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Viruses that infect bacteria can influence bacterial community dynamics, bacterial genome evolution and ecosystem biogeochemistry. These influences differ depending on whether phages establish lytic, chronic or lysogenic infections. In this study, bacteriophages were isolated from wastewater samples of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar and strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the collection of Bacteriological Laboratory, the National Center for Infectious Diseases were used as a test-culture. We isolated bacteriophages AT1 and AT2 with bacteriolytic activity. The bacteriophage AT1 were able to lyse 70.2% of cells from total population of E. coli, and the bacteriophages AT2 were able to lyse 78.5% of P. aeruginosa within 96 hours of cultivation, respectivily. Bacteriophages titer was determined and for AT1 phage was 1.12x1010 PFU/mL and for AT2 phage was 0.98x1010 PFU/mL.
Viruses that infect bacteria can influence bacterial community dynamics, bacterial genome evolution and ecosystem biogeochemistry. These influences differ depending on whether phages establish lytic, chronic or lysogenic infections. In this study, bacteriophages were isolated from wastewater samples of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar and strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the collection of Bacteriological Laboratory, the National Center for Infectious Diseases were used as a test-culture. We isolated bacteriophages AT1 and AT2 with bacteriolytic activity. The bacteriophage AT1 were able to lyse 70.2% of cells from total population of E. coli, and the bacteriophages AT2 were able to lyse 78.5% of P. aeruginosa within 96 hours of cultivation, respectivily. Bacteriophages titer was determined and for AT1 phage was 1.12x1010 PFU/mL and for AT2 phage was 0.98x1010 PFU/mL.
Бактерид халдварладаг вирус нь бактерийн өсөлтийн динамик, бактерийн геномын хувьсал, экосистемийн биогеохимийн процесст нөлөөлдөг. Эдгээр нөлөөллүүд нь тухайн фагууд литик, архагшсан эсвэл лизоген халдвар үүсгэж байгаа эсэхээс хамаарч өөр өөр байдаг. Энэхүү судалгаанд ХӨСҮТ –ийн Нэгдсэн лабораторийн Нян судлалын лаборатори –д хадгалагдаж байгаа Escherichia coli болон Pseudomonas aeruginosa –ийн цэвэр омгуудыг тест өсгөврөөр ашиглав. Бид E. сoli болон P. аeruginosa –г лизис оруулах чадвартай АТ1 ба АТ2 бактериофагуудыг ялгаж авсан. АТ1 бактериофаг E. coli –ийн нийт эсийн 70.2% –ийг, AT2 фаг P. аeruginosa –ийн нийт эсийн 78.5% –г 96 цагийн хугацаанд лизист оруулах чадвартай болохыг тогтоов. Ялгаж авсан AT1 фагийн титр 1.12x1010 PFU/mL, AT2 фагийн титр 0.98x1010 PFU/mL байна.
Орчин үед фаг дээр суурилсан бактерийн халдвартай тэмцэх эмчилгээний аргыг боловсруулж байна. Бактериофаг хүн, амьтан, ургамалд аюулгүй байдаг. Фагийг хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүний аюулгүй байдлыг хангахад хэрэглэх зөвшөөрлийн АНУ-ийн FDA өгсөн. Иймд хөдөө аж ахуйд эрүүл амьтан өсгөхдөө антибиотикийн оронд фагийг хэрэглэж байна. Орчин үеийн ертөнц бактериофагийг байгалийн консервант эсвэл халдварын эсрэг бүтээгдэхүүн хэлбэрээр хэрэглэх сонирхолтой болжээ. Хөдөө аж ахуйн бүтээгдэхүүнд фагийг хэрэглэж байгаа тухайлбал махыг бактерийн халдвараас хамгаалахад. Ихэнх антибиотикт тэсвэртэй өвчин үүсгэгч нь орчин үеийн анагаахын тулгамдсан асуудал болжээ. Халдвартай тэмцэх альтернатив арга зүйг боловсруулах нь анагаах биотехнологийн тэргүүлэх чиглэл болоод байна.
