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Багш ажилтан
This study investigated the possibility of using a solar PV system for heat supply. The disadvantage of providing household electricity and heat with PV systems is that the initial cost increases as the storage capacity increases for heating. Therefore, it was expected that the excess energy of the PV panels could be stored in the thermal storage using DC heaters without passing through the inverter. An additional control scheme for this was modeled, and the operation was tested on the PSIM simulation software. The basic principle of the additional controller is that when the solar irradiation is high, the PVs' total output power will increase, which will be compared to the rated input power of the inverter. If the inverter's capacity is exceeded, reduce the number of PVs. If the solar irradiance is weak or the output power of the total PVs is less than the inverter's rated power, all PVs will work and supply electricity to the inverter. To test the controller operation, three different days, such as overcast, sunny, and partly cloudy days, were selected from the actual solar irradiance measurement data, and the amount of PV production and excess energy accumulated in the thermal tank was determined. As a result, PV production on a cloudy day was 3.9 kWh, and excess energy stored in the tank was 1 kWh, while on a cloudy day, it was 11.7 kWh, of which 4.8 kWh was excess energy, while on a clear day, it was 12.4 kWh, and 5.8 kWh is transferred to the thermal storage tank. Also, storing the excess energy during high solar irradiations hours in a thermal tank, it is possible to provide the heating load during the evening loads on peaks without having to connect additional heaters. The advantage of this additional controlled system is that the amount of excess energy can be increased as desired by adding the number of PVs.
In this research, we assessed the impact of dust deposition on the instant power and total electricity production of photovoltaic panels located on a building's roof in Ulaanbaatar city. We exposed identical photovoltaic panels to outdoor environmental conditions for varying durations and continuously monitored their physical characteristics. The parameters of polluted panels were analyzed compared to clean ones during a 9-month measurement period from September 2022 to June 2023. The findings revealed that the power of the panel left uncleaned decreased by 22% by March 2023. Subsequently, this panel was naturally cleaned by wet snow and rain. In contrast, the power reduction of the panel cleaned every two months increased by 18%. Over the entire measurement period, the daily cleaned photovoltaic panel produced 121.4 kWh, the PV panel cleaned every two months produced 118.7 kWh, and the PV panel left uncleaned produced 108 kWh.
In the harsh cold climate of Mongolia, there are many difficulties of deploying and putting use solar heating collector technology. One of them is developing control devices suitable to work in Mongolian conditions. Commercial solar thermal collector control devices are too complex and have several modes and settings to configure, which creates difficulties for users. In an extreme climate like Mongolia, it is necessary to change the modes and settings of control devices depending on the seasons. Therefore, it’s complicated to use a collector system for users. This research work will introduce the creation and development of an easy-to-use control device that is suitable for the unique characteristics of Mongolia’s climate and the actual need for heating and domestic hot water. The device is designed to be user-friendly and easy to configure and has a wireless connection to monitor and control from a far distance.
Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар хэрэглээний халуун ус бэлтгэх нам даралтат нарны ус халаах коллекторын ажиллагааг автоматжуулах ажлыг хийж гүйцэтгэсэн. Удирдлагын систем нь нарны дулааны коллекторын олон жилийн хэмжилт судалгаанд үндэслэн хэт халалт, хөлдөлт зэрэг аварын горимд ажиллах нэмэлт функцүүдтэй, ажиллагааны хувьд илүү найдвартай, хэрэглэхэд хялбар байдлаар програмчлагдсан, Монгол орны хэрэглээний онцлог болон цаг уурын нөхцөлийг бодолцож зохиомжлогдсон зэрэг датуу талуудтай. Мөн удирдлагын хавтан утасгүй интернет сүлжээнд холбогдсон тул ажиллагааг алсаас удирдах, хянах зэрэг үйлдлүүдийг хийх боломжийг хэрэглэгчдэд олгохыг зорин судалгаа хөгжүүлэлт хийж байна.
Энэ судалгааны ажлаар зам ангийн хэсгүүдийн ажилчдын хэрэглээний халуун ус бэлтгэх зориулалттай нарны хавтгай болон вакуум коллекторын судалгааг гүнзгийрүүлэн хийсэн. Системийн үр ашигтай байдлыг богино хугацаанд харахын тулд халуун усны хэрэглээ ихтэй аж ахуйн нэгж болох эсгийний үйлдвэрийг судалгааны объект болгон сонгосон. Бодит байдалд туршилт явуулахын тулд эсгийний үйлдвэрийн халуун усны хэрэгцээ шаардлагад үндэслэж, нарны хавтгай коллекторын системийг бүхэлд нь зохиомжлон бүтээж, бүтээгдсэн системийг тус үйлдвэрийн байранд угсарч, суурилуулалт хийн, бодит нөхцөлд хэмжилт, туршилт явуулсан. Хэмжилт эсгийний үйлдвэрийн нийт халуун усны хэрэглээний 70 орчим хувийг нарнаас хангасан болохыг харуулсан.