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Хүүхдийн өөрийн үнэлэмж, өөртөө итгэх итгэл муу байх нь таргалалт, дэлгэцэд донтох, академик гүйцэтгэл муудах цаашлаад сэтгэл зүйн болон нийгмийн асуудалд өртөхөд нөлөөлж байдаг. Уг судалгаагаар 7-р ангийн сурагчдын өөрийн үнэлэмж, өөртөө итгэх байдалд нөлөөлдөг нийгэм эдийн засгийн хүчин зүйлийг судлахыг зорьсон. Судалгаанд хотын төвийн болон захын сургуулийн 76 сурагч оролцсон ба судалгааны эхний хэсэгт сурагчид гэр бүлийнхээ нийгэм эдийн засгийн байдал болон өөрийн үнэлэмжийн асуулгад хариулсан. Дараагаар танин мэдэхүйн даалгаврыг гүйцэтгэж тухайн даалгаврын гүйцэтгэлдээ хэр итгэлтэй байгааг 1-10 оноогоор үнэлсэн ба хүүхдийн нийгэм эдийн засгийн ялгаа болон сурагчдын сурлагын ялгааны талаарх итгэл үнэмшлийг үнэлүүлсэн. Үр дүнд, нийгмийн гишүүдтэй харилцах харилцаа болон өөрийн үнэлэмж, өөрийн гүйцэтгэлдээ итгэх байдал нь хоорондоо эерэг хамааралтай байсан. Тодруулбал, нийгмийн гишүүдтэй харилцах харилцаагаа өндрөөр үнэлсэн сурагчид өөрийн үнэлэмж, өөртөө итгэх байдал өндөр байсан. Цаашлаад гэр бүлийн нийгэм эдийн засгийн байр суурь нь сурагчдын өөрийн үнэлэмжид нөлөөлсөн.Өөрөөр хэлбэл, гэр бүлийн нийгэм эдийн засгийн байр суурь доогуур сурагчдын өөрийн үнэлэмж бага байсан. Дүгнэвэл, 11-13 нас нь өөрийн үнэлэмж бүрэлдэхэд чухал нас бөгөөд тухайн насанд өөрийн үнэлэмж бага зэрэг унаж байдаг. Гэтэл энэ үед сурагчдын дунд өөрийн үнэлэмж, өөртөө итгэх байдалд эдийн засгийн ялгаатай байдал нөлөөлж байгаа нь боловсролын салбарын тэгш бус байдлын асуудлыг хөндөхөд хүргэж байна.
Gender relations shape how couples negotiate contraception usage and family planning. In Mongolia, there is limited knowledge about how the gendered perceptions of men and women influence decisions about contraception usage and family planning. This research paper explores the gendered perceptions that influence the decision-making process about contraception usage and family planning with data collected in 2022 through focus groups in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The study found that men perceive that they have control over condom usage and male sterilization while women control the usage of IUDs and oral contraception. For family planning, men desire to have children and promote a “natural selection process” without the usage of contraception, whereas women desire to limit their number of children because of financial constraints. The research findings highlight how gender inequality shapes the decision-making process about contraception usage and family planning.
In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all levels of education in our country transited to conduct online training. During this period, the academic year 2020-2021, 148,000 students enrolled in Mongolian universities and colleges online. About 90% of Mongolian universities and 93% of students are located in Ulaanbaatar, which has a relatively unbalanced distribution. Students centred in Ulaanbaatar during face-to-face class. As the distance learning process has accelerated due to pandemic students taught from home in every corner across the country. This study sampled questions from the survey of the ONLINE CLASS-STUDENT EVALUATION. Those questions may indicate differences and problems depending on the students' location. Geographical location can be a source of differences, such as learning environment, household income, online class equipment, and learning methods. The simplest example is that Mongolia has three different time zones, so students may experience time differences when enrolling in an online class. As another example, a poverty estimate conducted jointly by the NSO and the World Bank showed that the poverty rate was 25.9 in Ulaanbaatar, 30.1 in the capital of aimags (province), 28.9 in the soum areas, and 32.9 in the countryside (NSO, 2018), which may differ in training materials and other costs. The NSO's 2020 Population and Housing Census report noted that internet use varies by location. For example, 72.4% of the urban population and 49.3% of the rural population use the Internet (NSO, 2020). Therefore, we compared students' evaluation of online classes during COVID-19 by their geographical areas.
In the last 2-3 years, there have been dramatic changes in the education system due to the pandemic. This change has created more problems for teachers 'teaching methods than for students' learning. Therefore, the aim was to find out how students at Mongolian universities evaluated their teaching methods and the problems they faced in their teaching methods during distance learning. Evaluation of e-learning Students were analyzed using a digital survey questionnaire, quality research focus group discussions, and one-on-one interviews, as well as a documentary survey of 1,000 university students. Students rated the teacher's teaching methods as generally poor. In particular, 62.2%, or more than half, of the total number of poor and very poor assessments on whether teachers clearly set requirements for assignments indicates that teachers' methodologies are weak. Teachers have traditionally taught in the classroom, but in the last 2-3 years, they have faced distance learning and started working with a new electronic platform. Therefore, we believe that if we return to e-learning, taking into account the unexpected risks, we need to increase the skills such as fully understanding the content of the course, motivating students, and allowing them to search.
Emotions are one of the essences of the human condition. While psychologists might argue that emotions are personal, sociologists argue that emotions are social and cultural. Our relationship with others induces various feelings of emotions in response to everyday events such as crying, laughing, embarrassing etc. Social roles, norms, and feelings are therefore integral parts to explaining questions as to what constitutes the emotion besides our personal feelings. In other words, our emotions may not be entirely personal after all. Individuals may mold their emotions in response to their various roles in society. In this article, therefore, we aim to provide introduction of the sociology of emotions by reviewing wide range of literatures.