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аман илтгэл
The provision of local financial independence increases access to public services and improves the distribution of reserves, the efficiency of utilities, and boosts local economic capacity. This article presents the methodology for calculating the index of local financial independence, which comprises six main indicators: local independence of revenues, independence of non-tax revenues, tax independence, financial capacity, the ratio of capital costs, and independence of expenditures. The result of the local financial autonomy index is calculated based on a total of 210 samples from 21 provinces of Mongolia, covering the period from 2013 to 2022.
Mongolia is a country with an open economy, with most of its economic growth coming from the mining sector. Despite the growth of Mongolia's economy, macroeconomic fluctuations have increased, and the short-term economic growth and recession cycle has become a major challenge for the country. This study aimed to estimate economic sectors to improve the effect and efficiency of the economic sector of Mongolia and create economic diversification by calculating the economic diversification index using intersectoral balance and other methods. In this research, three methods were used: GDP concentration index considered by economic sector, Econometric method of impact on economic sectors, and Intersectoral balance models of economic sectors. A total of 8 types of indices that can be used for economic diversification have been calculated based on the data sample of 2011-2019. Among these indexes, there are 2 indexes with concentration and 6 indexes with low concentration. Although most of the indices appear to be less concentrated, it can be seen that the characteristics of Mongolia's economy need to be taken into account.
Advanced technology accelerates online banking services by using smartphones meanwhile bank offers sophisticated platforms that include a virtual assistant authentication system based on artificial intelligence. Penetrating fintech into banking services that eliminates a transaction cost and boosts comprehensive financial services, and changing lifestyles and attitudes of customers. Mongolian commercial banks are striving to increase online banking services and to upgrade technology within the framework of financial inclusion and literacy of customers that ensuring the efficiency of the financial system. This paper seeks to identify and analyze impacts of customer value, satisfaction, trust in a service, and reputation of bank that affecting customers’ motivation to regularly use online banking services. The data were collected from customers of Y branch of X bank by using a random sampling method and the partial least squares approach was used to test the hypotheses. The result shows that customer communication, customer value, reputation affect to motivation of customer to use online banking.
Энэхүү судалгааны ажлаар орон нутгийн бие даасан байдалд нөлөөлөх газарзүйн, хүн ам, улс төр, эдийн засгийн онцлогийг шинжилсэн. Бид 21 аймгийн 2012-2021 оны тоон мэдээллийг ашигласан ба Панел регрессээр үнэлгээ хийсэн. Үнэлгээний үр дүнд орон нутгийн бие даасан байдалд улс төр, эдийн засгийн онцлог хамгийн их нөлөөтэй байна. Дараа нь хүн амын онцлогоос илүүтэйгээр газарзүйн онцлог давамгай байна.
This study delves into analysis the link between local financial autonomy and local development index of Mongolian provinces. Local development indices were calculated in accordance with methodology issued by Mongolian government resolution of 2018. Local financial autonomy indicators were analyzed based on ratios which proposed by majority of researchers. We used data from 21 provinces from 2016 to 2021 and evaluated it by panel regression. As a result of the evaluation, we found that there is a positive degree between a local financial autonomy between a local development index.
This study analyzes the geographical, population, political, and economic characteristics that affect local autonomy. We used data from 21 provinces from 2012 to 2021 and evaluated it by panel regression. As a result of the evaluation, political and economic characteristics have the most significant impact on local autonomy. Afterward, there are geographical features dominated rather than population.
Local finances of the Mongolia are highly dependent on the centralized government budget and tax constraints do not authorize a local financial autonomy, despite fiscal decentralization has become a common international trend. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affecting local financial autonomy by using relevant data of local finances over the 2012-2020 year period. How components of socia-economic, demographic and political factors are affecting in local financial autonomy by combining a dataset that includes local budget revenues and local expenditures from 21 aimags and by using method of panel data analysis. This paper aims to consider other impacts of geographical features of aimags (such as forest area and surface water) as well on local financial autonomy.
зөвхөн Илтгэл
The current education trend is to deliver abilities to younger generations to be able to work in a team, to build foundational human qualities, an emotional intelligence, and prioritize to meet the requirements of the 21st century workplace. It is important for Gen Z to increase their understanding of human and social values, and thus to build the country's future development and a prosperous society. As educator perspectives, it is one of our focal responsibility to link learning styles of the Gen Z students with technology-based learning outcomes. This paper summarizes the findings of a qualitative study of the ethical decision-making approach of undergraduate business students in Mongolia and compares them with international research in this field. The results indicate that Mongolian business students were less tolerant of situations involving the ethical constructs of fraud and deceit. Additionally, females are less tolerant than males in all ethical domains.
The current education trend is to deliver abilities to younger generations to be able to work in a team, to build foundational human qualities, an emotional intelligence, and prioritize to meet the requirements of the 21st century workplace. It is important for Gen Z to increase their understanding of human and social values, and thus to build the country's future development and a prosperous society. As educator perspectives, it is one of our focal responsibility to link learning styles of the Gen Z students with technology-based learning outcomes. This paper summarizes the findings of a qualitative study of the ethical decision-making approach of undergraduate business students in Mongolia and compares them with international research in this field. The results indicate that Mongolian business students were less tolerant of situations involving the ethical constructs of fraud and deceit. Additionally, females are less tolerant than males in all ethical domains.
Хураангуй: АНУ-ын Ерөнхийлөгчийн 2016 оны сонгуульд “Америкийг дахин агуу болгоё” гэсэн мөрийн хөтөлбөртэй оролцсон Д.Трамп ялалт байгуулж, өөрийн гадаад бодлогыг “Америкийг эн тэргүүнд тавих” хэмээн тодорхойлсон юм. Улмаар тэрээр олон жилийн туршид асар их алдагдалтай явж ирсэн Америкийн гадаад худалдааны балансыг тэнцвэржүүлэх зорилт дэвшүүлсэн нь АНУ- БНХАУ-ын худалдааны дайн гарахад нөлөөлсөн. Энэ дайн нь Вашингтон, Бээжингийн эдийн засагт нөлөөлөөд зогсохгүй дэлхийн эдийн засгийг доргилтонд оруулаад байна. Толилуулан буй өгүүллийн эхний хэсэгт худалдааны дайны тухай ойлголтыг авч үзэх бол хоёрдугаар хэсэгт АНУ-БНХАУ-ын хооронд өрнөсөн худалдааны дайны үүсэл, шалтгаан, өрнөл, энэ дайныг түр зогсоогоод байгаа хоёр улсын худалдааны хэлэлцээрт дүн шинжилгээ хийнэ. Өгүүллийн төгсгөлд, АНУ-БНХАУ-ын худалдааны дайн нь хоёр улсын эдийн засагт төдийгүй дэлхийн эдийн засагт үзүүлсэн эерэг, сөрөг нөлөөлийн талаар дүн шинжилгээ хийсэн болно.