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Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): П.Жаргалсайхан, Г.Алтангэрэл, У.Айбек, Б.Баяртогтох
"MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION OF GYMNOPLEURUS MOPSUS (COLEOPTERA: SCARABAEIDAE) IN DIFFERENT BIOTOPES OF MONGOLIA", Эрдэм шинжилгээний анхны хурлын 80 жилийн ой, Монгол, 2024-4-20, vol. 1, pp. 37


In this study, we studied the body size variation of G. mopsus distributed in different biotopes of Mongolia. This study aimed to evaluate variation in morphometric linear traits of this beetle species and compare populations from the desert, desert-steppe, steppe, and forest-steppe ecosystems. In total, 523 adult beetles were collected from 9 localities in six provinces, between 2015 and 2023. Beetle numbers ranged from 30 to 110 adult beetles from each site. We measured 11 morphometric linear traits and dry weight of beetles. The measurements were as follows: body maximum length, head length, head width, distance between eyes, pronotum length, pronotum width, elytra length, elytra width, and dry weight. As a result, there were no significant differences in the linear traits between the beetles from the desert and the desert-steppe, as well as from the steppe and the forest-steppe, except distance between the eyes. However, there were significant differences in the average body sizes of beetles from each ecosystem. Also, we recorded the dry weight of beetles differ significantly between the desert, desert-steppe, and forest-steppes, but the other ecosystems showed no significant differences.

Зохиогч(ид): П.Жаргалсайхан, Б.Баяртогтох, Г.Алтангэрэл, У.Айбек, T.Enkhchimeg
"Variation in Dung Removal Rates by Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in a Temperate, Dry Steppe Ecosystem" Diversity, vol. 15, no. 91, pp. 1-14, 2023-1-11


During their feeding process, dung beetles perform a series of ecosystem functions that provide valuable ecosystem services, such as soil fertilization, improvement of soil properties, plant growth enhancement, and biological pest control. However, in the grasslands of the Central Asian dry steppe, the effects of dung beetles on dung removal remain almost unstudied. Here, we examined dung removal by different dung beetle species (Colobterus erraticus (Linnaeus, 1758), Onthophagus bivertex Heyden, 1887, Onthophagus gibbulus (Pallas, 1781), Gymnopleurus mopsus (Pallas, 1781), Cheironitis eumenes Motschulsky, 1859, and Geotrupes koltzei Reitter, 1892), and compared the impacts with control treatments (without beetles) under natural pasture conditions and in the laboratory. We examined the influence of different variables on dung removal rates, such as dung type and dung beetle traits (nesting strategies, abundance, body size, and biomass). We found higher dung removal rates during the initial 48 h in field and laboratory conditions. Among nesting strategies, tunnellers demonstrated significantly higher dung removal rates than dweller and roller species. The highest amount of dung removal was estimated for C. eumenes (6.5 g/day by seven individuals). We found no significant relationship between dung removal rates and dung beetle body size or biomass, but we observed a strong negative correlation between dung beetle abundance and dung removal rates. Our findings highlight the importance of dung type and age, nesting strategies and abundances of dung beetles, and experimental conditions, which are the main factors driving the process of dung removal.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох
"Ontogenetic instars of Lepidacarus maafushiensis sp. nov. from the Maldives, with remarks on morphological ontogeny of Lohmanniidae (Acari, Oribatida)" Zootaxa, vol. 5187, no. 1, pp. 7-29, 2022-9-14


Although the juvenile instars of oribatid mite family Lohmanniidae are well known compared to the other families of the infraorder Enarthronota, information on morphological ontogeny most known species is still lacking. Herein, a new species of the genus Lepidacarus is proposed from soil-litter of the Maafushi Island, Maldives, based on all ontogenetic instars. A comparative analysis of ontogenetic instars of species belonging various genera of Lohmanniidae is given, and the major characteristics of juvenile instars of 21 species are presented. From this analysis, it can be generalized that the juvenile morphologies of lohmanniid genera are quite similar and uniform, there is no significant features separating different genera of Lohmanniidae, and the juveniles of various genera differ from one another in the same characteristics as the adults.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, П.Жаргалсайхан, Т.Энхбаяр, Г.Алтангэрэл, У.Айбек, Д.Нарангарвуу
"Rare and charismatic species of insects in Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve, Mongolia" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 49-59, 2022-5-13


