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Environmental polilcy and Implementation in Mongolia Munkh-Erdene Saikhanaa,Guluguu Adiyabaatar,Gaanjuur Gerelsuren Khovd Branch of National University of Mongolia, Department of Business, Senior Teacher, msaikhanaa11@gmail.com , adiyabaatar01234@gmail.com, gerelsuren.01@gmail.com 1. Overview of Environmental Politics Environmental politics is a relatively new field of study within international relations that focuses on issues related to the interaction of humans and the natural world. The first documented notion of environmentalism dates back as early as the 13th century in Arabic medical treatise writings. These reports archive environmental pollution such as water contamination and waste mishandling as a cause of disease. As early as the mid-19th century, scholars wrote about the role of natural resources in global security and political economy. However, much of the literature prior to the 1980s related specifically to resource extraction and development issues. Since then environmentalism has taken many forms; modern environmentalism originated in the late 1800s in Europe during the Industrial Revolution in the shape of conservation groups. As the worldwide population continued to grow at unprecedented rates in the twentieth century, the issue of environmental protection emerged, and environmental laws and agencies materialized globally. As the world has become more interconnected over the past century so too has the issue of environmental protection. Today global and national environmental protection programs and legislation exist with the United Nations Environmental Program being at the center of international environmental law. It is becoming impossible to separate environmental degradation and pollution on a nation-by-nation basis; pollution caused in one country trickles into others by several means, making environmental protection an eminent global concern. Currently, however, many barriers exist between environmental law and implementation efforts for most countries leading to ineffective protection. Global environmental problems present many unique challenges and have thus spawned a range of subfields of study. Global environmental problems frequently involve substantial scientific complexity and ambiguity.
The valuation of ecosystem products (services) is an effective method for measuring the connections between ecosystem assets and humans. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the total monetary value of final ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually, like a country, a province, or a county. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the monetary value of ecosystem services, making the findings comparable to GDP. GEP can reflect the ecosystem’s contribution to human well-being. The general purpose of this study is to analyze the theoretical and empirical application of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP), to explore opportunities for using it, and to calculate GEP in selected cases in Mongolia. It is the first study to focus on ecosystem economic value and to introduce Gross ecosystem product (GEP) accounting, and its application in Mongolia. From the theoretical side, the study as a whole would enrich the literature related to using economic valuation methods for ecosystem value and environmental amenities, and introduce a new valuation method in our country. Monetary values for ecosystem valuation do not fully reflect the importance of ecosystems for people and the economy. Using GEP, we will contribute fill up gaps in theoretical research. From the practical side, the study is expected to add new knowledge to the existing empirical literature on ecosystem value and to introduce a new application (GEP) for ecosystem value, as there is no systematic research for calculating ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually. Thus, the study could be a base for designing and choosing appropriate economic valuation methods for ecosystem goods and services in my country. This research is not only to study that defining possibilities of GEP’s application, but also as finding appropriate methods together with technical and economical evaluations. Furthermore, the study could provide a reference for ecosystem management and development planning in my country. There are 3 parts to GEP accounting. We will identify and examine categories and indicators for each part of GEP for Khovd province chosen as a case of our study in Mongolia.
Mongolia is a landlocked country in East Asia located between China to the south and the Russian Federation to the north. The country has a total area of 1,564,116 km2, of which 10,560 km2 are covered by water. The geography is very varied, with mountainous regions to the north and west and the Gobi Desert to the south. Mongolia has an extreme continental climate with long, cold winters and short summers. There are many pressing environmental issues in Mongolia that are detrimental to both human and biophysical wellness. These problems have arisen in part due to natural factors, but increasingly because of human actions. We consider that main environmental challenges such as climate change, deforestation, desertification and land degradation, pollution, loss of biodiversity in Mongolia. Since 1987, Mongolia has developed an extensive legal framework on environmental protection. The environmental legislation is largely consistent and coherent. However, implementation of environmental legislation is often delayed. Furthermore, enforcement of environmental laws and environment-related provisions in sectoral legislation often represents a serious challenge. In 1990, Mongolia made a dramatic change in its political and economic system, the basic concept of which is the transition from a single-party political system to a democratic form of society. In this article, we study environmental policy and implementation of legislation in Mongolia.
The valuation of ecosystem products (services) is an effective method for measuring the connections between ecosystem assets and humans. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the total monetary value of final ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually, like a country, a province, or a county. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the monetary value of ecosystem services, making the findings comparable to GDP. GEP can reflect the ecosystem’s contribution to human well-being. The general purpose of this study is to analyze the theoretical and empirical application of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP), to explore opportunities for using it, and to calculate GEP in selected cases in Mongolia. It is the first study to focus on ecosystem economic value and to introduce Gross ecosystem product (GEP) accounting, and its application in Mongolia. From the theoretical side, the study as a whole would enrich the literature related to using economic valuation methods for ecosystem value and environmental amenities, and introduce a new valuation method in our country. Monetary values for ecosystem valuation do not fully reflect the importance of ecosystems for people and the economy. Using GEP, we will contribute fill up gaps in theoretical research. From the practical side, the study is expected to add new knowledge to the existing empirical literature on ecosystem value and to introduce a new application (GEP) for ecosystem value, as there is no systematic research for calculating ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually. Thus, the study could be a base for designing and choosing appropriate economic valuation methods for ecosystem goods and services in my country. This research is not only to study that defining possibilities of GEP’s application, but also as finding appropriate methods together with technical and economical evaluations. Furthermore, the study could provide a reference for ecosystem management and development planning in my country. There are 3 parts to GEP accounting. We will identify and examine categories and indicators for each part of GEP for Khovd province chosen as a case of our study in Mongolia.
