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Organizations need to focus on employee loyalty, commitment and retention in a dynamic business environment to gain a competitive advantage over rural areas. The success factors for organizational development and well-being are excessively contingent on engaged and skilled employees. This study is anticipated to examine the mediating role of employee loyalty and job engagement on the relationships between job satisfaction and intention to leave in the case of bank employees in Mongolia. The study used data from 444 employees across two private banks in Mongolia. Reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data. Results showed a moderately positive relationship between job satisfaction and job engagement and a negative relationship with the intention to leave. Employee loyalty had a weak and negative correlation with job engagement. Employee loyalty was found to partially mediate the relationship between job satisfaction and the intention to leave while job engagement showed no mediation effect. Improving job satisfaction can enhance employee loyalty and reduce intentions to leave the bank. However, enhancing engagement may not affect turnover intentions. Banks should focus on building loyalty among satisfied employees to retain talent. The mediating role of loyalty highlights its importance in influencing whether satisfied employees consider leaving. This study demonstrates the importance of employee loyalty in partially explaining the mechanism behind the relationship between job satisfaction and retention among Mongolian bank employees. The findings provide insights to help banks improve talent management strategies and retention.
Ажлын байрны дарамт нь хүмүүсийн бие бялдар, сэтгэцийн эрүүл мэнд, ажлын сэтгэл ханамж, гүйцэтгэлд ноцтой сөрөг үр дагаварт хүргэдэг. Байгууллагууд ажлын байрны дарамтын шалтгаан, үр дагаврыг ойлгосноор илүү эрүүл, эерэг ажлын орчныг бүрдүүлэхийн тулд урьдчилан сэргийлэх, хөндлөнгөөс оролцох үр дүнтэй стратеги боловсруулж чадна. Энэхүү судалгаа нь ажлын байрны дарамт, ажлын сэтгэл ханамжийн хоорондын хамааралд ажлаас халшрах байдлын зуучлах нөлөөг судлахыг зорьсон. Судалгааг хувийн сургуулийн багш, ажиллагчдаас санамсаргүй түүврээр сонгон асуулгын аргаар мэдээлэл цуглуулан, хэмжил зүйн хувьсагчдын найдварт байдал болон хамаарлын шинжилгээ хийн, бүтцийн тэгшитгэлийн загварчлал (SEM) ашиглан үр дүнг гаргасан. Энэхүү судалгаанд үл хамаарах хувьсагчаар ажлын байрны дарамт, хамаарах хувьсагчаар ажлын сэтгэл ханамж, зуучлагч хувьсагчаар ажлаас халшрах байдлыг авч үзсэн. Судалгаанд бид ажлын байрны дарамтыг хэмжихийн тулд Einarsen, Hoel, Notelaers (2009) нарын боловсруулсан Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R), ажлаас халшрах байдлыг хэмжихийн тулд Maslach болон Jackson (1981) нарын боловсруулсан Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS), мөн ажлын сэтгэл ханамжийг хэмжихийн тулд MacDonald, Maclntyre (1997) нарын боловсруулсан ажлын сэтгэл ханамжийн асуулгыг ашигласан. Судалгааны үр дүнгээр ажлын дарамт болон ажлаас халшрах байдлын хооронд шууд, хүчтэй хамаарлыг илрүүлсэн нь дээрэлхэх түвшин нэмэгдэж байгаа нь ажлаас халшрах байдал нэмэгддэг болохыг харуулж байна. Ажлын дарамт, ажлын сэтгэл ханамжтай урвуу хамааралтай болох нь судалгааны үр дүнгээр батлагдсан. Ажлын байрны дарамт ихсэх тусам ажлын сэтгэл ханамж буурдаг байна. Мөн судалгаагаар ажлаас халшрах байдал нь ажлын сэтгэл ханамжтай урвуу хамааралтай бөгөөд ажлаас халшрах байдал нэмэгдэхэд ажлыг сэтгэл ханамж буурдаг болохыг тогтоосон. Түүнчлэн, судалгаагаар ажлаас халшрах байдал ажлын байрны дарамт болон ажлын сэтгэл ханамжийн хоорондын харилцааг бүрэн зуучилдаг болохыг тогтоосон. Өөрөөр хэлбэл ажлын байрны дарамтаас үүдэн ажлаас халшрах байдал нэмэгдэхэд ажлын сэтгэл ханамж маш их буурдаг болох нь харагдлаа.