Grassland insects face some of the most severe declines in species diversity and total abundance, in part due to agriculture. Livestock grazing is the largest agricultural land use in Mongolia that can have both positive and negative effects on insect communities. Here, we provide an assessment of rare and charismatic insects that can serve as a baseline for monitoring future population changes of selected species in the nature reserve. A total of 20 species were chosen including three species of dragonflies/damselflies (Odonata), two species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera), one species of true bug (Hemiptera), one species of lacewing (Neuroptera), nine species of beetles (Coleoptera), one species of ant (Hymenoptera), and three species of butterflies (Lepidoptera), and we discussed the future conservation issues in this nature reserve, where protection of existing habitat should be the primary goal for insect conservation.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох
"New and little known species of soil mites of the family Oppiidae (Acari: Oribatida) from Korea" International Journal of Acarology, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 241-255, 2022-4-3


The oribatid mite family Oppiidae is highly diverse in the northern hemisphere, but in Korea it is represented by only 16 species. Herein, we propose three new species, Moritzoppia coreana sp. nov., Medioxyoppia brevisetosa sp. nov. and Medioxyoppia claviacuminata sp. nov., and provide a supplementary description of a little known species, Oxybrachioppia ctenifera, which is newly reported from Korea. All species are inhabitants of the litter and soil of mixed forests, and following the descriptions and comparisons, we discuss aspects of the distribution, diversity of each genus, and habitat ecology of species reported herein.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох
"An interesting sexually dimorphic species, Chamobates callipygis Pavlichenko, 1991 (Acari, Oribatida, Chamobatidae), with remarks on sexual dimorphism in Ceratozetoidea" Zootaxa, vol. 5115, no. 1, pp. 91-102, 2022-3-11


Based on materials from the leaf litter of a mixed forest in Crimea, a new diagnosis for the sexually dimorphic species, Chamobates callipygis Pavlichenko, 1991, is presented to accommodate its previously unreported females. This is the only species in Chamobatidae showing a distinct sexual dimorphism, which is expressed by the posterior porose region on the notogaster, such that males only have a large protuberance on the posterior part of notogaster bearing a pair of fused porose areas A3, and a densely striated region behind them. The specific function of this structure is not yet known, but the sexual dimorphism is presumably involved in pheromonal communication facilitating sperm transfer. Also, the males of this species have a few transverse striations in the dorsomedial part of notogaster (at level of porose areas A1 and A2). Further, we discuss all cases of sexual dimorphism in the superfamily Ceratozetoidea, and the possible function of this dimorphism.

Зохиогч(ид): П.Жаргалсайхан, Б.Баяртогтох, Г.Алтангэрэл, Т.Энхбаяр, T.Enkhchimeg, У.Айбек
"Diversity and Temporal Variation of Insects in Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve, and Post-fi re Succession of Selected Beetle Groups" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 29-47, 2022-2-22


This is the first comprehensive study based on a planned and intensive sampling eff ort that describes the community composition of insects in Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve, Mongolia. As part of ongoing research project in the reserve, we recorded 341 insect species representing 9 orders and 70 families. Coleoptera represented the most speciose order (171 spp.) followed by Lepidoptera (44 spp.) and Orthoptera (33 spp.), whereas Odonata (4 spp.) and Neuroptera (5 spp.) were the least specious. At the family level, the ground beetles (Carabidae, 43 spp.), leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae, 30 spp.), grasshoppers (Acrididae, 25 spp.), and weevil beetles (Curculionidae, 22 spp.) were the most species rich among other families. We selected six ground-dwelling beetle groups for the study of their post-fi re succession, and their activity densities among different years after the wildfire were not significantly different. The trophic guilds of selected beetles did not differ much among the years after the wildfire, and across the years, predators were more abundant than the other feeding types. The number of dominating species has fluctuated greatly in the years after the wildfire.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох
"Ontogenetic instars of Melanozetes paramollicomus sp. nov., with remarks on morphological ontogeny of Sphaerozetinae (Acari: Oribatida: Ceratozetidae)" Zootaxa, vol. 5086, no. 1, pp. 69-89, 2021-12-30


