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During long-term erosion after a strong earthquake, cracks in the soil, which are traces of cracks, gradually disappear, making it difficult to identify. The rapid development of modern high technology has opened up unexpected new possibilities for the discovery and detailed study of such hidden structures. Due to the fact that Ulaanbaatar is located in a seismically active region, the seismic resistance assessment of buildings was based on the seismic micro-region maps and active faults used at that time between 2009-2015. There is an urgent need to map new cracks in Ulaanbaatar that have been discussed in recent years, and to use them to redefine the seismic resistance of buildings. In this study, interferometer processing of Sentinel 1 satellite data for active sensing was used to identify new cracks with high spatial accuracy and re-evaluate the seismic resistance of buildings at a distance of 100-500 m.
Зайнаас тандсан мэдээний нарийвчлал нэмэгдэхийн хэрээр хот, хотожсон бүс нутгийн газар ашиглалт, газрын бүрхэвчийг уламжлалт пикселд суурилсан аргуудаар өндөр нарийвчлалтай ангилахад хүндрэлтэй болж байна. Тиймээс энэхүү судалгаанд зайнаас тандан судлалын салбар дахь хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн, боловсронгуй, хурдацтай хөгжиж буй арга, технологи болох Гүнзгий сургалтыг ашиглан Улаанбаатар хотын сонгогдсон байршлуудын хэт өндөр нарийвчлалын сансрын зургаас объектод суурилсан ангилал хийсэн. Ингэхдээ гүн сургалтын Mask R-CNN алгоритмаар барилга болон машин таних моделиудыг хөгжүүлж, ашигласан бөгөөд ангиллын үр дүн нь сонгогдсон бүх байршлуудад 90%-иас дээш нарийвчлалтай гарсан. Цаашид эдгээр хөгжүүлсэн моделиудыг төв суурин газрын өндөр болон хэт өндөр нарийвчлалын хиймэл дагуулын болон нисгэгчгүй нисэх төхөөрөмжийн мэдээнд ашиглан газар ашиглалтын ангилал хийх бүрэн боломжтойд уг судалгааны ажлын практик ач холбогдол оршино.
Аливаа мэдээллийг он цагийн дарааллын дагуу хадгалж, нэгэнт оруулсан тохиолдолд хэн ч, хэзээ ч өөрчлөх боломжгүй шинэ технологи болох блокчейн нь мэдээллийн технологийн салбарт шинэ давлагаа үүсгээд байна. Энэ хүрээнд дэлхийн олон улсад блокчейн технологид суурилсан программыг зохиож, нийгэм, эдийн засгийн салбарын тулгамдсан асуудлын шийдэл болгон ашиглаж байна. Дэлхийн цөөнгүй улсад газрын бүртгэлд блокчейн технологийг ашиглах үйл явцыг амжилттай туршаад байгаа бөгөөд цаашид ч өсөн нэмэгдэх хандлагатай байна. Манай улсын хувьд газрын бүртгэлийн үйл ажиллагаа нь улсын хэмжээний газрын мэдээллийн санд суурилсан, харилцан мэдээлэл солилцох боломжоор хангагдсан тусгай программ хангамж болох “Ланд менежер”-ийг ашиглан цахим хэлбэрээр явагддаг. Бид энэхүү судалгааны ажлаараа дэлхийн нэн дэвшилтэт технологи болсон блокчейныг манай улсын газрын бүртгэлд ашиглах боломж, түүний дотроос нууцлал, мэдээллийн аюулгүй байдлын талаар авч үзлээ.