The business environment has become exceptionally unsteady and competitive recently. Information technology advancements and ever-changing customer preferences have played a substantial role in an increase in the significance of highly productive, committed, and loyal employees. This study sought to explore the role of organizational trust as a mediator in the connection between job satisfaction and employee loyalty within the context of two private-sector banks in Mongolia. The research involved the random selection of private two bank employees and questionnaires to collect data. Subsequently, the study conducted rigorous analyses to assess the reliability and correlation of variables, employing structural equation modeling (SEM). Notably, the study examined job satisfaction as an independent variable, employee loyalty as a dependent variable, and organizational trust as a mediating variable. The study's findings reveal a moderate, positive impact of job satisfaction on both employee loyalty and organizational trust. Additionally, the research results showed that organizational trust has a positive moderate effect on employee loyalty. Furthermore, the research outcomes illuminate the mediating role of trust in the organization within the relationship between job satisfaction and loyalty.
The belief that talented people create prosperous organizations contributed to the accomplishment of talent management concepts into reality. Highly capable professionals or talented employees who systematically nurtured the best skills typically demonstrate high performance and serve as one of the key success factors for the organizations. Organizations face challenges attracting and maintaining talented employees more than assets. Researches demonstrate that one of the major challenges an organization experience is the aspect of talent management. The objective of the present study is to examine how talent management functions impact the efficiency of human resources. We conducted a sample survey in the metropolitan branch company of the major shareholding company. SPSS 23.0 and Smart PLS 3.0 are used in data analysis and we conducted several tests like reliability tests, correlation analyses, and structural equation models (SEM) to produce the results. The survey results showed that the practice of talent management improves the efficiency of human resources. Moreover, it proved that proper forecasting of talent management needs that foresee opportunity career development and nurture the work culture which would support the mission and vision of the organization makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the human resources
Workplace bullying can result in serious consequences for both employees and employers. Unfortunately, despite the guarantee of safe employment, instances of workplace harassment, violations of employment rights, and bullying continue to occur within organizations. This study's aim is to investigate the relationships and pathways between workplace bullying and job burnout in insurance company employees. The study consisted of 189 employees. The data were collected using a sociodemographic data questionnaire, the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised, and Maslach Burnout Inventory Scale. The model was tested using path analysis techniques within structural equation modeling. The results of the analysis demonstrate a strong positive correlation between workplace bullying and job burnout. The study reveals that assigning underperforming or impossible tasks, setting unachievable goals, and excessive workloads are indicators of workplace bullying. Negative acts such as spreading rumors, speaking maliciously, ignoring someone intentionally, and teasing someone also contribute to diminished personal achievements and underperformance. Intimidation tactics, such as recalling mistakes or domineering behavior, also lead to job burnout. The study's findings suggest that employers should be aware of workplace bullying's harmful effects and take measures to prevent it from occurring to protect their employees' well-being and organizational success.
Workplace bullying can have severe negative consequences on individuals' physical and mental health, as well as their job satisfaction and performance. By understanding the causes and consequences of workplace bullying, organizations can develop effective prevention and intervention strategies to create a healthier and more positive work environment. This study investigated the impact of workplace bullying on job burnout and job satisfaction, as well as the mediating effect of job burnout on the relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction. The study was conducted using a sample of 72 employees from one organization in Mongolia. Data was collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire and analyzed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. In this study, we utilized the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) developed by Einarsen, Hoel, and Notelaers (2009) to measure workplace stress, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981) to measure burnout, and the job satisfaction questionnaire developed by MacDonald and Maclntyre (1997) to measure job satisfaction. The results revealed a positive correlation between workplace bullying and job burnout, indicating that an increase in the levels of bullying is associated with an increase in job burnout. Additionally, both types of bullying (leadership-related and colleague-related) were found to have a negative effect on job satisfaction. Job burnout was also found to have a negative correlation with job satisfaction, meaning that as job burnout increases, job satisfaction tends to decrease. Furthermore, the study found that job burnout fully mediates the relationship between workplace bullying (both leadership-related and colleague-related) and job satisfaction. This suggests that job burnout plays an important role in shaping the relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction.
