning outcomes according to labor market demand, through identification of key competencies of environmental engineers validating them by stakeholders - to design and revise program and course syllabi and its content, assessment of environmental engineering programs in order to meet the user needs and environmental challenges in Mongolia - to establish laboratories at the institutions to develop the necessary skills and to establish a platform and procedures for knowledge sharing inside the EU-Mongolian academy and students. - to develop new online courses for innovative curricular of partner universities and perform a pilot test for the implementation of courses
In this project, the improvement of environmental studies as well as the focus on environmental problems and solutions in Mongolia will be aimed. 2 EU institutes (University of Szeged , Hungary - USZ and University of Oulu, Finland - UO) having great experience with BSc, MSc as well as PhD programs of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering will improve BSc program of Environmental Engineering in 3 institutes in Mongolia (New Mongol Institute of Technology - NMIT, National University of Mongolia - NUM and German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology - GMIT) as well as to form MSc level Environmental Engineering curriculum firstly at NUM. During this project, European Partners will improve as well as bring new courses to the Mongolian curriculum in a course, seminar as well as a laboratory level including producing new handouts, presentations, laboratory evaluations, Massive Open Online courses (MOOC) as well as building and managing a proper Environmental Engineering Laboratory in all 3 Mongolian Institutes. With this project, new MSc of environmental engineering program will be revealed, the BSC studies will be improved, mongolian staff (teachers, technicians etc.) will be trained, industrial involved dual programme teaching will be instructed and public and young students will be involved and informed about the importance of climate change and environmental problems, the students will be programmed in an upgraded level, new connections with industries will be formed as well as EU-Mongolian connections will be strengthened in both educational and research point of view. Also the project will disseminate the results to professionals of public and private sector to equip them with useful tools and knowledge. The specific objectives of this project: - to define the new competencies in order to revise environmental engineering program learning outcomes according to labor market demand, through identification of key competencies of environmental engineers validating them by stakeholders - to design and revise program and course syllabi and its content, assessment of environmental engineering programs in order to meet the user needs and environmental challenges in Mongolia - to establish laboratories at the institutions to develop the necessary skills and to establish a platform and procedures for knowledge sharing inside the EU-Mongolian academy and students. - to develop new online courses for innovative curricular of partner universities and perform a pilot test for the implementation of courses
Түлхүүр үгс:Төвлөрсөн бус ахуйн цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн технологийн үйл ажиллагаанаас ялгарч байгаа лагийн физик, хими болон биологийн шинж чанарыг судлан, түүнийг сайжруулсан хөрс-компост гарган авах лабораторын болон хагас үйлдвэрийн туршилт судалгааг хийж лаг боловсруулах технологийн зураглалыг гаргах мөн органик бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгийн шинж чанарт үндэслэн шахмал түлш брикет гарган авах оновчтой найрлагыг тогтоож, технологийг боловсронгуй болгох зорилготой.
The purpose of current research is to investigate physicochemical and biological characteristics of the sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in order to develop a lab-scale composting and pile pilot testing for sludge re-use pathway. also, this project focuses on the development of the composition ratio of briquette fuel from sludge.
Түлхүүр үгс: