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The Northeast Asian Super Grid, initially proposed over a decade ago as a collaborative effort among countries like Mongolia, Korea, China, and Japan, has faced delays in implementation. The focus has been on establishing an ultra-high voltage direct current transmission network to supply electric energy from Mongolia's renewable-rich desert to China, Korea, and Japan. However, challenges in bridging interests and fostering cooperation have impeded progress. This research aims to shift direction by utilizing existing infrastructure to rejuvenate energy trade between neighboring nations, with a primary emphasis on sustainable energy.
Аж үйлдвэрлэл хөгжиж буй улс орнуудын хувьд цахилгаан эрчим хүчний хэрэглээний дийлэнх хувийг айл, өрхийн хэрэглээ бүрдүүлдэг. Үүний нэгэн жишээгээр Монгол улсыг дурдаж болох юм. Манай улсын цахилгаан эрчим хүчний хэрэглээг авч үзвэл шөнө болон өглөөний цагаар бага ачаалалтай, өдрийн цагаар дунд, оройн цагаар оргил ачаалалтай байдаг. Хэрэглээний энэ тогтвортой бус байдал нь цахилгаан хангамжийн найдвартай ажиллагаанд багагүй хүндрэл үүсгэдэг. Ялангуяа оройн оргил ачааллын үеийг даван туулахын тулд ОХУ ба БНХАУ зэрэг хөрш зэргэлдээ орнуудаас өндөр үнээр цахилгаан эрчим хүч импортоор худалдан авдаг. Дотоодын цахилгаан станцын суурилагдсан чадлыг нэмэгдүүлэхгүйгээр тус хүндрэлийг давах өөр нэгэн хувилбар нь их чадлын цэнэг хуримтлуурын систем барьж ашиглалтад оруулах юм. Энэхүү судалгааны ажлын хүрээнд Монгол улсын төвийн бүсийн нэгдсэн систем (ТБНС)-д холбогдон ажиллах их чадлын цэнэг хуримтлуурын системүүдийг шөнийн бага ачааллын үе болон оройн оргил ачааллын үеийн зөрүүг багасгах, цахилгаан эрчим
This study investigated the possibility of using a solar PV system for heat supply. The disadvantage of providing household electricity and heat with PV systems is that the initial cost increases as the storage capacity increases for heating. Therefore, it was expected that the excess energy of the PV panels could be stored in the thermal storage using DC heaters without passing through the inverter. An additional control scheme for this was modeled, and the operation was tested on the PSIM simulation software. The basic principle of the additional controller is that when the solar irradiation is high, the PVs' total output power will increase, which will be compared to the rated input power of the inverter. If the inverter's capacity is exceeded, reduce the number of PVs. If the solar irradiance is weak or the output power of the total PVs is less than the inverter's rated power, all PVs will work and supply electricity to the inverter. To test the controller operation, three different days, such as overcast, sunny, and partly cloudy days, were selected from the actual solar irradiance measurement data, and the amount of PV production and excess energy accumulated in the thermal tank was determined. As a result, PV production on a cloudy day was 3.9 kWh, and excess energy stored in the tank was 1 kWh, while on a cloudy day, it was 11.7 kWh, of which 4.8 kWh was excess energy, while on a clear day, it was 12.4 kWh, and 5.8 kWh is transferred to the thermal storage tank. Also, storing the excess energy during high solar irradiations hours in a thermal tank, it is possible to provide the heating load during the evening loads on peaks without having to connect additional heaters. The advantage of this additional controlled system is that the amount of excess energy can be increased as desired by adding the number of PVs.
The world has an aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and do its best against climate change. As part of this goal, vehicle manufacturers are in the process of transitioning from vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICEs) to hybrid and pure electric vehicles. This transition covers a wide variety of transporting from usual passenger vehicles to heavy-duty mining trucks, which has rapidly increased the number of electric vehicle (EV) users. However, the existing battery technologies used in EVs and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) still have the shortest lifetime among the other components of EVs and HEVs, such as motors, inverters, and chargers. Because of this reason, the battery pack needs to be serviced more frequently, and the owners have to spend a lot of time and expenses on it. In this study, capacity, internal resistance, and temperature variation of the NiMH battery that is equipped with most HEVs on the road are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, a new approach of online state observation for NiMH batteries is proposed. The mathematical calculation of the proposed approach is provided and the experimental study was conducted in order for the verification of the proposed approach.
The world has an aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and do its best against climate change. As part of this goal, vehicle manufacturers are in the process of transitioning from vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICEs) to hybrid and pure electric vehicles. This transition covers a wide variety of transporting from usual passenger vehicles to heavy-duty mining trucks, which has rapidly increased the number of electric vehicle (EV) users. However, the existing battery technologies used in EVs and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) still have the shortest lifetime among the other components of EVs and HEVs, such as motors, inverters, and chargers. Because of this reason, the battery pack needs to be serviced more frequently, and the owners have to spend a lot of time and expenses on it. In this study, capacity, internal resistance, and temperature variation of the NiMH battery that is equipped with most HEVs on the road are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, a new approach of online state observation for NiMH batteries is proposed. The mathematical calculation of the proposed approach is provided and the experimental study was conducted in order for the verification of the proposed approach.
For countries with less developed industries, the majority of electricity consumption is made up of household consumption. For this situation, Mongolia can be a decent example. In the case of the Mongolian electric power system, there is a low load at night and in the morning, a medium load during the day, and a peak load in the evening due to the feature of household electricity consumption. This unsteadiness of consumption creates considerable difficulties in the reliable operation of the electric power system. Especially in order to cope with the evening peak, electricity is imported from neighboring countries such as Russia and China at high prices. Another option to overcome this problem without increasing the installed capacity of the local power plants is to build and put into operation grid-scale battery storage systems. According to this, three grid-scale battery storage systems are in construction progress in different locations, Ulaanbaatar, Baganuur, and Darkhan. Within this study, the impact of battery storage systems connected to the Central Energy System (CES) of Mongolia is studied and analyzed. In detail, how much capacity increase requirement can be avoided is answered. Moreover, the smoothing rate of the electricity load curve of the CES is clarified using simulation software. As a result, the remaining need for grid-scale battery storage systems can be identified. This is vital for the future planning of the energy sector of Mongolia.
Аж үйлдвэрлэл хөгжиж буй улс орнуудын хувьд цахилгаан эрчим хүчний хэрэглээний дийлэнх хувийг айл, өрхийн хэрэглээ бүрдүүлдэг. Үүний нэгэн жишээгээр Монгол улсыг дурдаж болох юм. Манай улсын цахилгаан эрчим хүчний хэрэглээг авч үзвэл шөнө болон өглөөний цагаар бага ачаалалтай, өдрийн цагаар дунд, оройн цагаар оргил ачаалалтай байдаг. Хэрэглээний энэ тогтвортой бус байдал нь цахилгаан хангамжийн найдвартай ажиллагаанд багагүй хүндрэл үүсгэдэг. Ялангуяа оройн оргил ачааллын үеийг даван туулахын тулд ОХУ ба БНХАУ зэрэг хөрш зэргэлдээ орнуудаас өндөр үнээр цахилгаан эрчим хүч импортоор худалдан авдаг. Дотоодын цахилгаан станцын суурилагдсан чадлыг нэмэгдүүлэхгүйгээр тус хүндрэлийг давах өөр нэгэн хувилбар нь их чадлын цэнэг хуримтлуурын систем барьж ашиглалтад оруулах юм. Энэхүү судалгааны ажлын хүрээнд Монгол улсын төвийн бүсийн эрчим хүчний систем (ТБЭХС)-д холбогдон ажиллах их чадлын цэнэг хураагуурын системүүдийн нөлөөллийг симуляцын программ хангамж ашиглан тодорхойлно.
Жил ирэх тусам эрчим хүчний хэрэглээ өсөн нэмэгдэж байна. Эрчим хүчний үйлдвэрлэлийн дийлэнх хувийг шатамхай түлш бүхий үүсгүүр ашиглан гарган авч буй нь хязгаарлагдмал нөөцийн асуудлаас гадна байгаль орчинд хор хөнөөлтэй учир дэлхий дахин сэргээгдэх эрчим хүч буюу ногоон эрчим хүчийг ашиглаж эхлээд байна. Гэсэн хэдий ч бид ойрын жилүүдэд шатамхай түлш ашиглан эрчим хүч үйлдвэрлэх үүсгүүрийн технологийг бүрэн халах боломжгүй учраас эрчим хүчний системийг илүү үр ашиг сайтай, ашиглалтын хугацаа өндөр, хэрэгцээгүй зарцуулалтыг багасгах шаардлага тулгараад байгаа юм. Эдгээр асуудлуудыг чадлын электроникийн өндөр технологийг ашиглан шийдвэрлэх боломжтой. Чадлын электроникийн технологи нь эрчим хүчний системд шаардагдаж буй чадал, энергийг хангах зорилгоор өндөр хүчдэл, гүйдлийг боловсруулдаг цахилгааны инженерчлэлийн нэгэн салбар юм. Эрчим хүчний дамжуулах, түгээх сүлжээ, компьютерын сүлжээ, мэдээллийн технологи, томоохон үйлдвэрийн автоматжуулалт, сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчний систем, электрон тоног төхөөрөмжийн тэжээлийн үүсгүүр зэрэгт чадлын электроникийн технологийг өргөнөөр ашигладаг. Энэхүү судалгааны өгүүллийн хүрээнд МУИС-ийн чадлын электроникийн судалгааны лабораторийн судлаачдын зүгээс эрчим хүчний системд тулгарсан асуудлууд, сэргээгдэх эрчим хүч, эрчим хүчний тархмал үүсгүүр бүхий системд тулгарсан асуудлуудад шийдвэрлэх ямар шийдэл боловсруулж санал болгосон, өмнө ямар технологи ашиглаж байсан, одоо ямар технологи санал болгож буй, мөн туршилтаар ямар үр дүн гарсан зэргийг эмхэтгэв. Мөн цаашид ямар асуудлууд тулгарч болох, аль чиглэлд судалгаа шинжилгээг хийх шаардлага бий болж буй зэргийг тайлбарлав.
The energy consumption of Mongolia is increasing by an average of 6 percent per year , and now the installed capacity of the nationwide plants and the importing capacity from neighbouring countries are reaching potential limitation In order to make energy secure , we need to install new energy plants urgently . The govern ment has planned a number of projects in order to overcome the problems and meet the increasing consumption , some of them have already started implementation , but most of them are solutions for combined heat power plants . However , the fact that most of the investing countries have abandoned the traditional brown techno logy that emits greenhouse gases has become a risk factor in the im plementation of these projects . Since Mongolia has a vast territory and a scattered population , distributed energy generation is more optimal . This research paper will determine the current situation regarding the current legal environment , policy and financial support for distributed solar power generation . In addition , the problems faced in the development of distributed solar power generation and their solutions will be determined .
Цахилгаан эрчим хүчийг хуримтлуулах технологи нь дан ганц цахилгааны салбарт бус мөн тээврийн салбарт маш чухал ач холбогдолтой болоод буй. Эрчим хүчний хуримтлуурын олон төрлийн технологиуд дундаас бидний нийтлэг ашигладаг технологиор батарей буюу цэнэг хураагуурыг нэрлэж болох юм. Тус судалгааны ажлын хүрээнд хосолмол хөдөлгүүр бүхий автомашинд өргөн ашиглагддаг Никел Металл батарейд зориулсан баланслах төхөөрөмжийг авч үзнэ. Цаашлаад, флайбак хувиргуур ашигласан баланслах төхөөрөмжийг түүний удирдлагын системийн хамт танилцуулж, симуляцийн програм хангамжийн тусламжтайгаар ажиллагаанд дүн шинжилгээ хийнэ.
In developing countries (Mongolia), the majority of electricity consumption is household consumption, with peak hours in the evening. A possible way to reduce the peak load is an energy storage system that can support the grid. Batteries are widely used in the energy storage area, which is the most important component of an energy storage system. But batteries are expensive. This is difficult for developing economies, so it is possible to solve this problem by reusing batteries in electric and hybrid vehicles, which are highly toxic. Significant waste battery performance is degraded, and balancing at the cell / module level allows for full utilization of battery capacity, but the use of energy storage with battery bank makes the cost of an element / module level balancer too high. The study selected a method with a double tiered capacitor to balance the charge level at the battery bank level, which has the advantage of significantly reducing the cost of power electronics required for the balancer. The effectiveness of the chosen methodology was verified using simulation software.
In accordance with the sustainable development goals (SDGs), PV power generation systems are being actively installed in Mongolia. PV power generation systems can be classified into two main parts, utility-interactive and stand-alone. The dominant part of the system installed in Mongolia within the last decade were developed by traditional power electronics solutions such as centralized inverter. In this study, a power generation capability of a PV power generation system with a string inverter is improved by applying string voltage optimizer and a Raspberry Pi monitoring system. The validation of the suggested solution has been done by analyzing the simulation results.
