Бидний тухай

Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): A.Ochirkhuyag, Д.Хасбаатар, Т.Энхдөл, O.Tserenpil, M.Lhuvsandagva
"Briquette coal ash-based mesoporous silica nanoparticles: Green solutions for water pollution removal and additives for construction material", 8th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Germany, 2024-5-13, vol. 8, pp. P1.51


This study reveals the promise of repurposing briquette coal ash for mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSNPs) synthesis. Varied surfactants yielded distinct MSNP properties: surfactant-free SNPs exhibited 2% adsorption (MB dye), CTAB-based SNPs showed 83%, and PEG-based SNPs displayed 12%. Integrating SNPs into briquette coal ash increased construction foam block pressure from 0.09 MPa to 0.18 MPa (CTAB-SiO2 added block) within 14 days, showcasing their material enhancement potential and informing sustainable waste management practices

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Нарангарвуу, Т.Энхдөл, E.Erdenetsetseg, E.Enkhrii-Ujin, K.Irmuunzaya, B.Gunsmaa, K.Oyundelger, S.Rita, П.Мартин
"Mining and urbanization affect river chemical water quality and macroinvertebrate communities in the upper Selenga River Basin, Mongolia" Environmental monitoring and assessment, vol. 195, no. 1500, pp. 1500, 2023-11-20


Mongolia is a country with a quickly growing economy mainly based on mining of gold, copper, coal, and other minerals. Mining, urbanization, and agriculture impact the water quality in the upper Selenga River Basin in northern Mongolia, which is the center of the Mongolian economy. Previous measurements of pollution loads were alarming, but restricted to chemical measurements. Here, for the first time, we combine freshwater biomonitoring and laboratory water quality data across a broad gradient of water quality and land use intensity. We track the effects of different types of pollution on aquatic invertebrates and test their use as bioindicators. We collected water samples, environmental parameters, and macroinvertebrates at 36 sampling sites at the rivers of Tuul, Kharaa, and Orkhon and their tributaries Sugnugur, Boroo, Sharyn Gol, Gatsuurt, and Yeröö. PCA of catchment water quality distinguished three groups of pollutants prevalent at the sites: (1) nutrients, (2) saline components (Cl-, Na +, Mg2+, SO42-, Ca2+) and mining by-products (B, Sr, U, Mo), and (3) (heavy) metals, which often exceeded regulatory standards. We recorded a total of 59 macroinvertebrate taxa belonging to 32 families in seven insect orders plus Amphipoda and Gastropoda. Species diversity declined with higher impact. Five environmental factors structured macroinvertebrate community composition in RDA: elevation of sample location, site total nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, and water chemistry. We conclude that macroinvertebrate communities are an appropriate and inexpensive tool for monitoring water quality in Mongolia and suggest government action to establish a long-term monitoring program.

Зохиогч(ид): N.Lkhagvaa, Т.Энхдөл, Д.Нарангарвуу, B.Semjim
"Тосон рашаан нуур ба зүүнбүрд нуурын экологи", Усны шинжлэх ухаан ба инженерчлэл- 2023, Монгол улс, 2023-4-21, vol. 23(1), pp. 177-192


Дэлхийн уур амьсгалын дулааралт, агаар мандлын хур тунадасны орчил, байгалийн сөрөг үзэгдэл (олон удаагийн хүчтэй шуурга 20-24м/с), хүний үйл ажиллагааны зохисгүй үр дагавартай хавсран Тосон рашаан нуур ба Зүүн Бүрд нуурын орчны экосистемийн доройтол сүүлийн 20-оод жилийн хугацаанд тодорхой ажиглагдах болсон юм. Өөрөөр хэлбэл, 2 нуурын усан мандлын түвшин багасаж, усны өнгө илт хувиран механик бохирдолд хүчтэй орсон учраас 2020 оноос Аварга Тосон рашаан сувиллууд нь бүрэн хаагдаж, нууруудын хүрээлэн буй орчны экологийн судалгааг 2021 оноос эхлүүлсэн. Уг судалгааны зарим үр дүнгээс энэхүү өгүүллэгт толуулж байна. Сүүлийн 52 жилд Тосон рашаан нуурын усны эзлэхүүн 37%, Зүүн Бүрд нуурын усны эзлэхүүн 47%-иар тус тус багассан байна.

Зохиогч(ид): A.Jargalmaa, T.Suvdaa, Т.Энхдөл
"Коагуляцийн аргаар сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэлийн хаягдал усыг боловсруулах судалгаа ", Усны шинжлэх ухаан ба инженерчлэл- 2023, Монгол улс, 2023-4-21, vol. 23(1), pp. 134-137


Сүүний үйлдвэр нь ус хэрэглэдэг гол салбаруудын нэг бөгөөд гарч буй хаягдал ус нь байгаль орчныг ихээхэн бохирдуулдаг. Дэлхий дахинд усны ноцтой хямрал нүүрлэж байгаа тул хаягдал усыг дахин ашиглах зорилгоор боловсруулах шаардлагатай байна. Түүхий сүүг боловсруулснаар уураг , нүүрс ус, өөх тос, түтгэлзүүлсэн бодис, азотын өндөр концентраци зэрэг өндөр агууламжтай органик бодисууд үүсдэг. Сүүний үйлдвэрээс ялгарах хаягдал ус нь ХХХ болон БХХ өндөртэй байдаг тул лабораторын нөхцөлд сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэлээс үүсэх хаягдал усыг шинжилж физик-химийн аргаар коагулянт бодис ашиглан боломжит хугацаанд хүндийн хүчний үйлчлэлээр тунахгүй жижиг хэсэг ба шүүх процессоор зайлуулагдахгүй суспензлэгдсэн жижиг хэсгүүдийг бие биед нь наалдуулах замаар гадаргууг өөрчлөн үсссэн флокуудыг хүндийн хүчээр тунах боломжтой хэмжээнд хүртэл өсгөвөрлөн тунгаах коагуляци ба флокуляцийн процессыг авч үзсэн. Сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэх явцад үүсэх хаягдал усны рН 6.9±2.8, 860.2±816.0 мг/л ХХХ, 5056±3679.8 мг/л УБ байгаа нь MNS 6561:2015 ариутгах татуургын сүлжээнд нийлүүлэх хаягдал усны ерөнхий шаардлагыг хангахгүй байна. Төмрийн сульфат, хөнгөнцагааны сульфатыг коагулянтаар авч, тунг 0.75, 1.5 г/л коагуляц явуулахад хөнгөнцагааны сульфат 0.75 г/л байхад булингарыг 80.7%, умбуур бодисын хэмжээг 6.4%-иар, болон химийн хэрэгцээт хүчилтөрөгч (54.5%)-иар цэвэршүүлж байсан.

Зохиогч(ид): G.Jargalan, I.Devard, Т.Энхдөл
"Хутаг-Өндөр сум орчмын Сэлэнгэ мөрний усны химийн судалгаа", Усны шинжлэх ухаан ба инженерчлэл- 2023, Монгол улс, 2023-4-21, vol. 23(1), pp. 69-74


Монгол орны гадаргын усны том эх үүсвэр болох Сэлэнгэ мөрөн нь Хойд мөсөн далайн ай савд оршиж, дэлхийн цэвэр цэнгэг устай Байгаль нуур руу цутгадаг гол цутгал юм. Байгаль нуурын ус нь цутгал голуудын усны найрлага, шинж чанараас үл хамааран дэлхийн цэнгэг уст нуур хэвээр хадгалагдаж байна. Энэ судалгааны ажлын гол зорилго нь Хутаг-Өндөр сум орчмын Сэлэнгэ мөрөн түүний цутгал голуудын усны 8 дээжийн гидрохимийн үзүүлэлтийг тодорхойлж, цутгал голуудын Сэлэнгэ мөрөн дэхь нөлөөллийг тодорхойлох, бохирдлын түвшнийг үнэлэхэд оршино. Судалгааны үр дүнгээс үзэхэд голын усны ерөнхий үзүүлэлт, гол ионууд, биогенийн үзүүлэлтүүд болон микроэлементийн шинжилгээний бүх үзүүлэлтийн агууламж Монгол Улсын гадаргын усны стандарт (MNS:4586-1998)-ийн утгаас хэтрээгүй, нийцтэй үр дүн гарч байна. Усны химийн шинж чанар нь А.О.Алекины ангиллаар 62.5% нь гидрокарбонатын бүлгийн кальцийн ион зонхилсон зөөлөн, 37.5% нь магнийн ион зонхилсон зөөлөвтөр усны ангид багтаж, эрдэсжилтийн хэмжээ нь дунд зэргийн эрдэсжилттэй буюу цэнгэг усны ангилалд (А.М.Овчинниковын ангилал) байгаа нь судалгаанаас харагдлаа. Мөн голын усны чанарыг үнэлж үзэхэд Сэлэнгэ мөрөн түүний цутгал голуудаас авсан 8 дээж бүгд “Маш цэвэр” (I) ангилалд багтаж байна. Усны микроэлементүүдээс As, Ni, Mo, Co - ийн агуулга цутгал голуудад харьцангуй өндөр агуулажтай байна. Мөн эрдэсжилт болон хатуулгын хэмжээгээр цутгал голууд нь өндөр агууламжтай байгаа нь голуудын дагуу суурьшлын бүс нэмэгдэхийн хирээр Сэлэнгэ мөрний усны бохирдол нэмэгдэж болзошгүй байгааг харуулж байна.

Зохиогч(ид): Ш.Оюунгэрэл, Р.Золжаргал, Б.Уянга, С.Мөнх-Очир, А.Пүрэвжал, Т.Энхдөл


Ахуйн цэвэрлэх байгууламжаас ялгарч байгаа лаг нь органик бодис, азот, фосфор болон бусад эрдэс бодисын агууламж өндөртэй учир боловсруулалтад оруулж хөрсний шинж чанарыг сайжруулах бордоо болгон ашиглах сайн чанарын түүхий эд болдог. Иймээс бид 2019 оны 7-р сард Биокомбинатын бохир ус цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн лагийг ашиглан гарган авсан компост бордоо нь ургамлын ургалтад хэрхэн нөлөөлж, хөрс сайжруулагч болгон ашиглах боломжтой эсэхийг илрүүлэх зорилгоор энэхүү судалгааны ажлыг хийж гүйцэтгэсэн. Үүний тулд 2020 оны 6-р сарын 26-наас 9-р сарын 26-ны хооронд Төв аймгийн Архуст сумын тариалангийн талбайд Винер сортын арвай (Hordeum distichum var. Nutans. Schubl.)-г лагийн компост бордоотой болон бордоогүй хөрсөнд тариалж, ургамлын морфологи (ургамлын өндөр, навчны урт, өргөн, талбай, зузаан, аспект, харьцангуй талбай), физиологи (хлорофиллийн флуоресценц)-ийн зарим үзүүлэлтүүд болон биологийн ургац бүтээмж, хөрсний элементүүдийн агууламж, тэдгээрээс ямар элементүүд ургал эрхтнүүдэд шингээгдэн зөөвөрлөгдсөнийг тодорхойлон харьцуулсан. Судалгааны үр дүнгээс үзэхэд арвайн физиологийн үйл ажиллагаа лагийн компост бордоотой болон бордоогүй аль ч нөхцөлд хэвийн сайн (QY (оптималь квант гарц) = 0.768±0.00, Rfd (флуоресценцийн багасалтын харьцаа) = 3.46±0.09) бөгөөд морфологийн зарим үзүүлэлтүүд (навчны талбай, ургамлын өндөр) бордоотой нөхцөлд ургаж буй арвайд илүү байсан нь эцсийн ургац бүтээмж өндөр байхад нөлөөлсөн. Тухайлбал арвайн биологийн ургац лагийн бордоотой нөхцөлд 124 ц/га, бордоогүй нөхцөлд 86 ц/га буюу бордоотой нөхцөлд 38 ц/га-аар илүү байгаа нь лагийн компост бордоог ашиглан ургацыг 44%-иар нэмэгдүүлэх боломжтойг харуулсан. Мөн түүнчлэн лагийн компост бордоонд агуулагдах хүнд металл (Cr, Ni, Co, As, Pb)-ууд арвайн зөвхөн (57.3-81.1%) үндсээр шингээгдээд бусад эрхтэнүүдэд шилжин зөөвөрлөгдөөгүй байгаа нь арвайн газрын дээд хэсгийг малын тэжээлд, үрийг хүнсэнд ашиглахад чанарын ямар ч сөрөг нөлөөгүй хөрс сайжруулагч болохыг нотлон харуулсан.

