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人类文明的发展过程中隐喻引起了诸多学家的注目。 隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,它更是人类认知活动中的一种重要的思维方式,因为思维过程本身就是隐喻性的。人们在自己熟知的身体概念基础上,认识或理解情感、思维、心理状态,甚至是社会生活中复杂的人际关系等其他许多的未知的、不熟悉的、较为抽象的或较难理解的另一个领域隐喻概念,从而形成了丰富多彩的人体词语隐喻表达方式。 汉语和蒙语是非亲属语言,但都含有丰富的人体隐喻。 换言之,汉语和蒙语中的大部分无生命事物的的表达都涉及人体部位的隐喻。 人体的各个部位,从头到脚、从里到外,都可以组成无数、丰富多彩、有趣的成语。本文探讨了汉语和蒙语有关人体内脏类成语的隐喻意义。
Pragmatics studies the use of language wholly and speech understanding in texts mainly. Semantics deals with the direct meaning of words and sentences, in other words, it limits usually traditional meaning while pragmatics deals with the hidden meaning of the words. Because every time we use any single word, we change its’ value of meaning”. “Pragmatic meaning of the words” and “The speech meaning of the words”, was mentioned in pragmatic studies and are crucial factors to limit the antonyms. In terms of usage, the antonyms simultaneously appear in a certain situation/context. If the two words can’t appear at the same time in a certain situation/context, it will create a completely different or opposite relationship because of the opposite phenomenon. This indicates that these two words can’t form an antithetical relationship due to the antonyms are related to the synchronic phenomena of the language, people’s feelings about actual things, and the habits of using words. If the two words are antonyms, there must be a situation, where they are used oppositely, otherwise, they can’t be antonyms even if the meaning of the words is opposite. Therefore, the antonyms must have occurred in a specific language environment. The difference between Chinese and Mongolian antonyms is mainly reflected in the difference in language habits and thinking. The antonym studies should be combined with the actual usage of the ordinary words of the language and shouldn’t be separated from the actual language.
Abstract: English speaking is one of the skills for English learners. Every student wants to speak fluently, but anxiety obstructs their tries. Anxiety is one of the psychological factors that can affect the students' troubles, especially speaking English in Mongolia. In this paper, our study aimed to analyze students’ speaking anxiety at the National University of Mongolia. We tried to reveal the anxiety levels and causes of speaking. The survey participants of the research were students at the National University of Mongolia in the 2022-2023 academic year. We used a questionnaire to carry out a survey. As a result of the study, students' anxiety in speaking was defined and classified by several indicators of speaking.
Although it has been more than 20 years since the Internet spread worldwide, the network's number of users is expanding daily. If you look back at the time when the Internet was first used in China, it is from the end of the 20th century, i.e., 1994. It has not been long since the Internet, but information technology has developed to its peak. As a result of this short period of rapid development, new phenomena are also emerging in linguistics. This is a new term used in the Internet environment. Nowadays, when the world is globalized and humans are the core of science, linguistics is also more focused on humans than the structure of language. It is a matter of great interest what words people use on the Internet environment, for what purpose, and with what meaning.
ABSTRACT English speaking is one of the skills for English learners. Every student wants to speak fluently, but anxiety obstructs their tries. Anxiety is one of the psychological factors that can affect the students' troubles, especially speaking English in Mongolia. In this paper, our study aimed to analyze students’ speaking anxiety at the National University of Mongolia. We tried to reveal the anxiety levels and causes of speaking. The survey participants of the research were students at the National University of Mongolia in the 2022-2023 academic year. We used a questionnaire to carry out a survey. As a result of the study, students' anxiety in speaking was defined and classified by several indicators of speaking.
The effectiveness of power-point presentations (PPTs) on language learning has been controversial, even if it is widely used in language teaching and learning today. PPTs are being criticised for its ineffectiveness on students’ learning performance, especially in terms of its pedagogical weaknesses. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the use of concept mapping (CM) in PPTs will increase the effectiveness of PPTs in language classrooms by minimising its pedagogical weaknesses. In this study, 60 students at National University of Mongolia (NUM), were divided into two groups, one of which was an experimental group where PPTs were used with CM, and the other one was a control group where basic/conventional PPTs were used. A pre-test and post-test, followed by a fact-gathering questionnaire were used to determine the effectiveness of this combined method (CM + PPTs). This study will be beneficial for the Mongolian language teachers who use, or are going to use PPTs in their classrooms. In other words, language teachers will be able to identify PPTs’ weaknesses, and learn how to use PPTs effectively in their classrooms. The research result shows that students who attended a class with the combination of CM graphics and PPTs had higher test performance and positive attitudes towards this combined approach.
