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Artificial intelligence has had a significant impact on banking services in the era of rapid technological changes. In this study, we aimed to determine if the selected banks offer their customers AI products by consulting with relevant officials. Additionally, we assessed the consumers' attitudes toward adopting AI in banking services. We provided a survey to examine the perception of the customers of the selected banks. We involved 508 users who took part in the survey, and 487 valid responses for further analysis. A recent study among local banks has shown that the selected banks in our study are using various artificial intelligence products these days. The remaining banks also expressed their willingness to introduce AI supported products and businesses to their customers. According to our research, policymakers should focus on strengthening the perceived usefulness, perceived trust, and attitude toward AI in banking to increase the adoption of AI-enabled banking services. It will improve the customer service among the banks and improve users' confidence in accepting such services.
Organizations need to focus on employee loyalty, commitment and retention in a dynamic business environment to gain a competitive advantage over rural areas. The success factors for organizational development and well-being are excessively contingent on engaged and skilled employees. This study is anticipated to examine the mediating role of employee loyalty and job engagement on the relationships between job satisfaction and intention to leave in the case of bank employees in Mongolia. The study used data from 444 employees across two private banks in Mongolia. Reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data. Results showed a moderately positive relationship between job satisfaction and job engagement and a negative relationship with the intention to leave. Employee loyalty had a weak and negative correlation with job engagement. Employee loyalty was found to partially mediate the relationship between job satisfaction and the intention to leave while job engagement showed no mediation effect. Improving job satisfaction can enhance employee loyalty and reduce intentions to leave the bank. However, enhancing engagement may not affect turnover intentions. Banks should focus on building loyalty among satisfied employees to retain talent. The mediating role of loyalty highlights its importance in influencing whether satisfied employees consider leaving. This study demonstrates the importance of employee loyalty in partially explaining the mechanism behind the relationship between job satisfaction and retention among Mongolian bank employees. The findings provide insights to help banks improve talent management strategies and retention.
Хураангуй: Кредит скорингийн шинжилгээ нь санхүүгийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч байгууллагууд зээлдэгчдэд эрсдэлгүй буюу хамгийн бага эрсдэлтэй зээл олгоход тусалдаг. Сүүлийн үеийн судалгааны ажлуудын үр дүнгээс харахад машин сургалтын аргууд түүн дотроо холимог сургалтын /ensemble learning/ аргаар боловсруулсан загварууд энэ салбарт тэргүүлэх байр суурь эзэлж байна. Бид энэхүү судалгааны ажлаараа А банк бус санхүүгийн байгууллагын 1650 зээлдэгчийн өгөгдлийг ашиглан холимог сургалтын хоёр /XGBoost, Catboost/ алгоритмаар кредит скорингийн загвар боловсруулж, харьцуулах оролдлого хийсэн. Судалгааны ажлын үр дүнгээс харахад XGBoost алгоритм ашиглан боловсруулсан загварын үр дүн алдааны матриц (confusion matrix), нарийвчлал (accuracy), percision, recall, f1-score, ROC муруй зэрэг үзүүлэлтүүд хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдөхүйц гарсан.
The business environment has become exceptionally unsteady and competitive recently. Information technology advancements and ever-changing customer preferences have played a substantial role in an increase in the significance of highly productive, committed, and loyal employees. This study sought to explore the role of organizational trust as a mediator in the connection between job satisfaction and employee loyalty within the context of two private-sector banks in Mongolia. The research involved the random selection of private two bank employees and questionnaires to collect data. Subsequently, the study conducted rigorous analyses to assess the reliability and correlation of variables, employing structural equation modeling (SEM). Notably, the study examined job satisfaction as an independent variable, employee loyalty as a dependent variable, and organizational trust as a mediating variable. The study's findings reveal a moderate, positive impact of job satisfaction on both employee loyalty and organizational trust. Additionally, the research results showed that organizational trust has a positive moderate effect on employee loyalty. Furthermore, the research outcomes illuminate the mediating role of trust in the organization within the relationship between job satisfaction and loyalty.
This study analyzes the geographical, population, political, and economic characteristics that affect local autonomy. We used data from 21 provinces from 2012 to 2021 and evaluated it by panel regression. As a result of the evaluation, political and economic characteristics have the most significant impact on local autonomy. Afterward, there are geographical features dominated rather than population.
The current paper aims to examine factors that influence borrowers’ intention to borrow from Peer-to-Peer lending platform in Mongolia. This topic has been attracting researchers’ interest especially since 2008 when the 3rd round of fintech development starts over the developed countries. The most of those studies focus on investigating the factors that explain borrowers’ intention to borrow, and a few of them research this perspective from the investors’ side. It is hardly to find the study that explain intentions of parties to participate in a P2P lending platform in Mongolia. Our research tries to fill this gap by studying factors influencing borrowers’ intention in Mongolian fintech market. We have used the TAM model as a theoretical framework and have collected survey questionnaires from investors and borrowers from all fintech companies in Mongolia. The result shows that borrowers’ intention is mostly driven by initial trust and perceived risk. Other variables, perceived ease of use and perceived security, have no impact on borrowers’ decisions to participate in P2P platform.