Зохиогч(ид): S.Sergienko, V.Sukhovnina, G.Zhdanova, M.Saksonov, A.Stom, Т.Энхдөл, N.Kashina, B.Ogarkov, D.Stom
"Combined Effect of Phenolic Compounds and Copper on Elodea canadensis" THE BULLETIN OF IRKUTSK STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES EARTH SCIENCES, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 54-65, 2022-5-16


The combined effect of Cu2+ ions and dihydric phenols, hydroquinone and resorcinol, on the yield of electrolytes from shoots of Elodea canadensis was studied. The individual effects of these groups of toxicants on aquatic plants have been fairly well studied. However, their combined action remains a poorly studied issue. This led to increased interest in this topic and the relevance of the research. The test response of E. canadensis during the biotesting of polyphenols, copper, and their mixtures was the release of electrolytes from shoots. This parameter was recorded by the change in the electrical conductivity of the water in which the plant pretreated with the toxicant was placed. The toxicity of solutions of copper, polyphenols, and “copper+polyphenol” mixtures was evaluated in acute experiments: the contact time of E. canadensis shoots with the toxicant was 30 min. The experiments showed that copper (II) caused an increase in the release of electrolytes from the shoots of E. canadensis compared to the control (plants not exposed to the toxicant) in the concentration range from 0.001 to 0.0001 N. Thus, the electrical conductivity of a medium containing elodea preliminarily treated with copper (II) at a concentration of 0.0001 N increased to 35 μS after 60 min of exposure. At a content of 0.001 to 0.01 N, the index increased to 62-79 μS. At the same time, in the control, this indicator fluctuated at the level of 2.5-5.5 μS throughout the experiment. Hydroquinone caused a significant increase in the yield of electrolytes from the shoots of E. canadensis at a content of 5ꞏ10-2 M. In this case, the electrical conductivity of the medium in which the elodea treated with polyphenol was placed was 2.5 times higher than in the control (i.e. plant not exposed to toxicants). Resorcinol had a similar effect on E. canadensis at a content of 1ꞏ10 - 1 M) observed a decrease in copper toxicity under the influence of polyphenols. When biotesting mixtures of copper (II) (0.001 N, 0.0001 N) with the studied polyphenols (hydroquinone 5ꞏ10-2 M, resorcinol 1ꞏ10-1 M), a decrease in the toxicity of copper under the influence of polyphenols was observed. The considered method for assessing the toxicity of substances is suitable not only for assessing the individual effects of various pollutants, but also for identifying the combined effects of various compounds. At the same time, the technique is characterized by ease of implementation and high speed of obtaining a response (about 2 hours).

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, S.Devard, O.Galina, Y.Nadina, V.Sergey
"The “Doctor Robik 109” complex biopreparation as a bioagent for utilizing aquatic plant phytomass in biofuel cells" IZVESTIYA VUZOV-PRIKLADNAYA KHIMIYA I BIOTEKHNOLOGIYA, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 50-63, 2022-5-5


The paper demonstrates the possibility of using the “Doctor Robik 109” complex microbiological preparation (OOO VIPEKO, Russia), applied in cesspools and sewage caissons, for obtaining electric current in biofuel elements during the utilization of the Ulothrix sp., Spirogyra sp., Elodea canadensis aqueous plant phytomass. The kinetics of electrical parameters of the studied biofuel cells was characterized by a steady and prolonged growth – for at least 30 days. This may be associated with the slow transformation of the used substrate by microorganisms, which additionally ensures the long-term operation of biofuel cells on their basis. In Spirogira sp. biofuel cells, the biological preparation generated the voltage (broken circuit mode) and current strength (short circuit mode) equal up to 746mV and 1745 A, respectively. In Ulothrix sp. biofuel cells, these values comprised 360 mV and 1120 μA for a 25-day period, respectively. When using a E. canadensis substrate, the studied bioagent microorganisms generated the voltage and current of up to 643 mV and 568 μA during a 25-day period, respectively. An increase in the electrical parameters of biofuel cells, which were based on the studied biological preparation and the phytomass of higher aquatic plants and algae, was accompanied by an increase in the number of viable microorganism cells and a decrease in the plant biomass. Since phytomass growth is activated by the phytoremediation measures of additional wastewater treatment or during the eutrophication of water bodies, the proposed method for applying aquatic plants in biofuel cells represents a promising approach to utilizing excess phytomass

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, А.Дэлгэржаргал, Н.Амгалан
"Улаанбаатар хотын агаар дахь нарийн ширхэглэгт тоосонцрын (РМ2.5) химийн найрлагын судалгаа" Монгол орны газарзүй-геоэкологи Сэтгүүл, vol. 42, pp. 124, 2021-12-31


ABSTRACT The determination of the chemical composition of particulate matter is important to predict the sources, formation, and effects of pollutants in the atmosphere. In 2019, the Mongolian government banned the use of raw coal in Ulaanbaatar and promoted the use of an improved briquette fuel. As a result, atmospheric PM was reduced by approximately 50%, and ambient air quality was improved. On the other hand, the atmospheric sulfur dioxide concentration was increased more than two times. However, the chemical composition of the particulate matter (PM) has still not been evaluated since 2019, when they started the use of briquette fuel. This study focuses on the seasonal variations of the chemical composition of PM2.5 using ninety-five daily PM2.5 samples that were collected in Ulaanbaatar between 2017 and 2021. Ion chromatography and a carbon analyzer were used to examine the major nine inorganic ions and organic/elemental carbon. In warm seasons, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium ions are higher than they are in cold seasons and are possibly dominated by natural origins, while sulfate was dominant during the cold season. The carbonaceous composition, sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium accounted for the majority of fine particles in winter. Except for summer, sulfate ions predominated, possibly due to fuel combustion. Chloride ion concentrations were increased in the last two winters, 2020 and 2021, when compared to 2017.

Зохиогч(ид): А.Дэлгэржаргал, Н.Амгалан, Д.Нармандах, Т.Энхдөл, Б.Бархасрагчаа
"Улаанбаатар хотын агаар дахь нарийн ширхэглэлт тоосонцорын (PM2.5) химийн найрлага " Монгол орны газарзүй-геоэкологи Сэтгүүл, vol. 42, pp. 124-132, 2021-12-21


The determination of the chemical composition of particulate matter is important to predict the sources,formation, and effects of pollutants in the atmosphere. In 2019, the Mongolian government banned the use ofraw coal in Ulaanbaatar and promoted the use of an improved briquette fuel. As a result, atmospheric PM wasreduced by approximately 50%, and ambient air quality was improved. On the other hand, the atmospheric sulfurdioxide concentration was increased more than two times. However, the chemical composition of the particulatematter (PM) has still not been evaluated since 2019, when they started the use of briquette fuel. This studyfocuses on the seasonal variations of the chemical composition of PM2.5 using ninety-five daily PM2.5 samplesthat were collected in Ulaanbaatar between 2017 and 2021. Ion chromatography and a carbon analyzer were usedto examine the major nine inorganic ions and organic/elemental carbon. In warm seasons, magnesium, sodium,calcium, and potassium ions are higher than they are in cold seasons and are possibly dominated by naturalorigins, while sulfate was dominant during the cold season. The carbonaceous composition, sulfate, nitrate, andammonium accounted for the majority of fine particles in winter. Except for summer, sulfate ions predominated,possibly due to fuel combustion.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, А.Дэлгэржаргал, Н.Амгалан, Д.Дорж
"Chemical composition of atmospheric fine particulate matters (PM2.5) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia", 5th International Conference on Chemical Investigation and Utilization of Natural Resource (ICCIUNR-2021), Mongolia, 2021-10-13, vol. 2021, pp. n