This study investigates the extensive degradation caused by both natural processes and human activities in the urban zones of Erdenet city. The research explores the multifaceted analysis of physical, chemical, and bacteriological properties of the soil to deeply understand the implications and inform of the urban environment. Soil analyses were performed at the Soil Research Laboratory of the Institute of Geography and Geoecology. Sample preparation involved air-drying and sieving through a 2 mm sieve. Subsequently, the soil's texture, moisture, humus content, pH, electrical conductivity, carbonate content, mobile phosphorus, and potassium levels were determined using established methods. To assess heavy metal content, standard analytical methods such as atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry were performed in the Chemical Analysis Laboratory of Geological Research Center. The presence of heavy metal contaminants, with potential risks to human health and the ecosystem, was determined. Bacteriological tests were conducted according to the required standards (ISO/MNS) at the National Reference Laboratory for Public Health of National Center for Public Health. Bacteriological assessments uncovered the soil's microbial diversity, providing insights into its health and bioremediation potential. Results revealed a complex interplay of anthropogenic and natural influences on the urban environment. This research contributes vital insights for urban planning, environmental conservation, and sustainable development. It serves as a foundation for informed decision-making and policy formulation to restore ecological integrity in urban areas, fostering a harmonious coexistence of nature and urban life.
The level of lead (Pb) contamination in our city are moderately polluted, and the main sources of heavy metal pollution such as lead, zinc, nickel, chromium, and copper are coal smoke; it is caused by car smoke, dry and liquid waste, household toilets, and the pollution can be divided into heavy metal, bacterial, and sulfate pollution. Studies report high lead accumulations in surface soil horizons due to a large capacity for lead immobilization and accumulation as a result of the soil organic fraction, soil pH and redox potential. Lead (Pb) includes a group of large heavy metals in nature was toxic either on animal or human and did not provide an advantage function biologically. Organisms that live in environments polluted by heavy metals do the mechanisms of adaptation to survive. Some microorganisms are not only resistant to metal but also can accumulate it in their cells or detoxify it by reacting with its metabolic products. Therefore, it is possible to develop a biotechnological methods to remove excess metals from the soil by using the ability of microorganisms in soil contaminated with heavy metals, especially lead. The purpose of the work was to identify bacteria which can resist to the action of lead salts and to determine their physiological and biochemical activity. Soil samples were determined according to MNS3298-90 and heavy metal content was determined according to MNS5850: 2008 standards, respectively. Eight soil samples were collected from different parts of the city and were performed by microbiological analysis. Resistant bacterial isolates to varying concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, zinc, ferrum, copper, chromium, and cadmium were determined by agar dilution method. Lead-resistant bacteria were isolated on medium with PbCl2. We study the heavy metals resistance pattern of the selected 140 bacterial isolates from the polluted soil samples. These pure cultures can resist to varying concentrations of heavy metals. Among them the most resistant bacterial isolates to the lead was pure culture UBTs4, UBTs6, UBLF2 and UBMF3. The pure cultures according to the results of the VITEK®2 instrument analysis: there were determined to be a local strain of Bacillus thuringiensis and Sphingomonas paucimobilis with a probability of 93–95 %. There were four strains can resist to 9 mM (2503 mg/l) of concentration of Lead (PbCl2), to 2 mM (273 mg/l) of Zinc (ZnCl2) and to 2 mM (304 mg/l) of Chromium (Cr2O3), can tolerate 1 mM (159 mg/l) of Iron (Fe2O3) and could not tolerate of Copper and Cadmium. Most active resistant four strains to lead were identified by molecular biological metod. The DNA product was amplified by PCR using primers 27F (5′-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3′) and 1492R (5′-TACGGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′). In liquid media our strain B.thuringiensis MN01 able to reduce the lead concentration up to 46 % within 1 month. Together with other bacteria, it has been determined in laboratory conditions that it was active to reduce the concentration of 1 mM of lead to 0 mM after 1 month. We were also isolated and identificated another most active resistant bacterial strains. Bacillus cereus MN, Bacillus cereus MN2, and Sphingomonas paucimobilis MN01 16S ribosomal RNA gene partial sequence successfully was done.