The total energy consumptions of developing nations, e.g. Mongolia, are strongly depending upon the household energy consumption timing and there is a peak load period happens on every evening. As can be seen from the good examples carried out by developed nations, it is possible to reduce the peak load level by operating energy storage in parallel with a power system. The most widely used type of the energy storage is battery that costs very high. Thus, it is a challenging issue if the economical capability of a developed nation is considered. One of the potential solutions can be a reuse of the wasted batteries from the hybrid and electric vehicles. Those of the wasted batteries differ from each other in terms of internal resistances, capacity, self-discharge rate on a cell/module level depending on a longtime use. There are many of applicable technologies for equalization batteries on the cell/module level. However, it is infeasible to apply the cell/module level equalizers if the battery energy storage with a high-power scale composed of a numerous battery bank, because this way needs a very high investment. In this study, a battery equalization circuit with double tiered switched capacitors for equalization on battery bank level is presented, resulting in a large amount of reduction of power electronics components required. The validation of the selected battery equalization circuit has been done based on the simulation results.
Нарны цахилгаан үүсгүүр (НЦҮ)-ийн модулиудыг цуваа холбосноор гаралтын нийлбэр хүчдэлийг нэмэгдүүлэх боломжтой ч хэсэгчилсэн сүүдэрлэлтийн үед гаралтын чадал огцом буурдаг. Нийт НЦҮ-ийн бүлийг хамгийн их чадлын горимд ажиллуулах зорилгоор тогтмол хүчдэлийн хувиргуурыг НЦҮ-ийн бүл болон инвертерын хооронд суурилуулдаг. Гэвч энэ тохиолдолд НЦҮ-ийн модуль бүр хамгийн их чадлын горимд ажилладаггүй сул талтай. Энэ асуудлыг шийдэх зорилгоор НЦҮ-ийн модуль бүрийг хамгийн их чадлын горимд ажиллуулах олон шатлалт дифференциал чадлын хувиргуурыг ашигладаг. Дифференциал чадлын хувиргуур нь чадлын алдагдал багатайгаас гадна гүйцэтгэл сайтай. Энэ судалгааны ажлаар цуваа архитектур бүхий дифференциал чадлын хувиргуурын “PV-BUS” хувилбарыг сонгож авч туршилт, судалгаа хийсэн ба тус архитектур нь нэгж модулийн хувьд хос хагас дамжуулагч төхөөрөмж, конденсатор болон ороомгоос бүрдэнэ.
Хэрэглэгчийн цахилгаан эрчим хүчний хэрэглээний онцлогоос хамаарсан системийн хувьд цэнэг хураагуур ашиглан оргил цагийн хэрэглээг бууруулах боломжтой байдаг. Иймээс батерейг хэт цэнэглэх болон хэт цэнэг алдуулахгүйгээр аюулгүй ажиллуулах нь нэн түрүүний хэрэгцээ болоод байна. Насжилт өндөртэй батерейн дотоод элементүүд болон модулиуд үйлдвэрийн алдаанаас хамаараад хоорондоо дотоод эсэргүүцэл (импеданс), багтаамж болон хувийн цэнэг алдалт зэрэг шинж чанараараа ялгаатай болдог. Эдгээр ялгаатай параметр бүхий батерейнуудыг хооронд нь балансалж өгснөөр тухайн батерей банкны багтаамжийг бүрэн ашиглаж чадна. Батерейг баланслах идэвхтэй болон идэвхгүй гэсэн үндсэн хоёр аргачлал байдаг. Тус судалгааны ажлын хүрээнд идэвхтэй баланслах давхар шатлалт конденсатор бүхий аргачлалыг сонгон авч симуляцийн програм хангамж ашиглан хэрэгжүүлж, туршилт судалгааны хэлхээний ажиллагаа болон гүйцэтгэл дээр дүн шинжилгээ хийсэн.