Although the juvenile instars of oribatid mite subfamily Sphaerozetinae is well known compared to the other subfamilies of Ceratozetidae (Ceratozetinae and Trichoribatinae), information on morphological ontogeny of some species is still incomplete. Herein, Melanozetes paramollicomus sp. nov. is proposed from Ethiopia, based on adult and juvenile instars. Additionally, comparative analysis of ontogenetic instars of species belonging various genera of Sphaerozetinae with known juveniles, is given, and the major characteristics of juvenile instars of 20 species are presented.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох
"Ontogenetic instars of Hermannia longisetosa Subias & Shtanchaeva, 2013, with remarks on juveniles of Hermanniidae (Acari: Oribatida)" Zootaxa, vol. 5086, no. 1, pp. 49-68, 2021-12-30


Information on the morphological ontogeny of the majority species of the family Hermanniidae is still lacking. In this work, the ontogenetic instars of the Mediterranean species, Hermannia longisetosa Subias & Shtanchaeva, 2013 are studied, based on material from northwestern Spain. Comparative characteristics of juveniles of species belonging to different genera of Hermanniidae are given based on our own data and available literature sources, and the major characteristics of larvae and nymphs are presented. An updated family and generic diagnoses based on juveniles of Hermanniidae are proposed. At the moment, the juveniles of two genera, Hermannia and Phyllhermannia are known, which differ from one another in the pattern of cuticle plications of the gastronotum; number of solenidia on leg tarsi I and II; number of setae on palp femur; setal formula of leg IV in protonymph; and the arrangement of gastronotic setae of c- and d-series.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, B.Otgonbayar, J.Murdoch
"Ecosystem engineering by endangered Mongolian marmots supports darkling beetles" Mammalian Biology, vol. 101, no. 5, pp. 583-588, 2021-10-1


Mongolian marmots (Marmota sibirica) live in colonies that consist of numerous burrows and are considered ecosystem engineers. Although once a common steppe species, marmots are now endangered due to overharvesting, which has led to concerns over the impacts of their loss on other species. We examined the role of marmots and other landscape characteristics on the distribution of the darkling beetle, Blaps rugosa, a detritivore that serves important functions in steppe ecosystems. We surveyed 130 sites for B. rugosa in Hustai National Park, Mongolia, and used a model selection approach to evaluate the effect of marmot burrows on occupancy probability. We detected B. rugosa in 22% of surveys (87/390) and at 45% of sites. Our top model indicated that occupancy was strongly influenced by burrows. Estimated occupancy was 0.91 at burrow sites and 0.39 at non-burrow sites. Detection was a function of temperature and highest around 24.5 degrees C. Our results suggest that the loss of marmots will negatively affect the distribution of B. rugosa and the ecosystem processes they support. Our study provides one of the few examples of the role of marmots in influencing invertebrates, and supports the notion of marmots as a keystone species.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, S.Ermilov
"A remarkable new species of Hungarobelbidae (Acari: Oribatida) exhibiting characteristic features of two genera, with notes on its systematic relationships" Systematic and Applied Acarology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 624-640, 2021-8-3


The oribatid mite family Hungarobelbidae is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, but has been represented by only two genera and eight known species. Herein, we propose a remarkable new species, Hungarobelba nortonroyi sp. nov. based on adults from western USA, exhibiting curious mixtures of character states of both genera of this family, Costeremus and Hungarobelba. Based on available data, we assess current views of the family-level classification of Costeremus rejecting its placement in Damaeolidae, and a close relationship is suggested between Costeremus and Hungarobelba. Also, recent transfer of the damaeid genus Tokukobelba to Hungarobelbidae is reversed, as there are no synapomorphies linking the latter two taxa. Furthermore, a brief note on habitat ecology and biogeography of hitherto know species is given, and a key for the identification of adults of the known genera and species of Hungarobelbidae in the world, is provided.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох
"A new genus of Cepheidae and reassessment of the family (Acari: Oribatida)" Systematic and Applied Acarology, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1198-1212, 2021-7-12


The middle-derivative, brachypyline oribatid mite family Cepheidae is rather heterogeneous, but many species, even some genera in this family have been poorly diagnosed. Redefinition of hitherto known taxa is, essential for resolving species identity as well as supraspecific systematics. One of such inadequately described species is Cepheus pustulatus (Pearce, 1910), known from Hawaii, which we redescribe here, and a new genus Roycepheus is proposed, based on this species. Relationships of the genus Roycepheus are addressed using the principles of phylogenetic systematics. A table presents the key differences between genera of Cepheidae, and a diagnostic key to adults of these genera, is provided. We discuss the potential synonymies of Sphodrocepheus with Tritegeus, and Reticulocepheus as well as Oribatodes with Cepheus. However, to confirm these synonymies needs redefinition of these genera and examination of types species.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, П.Жаргалсайхан, Г.Алтангэрэл, Т.Энхбаяр, T.Enkhchimeg, B.Dulguun
"Communities of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in the steppe of Mongolia" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 17-27, 2021-2-17


