Бидний тухай

Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): М.Нарантуяа, А.Өлзийнаран
"Foreignization in translation" Mongolian Journal of English Language and Culture Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 122-131, 2024-5-10


Abstract: Foreignization has been widely used in Mongolian literary translation practices. Analysis reveals that the foreignization strategy has contributed to introducing different cultural views and points that are attract the interest of the readers. It is a significant discovery that originated from customs, traditions, habits, and geographical locations. It also expands and extends recognition across different cultures worldwide. When comparing the source text and the target text, some understanding and recognition of the words, phrases, idioms, and proverbs are new and adaptable to the readers. This expands their way of thinking and mentality of living style and culture, even if they are not close to each other. Also, foreignization can serve as a bridge between cross-cultural points, reflecting the exchange of local lifestyles, community habits, moral rules, and traditional customs.

Зохиогч(ид): А.Өлзийнаран, М.Нарантуяа
"Neologisms in the Mongolian language and its translation problems", Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики в современном иноязычном образовании, Орос, 2024-2-20, vol. XVI, pp. 20


Unlike verbs, modals express several meanings or senses depending on the speaker’s attitude, mood, and feelings. Therefore, we have some challenges in understanding or getting the right implication of what the speaker s. Modal verb is one of the topics that attracts the attention of many linguists. They have been studying modals in different ways such as register, dialects, or other grammatical or meaning properties. However, the study of collocates of modals, based on corpus is less considered by linguists. Thus, it is important to study the modals, focusing on their lexemes so that it will help us understand the meanings of similar words and select the appropriate word to use in various contexts. Corpus study is used in linguistics to analyze the data examination. We used the data from spoken register on the British National Corpus and analyzed them through methods of distinctive collexeme analysis. In this analysis, we try to examine the possibility of relating collexeme differences with sense differences.

Зохиогч(ид): А.Өлзийнаран
"Corpus and its use in linguistic analysis (on the example of must and have to", Current studies on Applied linguistics & American and British studies, 2023-12-9, vol. 2023, pp. 20


Unlike verbs, modals express several meanings or senses depending on the speaker’s attitude, mood, and feelings. Therefore, we have some challenges in understanding or getting the right implication of what the speaker s. Modal verb is one of the topics that attracts the attention of many linguists. They have been studying modals in different ways such as register, dialects, or other grammatical or meaning properties. However, the study of collocates of modals, based on corpus is less considered by linguists. Thus, it is important to study the modals, focusing on their lexemes so that it will help us understand the meanings of similar words and select the appropriate word to use in various contexts. Corpus study is used in linguistics to analyze the data examination. We used the data from spoken register on the British National Corpus and analyzed them through methods of distinctive collexeme analysis. In this analysis, we try to examine the possibility of relating collexeme differences with sense differences.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Цэнгэлмаа, А.Өлзийнаран
"THE ROLE AND USE OF MOTHER TONGUE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING" Mongolian Journal of English Language and Culture Studies, vol. 13, pp. 58-64, 2023-5-1


In this article, we first discuss the importance and impact of mother tongue use in English language teaching and whether the constant application of the students' language of origin by teachers in classrooms affects students' learning ability negatively. Then we talk about differing views on the topic, as well as our assumption that why overuse of a mother tongue in TEFL classrooms is unfit and ineffective. Thirdly, we investigate the differences in learner performance and student satisfaction between Class A and Class B students with the experiment conducted teaching English grammar by applying two different approaches. Finally, we try to analyze the findings from our experiment and suggest that minimal use of the mother tongue by a teacher in the English classroom may bring the best learning outcome with the student motivation at its best.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Оюунзаяа, М.Чаминцэцэг, А.Өлзийнаран
"Монгол хэлний зарим онцлог бүхий үг хэллэг дагавар нөхцлийг орчуулах нь", ОРЧУУЛГЫН ЧАДАМЖИЙН АСУУДАЛ, 2023-4-10, vol. 11, pp. 20