Газрын гадаргад гарч буй өөрчлөлтийг тооцоолох, зураглахад идэвхитэй тандан судлалын мэдээг ашиглах нь шинжлэх ухааны болоод эдийн засгийн асар их ач холбогдолтой билээ. Хиймэл дагуулын синтетик апертурт радар (САР) болох ERS-1,2 дагуулыг Европын сансрын агентлаг, JERS-1 дагуулыг Япон улс, Radarsat-1 дагуулыг Канад улс тус тус хөөргөснөөр эх дэлхийг өдөр, шөнө, цаг агаар, атмосферын ямар ч нөхцөлөөс үл хамааран системтэйгээр судлах, зураглах бүрэн боломж бүрдсэн. Байгаль шинжлэл, батлан хамгаалах болон бусад зорилгоор өөр өөр давтамж, харах өнцөгөөс авсан идэвхитэй тандан судлалын мэдээг хэрхэн ашиглах, байгалийн биесийн төлөв, уг биесийн сарнил хэрхэн тодорхойлох, олон эх сурвалжит тандан судалгааны өгөгдлүүдийг нэгтгэх, төрөл бүрийн сэдэвчилсэн мэдээг идэвхитэй тандан судлалын мэдээг ашиглан бэлтгэх арга зүй улам бүр эрчимтэй хөгжиж байна.
Land degradation is a serious environmental issue in the world. Both space and ground-based observations could be used to define the land changes and develop the assessment of land degradation. This study assessed land degradation in the Orkhon sub-province, the best representation sample in the prominent agricultural zone of Mongolia, using Landsat Thermal Mapper (TM) and Landsat Operation Land Imager (OLI) satellite images during the periods of 1990, 1994, 2000, 2006, 2010, and 2015. The land degradation of a region could be detected by changes in spectral indices and correlation of these indices. The most frequently used spectral indices include Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). These indices were selected as indicators for representing land surface conditions vegetation biomass, landscape pattern, micrometeorology and human activities. The land degradation analysis was described by descriptive statistics, correlation distributions and correlation coefficients of changes in index outputs. In addition, the validations of these indices were also verified by comparing LST and NDWI index values with in-situ, realtime climate data from 1984 to 2010. The Land Degradation Risk Mapping (LDRM) analysis shows that the agricultural and urban areas experienced degradation due to human activities and this has led to decline in the soil moisture in this region.
Land degradation is a serious environmental issue in the world. Both space and ground-based observations could be used to define the land impacts and develop the assessment of degradation. This study assessed land degradation in the Orkhon sub-province, the best representation sample in the prominent agricultural zone of Mongolia, and used Landsat Thermal Mapper (TM) and Landsat Operation Land Imager (OLI) satellite images during the periods of 1990, 1994, 2000, 2006, 2010, and 2015. The land degradation of a region could be detected by changes in spectral indices and correlation of these indices. The most frequently used spectral indices include Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). These indices were selected as indicators for representing land surface conditions vegetation biomass, landscape pattern, micrometeorology and human activities. The land degradation analysis were described by descriptive statistics, correlation distributions and correlation coefficients of changes in index outputs. In addition, the validations of these indices were also verified by comparing LST and NDWI index values with in-situ, real-time climate data from 1984 to 2010. The Land Degradation Risk Mapping (LDRM) analysis shows that the agricultural and urban are degraded due to human activity and the soil moisture in this region is therefore declined.
Газрын харилцаа, үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн бүртгэлийн асуудалтай холбоотойгоор 3 хэмжээст кадастрын зураглал, бүртгэлийн талаар яригдаад цөөнгүй жил болсон билээ. Гэсэн хэдий ч 3 хэмжээст топологийн геометр хамаарлыг хэрхэн кадастрын зураглалд ашиглах талаар судалгаа нь нь харьцангуйгаар бага судлагдсан бөгөөд одоогоор газарзүйн мэдээллийн систем болон тоон зургийн боловсруулалтын программ хангамжуудад тусгагдаагүй байна. Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаараа 3D кадастрын талаар улс, орнуудын хууль, эрх зүйн орчныг судалж, түүнийг зураглахад шаардагдах 3D топологийн геометр хамаарлыг авч үзсэн бөгөөд Чингэлтэй дүүргийн 3-р хороонд байрлах нэгж талбарыг сонгон авч 3D топологийн геометр хамаарлыг кадатрын зураглалд ашиглах боломжийг судаллаа.