Bacteriophages are capable of uniquely recognizing bacterial pathogens and lysing them, so they can be used in further treatment; more research is being done to lyse bacterial pathogens contained in food products and soil with bacteriophage. The objective of this study is to determine the microbiological, biochemical, and physiological activity of Enterococcus faecalis isolated from airag (fermented mare milk), to determine the taxonomy by molecular biological methods, and to isolate phages from wastewater capable of lysing Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus. Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus are Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, anaerobic cocci. Enterococcus faecalis can to withstand osmotic pressure (6.5% NaCl) and to live in a wide range of acids and alkalis (pH 3–12.6). Among the 15 Enterococci species of the family Lactobacillaceae, the most common (80–90%) is Enterococcus faecalis, which causes severe stomatitis, periodontitis, and urinary tract infections and supports tertiary bacterial infections, while Staphylococcus aureus is common in the skin and nasal cavity and when a person's immune system is weakened, there is a high risk of complications such as skin pustules, abscesses, and pneumonia. In this study, local pure strains of Staphylococcus aureus confirmed in the Bacteriological Laboratory of the National Center for Infectious Disease Research were recultured and differentiated by microbiological and biochemical methods. Using traditional microbiological methods, a pure culture were obtained from the airag sample, and it’s physiological and biochemical activity and antagonistic activity were determined, respectively. Enterococcus faecalis’s phylogenetic tree were constructed by determining the relationship between the species by molecular biological taxonomy. Bacteriophages of Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus were detected by the double-layer soft agar method. The activity of bacteriophages to lyse bacteria was determined in liquid and solid media Six pure bacterial cultures (A1, A4, B1, B7, E2, and E9) isolated from airag were determined by microbiological, physiological-biochemical, and molecular biological taxonomy methods and these strains were belonged to Enterococcus faecalis (96%–98% probability). Local strains of Staphylococcus aureus were determined by microbiological and biochemical methods. Bacteriophages from sewage water has a clear and pure morphology and forms 0.2–1 mm plaques. These bacteriophages were active against all Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis strains.
Introduction: Soil micro-organisms are crucial to the functioning of any terrestrial ecosystem. They participate in soil biochemical processes, organic matter decomposition, and maintenance of soil structure. Soil pollution, including heavy metal pollution, has become a serious problem in many countries, disrupting the vitality of the soil and even hindering land use. Objective: To detect lead-resistant bacteria from soil with high lead pollution and to study the activity of degrading lead concentration. Materials and methods: The total number of bacteria was cultured in Nutrient Agar medium and the lead-resistant bacteria were isolated from the 1 mM PbCl2 concentration in the medium to 10 mM. To determine the identity of the bacterial samples, the amplified 16S rRNA gene PCR products obtained from total genomic DNA using primer Set: 27F (5′-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3′), 1492R (5′-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT- 3′), were sequenced commercially. DNA sequences obtained were compared to sequences available online in the GenBank database. Results: 90% of 97 pure cultures isolated from soil were able to tolerate Pb concentrations of 1 mM. Identification of active bacteria by biochemical analysis was based on Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Brevibacillus laterosporus, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, and Acinetobacter baumanni species. Cultures tolerated lead concentrations of 8-9 mM (1660-1863 mg/L). Conclusion: In liquid media, B.thuringiensis strain alone was found to be active in reducing the concentration of lead up to 46% in 1 month. Together with other bacteria, it has been determined in laboratory conditions that it is active to reduce the concentration of 1mM of Pb to 0mM after 1 month.