Монгол бол өмнөд талаараа Хятад, хойд талаараа ОХУ-ын хооронд орших Зүүн Азийн далайд гарцгүй орон юм. Тус улсын нийт нутаг дэвсгэр нь 1,564,116 км2 бөгөөд үүний 10,560 км2 нь усаар бүрхэгдсэн байдаг. Газарзүй нь маш олон янз бөгөөд хойд болон баруун талаараа уулархаг бүсүүд, өмнөд нь говь цөлтэй. Монгол улс эх газрын эрс тэс уур амьсгалтай урт, хүйтэн өвөл, богино зун. Монгол Улсад хүний болон биофизикийн эрүүл мэндэд сөргөөр нөлөөлж буй байгаль орчны тулгамдсан олон асуудал бий. Эдгээр асуудлууд нь зарим талаараа байгалийн хүчин зүйлээс үүдэлтэй боловч хүний үйл ажиллагаанаас болж улам бүр нэмэгдсээр байна. Монгол орны уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт, ойн хомсдол, цөлжилт, газрын доройтол, бохирдол, биологийн төрөл зүйлийн хомсдол зэрэг байгаль орчны гол сорилтууд гэж бид үзэж байна. Монгол Улс 1987 оноос хойш байгаль орчныг хамгаалах чиглэлээр өргөн хүрээтэй хууль эрх зүйн орчныг бүрдүүлсэн. Байгаль орчны хууль тогтоомж нь үндсэндээ тууштай, уялдаатай байдаг. Гэвч байгаль орчны тухай хууль тогтоомжийн хэрэгжилт удааширдаг. Цаашилбал, салбарын хууль тогтоомжид байгаль орчны хууль тогтоомж, байгаль орчинтой холбоотой заалтуудыг хэрэгжүүлэх нь ихэвчлэн ноцтой сорилт болдог. 1990 онд Монгол Улс улс төр, эдийн засгийн тогтолцоондоо эрс өөрчлөлт хийсэн бөгөөд үүний үндсэн үзэл баримтлал нь нэг намын улс төрийн тогтолцооноос ардчилсан нийгмийн хэлбэрт шилжих явдал юм. Энэхүү илтгэлд бид Монгол Улсын байгаль орчны бодлого, хууль тогтоомжийн хэрэгжилтийг судалсан болно
Дэлхийн эдийн засгийн хөгжлийн түүхээс харахад хөгжингүй болон хөгжиж буй аливаа улс орон нь байгаль, экологиосоо хэрэглэсэн бараа, үйлчилгээний тодорхой өртгийн түвшин дээр эдийн засаг нь тулгуурлаж өссөн байдаг. Тиймээс бид экосистемээсээ хэрэглэсэн хэрэглээнийхээ хэмжээг зөв, нарийн тооцох нь хүрээлэн буй орчны үнэлгээ болоод бодлогын хэрэгжилтийн түвшинд чухал шаардлага болсон юм. Энэ утгаараа ч өнөө болон ирээдүйн хүн төрөлхтний сайн сайхан байдал, амьдралыг тэтгэх систем, тэдгээрийн нөөц хэрэглээг хамгаалж үлдэх, тогтвортой хөгжлийн зорилгыг биелүүлэх, ядуурлыг арилгахад чиглэсэн засаглал ба эдийн засаг, нийгмийг цогцлоох нь 21 дүгээр зууны үндсэн сорилт юм. Иймд хүрээлэн буй орчны эдийн засаг судлалд онолын болон эмпирикийн судалгаанууд өнөө үед улам чухал болсоор байгаа билээ. Экосистемийн бараа, үйлчилгээг үнэлэх нь хүн төрөлхтөн болон экосистемийн нөөцийн хоорондын холбоо хамаарлыг хэмжих хамгийн үр дүнтэй арга юм. GEP буюу экосистемийн нийт бүтээгдэхүүн нь хүмүүсийн сайн сайхан байдлыг тэтгэх экосистемийн эцсийн бараа, үйлчилгээний мөнгөн үнэ цэнийг тодорхой хугацаан дахь засаг захиргааны нэгжийн түвшинд тооцсон үзүүлэлт юм. Экосистемийн нийт бүтээгдэхүүнийг экосистемийн үйлчилгээний мөнгөн үнэ цэнээр илэрхийлж, дараа нь дотоодын нийт бүтээгдэхүүний түвшинтэй харьцуулахыг зорьдог. GEP тооцоолол нь 3 хэсгээс бүрдэх бөгөөд, материаллаг үйлчилгээний үнэ цэнийг тодорхойлох нь тэдгээрийн нэг хэсэг юм. Бид энэхүү судалгаагаараа Монгол улсад GEP тооцооллыг хэрэглэх боломж, экосистемийн нийт үнэ цэнийг тодорхойлох хөрвүүлсэн загвар, тодорхойлогч индикатор, шаардлагатай категорын үзүүлэлтүүдийг хамгийн оновчтой хэлбэрээр тодорхойлж, илрүүлэхийг зорьлоо.
The major challenge of the 21st century is to develop economic, social, and governance systems capable of ending poverty and achieving sustainable levels of population and consumption while securing the life-support systems underpinning current and future human well-being. Nowadays theoretical and empirical researches are increasingly important in environmental studies. The valuation of ecosystem product (services) is an effective method for measuring the connections between ecosystem assets and humans. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the total monetary value of final ecosystem goods and services supplied to human well-being in a given region annually, like a country, or a province, a county. Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) is the monetary value of ecosystem services, making the findings comparable to GDP. There are 3 parts to GEP accounting, and valuing material services is one of them. We identified and examined categories and indicators of material services for Khovd province.