Adoption of Artificial intelligence in banking sector: Evidence from Mongolia Oyundari.B, Finance department, Business School, NUM Chimedtsogzol.Yo, Finance department, Business School, NUM Bayanjargal.D, Department of Applied Mathematics, School of Applied Science and Engineering, NUM Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of the importance of adopting artificial intelligence in the Mongolian banking sector and to study the current situation of consumers in case of adopting artificial intelligence to banking services. In order to identify the importance and need for adopting artificial intelligence in the banking sector, a quantitative survey was conducted on 320 customers of 6 major Mongolian banks, using the results of SmartPLS 3.0 and Python 3.0 software. In determining how customers adopt artificial intelligence in banking we used factors such as awareness, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, perceived trust, subjective norms, attitude towards AI, intention to adopt AI in banking, кnowledge in technology. This study will provide banking sector policymakers with insights into addressing the challenges of introducing artificial intelligence to banks and to increase their consumption. This will allow policy makers to compare AI implementation strategies with reality. It is one of the studies to identify the important factors influencing the adoption of artificial intelligence in Mongolian banking services. Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Bank customers, Intention to adopt, PLS-SEM, PLS-TAM, Python
The current education trend is to deliver abilities to younger generations to be able to work in a team, to build foundational human qualities, an emotional intelligence, and prioritize to meet the requirements of the 21st century workplace. It is important for Gen Z to increase their understanding of human and social values, and thus to build the country's future development and a prosperous society. As educator perspectives, it is one of our focal responsibility to link learning styles of the Gen Z students with technology-based learning outcomes. This paper summarizes the findings of a qualitative study of the ethical decision-making approach of undergraduate business students in Mongolia and compares them with international research in this field. The results indicate that Mongolian business students were less tolerant of situations involving the ethical constructs of fraud and deceit. Additionally, females are less tolerant than males in all ethical domains.
The current paper aims to examine factors that influence borrowers’ intention to borrow from Peer-to-Peer lending platform in Mongolia. This topic has been attracting researchers’ interest especially since 2008 when the 3rd round of fintech development starts over the developed countries. The most of those studies focus on investigating the factors that explain borrowers’ intention to borrow, and a few of them research this perspective from the investors’ side. It is hardly to find the study that explain intentions of parties to participate in a P2P lending platform in Mongolia. Our research tries to fill this gap by studying factors influencing borrowers’ intention in Mongolian fintech market. We have used the TAM model as a theoretical framework and have collected survey questionnaires from investors and borrowers from all fintech companies in Mongolia. The result shows that borrowers’ intention is mostly driven by initial trust and perceived risk. Other variables, perceived ease of use and perceived security, have no impact on borrowers’ decisions to participate in P2P platform.
The current paper aims to examine factors that influence borrowers’ intention to borrow from Peer-to-Peer lending platform in Mongolia. This topic has been attracting researchers’ interest especially since 2008 when the 3rd round of fintech development starts over the developed countries. The most of those studies focus on investigating the factors that explain borrowers’ intention to borrow, and a few of them research this perspective from the investors’ side. It is hardly to find the study that explain intentions of parties to participate in a P2P lending platform in Mongolia. Our research tries to fill this gap by studying factors influencing borrowers’ intention in Mongolian fintech market. We have used the TAM model as a theoretical framework and have collected survey questionnaires from investors and borrowers from all fintech companies in Mongolia. The result shows that borrowers’ intention is mostly driven by initial trust and perceived risk. Other variables, perceived ease of use and perceived security, have no impact on borrowers’ decisions to participate in P2P platform.
The current education trend is to deliver abilities to younger generations to be able to work in a team, to build foundational human qualities, an emotional intelligence, and prioritize to meet the requirements of the 21st century workplace. It is important for Gen Z to increase their understanding of human and social values, and thus to build the country's future development and a prosperous society. As educator perspectives, it is one of our focal responsibility to link learning styles of the Gen Z students with technology-based learning outcomes. This paper summarizes the findings of a qualitative study of the ethical decision-making approach of undergraduate business students in Mongolia and compares them with international research in this field. The results indicate that Mongolian business students were less tolerant of situations involving the ethical constructs of fraud and deceit. Additionally, females are less tolerant than males in all ethical domains.
Дэлхийн нийтийн хувьд байгаль орчинд үзүүлэх хүний үйл ажиллагааны сөрөг нөлөөллийг бууруулах, байгалийн нөөцийг хамгаалах, ээлтэйгээр ашиглах, нөхөн сэргээх, байгаль орчны бохирдол, доройтлыг асуудлыг шийдвэрлэх нь чухал болоод байна. Иймд улс орон бүр үйлдвэрлэл, хэрэглээнийхээ шинж, иргэдийнхээ худалдан авалтын зан төлөвийг өөрчлөх замаар байгальд ээлтэй хөгжлийг бий болгохыг зорьж байна. Бид “Х” банкны харилцагчдын ногоон хэрэглээний зан төлөвийн өнөөгийн байдлын талаар судалсан болно. Судалгааны үр дүнгээс үзэхэд иргэдийг ногоон боловсролтой болгоход бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээний бэлэн байдал буюу дэд бүтцийг хямд өртөгтэй, хэмнэлттэй, үр ашигтайгаар үйлдвэрлэх, ногоон мэдээллийн технологийг ашиглан хүмүүсийн хандлагыг өөрчлөх боломжтой нь батлагдсан. Энэ нь хүрээлэн буй орчны тогтвортой хөгжлийг дэмжих юм.
Монгол Улсын банкны салбарын тогтвортой байдлын шинжилгээний зарим арга зүйг сайжруулах • Салбарын тогтвортой байдлыг төврүү тэмүүлэх хүчний загвараар үнэлэх боломжийг тодорхойлох, • Үнэлгээний үр дүнгүүдийг ашиглан банкны салбарын тогтвортой байдлыг үнэлэх