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Хураангуй: Энэхүү өгүүллээрээ Англи хэлний сонсохын өмнөх дасгалуудын зорилго, эдгээр дасгал ажлууд болон оюутнуудын гүйцэтгэсэн даалгаврыг үнэлэх онооны хооронд хамаарал бий эсэх, хэрэв бий бол ямар төрлийн асуултууд нөлөөлж байна вэ, сонсохын өмнөх дасгалуудыг хэрхэн үр дүнтэй зохион байгуулж заах вэ гэдгийг туршилтаар тодотгохыг зорив. Түүнчлэн оюутан сурагчид эдгээр дасгалын үр өгөөжийг хэрхэн үнэлж байна вэ - гэдгийг гаргаж ирэхийн тулд Ахисан-дунд түвшний 53 оюутнаас асуулга судалгаа авлаа. Судалгааны үр дүнд сонсголын өмнөтгөл дасгалууд нь оюутнуудад сонсох сэдэл төрүүлж, сэдвийн дагуух өмнөх мэдлэгийг нь сэргээн, тодорхой үгсийн санг таниулж, сонсох даалгаврын агуулгыг таамаглан өөрийн өмнөх мэдлэгтэйгээ уялдуулах, гадаад хэлээр сонсохоос үүдэлтэй сэтгэлийн түгшүүрийг бууруулж анхаарал төвлөрөлтийг нэмэгдүүлэх зэрэг ач холбогдолыг улам бататгав.
Teaching and learning a foreign language is a very long and effort-demanding process from both the teachers and learners. Thus, language instructors must be able to organize the class in interesting and effective ways. One of the effective teaching methods for English language is using TED Talks as a language learning tool. Our experiment covering totally 98 students who register for upper-intermediate and advanced level Academic English course demonstrated some positive results that TED Talks could be one of effective tools for the students. The questionnaire results followed after the experiment have encouraged us to regularly apply this tool for other level students, too.
: Pragmatics is a modern branch of linguistic and its origin is the philosophy of language. It is a complex subject with all kind of disciplinary influence like cognitive science, anthropology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, sociology, journalism, language pathology. So we can say that pragmatics allows to study human concept and people’s intended meaning. A modern linguistics is known as “anthropocentric linguistics” emphasizing the study of language in terms of language-human interaction rather than the structure and organization of language. Approach based on pragmatic linguistics we can talk of people’s intended meaning, their purposes and goals. There are two different approaches or schools of thought: Anglo-American and the Continental European tradition. According to the Anglo-American school of thought pragmatics is one of the core components within semantics, syntax, morphology and phonology. The Continental European tradition takes a broader understanding which leads to human communication. The purpose of this study is to define the importance of pragmatic meaning and compare the semantics and pragmatics meaning. As adults, we arrive at the speaker’s meaning so effortlessly but the most complicated problem is that the children understand what the words mean but not the speakers meaning. Pragmatic analysis focus on the of speaker’s meaning. The use of pragmatics can be tricky to grasp without studying examples, therefore we have been doing some analysis on children’s talk. Speakers can mean different from what their words or sentences mean.The most important is pragmatic focuses on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted and explain by linguistic knowledge.
Student Evaluation of Teaching (SETs) is an integral part of education to improve teaching effectiveness in higher education institutions. Educators and researchers claim that SETs represent the effects of teacher performance on student achievement and help instructional improvement, program and course evaluations as well as accreditation, promotion and tenure decisions. The purpose of this study is to overview what SETs are like in higher education institutions exemplifying five major universities of Mongolia and to make some analysis on the questionnaire utilized for evaluating teachers’ performance at the National University of Mongolia, the Mongolian University of Science & Technology and the Mongolian National University of Education. The results will be discussed in the article.
“Student evaluation of teachers” and “teacher evaluation of students” are two important instruments that foster the improvement of educational quality at higher education institutions. Both are usually questioned for their validity, objectivity and reliability. “Assessment is the process of providing credible evidence of resources, implementation actions, and outcomes undertaken for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of instruction, programs, and services in higher education” (Banta & Palomba, 2015, p.2). The purpose of the study is to explore relationships between “student evaluation of teachers” and “teacher evaluation of students” based on evaluation practices of selected courses at the National University of Mongolia. We collected samples from the office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Foreign Languages from two academic years from 2019 through 2021. Using the data, we applied correlation analysis and examined the relationships between the two variables. The results will be discussed in this article.
Student assessment and teacher evaluation is one of the important issues to improve educational quality at higher education institutions. Both are usually questioned with their validity, objectivity and reliability. The purpose of the study is to explore relationships between student assessment and students’ satisfaction evaluation at the National University of Mongolia. We collected samples from the office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Foreign Languages from two academic years ranging from 2019 through 2021. Using the data, we applied a correlation analysis and examined the relationships between the two assessments. The results will be presented at the conference.