This study assesses the seasonal variations, potential sources, and health risks of fine particulate matter, PM2.5. Samples (n = 83) were collected at two urban sites of Ulaanbaatar. Inorganic ions, organic/elemental carbon, and metals were analyzed. Results exhibited a distinctive seasonality for all chemical compositions with sulfate being the dominant species of PM2.5 in winter. Comparably high concentrations of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium were measured in winter, while concentrations of calcium and magnesium were higher in spring and summer rather than in other seasons. The results revealed that dominant sources of atmospheric PM2.5 are mainly due to emissions of coal combustion in the heating period, and soil dust resuspension is in the non-heating period.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, U.Bilguun
"Evaluation of heavy metal pollution in soils of Erdenet city, Mongolia", The International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (EST), Mongolia, 2021-9-23, vol. 2021, pp. n


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the sources and assess of the soil heavy metals pollution in Erdenet city. The pollutions of heavy metals in urban soils are affected by multiple factors including land use, air pollution, household solid wastes, and automobiles. A total of thirty soil samples were collected in a depth of 0-20 cm of the soil surface from different parts of the cities and analyzed for their As, Cr, Cu, Mo, Co, V, Fe, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cd. The concentration of Cu, Mo, and As were higher than the permissible limit according to the Mongolian soil standard at the sampling sites of Erdenet city. The contamination factor (CF) of Cu and Mo were highest, and As was at the considerable level and for Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, V, Zn were at moderately contaminated level. PLI was higher than 1 for all the samples. The enrichment factors of these elements were relatively high and indicated pollution from anthropogenic activities. Soil samples at the urban locations were highly contaminated with Cu and Mo, which are major elements of ore minerals. It can be explained by the high concentration of Cu and Mo in ore minerals composition in soil geological formation of Erdenet city and related with the content of metals in white dust formed by the process of copper-molybdenum (Cu–Mo) mines. As is accompanied by rare elements like Au and Co thus the liberation of As into soil is high, resulting in the higher degree of pollution.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, A.Purevjal, T.Battseren
"АХУЙН ЦЭВЭРЛЭХ БАЙГУУЛАМЖААС ГАРАХ ЛАГИЙГ КОМПОСТЖУУЛАХ НЬ", Хүрээлэн буй орчин Үндэсний эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал, 2021-9-9, vol. 2, pp. 30


2017 онд улсын хэмжээнд 130 гаруй бохир ус цэвэрлэх байгууламж тоологдсоноос талаас илүү хувь нь үйл ажиллагааны доголдол, эвдрэлийн улмаас жилд 120 сая гаруй куб метр бохир ус байгальд шууд хаягдаж орчныг бохирдуулж байна. Одоогийн байдлаар дийлэнх аймгийн бохир ус цэвэрлэх байгууламжууд механик цэвэрлэгээ хийж, бохир усны тунасан хатуу хэсэг буюу аюултайд тооцогдох лагийг байгалийн аргаар хатааж, лагийн талбайд хуримтлуулж байна. Суурин газруудад лаг хаях, зайлуулах нөөц бололцоо муугаас хүн ам суурьшсан газрын ойр орчимд лагийг булшилдаг. Ахуйн цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн лагийн талбайд хуучин хуримтлагдсан болон шинээр үүсч байгаа лагийг боловсруулж, хөрс сайжруулагч, бордоо болгосноор уул уурхайн нөхөн сэргээлт, хуучин хогийн цэгийн газрыг булшлах, нөхөн сэргээх, хяналттай цэгүүдэд хөрс сайжруулах зориулалтаар ашиглах боломжтой юм. Энэхүү судалгааны ажил нь ахуйн цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн үйл ажиллагаанаас гарах лагийн шинж чанар, аюулгүйн шалгуур үзүүлэлтийг үнэлэх замаар хөрс сайжруулагч компост гаргах боломж нөхцөлийг тодорхойлох зорилготой. Судалгааны хамрах хүрээнд Улаанбаатар хотын Биокомбинатын болон Архангай аймгийн төвд шинээр ашиглалтанд орсон ахуйн цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн лагийн шинж чанарыг судлаж компостжуулах нөхцөлийг тодорхойлсон. Улаанбаатар хотын УСУГ-ийн Биокомбинатын цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн лагийг лабораторийн нөхцөлд буюу 2 реакторт компостжуулж, процессыг хянах замаар орц найрлагын тохиромжтой харьцааг тогтоосон. Энэхүү үр дүнд тулгуурлан хэрэглээнд нэвтрүүлэх зорилгоор Архангай аймгийн цэвэрлэх байгууламжийн талбайн лаг болон усгүйжүүлсэн лагийг хагасүйлдвэрлэлийн аргаар компостжуулах судалгааг өргөжүүлэн хийсэн. Компостжуулалтанд 85% лаг, 2.2% перлит, 12.8% үртэс (модны холтостой), 1% картон цаас агуулсан 3.5 тонн масс бүхий овоолго хийсэн. Зургаан долоо хоног компостжуулах процесс явуулсны дараа гарган авсан компост нь MNS 6507:2015-д заасан компостын техникийн шаардлага стандартад нийцэж байсан. Цэвэрлэх байгууламжаас гарах лагийн аюулгүй үзүүлэлтэд As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn зэрэг хүнд металлын агууламжийг үнэлэхэд хөрс сайжруулах чиглэлээр дахин ашиглах бололцоотой болох нь судалгаагаар тогтоогдсон.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, Д.Дорж, U.Bilguun, N.Dashnyam, P.Batbold
"Улаанбаатар хотын хөрсний металлын бохирдол, эх үүсвэр, геохимийн төлөв", Хүрээлэн буй орчин Үндэсний эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал, 2021-9-9, vol. 2, pp. 25