RESULTS OF BACTERIOPHAGE ISOLATION FROM WASTEWATER 1Anujin Gantulga, 1Tumenjargal Davaasuren 1Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar, 14201, Mongolia e-mail: anuka1464@gmail.com Wastewater is the most favorable environment for microorganisms to live. In particular, domestic wastewater contaminated by human excrement contains a large number of highly pathogenic bacteria. Among these bacteria, S.aureus is most of them are located in the skin and nasal cavity of people. When S.aureus invades human tissues, it can cause a variety of serious clinical manifestations, including pneumonia, skin and soft tissue infections, and septicemia. Bacteriophages can be isolated from various sources, such as running water, sewage water, soil, the human digestive tract and can be isolated from all places where there are favorable conditions for bacteria to multiply. These are used as control agents to control plant, animal, and food pathogens and bacterial resistance to various antibiotics. Very soon after the co-discovery of phages by Frederick Twort and Felix d’Hérelle in 1915 and 1917, began the treatment of bacterial infections in humans. The first human phage treatment was performed in the 1920s; by the 1940s, the phage field had declined until the 1960s. These causes were influenced by a lack of understanding of basic phage biology among researchers, and the advent of antibiotics and powerful antibacterial drugs. Nowadays, bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics, which indicates the need to redo phage research and produce phage preparation technology. The objective of this study is to isolate bacteriophages from wastewater. The study was conducted using the culture of the local strain S. aureus, confirmed at the Bacteriological Laboratory of the National Center for Communicable Diseases, and wastewater samples taken from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar. A bacteriophage capable of lysing S.aureus on double-layer soft agar was isolated using the membrane filtration technique. The plaques produced by bacteriophage on the surface of double-layer soft agar were 2cm x 0.3cm, 2.7cm x 0.8cm, and 7.1cm x 0.5 cm, respectively. Keywords. Phage, Staphylococcus aureus, lysis, pathogenic
Background: Studies report high lead accumulations in surface soil horizons due to a large capacity for lead immobilization and accumulation as a result of the soil organic fraction, soil pH and redox. Lead (Pb) includes a group of large heavy metal in nature was toxic either on animal or human and did not provide an advantage function biologically. Organisms that live in environments polluted heavy metal do the mechanisms of adaptation to survive. Purpose: To identify bacteria resistant to lead from soil contaminated with lead, and to determine some physiological and biochemical activities. Methods: Soil samples were determined according to MNS3298-90 and heavy metal content was determined according to MNS5850: 2008 standard. Eight soil samples were collected from different parts of the city and we performed microbiological analysis. The total number of bacteria was cultured in Nutrient Agar medium and the lead-resistant bacteria were isolated from the 1 mM PbCl2 concentration in the medium to 9 mM. Results: Ubts4 strain of lead-resistant and lead-reducing bacteria was discovered in soil. Ubts4 was identified as B.thuringiensis after 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. This strain was found to be active in reducing the concentration of lead alone in liquid media up to 46% in 1 month. Conclusion: B.thuringiensis strain is resistant to 9 mM (2503 mg/l) concentration of Lead (PbCl2) and is also resistant to Zinc, Chromium and Iron salts. But it is not resistant to Copper and Cadmium salts. Key words: Heavy metals, concentration, reduce, strain
Viruses that infect bacteria can influence bacterial community dynamics, bacterial genome evolution and ecosystem biogeochemistry. These influences differ depending on whether phages establish lytic, chronic or lysogenic infections. In this study, bacteriophages were isolated from wastewater samples of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar and strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the collection of Bacteriological Laboratory, the National Center for Infectious Diseases were used as a test-culture. We isolated bacteriophages AT1 and AT2 with bacteriolytic activity. The bacteriophage AT1 were able to lyse 70.2% of cells from total population of E. coli, and the bacteriophages AT2 were able to lyse 78.5% of P. aeruginosa within 96 hours of cultivation, respectivily. Bacteriophages titer was determined and for AT1 phage was 1.12x1010 PFU/mL and for AT2 phage was 0.98x1010 PFU/mL.