Cultural heritage links people, places and things from our history to the present and to the future. There are many cultural, archaeological and worship vestiges dated from Paleolithic period through to the Bronze, Iron Ages and the successive historical periods in high mountain area of Mongolia. Last decade witnessed the rapid increase of applying Geographical information system (GIS) to preserve cultural heritage. GIS is mainly used for cultural resource inventory applications, protection planning, impact assessment studies, facilities management and archaeological research applications. This paper attempted at studying the applications of GIS and satellite remote sensing to analyses cultural heritages in height mountain area in Mongolia. The analysis of catchment area for heritage sites has been identified by using GIS and satellite image of Landsat 8. We analyzed 713 sites using geospatial analysis. This includes archaeological sites, deer stone, tomb, stone tools, megaliths carved, stone paintings, rock inscriptions, grave burials, statues, Khunnu tombs, pile of stones, rune scripts, monastery ruins, ceremonial sites and Turkish stone stocks from different scientific sources and papers. 33.4% of all cultural heritage found were tomb burial grounds and only 2 rune scripts. 31% or 221 sites of whole cultural heritage were located in the height of between 2460m to 2630m and only 5% lay higher than 2910m. Most of the tombs were found on the south and southwest aspect of the mountains. While 41 gravel burials were found on the north aspect. The results showed that only 230 sites were located in 12 state protected areas and 483 outside it. On the basis of this analysis, further studies are needed to persuaded the officials in needing to protect the 483 sites that aren’t located in protected areas.
APSCO data sharing and service platform system is aimed to collect catalog information of all available remote sensing satellite data of APSCO member states and browse images. Upon completion of collection and filing, storage and management, this system provides inquiring, retrieving, ordering and downloading services of remote sensing satellite data for all APSCO member states and also boasts the supporting capacities of information distribution and data statistics. The APSCO training course on remote sensing application and data sharing service platform was successfully held during 19-23 June, 2017 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The training was jointly organized by the Secretariat of APSCO and National Remote Sensing Center of Mongolia. Nearly 40 participants from over 10 different departments of government, institutes universities and companies attended. Participants are mainly focusing on drought and forests and water resource monitoring. They all showed great interest in the DSSP phase II and paid tribute to the work done on it.
GIS, Remote Sensing Techniques and Information Technology are today used extensively for managing , controlling and predicting the rapidly growing urbanization of large cities, towns and villages. Urban growth is the expansion of towns and cities with respect to the increase of the size of a built-up area. Urban growth mainly depends upon the city requirement, facilities available and industrialization. These causes migration of people from rural to the urban areas, putting immense pressure on infrastructure, natural resources and lead to formation of slums or uncontrolled urban expansions. Urban growth areas increasingly encroach on the surrounding rural areas causing enormous pressure and dense on the limited scale of infrastructure, very often leading to the unplanned and unsustainable development. Urban growth is a recent phenomenon in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, as result of regional development plans that started during the end of 90th of the 20th century.
The geology of Mongolia is divided northern domain and southern domain by the Main Mongolian lineament. In the northern domain, it is mainly composed of pre-Cambrian and lower Paleozoic rocks, while the southern domain is composed of Lower to upper Paleozoic rocks. Much of the territory of Mongolia is located in highly seismic areas of Central-Asian seismic belt and is subjected to frequent and large earthquakes. Its western half is particularly seismically dangerous. Only in twentieth century more than 60 earthquakes with M>5.5 (7 to 11-12 - intensity) occurred here, among which tens of earthquakes were responsible for severe destruction of the earth surface. Four earthquakes have been recorded in Mongolia since 1906 in the range of M7.4 to M8.1. A cluster of exceptionally large earthquakes in the interior of Asia occurred from 1905 to 1967: the 1905 M7.9 Tsetserleg and M8.4 Bolnai earthquakes, the 1931 M8.0 Fu Yun earthquake, the 1957 M8.1 Gobi-Altai earthquake, and the 1967 M7.1 Mogod earthquake (sequence). Each of the larger (M8) earthquakes involved strike-slip faulting averaging more than 5 m and rupture lengths of several hundred kilometers (Walker et al. 2008). In this research we proposed methodology for the design of a knowledge-based lineament identification system provides quite satisfactory results for geological purposes. Due to its multi-scale feature detection and representation ability, this methodology might potentially be adopted for the identification of several features of geological
Nowadays it is impossible to live another second without space technology and information gathered from space. The rapid pace of the development of satellite wildlife tracking tools has left little time for thorough testing of new equipment and identifying possible sources of technical failures. Remote sensing data are some of the most effective input data for developing country like M ongolia. In particular, multispectral and hyperspectral space - borne and airborne data are widely used to study changes in land use and land cover. Further different natural and anthropogenic processes including fire detection, snow mapping, and grassland / rangeland vulnerability are mapped and evaluated by remote sensing data. This paper describes the current situation concerning the satellite big data in Mongolia. Within the scope of the paper, challenges and solutions related to the satellite big data have been reviewed.
