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This abstract presents a study focusing on the social challenges confronting women with disabilities in Mongolia, examining prevalent obstacles and societal dynamics. Historically, disability issues in Mongolia received minimal government attention during transitional periods. However, recent legislative developments, particularly the enactment of the "Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" in 2016, signify a notable shift towards prioritizing disability rights. This study explores important quantitative data and research findings to outline the socio-economic landscape for women with disabilities. In 2022, Mongolia records 115,115 registered persons with disabilities, with women constituting 42.6 percent. Mental and hearing impairments are notably higher among women. However, their participation in early childhood education and mainstream schooling remains disproportionately lower compared to men with disabilities. Furthermore, women with disabilities face increased unemployment rates, often due to limited opportunities in the formal job market, resulting in reliance on informal sector employment or caregiving roles, contributing to their increased risk of poverty. Women with disabilities encounter compounded vulnerability to disability and gender-based discrimination. Domestic violence is significantly more prevalent among women with disabilities, with underreporting to authorities due to perceived inadequacies in protection and support mechanisms. Key challenges faced by women with disabilities in Mongolia include inadequate policy implementation, specifically in addressing age, gender, residential location, and specific needs. Insufficient funding for policy execution further hinders sustained support for this demographic. Additionally, physical inaccessibility of public infrastructure such as buildings and transportation systems limits their educational and employment opportunities. The study underscores the exclusion of women with disabilities from decision-making processes that impact their lives, highlighting systemic biases and underrepresentation. Gender stereotypes and discrimination further delay their access to education and healthcare services. The abstract calls for inclusive policy interventions that address systemic barriers and societal prejudices, advocating for robust policy frameworks with adequate resources to ensure equitable opportunities and social integration for women with disabilities in Mongolia. This research contributes to advancing understanding and promoting actionable solutions towards enhancing the quality of life and rights of women with disabilities in the country.
МУИС бол Монгол улсад жендэр судлалын сургалт, судалгааг академик түвшинд эрхэлсэн анхны их сургууль юм. 1990-ээд оны дунд үеэс МУИС-д жендэр судлалын сургалт, судалгааны суурь тавигдаж, 2000-аад оны эхэн үеэс өргөжин сүүлийн жилүүдэд салбар дундын шинжтэй болон хөгжсөн байна. МУИС-д Монгол улсын анхны академик сургалтын хөтөлбөрийг хэрэгжүүлэн Жендэр судлалын үндэсний мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэж, Монгол улсын анхны академик судалгааны нэгж байгуулагдсан нь: • Салбар дундын сургалт, судалгааг хөгжүүлэх • Судалгаанд суурилсан бодлого, төлөвлөлт боловсруулах, хэрэгжилтийг хангах, хянах үйл ажиллагааг эрчимжүүлэх • Жендэрийн тэгш байдлыг хангах, тэгш бус байдлыг бууруулах хөгжлийн зорилтуудыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд төр, иргэний нийгэм, ОУ-ын хөгжлийн байгууллагууд болон академик байгууллагуудын хамтын ажиллагааг өргөжүүлэх • Монгол улс, ялангуяа МУИС-ийг бүс нутагт Жендэр судлалын чиглэлээр манлайлан ажиллах зэрэгт хувь нэмэр оруулж байна.
МУИС бол Монгол улсад жендэр судлалын сургалт, судалгааг академик түвшинд эрхэлсэн анхны их сургууль юм. 1990-ээд оны дунд үеэс МУИС-д жендэр судлалын сургалт, судалгааны суурь тавигдаж, 2000-аад оны эхэн үеэс өргөжин сүүлийн жилүүдэд салбар дундын шинжтэй болон хөгжсөн байна. МУИС-д Монгол улсын анхны академик сургалтын хөтөлбөрийг хэрэгжүүлэн Жендэр судлалын үндэсний мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэж, Монгол улсын анхны академик судалгааны нэгж байгуулагдсан нь: • Салбар дундын сургалт, судалгааг хөгжүүлэх • Судалгаанд суурилсан бодлого, төлөвлөлт боловсруулах, хэрэгжилтийг хангах, хянах үйл ажиллагааг эрчимжүүлэх • Жендэрийн тэгш байдлыг хангах, тэгш бус байдлыг бууруулах хөгжлийн зорилтуудыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд төр, иргэний нийгэм, ОУ-ын хөгжлийн байгууллагууд болон академик байгууллагуудын хамтын ажиллагааг өргөжүүлэх • Монгол улс, ялангуяа МУИС-ийг бүс нутагт Жендэр судлалын чиглэлээр манлайлан ажиллах зэрэгт хувь нэмэр оруулж байна.