Adjectives are groups of words that indicate the nature, color, shape, size, taste, and smell. In the process of human communication, it is necessary to compare and contrast the peculiarities of things, and it can only be expressed through the degree of the adjectives. In Mongolian and English languages, adjectives employ comparative and superlative degrees. Intensification and weakening of the meaning of the adjectives is one of the main features of adjectives. Identifying the similarities and differences in the patterns of intensification and weakening of adjectives in Mongolian and English that are included in totally distinct language groups Altain and Indo-European is essential for everyone studying English as a second language. The qualities and symbols of something in an individual people and unique things should be the same or more or less different from those of something else. Each language has its own way of detecting this pattern in communication, but it differs within the languages . Following the framework of contrastive linguistics , intensification and weakening of adjectives are taken as a comparison points that allows a function-based approach of how different languages hypothetically use different linguistic forms to express the same ontological category. We study how intensification and weakening of adjectives are used and formally realised in the bilingual output of Mongolian and English languages. Also,intensification and weakening have been studied from a second language acquisition perspective , with a focus on literature and dictionary sources. They show the near equivalence and have a similar distribution depending on the their intensifiers, suffixes and idiomatic collocations to express intensification and weakening of adjectives. The Mongolian and English both employ a limited number of adverbs and intensifiers that are used idiomatically. The fundamental, typological differences lie in prefix usage and the categorization as two investigated languages are included in distinct language families, Altai and Indio –European and are vital for further study. Though Mongolian-English are different languages, there is a common pattern of forming the intensification and weakening of the meaning of adjectives with a certain number of adverbs and suffixes.
Энэхүү өгүүлэлд цахим сургалтын үйл ажиллагааны явц, түүний ололттой болон дутагдалтай талыг олон улсын их дээд сургуулиудын авч хэрэгжүүлж буй арга туршлага болон МУИС-ийн хэлний бус мэргэжлийн ангийн оюутанд заадаг академик англи хэлний хичээл, МУИС-ийн ГХТ-ийн багш, МУИС-ийн зарим оюутнуудаас авсан судалгааны үр дүн дээр жишээлэн тоймолж, цаашид өөрчлөх шаардлагатай зарим асуудлуудыг хэлэлцэхийн зэрэгцээ цахим сургалтын явцад олж авсан зарим бүтээлч арга барил, өгөөжийг цаашдын цахим хийгээд танхимын сургалтын үйл ажиллагаанд авч хэрэгжүүлэх боломж нөхцлийг тодорхойлохыг зорив.
Following the declaration of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as pandemic by the World Health Organization in the first quarter of 2019, all countries had to shut schools and switch into online schooling to continue operating under the pandemic circumstance. Mongolia was no exception. Like many other universities across the world, the National University of Mongolia has developed a “temporary” online teaching guideline to assist its academic staff in delivering online courses effectively. However, the pandemic circumstance has not been “temporary” as expected in the beginning, and the university is now already entering into its third quarter of online teaching since the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. The high possibility of the pandemic circumstance to well extend into the end of this year, or even further, advocates the elaboration of a comprehensive teaching and learning guideline that thoroughly suitably discusses all aspects of online education, particularly the assessment, for use in online teaching in crisis situations including this pandemic or any other similar circumstance which we cannot foresee.
Recharge estimation in arid and semi-arid areas is complicated. As for the country where the potable water for both the people and livestock is supplied from shallow unconfined aquifer due to the lack of existing ground water, the recharge estimation is crucial to water source management. However, since the deficiency of available data, such estimation has not been completed in the Gobi desert of Mongolia. Water-bearing rock units of the Undai river basin consist of Upper Quaternary alluvial-proluvial sands, gravels and pebbles. In this paper, direct recharge was estimated using chloride mass balance (CMB) and rainfall infiltration breakthrough (RIB) model in shallow unconfined aquifer, Undai watershed area Southern Mongolia. As a result of groundwater recharge estimation survey conducted in 2018, the annual mean recharge of the groundwater along the Undai dry riverbed is calculated to be 13.7mm/year according to RIB model based on the water level fluctuation, which makes up 6.3% of total precipitation and 21.7mm/year according to CMB (chloride mass balance), which comprises 10% of the total annual precipitation. The largest recharge estimates were determined using the daily basis RIB method and the smallest estimates were determined using the chloride-mass-balance method.
Students admitted to the National University of Mongolia following their completion of high education are required to study 6 credit hours of Academic English in intermediate and upper levels as part of the university foundation program to be able to eventually satisfy the university commencement requirement ruling upper-intermediate level English language proficiency by the time of graduation. Nevertheless, despite the seven years of continuous study of English language at previous levels of education (primary, secondary and high), the students often fall short of English language competence sufficient to take the course and continue their English language learning in intermediate level at the university. Consequently, the university encounters a need to lower the course content level, open beginner or lower-intermediate level classes for those students and repeat the same contents that had been already covered over the past 7-9 years at primary, secondary and high schools. Although such a solution may seem to temporarily answer the student need, in the long run, it will bring massive negative consequences to the university in relation to the implementation of their own program and achievement to their declared objective to prepare skilled workforce with excellent English language proficiency. With this situation and consequences in mind, we conducted this research to inspect if the English language programs implemented at primary, secondary, high schools are bringing the academic success expected/ruled by their core curriculum, and if the success differs between the state-owned and privately-owned schools (excluding the specialized English language schools), and in case of observation of any major difference in academic success between the state-owned and privately-owned schools, identify the factors that negatively or positively influence the success from which possible solutions for improvement can be derived.