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Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural rhenium were measured. The stacked-foil activation technique and high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry were used to derive the cross sections. The production cross sections of 190g, 189g, 188g, 187g, 186g, 185, 184Ir, 185Os, and 184g, 183gRe were determined up to 50 MeV. The cross sections of 185,184Ir were measured for the first time. The experimental results were compared with previous experimental data and theoretical calculations in the TENDL-2021 library.
Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on natural platinum were measured. The stacked-foil activation technique and high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry were used. The production cross sections of 198, 196, 196m2, 195, 194, 193, 192, 191Au, 191Pt, and 192, 190Ir were determined up to 30 MeV. The experimental results were compared with previous experimental data and theoretical calculations in the TENDL-2019 library.
Manganese-52 has the long-lived ground state 52gMn (T1/2 = 5.6 d, ε +ϐ+ : 100%) and the shorter-lived excited state 52mMn (T1/2 = 21.1 min, IT: 1.78%, ε +ϐ+ : 98.22%). The decay processes of 52gMn are electron capture (70.6%) and positron emission (29.4%, 〈E_(ϐ+) 〉=242 keV). The positrons emitted from the decay of 52gMn can be used for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) The direct routes to produce 52gMn involve charged-particle-induced reaction on chromium and vanadium. Whereas, the indirect route involves the internal transition of 52mMn co-produced simultaneously in the reactions.
Gold-198 has tow long-lived states, the ground state 198gAu (T1/2=2.6941 d, ϐ-: 100%) and the excited state 198mAu (T1/2=2.272 d, IT: 100%). The ground state can be used in nuclear medicine, such as brachytherapy1) and nanoparticles.2) The neutron capture 197Au reaction on the monoisotopic element 197Au in a reactor can produce a considerable amount of 198gAu. However, this method yields only the low specific activity of 198gAu owing to the difficulty encountered in separating 198gAu from the Au target.
Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural vanadium were measured. The production cross sections of 54, 52gMn, 51Cr, 48V, and 47, 46gSc were determined up to 50 MeV. The stacked-foil activation technique and high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry were used. The experimental results were compared with previous experimental data and theoretical calculations in the TENDL-2019 library. The physical yield of the medical radionuclide 52gMn was derived from the measured cross sections.
Excitation functions for α-induced reactions on natural vanadium were calculated in the energy range up to 50 MeV. The production cross sections of 52Mn will be compared to some previously published results and the TALYS (TENDL 2019) code calculations. The integral yield of 52Mn is derived from the calculated cross-sections and compared with those from other production routes.
Импортын болон дотоодын зарим хүнсний ногоо (чинжүү, сонгино, сармис)-ын дээжид рентген-флуоресценцийн болон идэвхжилийн шинжилгээний аргаар макро, микро элементийн агуулгыг тодорхойлж, үр дүнг олон улсын болон монгол улсын стандарт (зөвшөөрөгдөх) утгатай харьцуулан үнэлсэн талаар өгүүлнэ. Энэ ажлыг “Хүрээлэн буй орчин, биологийн объектыг шинжлэх цөмийн физикийн аргазүйн судалгаа” сэдэвт ажлын хүрээнд хийж гүйцэтгэв.
Монгол улс анхны цөмийн судалгааны реакторыг эмнэлгийн зориулалттай цацраг идэвхт изотоп үйлдвэрлэх, шаардлагатай хүний нөөцөө бэлтгэх зориулалттай ашиглахаар төлөвлөж байна. Уг судалгааны реакторын техникийн үзүүлэлт ямар байх асуудал дээр эрдэмтэн судлаачид болон шийдвэр гаргагчид нэгдсэн шийдвэрт хүрээгүй байна. Эрдэмтдийн зүгээс чадлын хувьд дунд төвшний реактор манай улсад илүү тохиромжтой гэсэн өнцгөөс харж байгаа бол шийдвэр гаргагчдын хувьд реакторын үнэ ханш өндөр үнэтэй болно гэсэн байр суурьтай байдаг. Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар реакторын техникийн үзүүлэлтийг харьцуулсан гурван өөр түлш бүхий, чадлын хувьд ялгаатай судалгааны реакторуудын дизайны судалгааг хийж, реакторын чадлаас хамаарч судалгааны реакторын хэрэглээ, ашиглалт хэрхэн өөрчлөгдөж болохыг харуулахыг зорьсон.
Certified Reference Material (CRM) is an important role in quality control of the tests, calibration of equipment and instruments, method validation and traceability. In this work, some chemical elements determined using the XRF method in a sample of coal fly ash prepared by the Central Geological Laboratory for the CRM at Nuclear Research Center (NRC) of the National University of Mongolia (NUM).
Fluorite is one of the important strategic resources, it is included in the secret material list in some countries depending on the industrial application. Mongolia is ranging in third place in the world for mining of fluorite after China and Mexico and in second place for export of fluorite after Mexico. Fluorite has many applications such as the production of welding electrode, cement, and glass for optics, an artificial organ such as artificial heart and transferring blood in medical use; to produce cryolite solution for aluminum by the electrolyzing method; uranium enrichment in nuclear technology and etc. For determination of fluorite content widely used chemical and neutron activation analysis. But these are expensive and required a long time. In this work, an indirect method using XRF analysis for determination of fluorite content in fluorite ore is described.
Fluorite is one of the important strategic resources, it is included in the secret material list in some countries depending on the industrial application. Mongolia is ranging in third place in the world for mining of fluorite after China and Mexico and in second place for export of fluorite after Mexico. Fluorite has many applications such as the production of welding electrode, cement, and glass for optics, an artificial organ such as artificial heart and transferring blood in medical use; to produce cryolite solution for aluminum by the electrolyzing method; uranium enrichment in nuclear technology and etc. For determination of fluorite content widely used chemical and neutron activation analysis. But these are expensive and required a long time. In this work, an indirect method using XRF analysis for determination of fluorite content in fluorite ore is described.