Gender studies is a critical and evolving field that explores the complexities of gender identity, roles, and relations in society. The establishment of an interdisciplinary program on gender at NUM (New University of Multidisciplinary Studies) aims to address the growing need for academic exploration and understanding of gender issues. This abstract outlines the vision, objectives, and structure of the proposed program. Vision: The interdisciplinary gender studies program at NUM envisions fostering a deep understanding of gender dynamics through diverse disciplinary perspectives. It seeks to empower students, scholars, and the wider community to critically engage with and contribute to gender equity and social justice.
In Mongolia, men face several health problems, including a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. These health issues are influenced by factors such as lifestyle choices, limited access to healthcare services, and cultural norms. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is a significant concern with it being one of the leading causes of disease burden in the country. Lack of knowledge about blood pressure and its risks is also more common among younger and male populations. To address these issues, this paper makes effort to raise awareness, improve access to healthcare services, and promote preventive measures for men’s health in Mongolia. Men’s health problems in Mongolia encompass a range of issues that require attention and support. Addressing men’s health problems in Mongolia requires a comprehensive approach involving public health campaigns, policy initiatives, healthcare infrastructure development, and community engagement. By prioritizing men’s health and implementing targeted interventions, we can improve the well-being and quality of life for men in Mongolia.
All around us, conversations about gender equality, women’s rights, men’s and women’s work, gender neutrality, female or male names take place every day and become a part of our lives. Over time, as things around us have evolved and flourished, we as humans have come to understand and recognize a variety of people’s understandings of gender identity, not just male and female. The issue of male and female sexual roles was mainly studied from the perspective of society and family. There are many studies related to the roles of men and women in Mongolian families and their position in society. Research on the significance of gender in early childhood is scarce. This article has a high theoretical value because it decided to explore the prevailing ideas about gender in childhood.
Gender plays an important role in informing women and men about gender equality, the benefits of a more gender-equal society and the consequences of gender inequality. According to the DCPP program, I found out a lot of gender issues not only in Mongolia but also in other countries, even in developing countries. For example, here I could mention all aspects and concerns related to women’s and men’s lives and situation in society, to the way they interrelate, their differences in access to and use of resources, their activities, and how they react to changes, interventions and policies. Some may think or say that gender is not a big issue because it has existed since the beginning of mankind. However, the human has attempted balance everything. Next, gender is a significant consideration in development. It is a way of looking at how social norms and power structures impact on the lives and opportunities available to different groups of men and women. Globally, more women than men live in poverty. All in all, the core knowledge I gained from the DCPP – gender is keep balancing.
This study aims to investigate the levels of teachers′ reflective practices as well as their attitudes toward their professional and ethical competence. The survey of this study covered 50 teachers who work as a teacher in the NUM and MSUE in Ulaanbaatar . The study questionnaire consists of (23) statements to measure teachers′ reflective practices in 6 subcategories. Results found that the level of teachers′ reflective practices on the scale were within an ′acceptable′ level; however, their practices in the subcategory of "appreciating criticism" were below acceptable. Findings indicated that teachers′ attitudes toward professional development were positive.
There is a close relationship between culture and language. There are numerous color terms in English, Chinese and Mongolian. Of course, there are numerous similarities in the meanings of these color terms. Though, because of the different culture, religion, custom and tradition, cognitive way of thinking, location, and lifestyle, the cultural implications of these color terms also significantly vary. This paper aims to argue that color study offers a new way of presenting multiculturalism. This will help foreign language learners use color terms appropriately and advance their understanding of multiculturalism. This paper presents the analysis and compares black color terms in English, Chinese and Mongolian. Also, the author will include some aspects and factors, which affect the cultural differences of English, Chinese and Mongolian black color terms. Although, a color study has been one of the most motivating and demanding themes for many centuries because understanding the cultural implications of the color terms actually have abundant importance in promoting the global cultural interactions in today’s multi-cultural society.