Хэл хүчирхэг, сул дорой байх нь тэр улсын мандах буурахтай салшгүй холбоотой төдийгүй улс орны хөгжлийг ахиулан соёлын суурь, үндэстний бэлэгдэл, зөөлөн хүчний бодлогын гол цөм болдог. Мэдээ, мэдээллийн 80 гаруй хувь нь хэл, үсэг бичгээр дамждаг тул хэл нь хүн төрөлхтний харилцааны хамгийн чухал хэрэглүүр төдийгүй тухайн ард түмний сэтгэлгээний зэвсэг юм. Дэлхийн хүн амын тавны нэгийг эзлэх Хятад Улс 56 үндэстэнтэй, 100 орчим хэл аялгуу, 30 гаруй үсэг бичигтэй, газар бүр өөрийн нутгийн аялгуутай, зарим нутгийн цөөнх үндэстэн зөвхөн өөрсдийн аман аялгуугаар ярилцах тул хэлний харилцаанд тодорхой хэмжээнд саад учруулдаг. Хэдий тийм боловч үндэсний дархлаа-тусгаар тогтнолын баталгаа болсон эх хэл, үсэг бичгийн талаар төрөөс баримтлах бодлого, хууль эрх зүйн зохицуулалт харьцангуй тодорхой, тогтвортой, урт хугацаанд хэрэгжиж байгаа бөгөөд бид энэ илтгэлдээ Хятад Улс өөрсдийн хэл, үсэг бичгийг нэгдсэн бодлогоор хамгаалж ирсэн туршлагад ажиглалт хийх зорилготой.
Хэл бүр өөрийн соёлыг тусгаж илэрхийлдэг юм бол хэл сурна гэдэг нь зөвхөн хэлбэрт суралцахаар хязгаарлагдахгүй, соёлын үнэт зүйл, хэм хэмжээ, ёс заншил, сэтгэлгээний хэв шинжид суралцана гэсэн үг юм. Сэтгэлгээний хэв маяг хэлэнд тусна, хэлээр дамжуулан соёлд суралцана, хэлээс соёлыг, соёлоос хэлийг сурч болно.
Political terms with Chinese characteristics are an important part of our foreign literature. And how to accurately translate its meaning has always been a major difficulty in political translation. This study analyzes the Cyrillic Mongolian translation of "Chinese Keywords to understand China: On Governance" to analyze the political, unambiguous, and comprehensive characteristics of political terms with Chinese characteristics. Based on this, analyze the translation strategies used in the translation, and the problems in the translation, and provide a favorable reference for future translation work.
ANNOTATION The purpose of the research is to assess and determine vitality and endangerment of Mongolian dialects according to the nine factors of Language Vitality and Endangerment (LVE) proposed by UNESCO in 2003. Our research on Mongolian dialects was based on framework of language preservation policies, sociological theory, and Language Vitality and Endangerment/Language Vitality Assessment (UNESCO 2003) criteria. We employed a variety of research methods, including sociological survey, data collection and analyses, investigative and statistical methods, comparing and contrasting logical methods, correlation method, analytic and synthetic methods, as well as inductive and deductive reasoning. Our key concept “Language Vitality and Endangerment” is defined as language’s ability to overcome challenges and threats to survival. When a language is incapable of maintaining itself and faces possible extinction, it becomes endangered. Several criteria for how to measure LVE are used in the world today but in this study we gave preference to UNESCO’s (2003) nine factors to determine the LVE of four Mongolian dialects. As a result of the survey, we observed that most of the dialects belong to the classifications: definitely endangered, seriously endangered, and the children don’t use them in their speech. Also, most of Mongolian dialects are used in daily and informal communication practices between friends, relatives and social network. This lack of formal institutionalization makes the dialects of ethnic minorities within the Mongolian nation even more precarious and in need of preservation and study. Saving, documenting and developing the languages and cultures of ethnic minorities, is a contribution not only to a deeper understanding of culture in Asia but also to the development of the world cultures.