Хураангуй Монгол Улсын нийслэл Улаанбаатар хот нь сүүлийн жилүүдэд хурдацтай хөгжихийн хирээр тухайн бүс нутагт хүн амын төвлөрөл, аж үйлдвэрлэл нэмэгдсэний улмаас байгаль орчинд үзүүлэх сөрөг нөлөөлөл ихэссээр байна. Энэхүү судалгаагаар Улаанбаатар хотын хөрсөн дэх металлуудын тархалт, геохимийн фракц, хуримтлалын фактор, бохирдлын түвшин, эх үүсвэрийг тодорхойлох зорилгоор хотын гэр хороолол, хотын төв болон зах, үйлдвэрийн бүс орчмын хөрсний өнгөн давхрагаас нийт 22 дээж цуглуулж хүнд металл (Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Cd, Co, Zn, V, Mo, As, Sb, Pb)-ын шинжилгээ хийсэн. Шинжилгээний үр дүнг NIST 2702, BCR 701 гэсэн стандарт дээжтэй харьцуулж баталгаажуулсан. Судалгааны үр дүнгээр металлын бохирдол дараах дарааллаар буурсан үзүүлэлттэй байна: Sb> As> Pb> Zn> Cd> Cu> Mo> V> Cr> Mn> Co> Fe. Хуримтлалын факторыг тооцоолоход Sb, Zn, As, Pb, Cu, Cd-ын хувьд хүний үйл ажиллагаагаар ихээхэн бохирдсон байсан. Хөрсөн дэх металлын хөдөлгөөнт байдлыг тодорхойлоход цайрын хүчилд уусдаг фракц хамгийн өндөр буюу 28.2%. Харин Sb, As, Co, V, Fe, Mn-ын хувьд үлдэгдэл фракц давамгайлсан учир хүрээлэн буй орчинд хөдөлгөөнт байдал болон экологийн эрсдэл бага гэж үзсэн. Үйлдвэрийн хаягдал, замын хөдөлгөөний эх үүсвэр, ахуйн үнс, нүүрсний шаталтын зохицуулалт хангалтгүй байгаа нь судалгааны бүс дэх хүнд металлын бохирдлын гол эх үүсвэр болохыг харуулсан.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, D.Munkhzul, G.Boldbaatar, V.Teresa, T.Khulan, A.Maria
"Hydrogeochemistry and Mineralogy of a River System in a Mining Region with a Cu-world-class Deposit in Mongolia", IMWA, virtual, 2021-7-14, vol. 2021, pp. 657


The present work is reporting the environmental conditions of a river (Khangal River) under the influence of one of the biggest Cu mines in the world: the Erdenet mine, located in North Central Mongolia. The results show that the Khangal River is suffering the influence of the mining works and waste accumulations of the Erdenet Cu mine. The high proportion of calcite neutralizes the acidity potential of sulfides. However, the potential toxic elements represent high environmental risk. In such alkaline conditions and in the absence of mineralogical control, elements such as Mo and As have high mobility, contaminating the ecosystem and preventing the use of water, either for consumption or for irrigation.

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, Z.Kseniya, K.Natalya, K.Aleksander, S.Devard
"Change in the electrical conductivity of the medium under the action of toxicants on Elodea сanadensis", 3rd International Scientific Conference on "Sustainable and efficient use of Energy, water and natural resources", Оросын холбооны улс , 2021-4-21, vol. 1, pp. 1-3


The relevance of the work is determined by the increasing pollution of aquatic environments by toxic substances (including surfactants, hydrocarbons and their mixtures). As a result, it becomes necessary to develop methods for biotesting the quality of natural and waste waters that contain the above-mentioned substances, as well as to clarify the mechanisms of the toxic effect of pollutants. An important addition to obtain a more complete and objective characterization and forecast of the effects of pollutants is the study of the mechanisms of action of toxic substances. The study of the electrical properties of solutions in which test organisms are incubated makes it possible to determine the degree of membrane permeability, and the dynamics of changes in its parameters under the influence of damaging factors. A number of works have shown that when the permeability of the membranes of organisms in an aqueous medium is disturbed, the electrical conductivity of solutions begins to increase, and when the cell is completely killed, the electrical conductivity of the object differs little from the environment. Based on the analysis of literature materials, it can be expected that under the influence of surfactants and oil hydrocarbons, the barrier functions of the cell cytoplasm will change. In turn, this will cause disruption of concentration gradients and release of electrolytes from the cell. As a result, changes in the electrical conductivity of solutions will be recorded. Violation of the permeability of cell plasma membrane under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, including pollutants and their mixtures, is one of the initial stages of the body's response to the action of damaging agents. Therefore, the conductometry method makes it possible to determine the toxic effect of pollutants in aquatic environments, their effect on the physiology of algae, and can be recommended as an express test for the detection of pollutants. The purpose of this communication was to study changes in the electrical conductivity of solutions under the action of surfactants and hydrocarbons on aquatic plants. Elodea canadensis was chosen as a test object. Tween-80 was taken from the surfactant, since it is used in the remediation of oil pollution. Hexane was taken as oil hydrocarbons. The electrical conductivity of water was measured with a portable conductometer Expert-002 (Econix-Expert, Russia) equipped with a built-in temperature compensation sensor. The conductivity value was adjusted to a temperature of 25 ° C. In the experiments, we used a weighed portion of E. canadensis 4 g per 200 ml of solution. Elodea was collected in the r. Angara in the region of the mountains. Irkutsk. The experiments were carried out in five biological replicates with three parallel ones. The materials have been statistically processed. The conclusions are made at a confidence level of 95%. The experiments showed that hexane in the concentration range of 50, 100, 150, 250 ml / L led to an increase in the release of electrolytes from E. сanadensis cells. At the same time, the concentration dependence was well traced: as the concentration increased, the electrical conductivity, and, consequently, the yield of electrolytes, increased. The effect of hexane was suppressed by the addition of Tween-80 at various concentrations (10, 50, 100, 250 ml / L). Pretreatment of E. canadensis for 30 minutes in a mixture of hexane 50 ml / L and Tween-80 in a 50:50 ratio significantly reduced the conductivity values to the control level and below. A similar situation was observed during pretreatment in Tween-80 for 30 minutes and further measurements in a hexane solution. In this case, the conductivity values were higher than the control. Other surfactants, depending on the chemical structure and concentration, showed similar effects in some cases, and in others, on the contrary, increased toxicity. At present, it is difficult to unambiguously interpret the multidirectional actions of surfactants in the system of aquatic plants - hydrocarbon. In subsequent experiments, an answer should be obtained about the mechanism of the observed effects. The reported study was funded by RFBR and MECSS, project 20-54-44012 «Study of the interaction of metals, phenolic compounds with hydrophytes in phytoremediation processes and waste recovery». The research was carried out using the Center for Collective Use of the Baikal Museum of ISC (

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл
"Хөрсөн дэх хүнцэл, молибденийг эрдэс түүхий эд ашиглан тогтворжуулах судалгаа" Монгол орны газарзүй ба геоэкологийн асуудал, vol. 41, pp. 514-520, 2020-12-31