Nickel metal hybrid (NiMH) batteries are the most widely used batteries in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Due to an imbalance among the individual cells caused by long-term use in HEV, a large number of NiMH batteries end up as toxic waste. Although the retired batteries cannot be employed as energy storage devices (ESDs) in electric vehicles (EVs) or HEVs anymore, they still have the potential to be reused as an energy source in small-scale distributed generation systems for households. However, the cell balancing operation is mandatory, even for those applications with lower power ratings. Hence, this paper proposes an active cell balancer that equalizes the state of charges (SOCs) of the imbalanced NiMH batteries using a generation control circuit (GCC). Along with the cell balancing circuit, an active power decoupling circuit (APDC) is applied. The purpose of the APDC is to not only achieve minimization of power pulsation caused by single-phase inverter, but also reliability enhancement of the entire system
To efficiently and safely reuse recycling batteries from electric vehicles in distributed generation systems, it is necessary to reduce the ripple currents caused by single-phase inverters. Thus, in this paper, an active power-decoupling circuit to reduce either high- or low-frequency ripple currents is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed circuit is verified by simulation results.
Growth in the electric vehicle industry has resulted in considerable chemical battery waste, which requires special recycling processes. The power and recharging capacities of waste batteries are insufficient for the operation of traction motors. However, such batteries can be reused as power sources in residential renewable energy systems because household energy demands are much lower than those of electric vehicles. To enable this reuse, a battery pack should be equipped with an equalizer. Hence, in this study, we propose a battery module equalizer that adjusts the state of charge (SOC) of each battery module to the same point using a generation control circuit (GCC). By strategically changing the duty ratio of the GCC while detecting the overall voltage of the entire battery pack, the relative SOC of each battery module can be observed while the battery system is in operation. Although this approach uses only two sensors, it enables SOC observation for the entire battery pack, leading to reduced implementation costs and formfactor. The equalization current is further regulated based on the observed relative SOC. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate the rapid equalization capability of the proposed GCC-type equalizer during the discharging process.
The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) has resulted in increases in battery toxic waste. Although the powering and capacity characteristics of batteries deteriorate after use in EVs and HEVs, they usually retain enough potential for reuse as power sources in home energy systems, whose power requirements are much lower than those of EVs and HEVs. This study proposes an active cell equalizer that balances the state of charge (SOC) of nickel–metal hybrid (NiMH) batteries recycled from HEVs. In the proposed cell equalizer, two different circuits, e.g., a generation control circuit (GCC) and a power-decoupling circuit are integrated. Excessive energy is automatically transferred from a high-SOC cell to a low-SOC cell through the GCC. The power-decoupling circuit lowers the power pulsation caused by the single-phase DC/AC inverter. This reduces the low-frequency ripple current flowing into the battery pack, ensures safe operation and prolongs the lifecycle of the batteries. A prototype circuit with a three-stage battery pack is implemented in the discharging state and the obtained experimental results are analyzed to verify the equalizer functionality.
There is hazardous air pollution which mainly caused by raw-coal burning for heating purpose in Ulaanbaatar city. Although dominantly utilization of electricity-powered heaters is good solution for this issue as same as highly developed countries, local power system currently in use is already overloaded during evening period as most of residents actively use home electric appliances. Therefore, the authors aim to contribute for lessening the air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city by using latest technology development. The distributed generation system with renewable source and battery storage can be the bright solution. In this study, a suitable structure of the utility-interactive photovoltaic (PV) power generation system with energy storage (ES) for Mongolian households and its operation principle are discussed. Subsequently, an optimal operation algorithm, which has been selected based on a comparison aspect from economical, grid impact and PV penetration possibility, is suggested and verified through the experimental result. Development of the PV power generation system with ES will lead to a reduction in peak power usage as well as lessened amount of CO2 emissions.
In recent years, Ulaanbaatar, a capital of Mongolia has witnessed major problem that air quality reaches hazardous level during the winter season. Coal combustion for heating of every house in "Ger" district is main reason. One way to reduce the air pollution is mass usage of electric heater. However, there are several difficulties such as overload and degradation of transformers and other equipment used in distribution and transmission systems as well as power shortage occurrence in evening peak period due to residential consumption. This study aims to contribute for solving the air pollution and power shortage problem in Mongolia. One possible solution could be distributed generation (DG) with photovoltaic (PV) penetration. In this study, PV with energy storage (ES) hybrid system to reduce peak load is analyzed. We proposed the suitable structure of PV-ES hybrid for Mongolian household, and suggested several operation scenarios. Optimal operation algorithm is carried out based on a comparison aspect from economical, grid impact and PV penetration possibility. The economic analyse shows annual income of 520USD, and has a payback period of 8 years for selected scenario. The proposed PV-ES system structure is verified by experimentation set on the building rooftop in city center. The suggested scenario is planned to apply for system in further research.