ХУРААНГУЙ Улаанбаатар хотын хөрсний бохирдол жил ирэх тусам ихсэх хандлагатай, тэр дундаа хүнд металлын агууламж өндөр байгааг судлаачдын хийж ирсэн судалгааны үр дүн харуулж байна. Хотын хөрсөнд хар тугалга Pb2+ хэлбэрээр хуримтлаж улмаар ус, амьсгалын зам, хүнсээр дамжин хүний эрүүл мэндэд сөргөөр нөлөөлж байдаг. Тухайлбал цусны эргэлт, ходоод гэдэс, мэдрэл, булчин, бөөр болон нөхөн үржихүй удамшил г.м. Хөрс болон усны зарим бактери хүнд металлын давсны хортой үйлчлэлийг саармагжуулах, эс дотроо болон эсийн гадна талдаа тэдгээрийг хуримтлуулах чадвартай болохыг эрдэмтэд хэдийнээ судлаж тогтоосон. Ялангуяа Bacillus sp. төрлийн бактерийн хар тугалганы хортой үйлчлэлийг тэсвэрлэх молекул механизм сайн судлагдсан. Энэхүү чадварыг тухайн бактерийн плазмидын R ген тодорхолдог байна. Бид судалгааны ажлыг гүйцэтгэхдээ Монгол улсын хөрсний чанарын стандарт (MNS5850:2008) -д заагдсан хүнд металлын стандарт агууламжаас өндөр агуулгатай хөрсний дээжийг сонгон авч хар тугалганы давсны тодорхой концентрацийг тэсвэрлэх чадвартай бактерийг илрүүлэх судалгааг хийв. Хөрсний нийт бактерийн тоог Nutrient Аgar тэжээлт орчинд өсгөвөрлөж, хар тугалганд тэсвэртэй бактерийг тухайн тэжээлт орчинд Хар тугалганы давсны (PbCl2) 1mM концентрацаас 10mM хүртэл хийж өсгөвөрлөн тэсвэртэй бактерийг ялгав. Бактерийн ангилал зүйн хамаарлыг хагас автомат VITEK®2 анализатор ашиглан тодорхойлов. Хотын хөрсний 4 дээжинд хар тугалганы агууламжаас гадна бусад хүнд металлын агууламжийг тодорхойлоход Кадми 0.3-1.1мг/кг хамгийн бага агууламжтай байсан бол Хром 50.5 -162 мг/кг, Хар тугалга 60.6-112.4 мг/кг, Никель 38.8-96.6 мг/кг хэмжээтэйгээр илрэв. Морфологийн хувьд ялгаатай бактерийн 80 гаруй өсгөвөр ялгаж авснаас хүнд металлын тодорхой концентрацийг тэсвэрлэх чадвартай бактерийн 10 өсгөвөрийг сонгон авч тодорхойлоход Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Brevibacillus laterosporus, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis (4 өсгөвөр), Acinetobacter baumanni зэрэг зүйлд хамаарч байна. 16S RNA генийн дэс дараалаар 2 өсгөвөр Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis болохыг баталгаажуулав. B.thuringiensis, B.cereus болон B.subtilis -ийн өсгөвөрүүд хар тугалганы 9mM концентрацийг тэсвэрлэх чадвартай болохыг тогтоов. Түлхүүр үг: Хөрс, бохирдол, хүнд металл, тэсвэрлэх чадвар, Bacillus sp., өсгөвөр Ханын илтгэл тавьсан.
Хураангуй Монгол Улсын Их Сургууль байгуулагдсан түүхэн 80 жилийн ойн босгон дээр Монгол Улсад Микробиологич мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэж ирсэн сургалт, судалгааны ажлын түүхийн хэлхээсийг өргөн толилуулж байна. 1982 онд МУИС -ийн Байгалийн Ухааны Факультетийн харьяанд Биохими-Микробиологийн тэнхим байгуулагдаж энэ хугацаанд 32 удаагийн төгсөлтөөр 314 бакалавр, 50 гаруй магистрын зэрэгтэй Микробиологич мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэн гаргажээ. Үүний зэрэгцээ амьтан судлал, ургамал судлал, экологи, молекул биологи, генетик, биофизик, биоинформатик, биологийн багш, байгалийн нөөцийн менежментийн ангийн оюутнуудын мэргэжлийн суурьт Микробиологийн хичээлийг зааж ирсэн байна. Хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуй, байгаль орчин, биотехнологи, хөрс ба усны микробиологийн судалгаа гэх мэт судалгааны өргөн хүрээг хамарсан багш нарын хэрэгжүүлж ирсэн дотоодын болон гадаадтай хамтарсан төслийн эрдэм шинжилгээний ажилд оюутнуудаа тогтмол хамруулж ирсэн нь тэд нар төгсөөд мэргэжлээрээ ажиллах, цаашлаад дотоод болон гадаадын их, дээд сургуульд магистрантур, докторантурт үргэлжлүүлэн амжилттай суралцах суурь болж өгчээ. Манай төгсөгчид Микробиологийн сургалт, судалгааны ажил эрхэлдэг Их, Дээд сургууль, Коллежид багш; ШУА-ны Хүрээлэнгүүдэд эрдэм шинжилгээний ажилтан; Нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийн хүрээлэн, Эмнэлгийн микробиологийн лабораторид микробиологич; улс, нийслэл, дүүрэг болон орон нутаг дахь Xүнсний эрүүл ахуйн хяналтын лавлагаа лабораториудад микробиологич, шинжээч; хувийн хэвшлийн хүнсний үйлдвэрүүдэд эрүүл ахуйч, бактериологич; Дунд болон тусгай дунд сургуульд биологийн багшаар ажиллаж байна. Багш нар эрдэм шинжилгээний ажлын үр дүнгээр дотоод гадаадын эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурлуудад илтгэл хэлэлцүүлж, мэргэжлийн сэтгүүлүүдэд олон тооны өгүүлэл хэвлүүлж, ном сурах бичиг, гарын авлага, монограф бичиж мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэх ажлын хүндийг нугалж арвин их туршлага хуримтлуулсан амжилтаар түүхэн ойгоо угтаж байна. Түлхүүр үг: микробиологи, бичил организм, биологи, тэнхим, МУИС