Anthropogenic activities as agriculture, industries, and mining are the main sources for environmental pollution especially for soil pollution. For instance, arsenic that accompanies gold during gold mining contaminates the soil, and the easily soluble part is transferred to the aquatic environment, transported by industrial wastewater, and contaminates soil and water elsewhere. Since the mobility of heavy metals in the soil and their impact on living organisms depends on the nature of the soil phase and its chemical form (fraction), it is important to determine the percentage of metal fractions to control and reduce pollution. This study examined the percentage of heavy metal fractions in the soil and further possibility of stabilizing soil pollution using mineral raw materials. In the Ulaanbaatar soil sample, 8% of the arsenic was in the soluble fraction, 91.7% in the environment-sensitive reduction-oxidation fraction, and about 91% of the molybdenum fraction in the oxidizing phase, which can adversely affect living organisms due to the environment change. However, 0.1% of the arsenic content in the Erdenet soil samples was in the soluble fraction, 75.5% in the environment-sensitive reduction-oxidation fraction, and about 97% of the molybdenum fraction in the oxidizing part. During the stabilization experiment using raw minerals, magnetite is more effective to stabilize soil molybdenum and increase significantly the amount of which in residual phase. Otherwise, magnetite and zeolite are more effective for arsenic stabilization and are converting As to a bio-inactive (residual) phase.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Болормаа, Т.Энхдөл
"Инженерийн боловсролыг эргэн харахуй", 2020-9-25
Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, Д.Болормаа, Ч.Лодойравсал
"Multidisciplinary project to introduce "smart" concept in engineering programs", Asian regional meeting CDIO 2020, Монгол улс, 2020-9-23, vol. 1, pp. 6-12


Traditional engineering courses solely focused on certain engineering theoretical knowledge and skills while in current society it is urgently needed graduates who have interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. Engineering curriculums- electronics and environmental engineering programs at the National University of Mongolia and electrical and construction engineering programs at the Institute of Engineering and technology has adopted Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) framework which supported the revision of learning outcomes and teaching-learning approaches, through the introduction of multidisciplinary projects. Introduction of Multidisciplinary project on Smart Building with collaboration between students from four programs to design a smart energy-efficient building was successfully implemented. The ideas of tasks were to design a building with the following requirements: energy efficient with low heat loss, selection of suitable low cost, eco-material, and 80 % of energy production should be from solar panels. Also, students should choose an appropriate technology for the treatment of greywater and sludge from toilets. During the implementation of the project, students were able to expand their problem reasoning and solving, teamwork and communication skills.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл, Д.Дорж
"Sources, Enrichment, and Geochemical Fractions of Soil Trace Metals in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia" Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 79, pp. 219-232, 2020-6-27


Mongolia is a rapidly developing country that has experienced growing industrialization and urbanization in recent decades. This study was conducted to evaluate the enrichment and labile fractions of metals in urban soils of Mongolia and to identify major sources of soil metal pollution. The concentrations and geochemical fractions of Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Cd, Co, Zn, V, Mo, As, Sb, and Pb in soils of the city Ulaanbaatar were investigated. The results demonstrate that only Fe, Mn, Co, Mo, and V occur at natural levels with enrichment factors close to unity. The majority of investigated toxic metals, including Cu, Zn, Cr, Sb, As, Cd, and Pb, are serious pollutants in urban soils, with enrichment factors of up to 2.8, 5.1, 2.1, 16, 13, 15, and 11, respectively. Studies of the chemical fractions of metals demonstrate that Zn is mainly found in its labile form and is considered a high risk to humans and biota. Industrial release, household ash, coal combustion, and tire abrasion were identified as key sources of toxic metals entering into the soil of Ulaanbaatar City, which should be controlled effectively to prevent the population as well as pollution distribution over a wider area by long-range atmospheric transport.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл
"Монгол орны төвийн бүсийн зарим ундны усны найрлага, эрүүл мэндэд үзүүлж болзошгүй эрсдлийн судалгаа" Монгол орны газарзүй ба геоэкологийн асуудал, vol. 41, pp. accepted, 2020-5-15


Groundwater is the primary drinking water source in settlement areas, while herders use water from open wells and wells of various depths. These can be contaminated by natural and anthropogenic activities and do not meet the sanitation requirements of drinking water, consequently, cause harmful effects on health. Therefore, it is necessary to assess water quality and monitor them regularly to prevent the risk of waterborne diseases. In this investigation, we selected specific drinking water points to study their composition and quality. These points located close to anthropogenic activities, mining regions, and some areas adjacent to Ulaanbaatar. The results of the study showed that the main water quality indicators of most water points were within the standards. The content of toxic metals in water was below the maximum permissible level for most water samples, but uranium was equal or higher than the standard in some samples of near the Kharaa and Boroo rivers. Nickel (Ni) concentration was higher than the standard in the Erdenet mineral water sample. In terms of non-cancer risk, wells near Erdenet (7), Kharaa-Boroo (5), and Zaamar (2) are at risk of developing non-cancerous diseases with uranium (U) (HQ > 1) and no risk for other elements (HQ < 1). Two wells around Zaamar, two near Kharaa-Boroo, and two near Erdenet contain arsenic (As) at carcinogenic risk levels (> 2 μg/L). The risk of cancer from drinking water has also been identified in other countries, and arsenic levels in water are frequently higher than permissible levels. As this study is based on the results of only one sample taken from the water point, it is essential to continue the study to identify seasonal and spatial changes and sources and propose recommendations, assessments, and conclusions necessary to prevent the population from being exposed to toxic substances.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл
"Rapid Shift of Organic Carbon Deposition During Climatic Change in A Pristine Freshwater Lake, Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia", American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, АНУ, 2019-12-8, vol. 2019, pp. 2019AGUFMPP41B1540L


Deep, undisturbed freshwater lake is another type of environment in recording and preserving past climatic changes as compare to the marine environment. With close proximity to sources and changes of terrestrial environment, deep freshwater lake could record in depth details of climatic changes without modifications and damping effects from the ocean. Lake Hovsgol is situated within the Baikal rift zone, developed at about 4-2.5 MA, with large quantity of sediment deposited in the basin that could provide long history of the past Asian climate changes. Three gravity cores were obtained and analyzed for organic carbon, carbonate, pyrite, REE (rare earth elements) contents as well as C14 dating to understand lake sediment deposition history. Primary objective was to decipher effects of climatic changes on types of sediment deposition and its subsequent diagenetic signature. The results show clear signals on types of sediment deposition as a result of climatic change. During the warm Holocene, more organic carbons were produced, carried into, and deposited in this pristine lake. The process started with an increase of terrigenous inorganic matter input and followed by the increase of organic carbon deposition. Sedimentation rates based on age model from C14 measurement of bulk sediment organic carbon show a sediment focusing effect with faster deposition in the center of the lake and gradual decrease away from lake center, i.e., slower rate away from the lake center. This change of sedimentation rate also accompanied with rate and quantity of organic carbon deposition. Prior to the start of the Holocene, sediments are low in organic carbon and high in carbonate. When approaching the Holocene, concentrations of organic carbon rapidly increase together with a decreasing in carbonate content. MREE, on the hand, decreased during Holocene with a maximum appeared at the waning period of the LGM.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл
"Spatial and temporal variations of sediment metals in the Tuul River, Mongolia" Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 26, pp. pages32420–32431, 2019-10-14