We studied the community structure of dung beetles in livestock dung within the steppe ecosystem of Mongolia. We found 15 species of dung beetles belonging to three families and representing two functional guilds, namely paracoprids and endocoprids. All species were found in the horse dung, but only 11 species inhabited cow dung, and except Geotrupes koltzei none of these species seemed linked exclusively to one kind of dung. A few species dominated the communities, specifi cally Aphodius comma, Aphodius altaicus and Aphodius antiquus. Among these, Aphodius comma was the predominant species, occupying 44.4% of total surveyed dungs. Species richness, biomass, and abundance of beetles per dung were signifi cantly higher in horse dung than cow dung. Abundance of beetles was signifi cantly higher in the middle of summer than in late summer, but species richness was not signifi cantly diff erent between the middle of and late summer. This study constitutes one of the fi rst eff orts to systematically understand dung beetle assemblages in the steppe of Mongolia, including the eff ects of dung types and environmental gradients on beetle communities.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, B.Suuir, O.Baatargal, R.Reading
"Assessing wildlife biodiversity using camera trap data on the Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica) colonies" Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 188, pp. 1-7, 2021-2-16


The Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica) is a relatively large-bodied, social rodent that lives in colonies across the Mongolian steppes and parts of China and Russia. Marmots serve as ecosystem engineers that display multiple functions on the steppe environments they inhabit. Mongolian marmots experienced a >75% decline across Mongolia in the 1990s that led their listing as endangered globally. The decline of marmots likely affected other species given their importance to the ecosystems. To examine the role of marmots on vertebrate species, we set camera traps on and off marmot colony sites in the forest-steppe, steppe, and semi-desert zones of Mongolia. In total, we recorded 39 vertebrate species within 3 study areas, including 19 species in 2012 in Ikh Nart NR; 21 in 2016 in Hustai NP; and 27 in the Halzan region of Sukhbaatar in 2019. Species abundance and some diversity indices were significantly higher on colonies compared to off colony sites. Our research provides insights into how marmots create important habitats for associated fauna and demonstrates that this engineering species plays an irreplaceable role in this ecosystem. We hope that this and similar experimental approaches will allow us to better understand the biodiversity patterns in and around marmot burrows.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, B.Suuri, Т.Энхбаяр, Z.Myagmar, O.Baatargal
"Ecosystem engineering eff ects of Mongolian marmots (Marmota sibirica) on terrestrial arthropod communities" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 17-30, 2021-1-2


The Mongolian marmot (Marmota sibirica) is a large, endangered rodent species that ranges across the steppe regions of Mongolia, and parts of China and Russia. Marmot lives colonially and creates extensive burrow systems that change the soil nutrient profiles and influence plant and animal community composition and productivity. We examined the role of marmots on the diversity and abundance of ground-dwelling and flying insects. We hypothesize that the arthropod communities differ between marmot colonies and surrounding grasslands in diversity and abundance. We trapped 4765 individuals of arthropods representing 178 species of insects and 12 families of spiders. Marmot colony sites differed significantly from off colony sites by communities of ground-dwelling and flying insects. Our findings indicate that abundance and species richness of arthropods are largely associated with marmot burrows, which might be a reason for increased habitat heterogeneity, such as bare ground, specific vegetation structure, and thermoregulatory site by ecosystem engineering. Our results demonstrate that the marmots are keystone species in arid ecosystems, and have complementary, additive effects on steppe arthropod communities.