The business environment has become exceptionally unsteady and competitive recently. Information technology advancements and ever-changing customer preferences heightened the significance of highly productive, committed, and loyal employees. The changes not only bring benefits but also challenges that need to be addressed. The more challenges accelerate, the more issues come up to solve promptly. For any organization, not only taking care of the customers but also the employees of the organization should be treated equally taking better care of their psychological and physical health as well as creating a healthy work environment. The objective of the present study is to examine the mediating effect of job burnout in relation to workload and organizational commitment in the case of nurses working for the Health Center of Selenge aimag (province), Mongolia. The results of the study show that an increase in the workload of nurses by one-unit results in an increase in job burnout by 0.578 (beta) units and a decrease in organizational commitment by 0.437 (beta) units. Furthermore, a one-unit increase in job burnout made to a decrease in an organizational commitment by 0.501 (beta) units. According to the results, job burnout has a strong mediating effect on workload and organizational commitment.
Их дээд сургуулийн багш нарын цагийн судалгааг хийсэн гадаадын судалгааны ажлаас үзэхэд ажлыг олон чиг үүрэг гүйцэтгэхэд хэрхэн цагаа хуваариладаг, цагийн ачаалал талаас нь бус харин ажил амьдралаа хэрхэн тэнцвэртэй байлгах талаас нь илүүтэй судлаж ирсэн байна. Энэхүү өгүүлэл нь дотоодын их дээд сургуулийн багш нар сургалт, судалгаа, нийгмийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлж ажиллахад цагаа хэрхэн зарцуулж ажилладаг байдлыг судлахад чиглэсэн. Судалгаанд суурилсан их дээд сургуулийг бодитоор хөгжүүлж, судалгааны бүтээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэхэд өнөөгийн баримталж буй бодлого бодит байдалд хэрхэн нийцэж байгааг олж мэдэхэд чиглэсэн болно.
Tourism is definitely one of the sectors seriously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the study of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mongolia, 90% of businesses in tourism sector affected by the pandemic (MNCCI, 2020). Due to the pandemic employees’ income decreased sharply or became impoverished and immediately changed their life style, well-being and mental health. By the second quarter of the 2020, 300 companies out of 450 tour operators provided services for the tourists visiting Mongolia fully closed their operations. This paper analyses the impact of work stress on the organizational commitment in the tourism sector during the unprecedented changes related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Numerous tests are used to verify the proposed hypothesis, such as factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and PLS analysis. The results of the survey show that the work stress caused by Covid-19 pandemic has a negative impact on organizational commitment among surveyed employees.
One of the severely affected business sectors from COVID 19 pandemic is tourism sector. Globally practiced lockdown measures made tourism, hospitality and civil aviation businesses considering diverse approaches dealing with an exceptional circumstances such shut down operations, and in solvency which made thousands of their employees working for reduced hours with partial pay or taking unpaid holiday (Fernandes, 2020). According to the study of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mongolia, 90% of businesses in tourism sector affected by the pandemic (MNCCI, 2020). Due to the pandemic employees’ income decreased sharply or became impoverished and immediately changed their life style, well-being and mental health. By the second quarter of the 2020, 300 companies out of 450 tour operators provided services for the tourists visiting Mongolia fully closed their operations. The purpose of the study is examining how the stress potentially may affect their employee’s attitude and commitment to the organization or lose the trust in their organization, and finding alternative solutions to overcome the situation they face in the meantime
Workplace bullying is specified as a psychological threat in legal instruments on workplace health and safety worldwide. It evidences that how healthy and satisfied employment is essential in the employee well-being. The objectives of the present study are researching the potential of workplace bullying affecting job burnout. In the study we used adopted version of Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R: Einersen & Hoel, Notelaers, 2009), Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey (Maslach & Jackson, 1981MBI-HSS) and conducted online survey. Numerous analysis such as reliability test, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis conducted using SPSS 23.0 and Smart PLS 3.0. According to the results, workplace bullying exposure causes a strong emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and person-related bullying exposure causes depersonalization as well as emotional exhaustion. Moreover, intimidation contributes a weak affect to emotional exhaustion and diminishing personal accomplishment.