Геодүрслэлийн зураглал хэмээх салбар нь газарзүйн мэдээллийн систем (ГМС) болон мэдээллийн бааз, компьютерийн техник технологид тулгуурласан автоматаар байрзүйн болон төрөл бүрийн сэдэвчилсэн зураг зохиох чиглэлээр илүү түлхүү хөгжиж байгаа шинэ салбар юм. Энэхүү салбар нь мэдээллийн эрин зууны нэг томоохон ололт болсон интернэтээр дамжуулан бодит цаг хугацааны төрөл бүрийн мэдээллийг түргэн шуурхай, байгаль ээлтэй, чанарын өндөр түвшинд дамжуулдагаараа давуу. Интернэт орчинд тохирсон геодүрслэл, мультимеди, хөдөлгөөнт зураглал өнөө үед эрчимтэй хэрэглэгдэж байгаа ба хэрэглэгчдийн өдөр тутмын практик хэрэгцээнд геодүрслэлүүд өргөнөөр нэвтэрч байна. Уг судалгааны ажлаараа Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн тээврийн 2017 оны 3 сарын 5-ны өдрийн зорчигчдын урсгалын ачааллын мэдээлэл болон урсгалын хугацааны мэдээлэл дээр үндэслэн мультимедиа зураглал хийсэн ба уг зураглалыг хийхийн тулд оронзайн болон оронзайн бус мэдээллийг хөрвүүлэн тоон хэлбэрт шилжүүлэн мультимедиа, хөдөлгөөнт зураглалын загварчлалын аргийг ашиглан хийж гүйцэтгэх юм.
Using unnamed aircraft vehicle (UAV) during cleanup operations after natural disasters have already become a reality in over 30 developed nations/countries. Even thou it has been 20 years since the use of UAV has become worldwide, this technology has only entered our nation in 2006. Due to not having manuals or professionals, this field of technology has been in stuck in a research level. In this research, a small area in 7 buudal of Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar was mapped based on experience from foreign nations to study the possibilities in mapping natural disaster zones using UAV.
Using unnamed aircraft vehicle (UAV) during cleanup operations after natural disasters have already become a reality in over 30 developed nations/countries. Even thou it has been 20 years since the use of UAV has become worldwide, this technology has only entered our nation in 2006. Due to not having manuals or professionals, this field of technology has been in stuck in a research level. In this research, a small area in 7 buudal of Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar was mapped based on experience from foreign nations to study the possibilities in mapping natural disaster zones using UAV.
The occurrence of unfelt seismic activity around Ulaanbaatar City has been increasing since 2005, and particularly since 2009, to the extent that the Capital Area of Ulaanbaatar is surrounded by four faults that can produce earthquakes of a magnitude of 7 on the Richter Scale (M7). Based on a 2000 simulation, the National Academy of Mongolia estimated that 300 buildings and 60,000 residents would be affected, if a M7 earthquake were to strike Ulaanbaatar City. In the first three months of 2015, a total of 328 earthquakes were recorded, with 188 in the Emeelt area. Since 2015, a new earthquake swarm has been observed near the Gunt area, north of Ulaanbaatar.
