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Abstract: Scientists write to communicate their research results and findings with other scientists or experts. In this way, information is shared in a systematic manner, so that researchers can build upon the work of others. Although there are different ways to share information amongst the scientific community, such as oral or poster presentations on scientific conferences, science blogs, or data warehouses, written reports, especially those reviewed by peer scientists and published in international journals, are still the most effective way to add your research outcomes to the body of scientific knowledge.
The transitional education is increasingly becoming popular as it provides internationally recognized education at the doorstep of students. The reduction of subsidies to Western universities has created conditions for looking for alternative ways to generate income to offset the financial short fall. As a result, the Western higher educational institutions have become heavily dependent on onshore fee paying international students. However, the income from onshore fee paying international students is falling. Therefore, universities start to offer their education to international students in their home countries. Scant information on impacts of transnational education is currently available in the public domain.
Scientific abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. As such, an abstract is used by many organizations as the basis for selecting research that is proposed for presentation in the form of a poster, platform/oral presentation or workshop presentation at an academic conference. Most literature database search engines index only abstracts rather than providing the entire text of the paper. Full texts of scientific papers must often be purchased because of copyright and/or publisher fees and therefore the abstract is a significant selling point for the reprint or electronic form of the full text. The abstract can convey the main results and conclusions of a scientific article but the full text article must be consulted for details of the methodology, the full experimental results, and a critical discussion of the interpretations and conclusions.
Abstract This article relies on historical geography method to explain why the ancient Buddhist settlements in Mongolia moved while bringing their belongings, how Buddhism and the surrounding events affected the settlement, and what happened to the settlement after the migration ended. The establishment of religious communities, their customs, traditions and teachings have significantly influenced on the shift from a nomadic to an urbanized ‘mindset’ and a way of living. Subsequently, this laid the basis of Ulaanbaatar’s social economic, and cultural relations. As a result of studies, we came to conclusion that Ulaanbaatar’s chronology need to be calculated starting in 1778 thanks to the advantages brought about by the religious settlements extended stay in one location.
Аливаа хэлийг үр дүнтэй сурах эсвэл заах асуудал нь тухайн хэлний талаар зөвхөн мэдлэг олгохтой хамааралтай байдаггүй. Гадаад хэлийг заах, сурах үйл явц нь хэлний ур чадварыг дээшлүүлэхээс гадна харилцах чадварыг сайжруулж, баяжуулахыг чухалчилдаг. Энэхүү өгүүлэлд харилцан ярилцах аргыг ашиглан оюутнуудын харилцах чадварыг хөгжүүлж, сайжруулах нь идэвхтэй сургалтын хэрэгсэл болохыг тайлбарласан бөгөөд, үүнтэй холбоотой арга зүйн зарим асуудлыг судалж танилцуулсан болно. Уг өгүүлэлд МУИС-ийн Академик Англи хэлний ахисан дунд түвшинд харилцах дадал хичээлд харилцан ярилцах аргыг хэрхэн ашигласан болон уг аргын талаарх судалгааны үр дүнг харууллаа .