Зохиогч(ид): П.Жаргалсайхан, Б.Баяртогтох, Ө.Баярсайхан
"The Khar Yamaat Natrue Reserve: Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Threats and Conservation Management" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 1, pp. 3-15, 2020-12-1


This paper addresses the ecosystem characteristics, biodiversity, conservation priorities, current threats and sustainable management of Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve, which lies in northeastern Mongolia. The formation of Khar Yamaat’s ecosystem and its biological diversity are unique in eastern Mongolia. Biogeographically, this nature reserve is located at the intersection between diff erent phytogeographical regions, specifi cally the Central-Khalkh dry steppe, Mongol-Dahurian forest-steppe, and Eastern-Mongolian tall-grass steppe. As such, this nature reserve is home to a diverse complement of plants and animals representing the various ecoregions, was established in 1998 to protect 50,691 hectares of rocky-mountains surrounded by vast steppes. Khar Yamaat’s unique geological formation and assemblage of ecosystems have, since then, become an area of focus for environmental restoration and a center for research and monitoring. In general, the habitats of the nature reserve were found to be largely intact, if stressed to varying degrees, but wildlife populations appeared to be low. Anthropogenic infl uences, particularly heavy grazing by livestock, have threatened some species of vascular plants with extinction and reduced the abundance and distributions of a few other species. Serious threats included excessive or illegal take of plants and animals, overgrazing by livestock, human caused wildfi res, climate change and associated drought, and mining in the buff er zone. In this paper, we discuss issues of conservation and sustainable management of Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve.

Зохиогч(ид): Ө.Баярсайхан, Б.Баяртогтох
"Khar Yamaat Natrue Reserve: Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Threats and Conservation Management" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 18, pp. 3-15, 2020-12-1


This paper addresses the ecosystem characteristics, biodiversity, conservation priorities, current threats and sustainable management of Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve, which lies in northeastern Mongolia. The formation of Khar Yamaat’s ecosystem and its biological diversity are unique in eastern Mongolia. Biogeographically, this nature reserve is located at the intersection between diff erent phytogeographical regions, specifi cally the Central-Khalkh dry steppe, Mongol-Dahurian forest-steppe, and Eastern-Mongolian tall-grass steppe. As such, this nature reserve is home to a diverse complement of plants and animals representing the various ecoregions, was established in 1998 to protect 50,691 hectares of rocky-mountains surrounded by vast steppes. Khar Yamaat’s unique geological formation and assemblage of ecosystems have, since then, become an area of focus for environmental restoration and a center for research and monitoring. In general, the habitats of the nature reserve were found to be largely intact, if stressed to varying degrees, but wildlife populations appeared to be low. Anthropogenic infl uences, particularly heavy grazing by livestock, have threatened some species of vascular plants with extinction and reduced the abundance and distributions of a few other species. Serious threats included excessive or illegal take of plants and animals, overgrazing by livestock, human caused wildfi res, climate change and associated drought, and mining in the buff er zone. In this paper, we discuss issues of conservation and sustainable management of Khar Yamaat Nature Reserve.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, C.Lim, J.Kang, S.Park, S.Seok, Y.Bae
"Morphometric analysis of dung beetle (Gymnopleurus mopsus: Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) populations from two different biomes in Mongolia" Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 131, pp. 369-383, 2020-11-12


Studying the phenotypic variation of organisms along environmental gradients can provide insight into the influences of specific environmental factors. Mongolia, which is distributed across three different biomes, is an ideal location for studying the mechanisms that underlie such phenotypic variation over a large range of climate. The present study examined the variation in shape and size of the body in a ball-rolling dung beetle, Gymnopleurus mopsus (Pallas), in Mongolia and investigated the effects of climate on the species’ morphology. A total of 290 individuals were collected from seven sites and were analysed using multivariate and regression approaches, as well as geometric morphometrics. Body shape and size varied across the study sites and between the different biomes. Populations from the desert-steppe region had thinner bodies and longer heads than those from the steppe region, possibly to facilitate burrowing. Variation in the species’ body size followed a pattern that was the converse of Bergmann’s rule and, thus, might increase heat capacity and enhance thermoregulation ability in the desert-steppe region. Accordingly, the results of the present study provide novel insight into the influence of climate on the variation of dung beetle phenotypes.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, S.Shimano
"New findings of oribatid mites of the family Oppiidae (Acari: Oribatida) from Babeldaob Island of Palau" Systematic and Applied Acarology, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1279–1298, 2020-7-22


We found four species of oribatid mites belonging to family Oppiidae from Babeldaob Island of Palau Republic, which is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. Two new species, Anomaloppia babeldaobensis sp. nov. and Oxyoppia palauensis sp. nov. are described from litter and soil in a secondary forest of Palau, and supplementary descriptions of two hitherto known species, Arcoppia corniculifera (Mahunka 1978) and Arcoppia hammerae Rodríguez & Subías, 1984 are provided, which are reported for the first time from the Oceania region. Following the descriptions and comparisons, aspects of the taxonomy, distribution and habitat ecology of studied species are discussed.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, S.Shimano
"A new and little known species of Protoribates (Acari: Oribatida: Haplozetidae) from Babeldaob Island of Palau" International Journal of Acarology, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 222-234, 2020-7-16