One of the industries significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is tourism. As a result of lockdowns, tourism came to a halt, which has caused severe damages not only to tourism-related business but also aviation, hospitality sector, which resulted in unemployment, reduced work hours with minimum salary or temporary leave and even closure the businesses. As a result of the pandemic, 99 travel agencies liquidated their business activities and the revenues of 88 percent of the whole tourism sector reduced and 56 percent of employees were laid off. This paper analyses the impact of Work-related stress on the job satisfaction and organizational trust in the tourism sector during the unprecedented changes related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey was conducted online in April-May, 2021 and involved 275 employees working for different travel agencies. Numerous tests are used to verify the proposed hypothesis, such as factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and PLS analysis. The results of the survey show that the Work-related stress caused by Covid-19 pandemic has a negative impact on job satisfaction and organizational trust among surveyed employees.
The business environment has becoming exceptionally unsteady and competitive recently. Information technology advancements and ever-changing customer preferences has played a substantial role in an increase of the significance of highly productive, committed and loyal employees. These changes bring both advantages and challenges need to be addressed. The more challenges accelerate, the more issues come up to solve in timely manner. For any organizations, not only taking care of the customers but also employees of the organization should be treated equally taking a better care about their psychological and physical health as well as creating a healthy work environment. The objective of the current research is to study correlations of workload, job burnout and organizational commitment in the case of nurses working in the Health Center of Selenge aimag, Mongolia. According to the results, an increase of mental workload nurses by one-unit results in job burnout increases by 0.578 (beta) unit and leads to the decrease of the organizational commitment by 0.437 (beta) unit. Moreover, one-unit increase of job burnout leads to decrease of the organizational commitment by 0.301 (beta) unit.
Organizational culture is an important human resource management issue that affects the success and sustainability of a company. In organizational settings, culture describes what is unique about an organization, as expressed by the shared beliefs and values established by the founders and communicated through different ways. This shapes employees´ perceptions and behavior, as well as the principles that apply to members of an organization. Job satisfaction refers to an employee´s feelings about their job and is frequently studied in relation to organizational culture and other variables, such as job commitment, performance and organizational commitment. Organizational commitment refers to whether an employee wishes to continue working for an organization or leave it. Employees tend to be attracted to those organizations with a culture that values their work and focuses on organizational wellbeing. There is a positive relationship between organizational culture, job satisfaction and the organizational commitment of employees.
One of the key factors for sustaining organizational performance for any organization is maintaining loyalty and retention of skilled and experienced employees. Therefore, revealing positive and negative factors impacting employee loyalty and taking action for further improvement has been an essential aspect for organizations. The current paper aims at researching how employee satisfaction has an impact on employee loyalty as well as the organizational performance of the organization based on the case of the Mongolian banks. The sample survey involved 400 employees of three banks. The results of the survey demonstrated that employee loyalty can be maintained through increasing employee satisfaction. In the present study employee satisfaction is considered as the independent variable and as mediating factor that served employee loyalty, and organizational performance is taken as the dependent variable. Consequently, reliability tests, correlation, and regression analysis have been carried out to prove our hypothesis. The research results indicate that satisfied employees tend to be loyal and committed to the organization and contributed positively to the organizational performance.
