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Британийн түүх, хэл, соёл, нийгмийн асуудлууд
Teaching and learning are an educational setting environment of instructors who provide content, objectives, and goals; learners who receiving knowledge, performance, and produce outcomes. To conduct successful learning a teacher should be an active learner and be a facilitator and motivator to let the learning to happen in his or her classroom and make the students and active learners. To teach learning, English teachers should start with the SOW and objectives.
Active teaching in the English language. Concepts and teaching methodology in active teaching
The best way to improve our knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it (Nuttal, 1982). Extensive reading is pointed as important and beneficial in recent literature. Extensive reading provides contextualized clues for better reading comprehension (Krashen, 1982), and substantial linguistic input (Bell, 1998) needed for language development. a correlation between extensive reading and specific linguistic skills have been found in studies. Reading choices, writing skills and oral communication improvement, and development in other language aspects all included. We tried to describe the nature of extensive reading, the reasons why extensive reading is important, and how is the best practice of extensive reading in EFL classroom in brief. Extensive reading, foreign language teaching and learning, language skills, language learning strategies’ classification, language vacuum, authentic materials, graded reading, teaching context
Teaching extensive reading approach at the SFLC, NUM
The best way to improve our knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it (Nuttal, 1982). Extensive reading is pointed as important and beneficial in recent literature. Extensive reading provides contextualized clues for better reading comprehension (Krashen, 1982), and substantial linguistic input (Bell, 1998) needed for language development.The correlation between extensive reading and specific linguistic skills have been found in various studies by many researchers. Reading choices, writing skills and oral communication improvement, and development in other language aspects all included. We tried to describe the nature of extensive reading, the reasons why extensive reading is important, and how is the best practice of extensive reading in EFL classroom in brief and suggested some useful advice.Key words: Extensive reading, foreign language teaching and learning, language skills, language learning strategies’ classification