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Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал, Г.Баттөр, Д.Түмэнжаргал
"Contributing factors to perceived educational quality in Mongolia: Developing instruments using principal component analysis" Cogent Education, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1-18, 2023-9-6


Educational quality is perceived differently as it is embedded in its social, cultural, political, and economic circumstances. The current study identified the factors contributing to perceived educational quality in Mongolia and attempted to develop an instrument to measure educational quality using principal component analysis. Using qualitative and quantitative approaches, the analysis yielded 71 items contributing to educational quality in six themes: school environment, school administration, students, parents, curriculum, and teachers. Each theme yielded one to four components as measurable instruments. The study suggests that school conditions should be prioritized to improve educational quality in Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал, А.Амарзаяа
"Examining Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes Towards Plagiarism in Mongolia", The European Conference on Education, Их Британи, Умард Ирландын Нэгдсэн Вант Улс, Лондон хот, 2023-7-13, vol. 1, pp. 223


In light of the internet, technological advancement, and artificial intelligence, plagiarism has become one of the major issues for students and the academic community to be concerned. Plagiarism is an ethical misconduct in which one uses others’ ideas, words, and intellectual productions without acknowledging the authors or one’s contribution. Previous studies have documented contributing factors to plagiarism, such as age, gender, level of education, the field of study, major, level of English language proficiency, and the tendency among students in different cultural contexts. Scholars asserted that studies on plagiarism lack in a non-Western context, in which we seek to fill this gap in the context of Mongolia. In this empirical study, we examine undergraduate students’ attitudes towards plagiarism in Mongolia by employing the plagiarism attitude scale. We used Rasch mathematical modeling for our analysis. The data was collected via an online platform with a total sample size N=327 consisting from N=120 male, N=205 female, and N=2 unidentified gender responses. Rasch analysis showed high item reliability .99 and person reliability 0.84 with moderate unidimensionality for scale measurement. Moreover, an analysis of differential item functioning (DIF) yielded some differences between gender and some items (moderate and large), and gender with other items (slight to moderate). The differences across the field of study, and the general education background by location, and year of study were found to have no difference in their attitudes toward plagiarism.

Зохиогч(ид): С.Чимэдцогзол, Д.Мөнхцэцэг, Д.Золжаргал
"Нэг сэдэвт бүтээлийн англи хураангуйд хийсэн судалгаа" Социологи, vol. 582, no. No: 15 582, pp. 50-60, 2023-6-10



Scientific abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баярмаа, Д.Золжаргал, Б.Түвшинтөр
"HOW DO MONGOLIAN YOUTHS CONSUME INFORMATION FOUND IN MAINSTREAM SOCIAL MEDIA?", Global media and mass communication conference (GMMCC2023), Монгол Улс, 2023-5-25, vol. 1, pp. 1


Social media has become a common utility to receive information for people across the world. Mongolia has joined mainstream social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. According to the World population review (2023), Facebook users are estimated to be 2.7 million as of June 2021. This indicates the popularity of social media as a medium tool or an information source for the majority of the population in Mongolia. Here, we attempt to explore how Mongolian youths who are active consumers of social media use the information found in social media. We used secondary data collected by the team of researchers at the National University of Mongolia, and the data were not used for publication of the study. The survey was conducted in the Spring of 2022. Upon examining the data, we decided to share some important findings for determining youth’s information consumption in Mongolia. To understand social media consumption among the youths, we looked at the four main skills for utilizing social media properly: the capability to distinguish social media from other mass media sources es, the capability to check source credibility, the capability to fact-check, and the behavior of utilizing information obtained from social media. We concluded that there is a relationship between gender when using social media and the tendency of more information consumption through social media, be it a mass media sourced information by official mass media pages or friends on social media.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал, Э.Эрдэнэтуяа, А.Энхтуяа
"CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF STUDENT ASSESSMENT AND TEACHER EVALUATION IN ACADEMIC ENGLISH CLASSES" Mongolian Journal of English Language and Culture Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 46-57, 2023-5-1


“Student evaluation of teachers” and “teacher evaluation of students” are two important instruments that foster the improvement of educational quality at higher education institutions. Both are usually questioned for their validity, objectivity and reliability. “Assessment is the process of providing credible evidence of resources, implementation actions, and outcomes undertaken for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of instruction, programs, and services in higher education” (Banta & Palomba, 2015, p.2). The purpose of the study is to explore relationships between “student evaluation of teachers” and “teacher evaluation of students” based on evaluation practices of selected courses at the National University of Mongolia. We collected samples from the office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Foreign Languages from two academic years from 2019 through 2021. Using the data, we applied correlation analysis and examined the relationships between the two variables. The results will be discussed in this article.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал, Э.Эрдэнэтуяа, А.Энхтуяа
"CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF STUDENT ASSESSMENT AND TEACHER EVALUATION IN ACADEMIC ENGLISH CLASSES", Digital Education and English Language Learning, Монгол Улс, 2022-9-16, vol. 1, pp. 19


Student assessment and teacher evaluation is one of the important issues to improve educational quality at higher education institutions. Both are usually questioned with their validity, objectivity and reliability. The purpose of the study is to explore relationships between student assessment and students’ satisfaction evaluation at the National University of Mongolia. We collected samples from the office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Foreign Languages from two academic years ranging from 2019 through 2021. Using the data, we applied a correlation analysis and examined the relationships between the two assessments. The results will be presented at the conference.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал, Г.Баттөр, Д.Түмэнжаргал
"Determining Educational Quality in Mongolia: An Exploratory Factor Analysis", The Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Япон, 2022-3-22, vol. 8, pp. 1


Educational quality has been discussed extensively. Scholars state that the quality of education is relative to its context embedded in its culture, values, sociopolitical situation as well as economic situation (Mortimore & Stone, 1991; Hanushek, 2002; Scheerens, Luyten, & van Ravens, 2011). It has also been approached from different perspectives such as social justice and capabilities (Tikly & Barrett, 2011), school effectiveness (Cheng, 1999), and an integrated approach of economist and humanist perspectives to define educational quality (Barrett & others, 2006). This study attempts to examine and identify the factors indicating the quality of education in Mongolia using factor analysis. First, we identified major issues of educational quality by collecting and analyzing 66 online media sources. Then, we interviewed 5 specialists in the field to add more clarity in context analysis. Based on the interviews and context analysis, we developed a questionnaire consisting of 123 questions. Participants rated them in terms of their importance (1=least important through 6=most important) to consider the quality of education in Mongolia. The data collection was conducted online, which yielded a valid sample size of 338 participants. We employed exploratory factor analysis to explore important factors of perceived educational quality. The Kaiser-Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy is marvellous (KMO=.904). The total variance explained is .71. Loadings less than .30 was excluded. The preliminary analysis yielded 28 factors such as student individual necessity, student awareness, teacher interaction with students, school interior design, school building outside environment, school administration free from politics and supportive learning atmosphere.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал
"Exploring Online Student Engagement During COVID-19 Pandemic in Mongolia" International Journal of Higher Education, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 10-18, 2021-10-1


Student online engagement has become a challenge for higher education in Mongolia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study explores student engagement in online learning of Mongolian higher education during the lockdown period. The study assessed differences in student engagement across gender, the tools students used to study, their level of study, and their field of study. It also determined the associations between variables. The data were collected online using the questionnaire developed by Dixson (2015), the scale to measure student online engagement (OST) with four variables: skills, emotion, participation, and performance. The tests of Kruskal-Wallis, Shapiro-Wilk, Cramer’s V, Point biserial as well as Spearman rho were used for the analyses. The most significant variables to measure student engagement were participation and performance. One of the important results was that the internet access was highly correlated with the performance variable (p=.00). The study did not find any significant differences or correlation for “emotion” expressing the devotion and commitment to the online study.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал
"A Case Study of Higher Education in Mongolia: Institutional Isomorphism" International Journal of Higher Education, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 107-115, 2020-2-1


Universities elsewhere have been changing its purposes, functions, roles, and pursuits in society. This study is a case study of Mongolian higher education in which institutional changes are taking place incrementally. The purpose of this study is to explore institutional isomorphism or homogenization of a case university in Mongolia in two different periods of which one is a university under the Soviet regime in the past, and the other is under the democracy in present. The research question was how a university in Mongolia has been changing isomorphically under the different environmental pressures. The study applied a single case study proposed by Yin (2003; 2009) to explore homogenization or isomorphic changes at one prestigious higher education institution in Mongolia. Interviews, reports, and other related documents were used for the analysis. The analytical procedure applied main elements of qualitative research methods. The findings are discussed in three major themes: coercive isomorphism of a university, isomorphic changes triggered by the faculty members: bottom-up process, and mimetic isomorphism modeling after American higher education. It is concluded that the institutional changes taken place in the university was first pressured by the coercion dictated by the political social circumstances, that is, Soviet regime; second, by the faculty members triggered by the professionalization; and third, by the mimicry modeling after successful higher education institution, an American higher education system.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал
"Их, дээд сургуулийн багш нарын нийгмийн сүлжээний хэрэглээ" Боловсрол судлал, vol. 19, no. 511, pp. 114, 2019-6-1


Өнөө үед нийгмийн сүлжээний нэгэн төрөл болох фейсбукийг хүмүүс ихээхэн хэрэглэх болсон бөгөөд үүнийг хэрэглэх хэрэглээ өдөр ирэх тусам нэмэгдэж, фейсбук хэрэглэгчдийн тоо мөн адил хурдацтайгаар нэмэгдсээр байгаа билээ. Энэхүү судлагааг дийлэнхийг хамарсан нийгмийн сүлжээг багш нар тэр дундаа их, дээд сургуулийн багш нар хэрхэн ашиглаж байгаа, тус нийгмийн сүлжээнд тэдний хандлага, зан байдал хэрхэн илэрч байгааг тодруулан ойлгох зорилгоор хийсэн билээ. Энэ судалгааг чанарын аргаар боловсруулан явуулсан ба чанарын аргын түгээмэл хэрэглэгддэг ярилцлагын аргыг ашигласан болно. Судалгаанд 25-55 насны улсын сургуулийн 8 багш, хувийн сургуулийн 6 багш нийт 14 (үүнээс эрэгтэй 5, эмэгтэй 9) багшийг зориудаар сонгон авч ярилцлага хийсэн. Судалгааны үр дүнгээс харахад багш нар фейсбукийн орчинд өөрсдийгөө хувь хүн гэхээсээ илүү багш хүн үлгэр дуурайлал байдаг гэдэг өнцгөөс харжоюутан суралцагч болон холбогдох ажил мэргэжлийн хүрээнд фейсбукийг түлхүү ашигладаг болох нь илэрхий байгаа юм.Багш нар үүгээрээ дамжуулан оюутнууддаа шинэ шинэлэг, хэрэгцээтэй, сургалт, хичээл зэрэгтэй холбоотой мэдээлэл хүргэхийг зорьж байгаа ба тэд хичээлийнхээ хүрээнд "алсаас" буюу онлайн орчинд чиглүүлэх, удирдах зэрэг үйл ажиллагааг явуулдаг байна. Энэ судлагааны нэг ач холбогдол нь нийгмийн сүлжээг багш нар мэргэжлийн үйл ажиллагаандаа хэрхэн ашиглаж байгаагаар их дээд сургуулийн онлайн системийг сайжруулах арга, санаа авч болох талтай юм.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Золжаргал
"Homogenization of higher education institution on the face of sustainable development in Mongolia", CIES, USA, 2019-4-14, vol. 0, pp. 143


Many institutions across the globe claim that they plan to become world-class universities by a certain date or that they have already achieved this status (Birnbaum, 2007). The phenomenon of building a “world class university” is evident in countries such as China, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Denmark, Finland and so on. For instance, Finland reformed its higher education system by merging 20 universities into 15 to 16 universities. The purpose of this action is to build a “world class university” with the account of improving efficiency and effectiveness of higher education institutions in Finland. In Asia, Chinese government has put an immense effort to build a “world class university” by implementing policies such as “985 scheme.” It aimed at building a “world class university” in China and has begun its implementation since 1999. The government and higher education institutions both implement their strategies to build and become a “world class university.” The government nurtures key universities with favorable policies, administration and resources to build world class universities whereas the key universities equip themselves with talented human resources, boosting research activities and internationalizing campuses. Similarly, higher education institutions in Mongolia have been experiencing reforms and changes to pursue “world-class” higher education on the face of the sustainable development. The policies to implement sustainable development strategies at the higher education level have been reflected on the institutional as well as operational level of the universities in Mongolia. This study analyses how higher education institution in Mongolia has become isomorphic on the face of the sustainable development policies and strategies. Significance of the study is that it will add to the literature around the discussion of sustainable development policies and strategies impact on higher education systems with the focus of developing economy context. Second, the implication of this study is highly important for Mongolian higher education in terms of policy designing at national and institutional level within the framework of sustainable development, as well as building a “world class university” through the policies and strategies of sustainable development. Drawing from previous literature, we can conclude that it is little researched on how higher education institutions in a developing country are pursuing “world class universities” or research intensive universities within the context of sustainable development. As Altbach (2007) postulated that developing countries need research universities but their goals will be different than those in advanced economies. For developing countries, research universities are especially rare, and yet they are especially important as key ingredients for economic and social progress (Altbach, 2007). The sustainable development goals can serve for those countries and their higher education institutions in Mongolia to guide how to build their nation with higher education, research and development on the face of sustainable development. Hence, this study examines the policies and strategies of sustainable development and the process of the institutional changes of one higher education institution through the lens of isomorphism. This study applies neo-institutional theory of isomorphism as its theoretical lens. Theory of new institutionalism, isomorphism explains the institutional changes that force the institution to become similar with each other. It has a power to explain homogenization process of higher education institutions on the face of the sustainable development. The current changing process of Mongolian higher education plows a fertile ground for examining isomorphic changes to become a research university – character of world class university within the context of sustainable development. In other words, it can help to examine isomorphic or homogenization process of a Mongolian higher education institution to become a research university. The process of homogenization is isomorphism (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983), the process of organizations becoming similar and homogenous. Once disparate organizations in the same line of business are structured into an actual field (by competition, the state or the professions), powerful forces emerge that lead them to become more similar to one another (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983). One of the field powerful forces in this study is policies and strategies of sustainable development that are shaping current higher education system in Mongolia. The study employs qualitative approach to make analysis on the changing nature of the higher education institution in terms of becoming isomorphic and homogeneous on the face of the sustainable development context. The study has collected numerous government policy papers and documents as well as case university reports, documents and other written sources. The thematic analysis has been conducted and the preliminary findings are presented below. Institutional mergers became common to achieve organizational scale and to absorb academically weaker institutions within larger units (Balan, 2006:293). In 2010, Mongolian government passed the bill to restructure Mongolian higher education system into a more manageable way and differentiate the role and mission of higher education system. The restructure of higher education institutions in Mongolia has merged 42 higher education institutions and built 15 higher education institutions ( For instance, University of Ulaanbaatar, Institute of Commerce and Business and Institute of Customs and Economics were merged into the National University of Mongolia from 1 July, 2010. This step of structure based reform is considered to enhance the quality of higher education, to allocate funding efficiently such as building a new campus for the national universities. This top down reform in Mongolian higher education system can be considered as the initial step support the few state higher education institutions and further to equip them to build “world class university” on the face of the sustainable development. Even though there is not much support from the government to build research intensive “world class university,” a few state higher education institutions attempt to change itself at the organizational level to catch up with the global trend of higher education. The case university was used to be oriented to prepare human resources to the society and teaching dominated institution. Recently, the university has been shifting itself in building research intensive university. The university has been changing its administrative pattern into corporate governance system modeling after American model of research universities by eliminating former Soviet Union governance system.

Зохиогч(ид): Ж.Даваа, Д.Золжаргал, Д.Гармаа
"Relationships between University Performances and Economic Growth" International Journal of Higher Education, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 123-132, 2018-8-10


Abstract Universities play an important role in the economic development - knowledge economy. Previous studies proposition that universities significantly contribute to the economic development of the countries. Countries implement policies to efficiently connect higher education and the economy. This study explores the relationships between the university performances measured by the world university rankings and the gross domestic product. We employed the data from the World Bank and two university rankings for a period of 2011-2016. We ran correlation analysis followed by t-test analysis for confirming the linear and non-linear relationship. For robustness, we used chi-squared test for independence. The result shows there is a positive non-linear relationship between university performances and GDP. Indicators for citation and research suggests the quality of the research matters more than the mere research and publications. We may conclude that the “research quality” of the university intensive in researching can contribute indirectly to the economic development of the countries. Keywords: university rankings, gross domestic products, university performances, relationship, economic growth

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