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Багш ажилтан
Abstract: Scientists write to communicate their research results and findings with other scientists or experts. In this way, information is shared in a systematic manner, so that researchers can build upon the work of others. Although there are different ways to share information amongst the scientific community, such as oral or poster presentations on scientific conferences, science blogs, or data warehouses, written reports, especially those reviewed by peer scientists and published in international journals, are still the most effective way to add your research outcomes to the body of scientific knowledge.
Abstract: The priority of Mongolian government is to implement multiple projects and activities regarding the intensification of English training and promotion on its effectiveness in the past decades. This article is designed to enhance the students’ reading comprehension and reading strategies to become effective readers in academic area. We conducted the research and survey among the 100 freshmen in non professional course of National University of Mongolia (NUM). The data comprised two separate methods such as a self- evaluation questionnaire and a test. The self-evaluation questionnaire intended to explore how students utilize the learning strategies and the test to reveal how students employ the reading strategies as well. As a result, the study has found that the instructors are entailed to improve their methods and to encourage learners’ self study’s proficiencies in terms of promoting the learners’ reading comprehension and reading effective strategies.
Scientific abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. As such, an abstract is used by many organizations as the basis for selecting research that is proposed for presentation in the form of a poster, platform/oral presentation or workshop presentation at an academic conference. Most literature database search engines index only abstracts rather than providing the entire text of the paper. Full texts of scientific papers must often be purchased because of copyright and/or publisher fees and therefore the abstract is a significant selling point for the reprint or electronic form of the full text. The abstract can convey the main results and conclusions of a scientific article but the full text article must be consulted for details of the methodology, the full experimental results, and a critical discussion of the interpretations and conclusions.
Scientific abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose.
Гадаад хэлний багш нарын хувьд оюутныг үнэлэх нь тэдний өдөр тутмын хичээл заах үйл ажиллагааны чухал хэсгийн нэг байдаг. Бид англи хэл зааж байгаа багш нарын үнэлгээний талаарх мэдлэг, түүнд хэрхэн бэлдэх тал дээр анхаарах шаардлагатай гэж үзэж байна. Тухайлбал судлаач Трауди, Күмбэ нар2009 онд Арабын Нэгдсэн Эмират улсын Кувэйтэд хийсэн судалгааны ажилдаа“багш нарын үнэлгээний талаарх мэдлэг дутмаг байдлаас үүдэн эрсдэл учирч болно”гэж дурьдсан байдаг. Монгол улсын их сургуулийн гадаад хэлний багш нарт оюутны мэдлэгийг үнэлэх, төрөл бүрийн шалгалтын ажил боловсруулах шаардлага өдөр тутам гардаг бөгөөд үүнтэй холбоотой мэдлэг дутмагаас үүдэлтэй зарим нэгэн бэрхшээлтэй тулгарч болох юм. Энэхүү өгүүлэлд үнэлгээний тухай ойлголт, ялангуяа багш нарт тулгардаг бэрхшээл болон англи хэлний эзэмшвэл зохих үндсэн дөрвөн чадварын хүрээнд оюутны мэдлэгийг шалгах арга техникийн талаар хэлэлцэх юм. Иймээс багш нар уг судалгаанаас тохирох арга техникийг хэрэглэж, гарсан үр дүнд тулгуурлан цаашид заах хичээлээ өөрчлөх боломжтой бөгөөд ингэснээр оюутны суралцах чадварт ахиц гарна гэж үзэж байна.
Нийгэм хүмүүнлэгийн ухааны чиглэлийн хураангуй түүний онцлог, хэрхэн бичих
Abstract: The language of science is a means of communication in the field of science, teaching, and research. From the earliest days of science, scientific language and terminology have been used as important tools for understanding the world and advancing human and social development. In other words, science has always been the driving force of human and social development. Therefore, the content of the language of science has the certain character of proving the reality of things and phenomena.
бүтээлхураангуй, нэг сэдэвт бүтээл, шинжлэх ухаан, шинжлэх ухааны хэл
The priority of Mongolian government is to implement multiple projects and activities regarding the intensification of English training and promotion on its effectiveness in the past decades.