Орчин цагт байгууллагын соёл түүний үйл ажиллагааны үр ашиг, амжилтанд их нөлөө үзүүлж бизнесийн амжилтанд шаардлагатай шинж чанаруудыг хөгжүүлэх түлхүүр үзүүлэлтүүдийн нэг болж байна. Энэ талаар онолын үзэл баримтлал, холбогдох судалгааны ажил хийгдэж эхэлснээс хойш 30 гаруй жил болж байгаа бөгөөд манай орны удирдахуйн практик үйл ажиллагаанд байгууллагын соёлын мөн чанар, төлөвшилт, удирдах арга зүй, соёлын ач холбогдлын талаар гүнзгий, нийтлэг ойлголт, мэдлэг төдийлөн сайн биш байгаа хэдий ч сүүлийн жилүүдэд ихээхэн анхаарал хандуулах болсон. Хүчтэй соёл бол хамгийн амжилттай ажиллаж байгаа компаниудын нийтлэг шинж чанар юм. Эерэг, хүчтэй соёл нь харилцан итгэлцэл, хамтын ажиллагаагаа сайжруулах, зөрөлчилдөөн багатай, илүү үр дүнтэй шийдвэр гаргах зэрэг ашиг тусыг авчирдаг. Мөн албан бус хяналтын механизм, байгууллагын гүйцэтгэл зорилго стратегитай нягт уялдаатай байх зэрэг чухал зүйлсийн талаар ажилтнууд харилцан ойлголцох боломжийг олгодог (Smith, Francovich, & Gieselman, 2000). “А” ХХК-ий соёлыг Судлаач Cameron болон Quinn (1999) нарын зэрэгцэн оршиж буй үнэт зүйлсийн хамрах хүрээ (competing value framework-OCAI):) нэртэй загварын зургаан шалгуур үзүүлэлтээр үнэлж үзэхэд байгууллагын соёл өнөөгийн түвшинд хангалттай зохицолтой байна. Зургаан шалгуураар 24 ялгаатай байдлыг үнэлэхэд онооны зөрүү 3-6 оноонд хэлбэлзэж байгаа нь өнөөгийн түвшинд давамгайлах соёлыг тодорхойлж гаргахад боломжгүй байгаа ч байгууллагад эрх мэдлийн, зах зээлийн соёл давамгайлж, бүлгийн болон адхократ соёлууд аль аль нь зэрэгцэн оршиж байгаа нь харагдаж байна. Цаашдаа эрх мэдлийн соёлыг бууруулах, бүлгийн соёлыг нэмэгдүүлэх хүлээлт байгаа нь харагдлаа.
Удирдлагын манлайлагчийн зан төлөв, хэв шинж ажиллагчдын үнэнч байдлыг бий болгоход ихээхэн нөлөөлдөг (Carnegie, 2012). Хүндээ төвлөрсөн харилцаа ажиллагчдын итгэл үнэмшил, цаашид хөгжиж дэвшихэд дэмжлэг болж, удирдлагадаа итгэх итгэл нь нээлттэй харилцааг дэмжиж улмаар ажиллагчид байгууллагаараа бахархаж байгууллагынхаа төлөө үнэнчээр зүтгэх сэдлийг бий болгодог байна. X банкны удирдлагын манлайллын хэв шинж нь ажиллагчдын үнэнч байдалд хэр нөлөөтэйг тодорхойлох зорилгоор тус банкны ажиллагчдаас санамсаргүй түүврийн аргаар оролцогчдыг сонгож санал асуулга явуулж, тоон мэдээллийг нийгмийн шинжлэх ухааны судалгаанд өргөн ашиглагддаг SPSS 23.0 болон Smart PLS 3.0 программаар боловсруулалт хийн хүчин зүйлсийн зохистой байдал, найдвартай байдал, хамаарал болон PLS шинжилгээг хийж үр дүнг гаргасан. Судалгааны үр дүн нь өмнөх эрдэмтэдийн гаргасан өөрчлөлтөд хөтлөгч манлайллын хэв шинж нь ажиллагчдын үнэнч байдал ялангуяа ажиллагчдын сэтгэл хөдлөлийн үнэнч байдал, тууштай үнэнч байдлыг илүү нэмэгдүүлдэг (Abasilim & et al, 2019; Dariush & et al, 2016; Garg & Ramjee, 2013; Mert & et al, 2010; Othman & et al, 2013; Wiza & Hlanganipai, 2014; Yahchouchi, 2009) гэсэн үр дүнтэй нийцсэн. Эрх мэдлийн манлайллын хэв шинж нь ажиллагчдын ёс суртахууны үнэнч байдалд илүү хүчтэй нөлөөлдөг бөгөөд өөрчлөлтөд хөтлөгч манлайлалтай харьцуулахад үзүүлэх нөлөөлөл сул (Birasnav, Mittal, & Loughlin, 2014) болох нь батлагдсан.