We found four species of oribatid mites belonging to the genus Protoribates from Babeldaob Island of Palau Republic, which is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. A new species, Protoribates lutosisetosus sp. nov. is described from litter and soil of the primary and secondary forests in Palau, and supplementary descriptions of three hitherto known species, Protoribates acutus, Protoribates paracapucinus, and Protoribates seminudus are provided. Following the descriptions and comparisons, aspects of the taxonomy, distribution, and habitat ecology of all studied species are discussed.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, E.Marina L., S.Satoshi
"Interesting findings of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from a sphagnum bog in western Siberia" Acarina, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 3-16, 2020-6-21


This work deals with six species of oribatid mites recovered from a sedge-moss bog (Carex–Eriophorum–Sphagnum association), located in the south of Western Siberia, Russia. Two species, Banksinoma exobothridialis and Banksinoma longisetosa (Thyrisomidae) are new to the fauna of Russia. This finding is interesting in regards to the biogeography and the habitat ecology of both species. Two other relatively rare species of Trhypochthoniidae have been found: Mainothrus badius, which is recorded for the first time in Asia; and Trhypochthonius nigricans, recorded for the first time in Western Siberia. In addition, Holarctic species Suctobelbella palustris (Suctobelbidae) and Limnozetes ciliatus (Limnozetidae) are reported with supplementary descriptions and illustrations. In this article, we discuss the distribution and habitat ecology of each of the above species.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, I.Takao, K.Hikari, M.Paulus, S.Satoshi
"New findings of poronotic oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from the high canopy of a Bornean tropical rain forest" International Journal of Acarology, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 73-82, 2020-2-14


Tropical forest canopies are home to an extremely high diversity of arthropods, but their diversity, abundance, and community structures remain incomplete. Three species of oribatid mites from the crown leaves petioles of Light Red Meranti (Shorea quadrinervis Sloot), a tree species that is endemic to Borneo Island, are reported in the present study. A new species of Birobates (Oripodidae) is proposed, with a diagnostic key to adults of all known species of the genus worldwide. Dometorina plantivaga (Berlese, 1895) (Scheloribatidae) and Paralamellobates misella (Berlese, 1910) (Punctoribatidae) are reported for the first time from Borneo, and supplementary descriptions of those species are provided. Aspects of the distribution and habitat ecology of each species reported are discussed.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, I.Takao, K.Hikari, M.Paulus, S.Satoshi
"New findings of poronotic oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from the high canopy of a Bornean tropical rain forest" International Journal of Acarology, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 73-82, 2020-2-14


Tropical forest canopies are home to an extremely high diversity of arthropods, but their diversity, abundance, and community structures remain incomplete. Three species of oribatid mites from the crown leaves petioles of Light Red Meranti (Shorea quadrinervis Sloot), a tree species that is endemic to Borneo Island, are reported in the present study. A new species of Birobates (Oripodidae) is proposed, with a diagnostic key to adults of all known species of the genus worldwide. Dometorina plantivaga (Berlese, 1895) (Scheloribatidae) and Paralamellobates misella (Berlese, 1910) (Punctoribatidae) are reported for the first time from Borneo, and supplementary descriptions of those species are provided. Aspects of the distribution and habitat ecology of each species reported are discussed.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, E.Sergey G.
"Ontogenetic morphology of Tutorozetes incisirostris Ermilov, 2016, with remarks on juveniles of Punctoribatidae (Acari: Oribatida)" Zootaxa, vol. 4717, no. 1, pp. 65-84, 2019-12-31