Mongolia has been a pristine environment without much pollution. Our objective is to study a section of the Tuul River to evaluate the present condition of this pristine environment. Sediment metal (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Hg, and Cr) concentrations and Pb-210 were sampled and analyzed. Results showed that metal concentrations are much higher at areas near the capital city and municipal sewage outlet, with enrichment factor values up to 18 for Cu, and 26 for Cr. Higher copper concentrations were found at sites about ~ 50 km downstream from the source, an indication that pollutions are spreading further down the river. Vertical metal concentration profiles indicated that pollutions could be traced back to the 1960s. Inefficient sewage treatment plants and poorly managed power plant ash ponds were major sources of metals leaking into the Tuul River. Sewage wastewater is carrying metals through Tuul River to the lower river basin. Dusts from ash ponds are airborne and transport to greater area. These findings indicate that new and alternative measures have to be enforced to prevent further pollution entering the Tuul River drainage basin and airborne dust to other broader regions of the Asia and ocean.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, L.Saulwood, Т.Энхдөл, Д.Дорж, H.Kuo-Ming, U.Bilguun, E.Tseveendorj
"Spatial and temporal variations of sediment metals in the Tuul river, Mongolia ", Sustainability and mobility in the context of smart cities, Монгол улс, 2019-9-24, vol. 1, pp. 49


Mongolia is a major source of Asian dust. Our objective is to study a section of the Tuul River to evaluate present condition of this pristine environment. Sediment metals (Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Hg, and Cr) concentrations and Pb-210 were sampled and analyzed. Results showed that metal concentrations are much higher at areas near the capital city and near the municipal sewage outlet, with enrichment factor values up to 18 for Cu and 26 for Cr. Furthermore, higher copper concentrations were found at sites about ~50 km downstream from the source, an indication that pollutions are spreading further down the river. Vertical heavy metal concentration profiles show unusual accumulation of metal pollution that could be traced back to 1960s’, reached the highest level when coal-fired power facilities and ash ponds started. Inefficient sewage treatment plants and the power plants ash ponds were major sources of metals leaking into the study Tuul River. Poorly treated sewage waste water is carrying metals through Tuul River to the lower river basin. Dusts from ash ponds are airborne and transport to greater area. These findings indicate that new and alternative measures have to be enforced to prevent further pollution entering the Tuul River drainage basin and airborne dust to other broader regions of the Asia and ocean.

Зохиогч(ид): T.Battseren, A.Purevjal, B.Usukhbayar, Т.Энхдөл
"Characteristics of sludge and its utilization as compost", Sustainability and mobility in the context of smart cities, Монгол улс , 2019-9-24, vol. 1, pp. 65


Sludge, from the wastewater treatment plant, is a source of energy and nutrient, however, in Mongolia, we sought it is a waste that should be discarded. A total of 125 wastewater treatment plants were counted, from which 51 were operating normally, 27 were abnormal and 27 were not operational in 2015. More than 900 thousand cubic meter sludge generated and air dried in central wastewater treatment plant resulting in air, soil pollution and affecting to general population health. This study investigated the characteristics of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant in Biokombinat, which treats wastewater from only households. The sludge then used for the production of compost in a lab-scale reactor. Freshly discharged sludge had 92.9% moisture content, 76.1% total volatile solids, 21.9% organic matter and 1.4% phosphorus. Two lab-scale reactors with 85 -81% sludge, 5% perlite, 10% sawdust (R1) and 4 % cardboard box (R2) were studied for an over a month in summer of 2019. Parameters such as temperature, moisture content, organic matter, total nitrogen, C/N ratio and elements were monitored weekly. The results of this study will be useful to develop a method for safe disposal and treatment of sewage sludge for resource recovery and reuse in Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ, Т.Энхдөл
"Sources, enrichment, and mobility of soil trace metals in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia", THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT IN CENTRAL AND NORTH-EAST ASIA, Mongol, 2019-9-5, vol. 1, pp. 1


Mongolia is one of the rapidly developing countries in the world with growing of industrialization and urbanization in recent several decades. This study was conducted to evaluate enrichment and potential mobility of metals in urban soils of Mongolia and to identify major sources affecting soil metal pollution. Concentrations and geochemical fractions for Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Cd, Co, Zn, V, Mo, As, Sb, and Pb in soils of Ulaanbaatar city were investigated. Result demonstrate that Fe, Mn, Co, Mo and V are in natural level with enrichment factors close to unity, while the majority of investigated toxic elements, including Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, Sb, As, and Pb are severely polluted in urban soil with enrichment factors up to 2.8, 5.1, 2.1, 15, 16, 14, and 11, respectively. Study of chemical fractions of metals demonstrates Zn is mainly conducted in labile fractions and considered high risk to human and biota. Industrial wastes, household ashes, coal combustion, and nationwide unregulated supplement of aged tires are major sources of toxic metals leaking into this study area. Since Mongolia is one of main source area of Asian dust, new and alternative measures have to be enforced to prevent further pollution entering to urban soil and as well as airborne dust to other broader regions of the Asia and ocean.

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ
"Production of solid biochar fuel from municipal solid waste of the Ulaanbaatar city by slow pyrolysis process and its application ", GMIT symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018-8-31, vol. 1, pp. A5-20


Currently, most developing countries have not set up municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems with a view of recovering energy from waste and/or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this research, we characterized and determined organic matter content in municipal solid waste of Ulaanbaatar (UB) city and their availability to produce bio-fuel by pyrolysis. MSW emission of UB is increasing year by year due to growth of economy and population. The total MSW amount increased from 1.1 million tons/year in 2013 to 1.2 million tons/year in 2015, and the waste generation rate increased from 0.64 kg/capita/day in 2013 to 0.98 kg/capita/year in 2015. During the summer time, waste composition is dominated by components of high organic and moisture content, since the concentration of kitchen waste in municipal solid waste makes up the highest proportion (at approximately 36%) of the waste stream. But in winter time, the amount of ash in municipal solid waste makes up the high proportion (at approximately 49%). Pyrolysis experiments for different solid wastes will be performed using quartz tube furnace at 400°C, 500°C and 600°C with different heating rates and durations. We are expecting that through the experiments, optimal condition to produce high quality and high yielded biochar fuel from UB MSW will be obtained.