Орчуулга хийх хэрэгцээ ихэнх хүнд гардаг. Тиймээс монгол хэлний зарим онцлог бүхий үг хэллэг, дагавар, нөхцлийг орчуулахад ялангуяа хэл найруулгын тал дээр анхаарах хэдэн зүйлсийг нэгтгэе. Орчин үед орчуулга бол хүмүүсийн үйл ажиллагааны өдөр тутмын, байнгын зайлшгүй хэлбэр болон хэвшиж, улс түмний хоорондын эдийн ба оюун санааны харилцааг боломжтой болгон тэдний амьдралыг баяжуулж, хүмүүс өөр хоорондоо улам сайн ойлголцоход тус дөхөм болж орчуулга хийж байгаа нөхцөл хэдийгээр янз янз боловч манай үед орчуулга нь биеэ даасан мэргэжил болсныг тэмдэглэн хэлэх хэрэгтэй.

Зохиогч(ид): А.Өлзийнаран, Ц.Цэнгэлмаа
""Adaptation of Film Dubbing in Mongolia: A case study in "Office Romance" ", Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики в современном иноязычном образовании, Орос , 2023-2-15, vol. XV, pp. 8


The issue of adaptation lies on the intersection of Translation Studies and Adaptation Studies. In the framework of audiovisual translation, adaptation is used in film dubbing in accordance with the development in Translation Studies. Adapting translation for dubbing refers not only to linguistics but also to cultures. Looking back at the historical background, audiovisual translation and adaptation have been interdependent. As Diaz Cintaz describes, dubbing is oriented at the target audience that makes the translator adapt the source text which in the end has to meet the standards existing in the target language or culture. Moreover, AVT has specific characteristics which require special steps of its performance and translation strategies which can be applied. Domestication and foreignization are two micro strategies of adaptation that are used to solve a particular problem in translating the original text. Domestication is a translation strategy that consists in smooth, idiomatic and transparent conveying that eliminates all foreign characteristics of the original and adapts it to the needs and values of a target culture. Foreignization is a translation strategy which is characterized by underlining and highlighting foreign identity of the text which removes the target culture to the background. (Venuti, 1995) In this paper, I aim to study how adaptation proceeds in dubbing of a Russian film into Mongolian and analyze the domestication issues of Russian film “Office romance”

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Цэнгэлмаа, А.Өлзийнаран
"DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH CLASSROOMS" Mongolian Journal of English Language and Culture Studies, vol. 12, pp. 104-111, 2022-5-1


In this article we firstly discuss about the differentiated instruction theory and its benefits in teaching and learning processes. Then we talk about teachers’ role and their initiative in the differentiated instruction. Thirdly we investigate the secondary school English language teaching staff for their understanding about the differentiated instruction and application practices of the theory in their classes and try to answer the question regarding the availability and necessity of the differentiated instruction in the typical English classroom at Mongolian secondary schools.

Зохиогч(ид): А.Өлзийнаран, Ц.Цэнгэлмаа
"Analysis on intralingual translation in children’s literature: focusing on the novel The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain)", XIV Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Иностранные языки в контексте межкультурной коммуникации», Орос, 2022-2-24, vol. XIV, pp. 8


Abstract The concept of intralingual translation has been used since the inception of Translation Studies. As Roman Jakobson describes, intralingual translation “is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language,” sometimes called “rewording” or “paraphrasing.” In other words, intralingual translation involves adapting a text to a new purpose in the same language.Intralingual translation involves a form of simplification – a change made to the source text. The purpose of simplification, the microstrategies are applied in intralingual translation such as reduction, omission, restructuring and so on. Many books that were originally intended for adults are now commonly thought of as works for children, such as Mark Twain’s The Prince and The Pauper or Huckleberry Finn. My source text (ST) is original novel by Mark Twain and target text(TT) is the retold version by Kathleen Omstead (2007). This paper aims to compare the difference between the original novel and its retold version, and then find out how simplifications are used in intralingual translation process. In this study, qualitative method is used to find the data from the ST and compare it to TT.

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