The morphological ontogeny of most species of Punctoribatidae is still insufficient or unknown. Comparative characteristics of juveniles of Tutorozetes incisirostris are given for the first time in Tutorozetes based on material from southern Chile (Patagonia); and the major characteristics of juvenile instars of 15 punctoribatid species are presented, based on literature sources. The larva and nymphs of this species are generally similar to those of the other representatives of Punctoribatidae. Basic characteristics of juveniles are the body unpigmented, light yellowish or flesh-coloured with porose cuticle; gastronotic and anogenital regions folded; humeral organ absent; prodorsum stockier in larva than in nymphs and adult; gastronotic shield poorly sclerotized; prodorsal, gastronotic and ventral setae setiform, except clavate bothridial seta; larva with 12 pairs, nymphs with 15 pairs of gastronotic setae. We discuss the generic status of Tutorozetes and its possible synonymy with Minunthozetes.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, E.Sergey G.
"Ontogeny of morphological traits in Oribatella palustris Hammer, 1962, with remarks on juveniles of Oribatellidae (Acari: Oribatida" Zootaxa, vol. 4717, no. 1, pp. 85-103, 2019-12-31


In this work, the larva and tritonymph of Oribatella palustris, an Antarctic and Subantarctic species of the Neotropical region are investigated along with supplementary re-description of adults. Comparative characteristics of juveniles of Oribatellidae, especially larvae and tritonymphs, are given based on this study and available literature sources; keys for identification of larvae and tritonymphs of Oribatella are also presented. Previous record of Oribatella palustris from a tropical island of Mexico is questioned.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, Y.Gansukh
"Contribution to the knowledge of soil mites (Acari: Oribatida) in Trans-Altai Gobi desert of Mongolia" Biologia, vol. 74, pp. 1637-1652, 2019-11-27


This work deals with five species of oribatidmites from Trans-Altai Gobi, Mongolia. Mainothrus transaltaicus sp. n. is proposed on the basis of adults, deuto- and tritonymphs, and a diagnostic key to adults of all known species of Mainothrus is presented. Ramusella samiyai sp. n. is proposed based on adults, which assigned to the subgenus Insculptoppia Subías, 1980. Passalozetes africanus Grandjean, 1932 is newly recorded in Mongolia, and two other species, Atropacarus striculus (C.L. Koch, 1836) and Tectocepheus alatus Berlese, 1913 are reported for the first time from Trans-Altai Gobi. Following the descriptions and comparisons, we discuss aspects of the distribution and habitat ecology of these species.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, S.Satoshi
"Two species of oribatid mites of the superfamily Ameroidea (Acari: Oribatida) from Babeldaob Island of Palau" Systematic and Applied Acarology, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 1261–1271, 2019-7-19


We found two species of oribatid mites from Babeldaob Island of Palau Republic, which is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. Eurhynchoribates brevisensillatus sp. nov. is proposed from mosses growing in the forest, and a diagnostic key to adults of all known species of Eurhynchoribates is provided. Another species, Basilobelba foliata Hammer, 1982 is reported for the first time from Palau, which was known previously from island of Bali, Indonesia. Following the descriptions and comparisons, we discuss aspects of the diversity, distribution and habitat ecology of species belonging to each genus.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, E.Sergey G.
"A new species of Hydrozetes (Acari: Oribatida, Hydrozetidae) from Ecuador and a key to Neotropical species" International Journal of Acarology, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 328-334, 2019-6-23


A new species of oribatid mite in the genus Hydrozetes (Oribatida, Hydrozetidae) is described from Ecuador. Hydrozetes behanpelletierae sp. nov. differs from Hydrozetes dimorphus dimorphus and Hydrozetes dimorphus virginalis by number, different length, and thickness of notogastral setae; length of notogastral setae p1; specific form of lamellar setae; and distinctly larger body size. An updated generic diagnosis and an identification key to species of Hydrozetes in the Neotropical region are presented. Furthermore, we provide data on distribution, diversity and habitat ecology of known species of Hydrozetes in the Neotropical region. Majority of Hydrozetes found in the Neotropics seem to be relatively rare and restricted to this region. Most species of Hydrozetes in the Neotropics are inhabitants of various aquatic plants, only few of them occur in wet mosses and humid soils covered with grasses.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Баяртогтох, Б.Оюунцэцэг, Н.Батхүү, B.Badamtsetseg, C.Young Chan, C.Hyeok Jae, Д.Нямбаяр, V.Gundegmaa, Д.Суран
"Important Plants of East Asia II: Endemic plant stories", 2016-6-6
Зохиогч(ид): Н.Батхүү, Б.Баяртогтох, Б.Оюунцэцэг, Д.Нямбаяр, Р.Тунгалаг, M.Urgamal, C.Wei
"Important Plants of East Asia: Plants tell stories", 2014-6-6

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