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, Д.Дорж, Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ
"Stabilization of heavy metal in polluted urban soils with amendments of various minerals", GMIT symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018-8-30, vol. 1, pp. 23


The remediation of heavy metal-polluted soils has become one of the problems to solve in Mongolia. In this study, one of the remediation technologies which is stabilization of heavy metals in polluted soils was used amendment for the environment-friendly minerals. The purpose of this study was to investigate stabilization of heavy metals using cost effective minerals, which is cost effective and environmentally friendly. Four different minerals such as Fluoride Apatite (FA), zeolite (Z), magnetite and hydroxyapatite (HAP) were used in this study to investigate immobilization of some heavy metals as Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Cr and As. The polluted urban soils have collected from Ulaanbaatar and Erdenet. The mixed samples are contained 5% of these minerals. After treating soil samples, the mobility of heavy metals determined by sequence extraction procedure (BCR 701 method). During the test, the concentrations of some heavy metals such as Cr, Cu, Fe and Pb measured by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The results show that concentration of Ni, Cu, V, Fe and Pb was above earth crust of these metals. The test results show that zeolite’s adsorption capacity had a higher (Qmax=79.3 mg/g) than other minerals. Zeolite had a good effect on stabilization of Cr, Ni, and Cd in soil samples. Compared to untreated sediment, Cr, Ni, and Cd in residual fraction increased by 3%, 10%, and 21.3% with treatment after 2 months, respectively. When using FA, the mobility of Pb and Ni were reduced by 9% and 12%, respectively. In order to improve the immobilization of heavy metals, the various or effective minerals should be studied for further study.

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл
"A case study based on the household waste composition in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Organic matter degradation using a lab-scale landfill reactor", GMIT symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018-8-30, vol. 1, pp. 21


In 2016, totally 1.4 million tons of solid waste produced by Ulaanbaatar city and waste generation rate was reported that 1.2 kg/cap/day by Ministry of Nature and Environment, Mongolia. One of main components of disposed solid waste at landfill sites is coal ash generated by households in ger area, in Ulaanbaatar during cold seasons. It is becoming an environmental issue due to the lack of waste recycling facilities, solid waste management in city and dumping at non-engineered sites. The aim of this study was to determine organic matter degradation using lab-scale landfill reactors under anaerobe (R1, R2) and aerobe (R3, R4) conditions at constant temperature (35⁰C), and with sewage water recirculation. During the test, comparatively low degradation of 3.3% organic matter was determined in control reactor (R1) as simulated Ulaanbaatar’s climate, which is without leachate recirculation and with coal ash under anaerobic condition. Conversely, much higher degradation of organic matter in solid waste were determined in R2 and R4 (69.4 and 81.4%, respectively) due to contribution of microorganism’s activity by suitable moisture content, temperature range and pH condition. The main reason of higher degradation of organic matter in R2 and R4 was neutral pH condition between 7.0 and 7.5 because of contained coal ash. The highest gas production as CO2 and CH4 was observed in R2 and R4 due to the suitable moisture content and pH condition influenced by coal ash and sewage water recirculation. As a conclusion, this study reveals that the waste dumping sites should be controlled and engineered to prevent the leachates with heavy metals from the dumping sites. The generated methane gas from dumping site might be used effectively converting it to energy.

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, Д.Дорж
"Solid waste characterization and its ecological footprint at Gorkhi-Terelj National Park of Mongolia during cold seasons", GMIT symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018-8-30, vol. 1, pp. 22


This study was focused to identify solid waste sources and its characterization and to estimate the ecological footprint at national park during cold season. Gorkhi-Terelj National park (GTNP) locates in Nalaikh district of Ulaanbaatar, is Mongolian one of most well-known and attractive place for tourists. The number of camps and resorts at GTNP have been increasing due to the decline of air quality in the city, increase of domestic and foreign tourists. Recently, one of the environmental problem is solid waste issue which is generated in the surrounding of national park. The main sources of solid waste generation in GTNP are mainly from tourists, camp houses and residents. Currently there is no official waste collection points at GTNP and collection company do not collect on regular basis due to long distance to Nalaikh District’s dumpsite. The source, amount and composition of generated solid waste in GTNP measured mainly in three sites and also including illegal littering during November 2017 to January, 2018. The components of solid wastes were divided into ten categories as glass, PET bottle, plastics, papers, cans, construction wastes, coal ashes, textiles and tires. Result shows that total 1.1 tons of solid waste generated in a month during cold seasons and waste generation rate was 0.016 kg-waste per tourist per day. The ecological footprint was also calculated for determined waste composition. Contribution from tourists to solid waste generation was 51.4% while tourist camp and residents was 48.6%.

Зохиогч(ид): Т.Энхдөл, Ц.Соёл-Эрдэнэ
"Removal of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in aqeuous media by isolated microorganisms from Tuul river sediment", GMIT symposium on Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018-8-30, vol. 1, pp. 20


As a result of human activities in the environment, various contaminants are created therein and give adverse effect living organisms. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are important group pollutants, which are included in priority list of Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) with their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. PAH are emitted to the environment by result of incomplete combustion of organic matter and can enter food chain through the geochemical cycle. In Ulaanbaatar, more than one million people are living, of which mostly live in Ger districts. Heating of gers during cold seasons emits large amount of incomplete coal combustion products to the atmosphere. In this study, isolated microorganism from TUUL River (Mongolia) sediment for removal of phenanthrene (PHE) was studied. The aim of this study was to find out determination method and removal efficiency of phenanthrene in aqueous media. Liquid-liquid extraction procedure and Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) used for the Phe analyses. Analytical method recovery was 93.8±2.9% and 94.4±5.5% for the concentration ranges of 0.5-5.0 mgPhe/L and 5.0-50 mg Phe /L, respectively. Analytical precision was less than 5.6% including sample extraction and instrumental analyses procedures. A microbial isolate obtained from the sediment samples collected near Tuul River (Mongolia) was selected from enriched Luria-Bertani medium, showing a good performance for PHE removal. The specific growth rate of the isolated microorganism was determined 8.29 h-1. Microorganism’s isolate removed up to 96.3% for an initial concentration of 50 mgPhe/L, 95.8% for an initial concentration of 100 mgPhe/L after 20 hours batch experiment. Subsequently permeable biobarrier using isolated microorganism was developed and examined for the removal of PAH in aqueous media. In all cases, results suggest that the microorganisms isolated from Tuul river sediment can be an effective method for the treatment of Phe from aqueous solution.

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