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Хятад хэлний бичгийн зохиолыг Монгол хэлнээ орчуулсан нь олон зуун жилийн түүхтэй. Хятад зохиолын Монгол орчуулгын түүхэн тоймыг хальт дурдаад бичгийн зохиолын орчуулгаар дамжин Монгол хэлнээ орж ирсэн зарим үг хэллэгийн тухай жишээ баримтаар баяжуулан тайлбарсан.
Сайн ноён хан аймгийн Илдэн засгийн хошуу ноёдын гарал үүсэл, хошуу засагласан он жилүүдийн түүх, үр хойчисын тухай товч өгүүлсэн.
In order to clarify how “Bei” Sentence in modern Chinese appears in Mongolian, the study of “Bei” Sentences in Chinese, the structure of the sentence, its study in Mongolia, examples of translation and how Bei-Sentences appear in Mongolian are described. "The Dream of the Red Chambe" by Cao Xueqin of Chinese classical literary work and nine sentences out of forty-five sentences included in M.Chimedtseye's “Hot Pot” were selected according to the summary structure of the sentence with “Bei” and how it is expressed in Mongolian with Chinese and Mongolian translations is a parallel study of the results and significance of the study.
This study examines the reliability and validity of a Mongolian version of the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) instrument in the Mongolian context. The instrument consists of 20 items used to evaluate technical competencies, social competencies with instructor, social competencies with classmates, and communication competencies. One thousand seven hundred and eight-six undergraduate students at the National University of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, participated in this study. Data were randomly split into two groups. The four-factor structure of the SOLR instrument explained 69.355% of the variance in the pattern of relationships among the items in the first half-sample. All four competencies had high reliabilities (all Cronbach’s alpha values were .84 or higher). The validity of the four-factor structure of the Mongolian-language version of the SOLR model was confirmed with the deletion of one item that cross-loaded on multiple factors. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the validity of the hypothesised model of the 19-item structure of the Mongolian-language version of the SOLR instrument using the second half-sample.
Currently, there was no instrument available that has been developed and validated for measuring student online learning readiness in the higher education of Mongolia. Therefore, the aim of the study was to identify a suitable instrument to assess the online readiness of students in the higher education of Mongolia. We searched for an instrument to assess students' online readiness from educational papers published in English. As a result, a total of 16 instruments were identified. Content analysis was then performed based on the dimensions of each instrument. The analysis was performed using the Osterlind index of congruence in three sections: representativeness (R), utility (U), and feasibility (F) for each dimension. Ten experts participated in the content validity study. As a result, the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) instrument, developed by Yu and Richardson (2015), was found to be suitable for use in the higher education environment of Mongolia. Further research is needed to verify the suitability and reliability of the Mongolian version of the instrument.