Mongolia is a seismically active country with strong events exceeding M=6.0 occurring each year. The strongest seismicity is connected with Mongolian Gobi Altai mountain range, with was formed during the Indian-Eurasian Lithospheric plates collision (e.g. Tapponnier & Molnar 1979). Seismicity in Mongolia is also connected with Sibirian Lake Baikal rift system which continues south to the Mongolia region-a deep rift valley now filled with Lake Khovsgol in Northern Mongolia. Much of the territory of Mongolia is located in highly seismic areas of Central-Asian seismic belt and is subjected to frequent and large earthquakes. Its western half is particularly seismically dangerous. Only in twentieth century more than 60 earthquakes with M>5.5 (7 to 11-12 - intensity) occurred here, among which tens of earthquakes were responsible for severe destruction of the earth surface. Four earthquakes have been recorded in Mongolia since 1906 in the range of M7.4 to M8.1. A cluster of exceptionally large earthquakes in the interior of Asia occurred from 1905 to 1967: the 1905 M7.9 Tsetserleg and M8.4 Bolnai earthquakes, the 1931 M8.0 Fu Yun earthquake, the 1957 M8.1 Gobi-Altai earthquake, and the 1967 M7.1 Mogod earthquake (sequence). Each of the larger (M8) earthquakes involved strike-slip faulting averaging more than 5 m and rupture lengths of several hundred kilometers (Walker et al. 2008).
Mongolia is a very special country; it has a total land area of 1,564 million sq. km and a population of 3 million people (NSO, 2015). These physical, social and economic conditions in contrasting human habitats are sharpened by strong cultural identities which define Mongolians’ rapidly changing requirements for productive livelihoods, human security and physical protection from disaster risks. The country is exposed to several types of serious natural hazards. Parts of the country and particularly the densely populated capital area are subject to potentially severe seismic activity. The periodic and particularly severe Mongolian dzud is a natural hazard that combines extreme weather conditions which decimate herds which are already weakened by summer drought conditions. Droughts, floods (in urban and rural areas), steppe and forest wildfire, storms and agricultural vermin are other hazards that combine climatic effects, changing environmental conditions, and increasingly challenging economic conditions that characterize a perilous hazard- scape in Mongolia. Therefore, different time series satellite data from different source are very important for monitoring, management and research.
E-Governance has broader area of implications. It can be used in various aspects of governance system. With the advancement in the sector of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Governments of economies have stepped forward to adopt e-governance in different service sectors. The growing application of information and communication technologies and their subsequent use on strengthening interaction with citizens has given rise to a new governance paradigm as E-Governance. The Government of Mongolia declared ICT as one of the key economically important sectors. Approved in 2005 E-Mongolia National Program missions “enhancing people’s life quality by establishing new economic environment, improving country’s competitiveness and providing sustainable development”. Three frameworks dealt within the program that are government-legislation; business-economy; and human development; and four policies of government-to citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government and infrastructure. In Mongolia has started applying GIS for the development of city address system, utility management and in planning roads. All of these are being addressed in achieving good urban environment through sustainable use of geoinformation management. Many other supporting initiatives had taken place among which are formulation and approval of MNS 5774:2007 (ISO 19115) Spatial information- Metadata standard, and MNS ISO/TS 19104:2012, Spatial information- terminology standard, and mapping and geodetic engineering norms. E-initiatives in the land administration is supported by legal texts stipulated in the Constitution of Mongolia, Geodesy and cartography law, Land law, Cadastral mapping and land cadaster law, Land fee law, and Land ownership by Citizen of Mongolia law etc. This paper shall review e-governance initiative, actions and challenges faced in the case of Mongolia and develop recommendations.
