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Although women dominate some sectors of the workforce in Mongolia, women are still a minority at decision-making levels. There is an invisible barrier (glass ceiling) to the growth of women, which does not allow them to grow. Two factors contribute to this glass ceiling: interpersonal issues and situational issue. We also examined how this glass ceiling affects workload, work engagement, job satisfaction, and motivation to quit through work-life conflict. In the study, 154 participants from Mongolian private and public universities were surveyed, and the above two factors are important in the concept of differential treatment, and finally, the concept of the glass ceiling is created. In addition, our research results show that work-family conflict affects job strain, job engagement, job satisfaction, and motivation to quit. Keywords – situational issues, interpersonal issues, organizational gender culture, differential treatment, glass ceiling, work-to-family conflict, well-being at work, organizational attitudes
English language teachers always keep searching for more motivating teaching sources. Textbooks and CDs are offered in English classes but they are not very engaging for students. The use of films in EFL teaching is one way of bringing variety into the classroom. This article analyzes the effects of using films in the EFL classroom. We have revealed in our previous studies that films in EFL classroom can become an important part of the curriculum. Therefore, we used film English website for our source of improving speaking skill. We conducted case study which took place over a month period of time at the National University of Mongolia. The participants in this study were NUM undergraduate students. The study was conducted on a sample of two groups: an experimental exposed to short films which accompanied by discussion and a control group taught conventionally. Key words: Speaking skill, Film English, EFL classroom, communicative skills, authentic setting
Орчуулга хийх хэрэгцээ ихэнх хүнд гардаг. Тиймээс монгол хэлний зарим онцлог бүхий үг хэллэг, дагавар, нөхцлийг орчуулахад ялангуяа хэл найруулгын тал дээр анхаарах хэдэн зүйлсийг нэгтгэе. Орчин үед орчуулга бол хүмүүсийн үйл ажиллагааны өдөр тутмын, байнгын зайлшгүй хэлбэр болон хэвшиж, улс түмний хоорондын эдийн ба оюун санааны харилцааг боломжтой болгон тэдний амьдралыг баяжуулж, хүмүүс өөр хоорондоо улам сайн ойлголцоход тус дөхөм болж орчуулга хийж байгаа нөхцөл хэдийгээр янз янз боловч манай үед орчуулга нь биеэ даасан мэргэжил болсныг тэмдэглэн хэлэх хэрэгтэй.
This article deals with fundamental questions and importance of receptive skill such as reading and productive skill such as writing in the process of learning and teaching English as a foreign language. The paper discusses the most suitable reading approaches which not only improve the readers’ motivation to read but also strengthen the confidence of learners, which is extremely important, to deal with bigger and more academic research papers. Two types of writing were discussed and given feedback for each individual students, pointing the weak and strong part of writing. In further, it suggested some practical implications and applications of learning and teaching reading and writing as integrated skills for not only classroom setting but also outside of classroom. Key words: CLT, motivation, confidence building, process writing, genre writing, extensive and intensive reading
Nowadays, translation is needed for almost any field. The purpose of this study was to conduct an error analysis of the English and Mongolian translations of a hospital form. The instrument used for the study was a consent form used in a hospital. All the errors related to the hospital form were collected, identified, described, explained, and analyzed. KEYWORDS: translation, translation errors, translators, translation students
The best way to improve our knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it (Nuttal, 1982). Extensive reading is pointed as important and beneficial in recent literature. Extensive reading provides contextualized clues for better reading comprehension (Krashen, 1982), and substantial linguistic input (Bell, 1998) needed for language development.The correlation between extensive reading and specific linguistic skills have been found in various studies by many researchers. Reading choices, writing skills and oral communication improvement, and development in other language aspects all included. We tried to describe the nature of extensive reading, the reasons why extensive reading is important, and how is the best practice of extensive reading in EFL classroom in brief and suggested some useful advice.Key words: Extensive reading, foreign language teaching and learning, language skills, language learning strategies’ classification
Motivation is one of the key factors that affect L2 learners’ success and performance in the language learning process; that is why, widely concerns teachers and researchers. Due to the Covid 19, all educational institutions urged to shift from face-to-face classroom teaching to online teaching, the question of motivation attracted even more attention. As teachers, we often forget that all of our learning activities are filtered through our students’ motivation. Yet, research confirms its value. The observational study was conducted to explore whether students’ motivation changes due to the teaching method and how teachers should adapt their teaching method to encourage students’ learning. The data was collected from junior students who were attending 2 different online lecture classes where number of students was 29 and 36 respectively. Findings suggest that brain-based and activity-based learning encourage students’ motivation and stimulates the learning process. Key words: Motivation, brain-based, activity based, online learning
The present presentation addresses translation teaching online during the COVID-19 outbreak, seeking to discover students’ perception of effective EFL online teaching and learning based on several evaluation modes. Covid 19 has a huge impact in every industry around the world. Education is the only industry that has completely transferred to online mode in most countries around the world. Online learning was the best solution for continuing education during the pandemic, especially in tertiary education. However, effectiveness of online teaching has still received ample attention and manifested in numerous articles, books and conferences. Our study data were collected using questionnaires from 63 students of the department of British and American studies, National University of Mongolia. The results showed that various methods were used to deliver online teaching courses and these approaches were found to correlate with each other. Surprisingly, students provided positive comments on online teaching and were satisfied with their online teaching and learning. Participants also noted effective ways in online EFL teaching. The findings indicated that when teachers have more training, more skills, and more confidence, they could deliver more effective online teaching and learning. Keywords: Effectiveness, COVID-19 outbreak, online translation teaching and learning
This study aims to analyse obituaries in American and Mongolian newspapers in regard to structure, content, and death euphemisms, and to explore cultural values and changes across two cultures. Twenty obituaries were selected for analysis from The New York Times (American) and the Daily News (Mongolian) due to their national rankings and popularity. Results of the study show interesting cultural and linguistic insights and some changes. Despite some similarities, content and language of the obituaries in two cultures depict dramatic differences including heavy emphasis on family devotion, community involvement, personal interests and hobbies in American culture with dominant euphemisms that conceptualized death as a journey and joyful life whereas career devotion, prestige, and endeavours in Mongolian culture with euphemisms that conceptualized death as a loss and a rest. Due to the underlying differences in the nature of obituaries in both cultures, it is suggested that obituary in the US serves more as a formal medium of announcing someone’s death while Mongolian obituary serves more as a platform to pay tribute and express condolence on behalf of the people of the country.