This presentation presents the external migration of Mongolia, in particular, the number and condition of foreigners living and working in Mongolia and next, the number and condition of Mongolians living and working abroad. According to official statistics, there are more than 100,000 Mongolians abroad and more than 35,000 foreigners in Mongolia. There are more than 35,000 people living and working in Mongolia, but only about 20 percent of them are working actively. In recent years, the number of foreigners who work actively has been declining. More than 50 percent of the employed are Chinese, most of whom work in the mining, quarrying and construction sectors. On the other hand, there are more than 100,000 Mongolians living and working abroad. One third of them live and work in Korea. In recent years, the number of Mongolians living and working in the country has increased. However, the number of employment workers has declined sharply. Insufficient data on Mongolia’s external labor migration is needed to establish an official information system. There is also a need to formally collect detailed information on the purpose, consequences, and employment situation of external and internal migration.
The study explores language use and language development of a child who is learning Mongolian and English simultaneously. It researches features of language structure, aspects of language use and ways of language development in the language acquisition through the interlocution between one child and her mother in their daily life. The result displays that interlocuters’ role like parents and teachers in children’s language development is very crucial.
The purpose of this study was to create a survey on academic stressors at National University of Mongolia. Students are the future of the country so universities should be responsible for preparing them for the best workforce. Therefore, in this study we have selected factors that influence student achievement, focus on academic stressors among university students, identify sources of stressors and analyze the data. A current study was conducted and interviewed between 123 students. The comments of the participants in the study became the basis for the development of the main instrument of the survey.According to the study, the most important factors for university academic stressors were from outside.
Abstract In some Altaic languages, subjects are generally marked genitive in certain environments. Dagur (cf.Hale 2002; Martin 1961), Japanese (Bedell 1971; Hiraiwa 2000; Miyagawa 2011), Turkish (Kornfilt and Whitman 2012) Polynesian languages (Herd 2015), Slavic languages (Franks 2005; Robinson 2013). This paper presents peculiarities of the genitive case marked subject in Altaic languages. First, we argue that subordinate clauses with genitive case-marked subjects in Modern Mongolian are CP. Second, we provide an explanation for certain conditions of the genitive subject construction Altaic languages.
Several efforts have been made to study metaphors of different colors in various languages of the world. The studies of metaphors have been conducted from different viewpoints. Metaphor is regarded as a literary method, the best poetic one that is used by numerous writers. Things, plants, animals, phenomena and colors are used as objects to give the message indirect ways. Consequently, I assume that there could be numerous similar metaphors in various languages. My study aims to compare the similarities and differences in the conceptualization of black color metaphors in both languages. Moreover, another goal of this paper is to support foreign researchers and students comprehend the similarities and differences of English and Mongolian and to give a valuable support during their research work and studies. In addition, I am trying to show that there must be some culture/language-specific metaphors. I have found that there are more similarities than differences between the metaphorical expressions in English and Mongolian.
Several attempts have been made to study conceptual metaphors of different colors in various languages such as English, Chinese, German, Russian and Mongolian. The studies of metaphor have been conducted from different viewpoints. Cognitive linguists argue that metaphor is based on the human thought and action. Therefore, I assume that there could be several similar metaphors in English and Mongolian. This study is an initial comparative study on conceptual metaphors of red color in English and Mongolian. My study aims to observe the similarities and differences in the conceptualization of red color metaphors in both languages. In addition, I am trying to prove that there must be some culture/language-specific metaphors in English and Mongolian. My study intends to observe the similarities and differences of red color metaphors in English and Mongolian. In English and Mongolian, I have found that there are more similarities than differences between the metaphorical expressions in English and Mongolian. A comparative study of red color metaphors is extremely useful to overcome misunderstanding and recognize cross-cultural communication in English and Mongolian. There is still a lot to accomplish in this field, and study on color terms deserves more attention.