It has been 20 years since spatial data infrastructure (SDI) had spread across the world. During this time, several countries has started establish their own SDI, all of which are different from the other. In Mongolia using geographic information system (GIS) software for mapping since 1990. Nowadays many organizations and some private companies in Mongolia have been dealing with remote sensing and GIS activities. Since 2004 there have being discussions and plans on founding National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and had being ongoing starting from 2012. The NSDI is the one of seven main key components of the “National Program to Establish an Integrated System of Registration and Information of Mongolia” (2008). The project is to facilitate and support data exchanges between intra-and inter-organizations, efficient cadastral procedures, registration and taxation, other related activities, etc. NSDI is a web based and centralized system which covers administration of geoinformation database all over the country among government departments. The PEST factors, combined with external micro-environmental factors and internal drivers, can be classified as opportunities and threats in a SWOT analysis. In order to establish promotion strategy for SDI system implementation project, internal and external factors are derived through using SWOT and PEST analysis. This research aims SWOT and PEST analysis to identify the key internal and external factors in SDI legal system, internship between government organizations, human resources, data resource and security that are important for achieving the objective in Mongolian situation.
Mongolia is a very special country; it has a total land area of 1,564 million sq. km and a population of 3 million people (NSO, 2015). These physical, social and economic conditions in contrasting human habitats are sharpened by strong cultural identities which define Mongolians’ rapidly changing requirements for productive livelihoods, human security and physical protection from disaster risks. The country is exposed to several types of serious natural hazards. Parts of the country and particularly the densely populated capital area are subject to potentially severe seismic activity. The periodic and particularly severe Mongolian dzud is a natural hazard that combines extreme weather conditions which decimate herds which are already weakened by summer drought conditions. Droughts, floods (in urban and rural areas), steppe and forest wildfire, storms and agricultural vermin are other hazards that combine climatic effects, changing environmental conditions, and increasingly challenging economic conditions that characterize a perilous hazard-scape in Mongolia. Therefore, different time series satellite data from different source are very important for monitoring, management and research. The drought estimation methodology using long term NDVI data was developed in 2005 (M.Bayasgalan, 2005) and this technology was upgraded and applied by MODIS data. Wildfires can result in significant, long-lasting impacts to ecological, social, and economic systems. The objectives of this study were to generate fire risk assessment in order to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of wildland fires and drought in the eastern Mongolia. The research is focused on mapping the land cover types in the study area, identify developing a fire risk and drought model to identify fire prone areas using parameters such as grassland cover types, topography, road network, habitation, rivers and weather parameters. The locations of the wildfires have been registered by National Emergency Management Agency from 2000 to 2015, to map wildfire occurring pattern in the study area. In Mongolia, the temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius, and springtime precipitation has fallen by 17% over the last 60 years. One peak is from March to mid-June which accounts for 80% of all fires, while the other peak is from September to October which accounts for 5% of all fires.
Land use zoning is a regulation system of classifying land to control the development and use allowed in an area. Zoning regulates the types of activities that can be accommodated on a given piece of land, as well as the amount of space devoted to those activities, and the ways that buildings may be situated and shaped. Zoning describes the control by authority of the use of land, and of the buildings thereon. The urban development sector in Mongolia has been greatly influenced by the rapid rate of urbanization in the country over the past 20 years. During the former Soviet Union, Mongolia’s economy and urban services were centrally planned and managed. By the early 2000s, Mongolia had established proper legal and institutional frameworks for the urban sector. At the time urban land described into 6 zones by Purevtseren’s land use classification. In 2014 the new city land use zoning system introduced in Ulaanbaatar that includes 7 zones. But that cannot be directly copied this zoning category due to the socio-economic characteristics in the towns and small villages of countryside. This research introducing new and more comprehensive functional zoning system based on spatio-temporal analysis in Zuunmod city. The zoning system will cover all land around Zuunmod city and includes 19 sub and 9 main zones: residential, commercial, industrial, open space, mixed use, engineering infrastructure, green zones, water body zone and special reservation use zone.