Small and medium sized businesses with entrepreneur orientation have been developing rapidly in recent years creating the wealth for the nations and some of them often to lead becoming large global enterprises. As the phenomenon is progressing promptly, the interest in studying entrepreneur intention and the factors affecting to becoming entrepreneur in relation to the education and attitude. Numerous researches have been paid attention on investigating if the college program nurturing the intention of choosing entrepreneur or other factors contribute to boosting them to start own businesses among the college students as well as graduates. To contribute to the current field of the study, this study aims at researching different factors affecting the entrepreneur intention including some factors like attitude of the students, subjective norms, entrepreneur education and perceived behavior control using sample survey. The survey involved 568 business major college students. The results demonstrated that the personal attitude has a significant influence on entrepreneur intention as majority of participants expressed their willingness starting their own businesses despite potential challenges and opportunities they may face pursuing this career path. The determinants such as subjective norms and perceived behavior control both represented positive impacts on entrepreneurial intention of participants. Conversely, an entrepreneur education background or specifically the courses they completed so far on business related studies, in their view, had a slight impact in their entrepreneur intention.
Organizational culture is an important human resource management issue that affects the success and sustainability of a company. In organizational settings, culture describes what is unique about an organization, as expressed by the shared beliefs and values established by the founders and communicated through different ways. This shapes employees´ perceptions and behavior, as well as the principles that apply to members of an organization. Job satisfaction refers to an employee´s feelings about their job and is frequently studied in relation to organizational culture and other variables, such as job commitment, performance and organizational commitment. Organizational commitment refers to whether an employee wishes to continue working for an organization or leave it. Employees tend to be attracted to those organizations with a culture that values their work and focuses on organizational wellbeing. There is a positive relationship between organizational culture, job satisfaction and the organizational commitment of employees.
Abstract. Migration, which is a rational labor issue within society, has become a hot topic globally. In recent years there has been an increase in labor migration due to globalization, disparities in the development levels of countries, culture and environment, social instability, political regimes and war. The objective of the presented study was to research the push & pull factors affecting the migration of Mongolians to the Republic of South Korea. The survey was conducted among 498 Mongolians living and working in the Jeollanamеdu and Jeollabugdu districts of the metropolitan cities of Incheon and Ulsan, as well as in the capital city Seoul. Numerous statistical techniques were applied to test the reliability and validity of the data, as well as factor analysis to confirm that the concepts of each variable were correctly measured, correlation analysis to assess the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, and multiple regression analysis to predict the value of variables used in the study. The results of the study showed that the major push factor was an economic one, for which the main motives for migration were low or instable income, the economic downturn and poverty. Likewise, the pull factors were also economic, whereby the motivation to migrate to South Korea was driven by high wages, wellbeing, the opportunity to save and/ or social factors, such as access to quality education, the cultural experience and joining family members who had already settled in the country.
Small and medium sized businesses with entrepreneur orientation have been developing rapidly creating wealth for the nations and often become large global enterprises. The researches on the entrepreneur intention, entrepreneur education, attitude as well as the factors affecting to them are getting popular. Simultaneously, the study on whether the university is nurturing the entrepreneur intention, attitude or boosts students’ willingness starting their own businesses has been remaining an interesting topic. The current study aimed at researching various factors affecting the entrepreneur intention, attitude of the students, subjective norms, entrepreneur education, and perceived behaviour control using sample survey involving 568 university students. The survey results demonstrated that the personal attitude had an influence on entrepreneur intention and the participants expressed their willingness starting their own businesses having an awareness on prospective challenges and opportunities. The determinants such as subjective norms and perceived behaviour control had both positive impacts on becoming an entrepreneur; however, an entrepreneur education demonstrated a slight impact in entrepreneur intention.
