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People’s perceptions on any culture vary because of their different beliefs, experiences and approaches on describing and understanding cultures. In other words, some people describe cultures through ‘etic’ perspectives which see and understand cultures from outside not from inside by making comparisons with other cultures while others consider both “etic” and “emic” concepts. Both emic and etic level findings are very important for describing and understanding a culture. In other words, etic frameworks are created based on emic observations, and emic perspectives including similarities and differences across cultures are discovered and compared with the help of etic knowledge. In this paper, comparative analysis of these two different perspectives will be discussed, focusing on a specific culture and society.
People’s perceptions on any culture vary because of their different beliefs, experiences and approaches on describing and understanding cultures. In other words, some people describe cultures through ‘etic’ perspectives which see and understand cultures from outside not from inside by making comparisons with other cultures while others consider both “etic” and “emic” concepts. Both emic and etic level findings are very important for describing and understanding a culture. In other words, etic frameworks are created based on emic observations, and emic perspectives including similarities and differences across cultures are discovered and compared with the help of etic knowledge. In this presentation, comparative analysis of these two different perspectives will be discussed, focusing on a specific culture and society.
Since the English language is a means of communication today, it is important for English language teachers to improve their students’ language fluency rather than accuracy in order to make their students confident users of this language in real-life communications. For any language learner, motivation becomes a key factor for learning languages. In order to motivate learners, it is crucial for language teachers to use appropriate classroom tasks which would encourage them to have a real-world communication with each other. Hence, using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the language classroom can be very beneficial for English Language Teaching (ELT) because this approach (CLT) offers learner-centred, task-based, and fluency-oriented language teaching that aims at improving learners’ language fluency with the help of various interactive tasks and activities. In this study, the CLT approach was used in the speaking class with 30 students at the National University of Mongolia (whose major is not English). The result of the study shows that there is significant improvement in the students’ speaking skills after the experiment, and the students’ attitudes towards the use of CLT are noticeably positive.
Since the genre-based approach and ILT are applied, the lesson focuses on improving students’ genre awareness as well as intercultural awareness while improving students’ linguistic competence with the help of different activities and classroom organisations. The importance of Computer Assisted Language Learning(CALL) tasks for digital natives, and formative assessment will be discussed in this presentation.
The effectiveness of power-point presentations (PPTs) on language learning has been controversial, even if it is widely used in language teaching and learning today. PPTs are being criticised for its ineffectiveness on students’ learning performance, especially in terms of its pedagogical weaknesses. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the use of concept mapping (CM) in PPTs will increase the effectiveness of PPTs in language classrooms by minimising its pedagogical weaknesses. In this study, 60 students at National University of Mongolia (NUM), were divided into two groups, one of which was an experimental group where PPTs were used with CM, and the other one was a control group where basic/conventional PPTs were used. A pre-test and post-test, followed by a fact-gathering questionnaire were used to determine the effectiveness of this combined method (CM + PPTs). This study will be beneficial for the Mongolian language teachers who use, or are going to use PPTs in their classrooms. In other words, language teachers will be able to identify PPTs’ weaknesses, and learn how to use PPTs effectively in their classrooms. The research result shows that students who attended a class with the combination of CM graphics and PPTs had higher test performance and positive attitudes towards this combined approach.
Дэлхий даяарчлагдахын хэрээр гадаад болон дотоодод чанартай боловсрол эзэмших, эрэлттэй ажилд орох, бизнес эрхлэх, аялах зэрэг янз бүрийн шалтгаан, зорилгоор дэлхийн хэлүүд, нэн ялангуяа олон улсын хэл болох англи хэлийг сурах, эзэмших хэрэгцээ шаардлага өндөр хэвээр байна. Иймээс англи хэлийг төрөлх хэлээ болгон ярьдаг (NEST) эсвэл ярьдаггүй (NNEST) багшийн хэн нь илүү сайн багш вэ гэсэн маргаан судлаачид төдийгүй суралцагчдын дунд байсаар байгаа бөгөөд бид энэхүү өгүүлэлдээ NNEST ба NEST-н мэргэжлийн давуу болон сул талыг онолд суурилсан судалгаагаар тогтоохыг эрмэлзлээ. Судалгаанд МУИС-ийн мэргэжлийн бус ангийн академик англи хэлийг ахисан дунд түвшинд судалж буй 75 оюутныг хамруулсан болно. NEST болон NNEST -ийн талаар судалгаанд оролцогчдын хандлага ямар байгааг өөр өөр хичээлийн хүрээнд (англи хэлний дүрэм, дуудлага, үгийн сан, унших, бичих, сонсох, ярих чадвар) асуумжаар тодрууллаа. Судалгаанаас дүгнэн үзэхэд суралцагчдын хандлага хичээлийн агуулга, эзэмших ур чадвараас хамааран ялгаатай байгаа нь энэхүү хоёр төрлийн багш аль аль нь давуу болон сул талтайг харуулж байна.
Different cultures of humankind influence their views and perceptions of society. This principle is vital in the translation process, and the translator aims at conveying the message of the source text (ST) to the target text (TT) accurately and understandably for the readers. Therefore, every translator should have some theoretical knowledge about how to deal with different strategies of translating Culture-Specific Items (CSI) and use appropriate methods. In translation, CSI are common to all languages, nevertheless they are unique to the culture of the source text (ST). In this paper, some CSI in the Mongolian translation of Dubliners by James Joyce, which comprises of 15 short stories, have been analyzed by using Newmark’s model of CSI. In translation, universal words do not cause any particular issues because it is usually easy to find their equivalents in the TT. On the other hand, cultural vocabularies are difficult to translate and therefore they belong to the group of non-equivalent lexis.
In today’s modern educational environment, the use of technology has become a significant area of study relating to various aspects of teaching and learning. Teachers in the workforce today often find themselves in a scenario of having to incorporate more technologically efficient methods of teaching to meet the demands of students’ learning in a technological environment. However, some argue that teachers tend to use technologies ineffectively in their classrooms because of some influential factors that include external and internal factors. Nowadays, internal factors relating especially to teachers’ beliefs attract more attention and more research work. Although there are many studies on the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and technology integration, they show different findings that are both consistent and inconsistent between teachers’ beliefs and their practices of technology integration. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between the English language teachers’ beliefs and technology integration in an EFL context, and explores an appropriate professional development program for the English language teachers in this context which can help improve their teaching through technology integration. A quantitative research was carried out at the National University of Mongolia (NUM) to investigate the English language teachers’ beliefs regarding technology integration and their classroom practices. Forty-six English language teachers out of sixty-five at NUM participated in this research. The result of the study shows that it is useful for improving technology integration at NUM as well as in other educational institutions across Mongolia.
In today’s modern educational environment, the use of technology has become a significant area of study relating to various aspects of teaching and learning. Teachers in the workforce often find themselves in a scenario of having to incorporate more technologically efficient methods of teaching to meet the demands of students’ learning in a technological environment. However, some argue that teachers tend to use technologies ineffectively in their classrooms because of some influential factors that include external and internal factors.