E-Governance has broader area of implications. It can be used in various aspects of governance system. With the advancement in the sector of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Governments of economies have stepped forward to adopt e-governance in different service sectors. The growing application of information and communication technologies and their subsequent use on strengthening interaction with citizens has given rise to a new governance paradigm as E-Governance. The Government of Mongolia declared ICT as one of the key economically important sectors. Approved in 2005 E-Mongolia National Program missions “enhancing people’s life quality by establishing new economic environment, improving country’s competitiveness and providing sustainable development”. Three frameworks dealt within the program that are government-legislation; business-economy; and human development; and four policies of government-to citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government and infrastructure. In Mongolia has started applying GIS for the development of city address system, utility management and in planning roads. All of these are being addressed in achieving good urban environment through sustainable use of geoinformation management. Many other supporting initiatives had taken place among which are formulation and approval of MNS 5774:2007 (ISO 19115) Spatial information- Metadata standard, and MNS ISO/TS 19104:2012, Spatial information- terminology standard, and mapping and geodetic engineering norms. E-initiatives in the land administration is supported by legal texts stipulated in the Constitution of Mongolia, Geodesy and cartography law, Land law, Cadastral mapping and land cadaster law, Land fee law, and Land ownership by Citizen of Mongolia law etc. This paper shall review e-governance initiative, actions and challenges faced in the case of Mongolia and develop recommendations.
Wildfires can result in significant, long-lasting impacts to ecological, social, and economic systems. Understanding the geographic location and severity of wildfire risk is important at all levels. Numerous approaches of modelling wildfires have been published covering the regime itself, ignition probabilities, spreading patterns, risks and impacts. However, there is less research linking these validated mature approaches to dynamics of the terrestrial environment. The objectives of this study were to generate fire risk assessment in order to better understand the spatial and temporal patterns of wildland fires and establish risk zones in the eastern Mongolia. The research is focused on mapping the land cover types in the study area, developing a fire risk and hazard model to identify fire prone areas using parameters such as grassland cover types, topography, road network, habitation, rivers and weather parameters. The locations of the wildfires have been registered by National Emergency Management Agency from 2000 to 2015, to map wildfire occurring pattern in the study area. In Mongolia, the temperature has risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius, and springtime precipitation has fallen by 17 percent over the last 60 years. One peak is from March to mid June which accounts for 80% of all fires, while the other peak is from September to October which accounts for 5% of all fires. There is no single ‘correct’ way of carrying out risk assessment, there are three methods which might be useful, each of which we used in this study, that are the risk category indicator method, the risk value matrix method and the algorithmic method. According to the weight calculated for each factor and its corresponding classes, the weighed maps of the factors were produced and employed to produce the final map of wildfire risk zoning. Finally, the zoning map of wildfire risk was produced including five classes of the risk from high to very low. Comparing the map of the wildfire risk potential to the actual fires that happened, it was found that 13-27% of the fires initiate form the areas, marked as high risk and risky zones on the map, respectively. The results indicate a high compliance of the map of wildfire risk zoning and the location of the fires in the study area.
Land use zoning is a regulation system of classifying land to control the development and use allowed in an area. Zoning regulates the types of activities that can be accommodated on a given piece of land, as well as the amount of space devoted to those activities, and the ways that buildings may be situated and shaped. Zoning describes the control by authority of the use of land, and of the buildings thereon. The urban development sector in Mongolia has been greatly influenced by the rapid rate of urbanization in the country over the past 20 years. During the former Soviet Union, Mongolia’s economy and urban services were centrally planned and managed. By the early 2000s, Mongolia had established proper legal and institutional frameworks for the urban sector. At the time urban land described into 6 zones by Purevtseren’s land use classification. In 2014 the new city land use zoning system introduced in Ulaanbaatar that includes 7 zones. But that cannot be directly copied this zoning category due to the socio-economic characteristics in the towns and small villages of countryside. This research introducing new and more comprehensive functional zoning system based on spatio-temporal analysis in Zuunmod city. The zoning system will cover all land around Zuunmod city and includes 19 sub and 9 main zones: residential, commercial, industrial, open space, mixed use, engineering infrastructure, green zones, water body zone and special reservation use zone.