Амжилтанд хүрэхэд хүчтэй нөлөөлдөг нэг зүйл бол сэтгэл хөдлөлөө удирдах чадвар (EI) бөгөөд 1990 онд уг ойлголтыг Jack Mayer, Peter Salovey сэтгэл судлалын чухал ойлголт болгож улмаар сэтгэл судлаач Daniel Goleman (1995) таван ур чадвараар хэмжих онолын суурийг тавьж эдгээр нь хувь хүн амжилтанд хүрэхэд хэрхэн хамааралтай болохыг нотолж улмаар хувь хүний амжилт, зан төлөвтэй холбоотой олон талаас нь судалсан байдаг. Хүний төрөлх зан чанар, сэтгэл хөдлөлөө удирдах чадвар (EI) нь ирээдүйг бүтээгчид, өнөөдрийн оюутны сурлагын амжилт, цаашилбал карьерын өсөлтийн суурь хүчин зүйл болохыг нотолжээ (Beer & Nohra, 2000) . Cэтгэл хөдлөлөө удирдах чадвар (EI), хувь хүний төрөлх зан чанар ойлголтууд харилцан уялдаатай, ингэснээр хувь хүн өөрийгөө хянах, өөрийн мэдрэмж сэтгэл санаагаа удирдан зөвөөр ашиглах төдийгүй бусад хүмүүсийн мэдрэмж сэтгэл санааг мэдрэн анхаарч илүү тэмүүлэлтэй ажиллаж амьдрахад хүрдэг тухай нэлээд олон тооны судалгааны хийгдсэн байна. Энэхүү судалгаа нь хувь хүний төрөлх зан чанар, сэтгэл хөдлөлөө удирдах чадвартай холбон судалж эдгээрийн харилцан хамаарлыг оюутан суралцагчдын жишээн дээр судалж тогтоохыг зорьсон ажил юм.
Abstract: Aviation industry’s competition is intensifying every year, by the appearance of the low-cost carriers (LCC). We have conducted the questionnaire survey to reveal the satisfactory level of aviation company and concluded the results in this paper. As result of the factor analysis, 6 components had chosen as customer satisfaction such as “In-flight service”, “In flight comfort”, “Reliability”, “Number of flights and waiting time”, “Cost of flight” and “Safety”. As for the domestic aviation company, to compete in the era of high competition, they have to choose whether to compete in the full-service carrier (differentiation strategy), nor the low-cost carrier (cost leadership strategy). Keywords: Generic strategy, competition factor, customer behavior
Migration covers rational labor issues within the society and has become one of the hot topics globally, particularly the labor migration. An increase of migration due to globalization, disparity of the development status of the countries, culture and environment rather than social instability, political regime or war conflicts observed in recently. The objective of the present study is researching pull & push factors of preferring a migration of Mongolian people to the Republic of South Korea. The survey was conducted among 498 Mongolian people living and working in Jeollanamеdu, Jeollabugdu, Incheon, Seoul, Ulsan region of Korea. The result of the study showed that the major push factor of considering migration was an economic reason. The main motives for migration served numerous reasons like low or instable income, economic downturn and poverty. Moreover, pull factors for the migration to the Republic of Korea for Mongolian people served economic reasons like high pay rate for the labor, wellbeing, the possibility for making savings and social factors such as obtaining quality education and learning to live independently or obtaining an experieince of living overseas and joining family members to live as a family.
Монгол улсад уул уурхайн салбар хурдацтай хөгжиж эдийн засгийн хувьд чухал салбарын нэг болж байна. 2003-2010 онд уул уурхайн салбарын ДНБ-д эзлэх хэмжээ 10.1%-аар өсч 22.7 %, экспортод эзлэх хэмжээ 45.2 %-аар өсч 81 %-д хүрсэн бол энэ салбарт оруулсан ГШХО-ын хэмжээ нийт дүнгийн 80 % хүртэл өссөн байна.