Улаанбаатар хотын гэр хорооллын айл өрхийн хатуу түлшний хэрэглээ, машин, үйлдвэрийн утаа, тоосонцор зэрэг нь агаар болон хөрсний бохирдлын гол эх үүсвэр болж байна. Ялангуяа түүхий нүүрс шатаах явцад мөнгөн ус, хар тугалга, кадми зэрэг хүнд металл ялгарч агаар, хөрсийг бохирдуулдаг. Эдгээр хүнд металлын агаар дахь агууламж нь “их” биш байдаг хэдий ч хөрсөнд хуримтлагдаж, хүнсний гинжин хэлхээгээр дамжин хүний эрүүл мэндэд сөрөг нөлөөлөл үзүүлэх эрсдэлтэй. 2019 оны 06 болон 07 сард хотын хөрсний 10 цэг (Төмөр зам, Да хүрээ зах, Хүчит шонхор зах, Арьс шир боловсруулах үйлдвэр, Ногоон нуурын эрэг орчим, Ногоон нуурын парк, Чингэлтэй дүүргийн 11-р хороо, далан орчим, Дэнжийн 1000 зам дагуу, Дарь эх явах зам, 120 мянгатын тоглоомын талбай) –т хүнд металлын агууламж их байна. Мөн түүнчлэн 11-р хорооны далан орчим болон Ногоон нуурын эрэг орчмын хөрснөөс E.сoli, Salmonella болон Enterococcus –ийн төрлийн эмгэг төрүүлэгч бактери илрэв. Түлхүүр үг: Хөрсний бохирдол, хүнд металл, бактери, эмгэг төрүүлэгч
Enterococci belongs to the Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) comprising both Pathogenic and Commensal microorganisms ubiquitous in food, public health and as well as in medical microbiology. In addition, several numbers of Enterococcus strains have been reported to produce antimicrobial compounds including bacteriocine and biofilm (Charles at al., 2006). Bacteriocine production have been applied to preservation of a wide range of food products and is now being considered as a Probiotic trait (Yang et al., 2014). Besides, bacteriocines are considered as promising alternative to fight emerging antimicrobial resistance (Cotter et al., 2013; Hammami et al., 2013). Enterococcus faecalis is a facultative anaerobe, non- motile, Gram-positive bacterium found in soil, water, food, plants, sewage and also in milk products. A total of 6 isolates of Enterococcus faecalis were isolated from fermented mare milk collected from Altanbulag, Bayandelger and Erdene soum in Tuv aimag province. These isolates were identified with 96-98% of probability as E. faecalis on the basis morphological, biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. All isolates can growth in temperature range of 27-47eC; pH range of 1.5- 12.6; and in broth with 4-6.5% of NaCI, and 3% of bile. We found that E9, E2, B7 isolates were produce white ropy biofilm on solid medium. Therefore, we has determined the 16S rRNA sequence, and aligned with other bacterial 16S rRNA sequences [Study on Effect of Dietary Starch Source and Concentration on Equine Fecal Microbiota - KX073794.1, Study on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Phenotype, C. difficile and NOD2 Genotype Are Associated with Shifts in Human Ileum Associated Microbial Composition (Enterococcus faecalis) - HQ751957.1, Study on Characterization of Onchorhynchus mykiss intestinal microflora (Enterococcus faecalis) -JQ.388687.1, Research on Isolation, identification and characterization of microorganisms from milk product (Enterococcus faecalis) - KJ725216.1, Research on Identification and Phylogenetic analysis of a pathogenicbacterial strain (Enterococcus faecalis)) - KU937390.1]. In the result of the Phylogenetic tree and Blast, B7 isolate was a Pathogen, A4 isolate was found as where in dietary food of animal. According to our results E9 isolate looks like an inflammatory pathogen. In the conclusion, nowadays study of the E. faecalis strains with commercial properties is announced, because they have significant application in food industry, public health and in medical microbiology (human and animal). We will determine the bacteriocine producing activity of these bacterial strains in our next experiments. Keyword: Enterococcus faecalis, 16S RNA, biofilm, antimicrobial resistance
Enterococcus faecalis нь сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүнээс ихээр олддог боловч бусад хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүнд мөн тохиолдоно.
Уул уурхайн нөхөн сэргээлтэнд бичил организм болон ургамлыг хоршин ашиглахнь орчин үеийн биологийн нөхөн сэргээлтийн ашигтай хувилбар болж байна. Олон наст ургамлын өсөлтөнд Arthrobacter pascens -ийн эерэг нөлөө үзүүлж байгааг туршилтаар тогтоосон болно.