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Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Л.Ариунцэцэг, Б.Оюунсанаа, Э.Доржсумьяа, Б.Сарнай
"Дорнод Монголын хээрийн түймрийн шатах материалыг (ургамлын газрын дээрх биомасс) тодорхойлоход диск хэлбэрт хэмжигчийг ашиглах нь", Гал түймэртэй тэмцэх үйл ажиллагаанд тулгамдаж буй асуудал, 2024-5-24, vol. 1, pp. 3-10


Дорнод Монголын хээрт хамгийн их тохиолддог гамшигт үзэгдэл нь түймэр юм. Энэ бүс нутгийн хээрийн түймрийн эрсдэлийн менежментэд шатах материалын (газар дээрх ургамлын биомассын) хэмжээг зайлшгүй оруулах ёстой. Диск хэлбэрт хэмжигч (ДХХ) нь бэлчээрийн газар дээрх ургамлын биомассыг тооцоолоход ашигладаг нийтлэг, хурдан хэрэгсэл юм. Бүс нутгийн уур амьсгал, ургамлын олон янз байдал болон бусад байгаль орчны хүчин зүйлсийн өөрчлөлтөөс шалтгаалан ДХХ-ийг хэрэглэхийн тулд тохируулга хийх зайлшгүй шаардлагатай байдаг. Бид ОХУ-тай хиллэдэг, хээрийн түймэрт маш өндөр эрсдэлтэй бүс нутаг болох Дорнод Монголын хойд хэсгийн бэлчээр дэх газрын дээрх ургамлын биомассыг тооцоолоход ДХХ-г хэрэглэх боломж болон түүний тохируулгыг хийсэн. Үүний тулд Дорнод аймгийн Баян-Уул, Баяндун болон Хэнтий аймгийн Дадал сумдын нутгуудад нийт арван хоёр өөр цэгт, цэг тус бүр дээр гурван дэд цэг (36 дэд цэг), дэд цэг бүрээс таван 1м2 хэмжээ бүхий квадратаас газрын дээрх биомассын дээжийг авсан. Дэд цэг бүр дээр 100м урт бүхий шулууныг гурван удаа байрлуулж ДХХ-ийн хэмжилтийг хийсэн. Нийт талбайнуудын хувьд газрын дээрх ургамлын биомассын дундаж (хуурай жингээр) 112.7 кг/га (±19.3 стандарт алдаа) байв. Судалгааны цэгүүд нь газрын дээрх ургамлын биомасс болон бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүдийн хувьд ялгаатай статистик ялгаатай байгаа нь тухайн газруудад түймрийн эрсдэлийн өөр өөр менежмент бий болгох шаардлагатайг илэрхийлж байж болох юм. Хээрийн түймрийн шатах материалыг тооцоолоход ДХХ-г хэрэглэхэд түүний давталт хэд байхад тохиромжтойг тооцоолохын тулд газрын дээрх ургамлын биомасс болон ДХХ-ийн давталтуудын (100, 200, 300 удаагийн) хооронд шугаман регрессийн загваруудыг боловсруулсан бөгөөд 300 удаагийн давталт бүхий загварын (300 ДХХ) детерминацын коэффициент хамгийн өндөр (0.82) нь байсан учир Газрын дээрх биомасс =3.18(ДХХ-ийн 300 удаагийн давталтын дундаж)+3.1 гэсэн загварыг тус бүс нутгийн хэмжээнд санал болгож байна.

Зохиогч(ид): В.Батцэнгэл, Г.Бямбахүү, W.Falin, Б.Оюунсанаа, Б.Сайнбуян, Ч.Наранцэцэг, Б.Нямдаваа, B.Yuhai, V.Batbayar, J.Munkh-Erdene
"Assessment of Burn Severity and Monitoring of the Wildfire Recovery Process in Mongolia" Fire, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 373, 2023-9-26


Due to the intensification of climate change around the world, the incidence of natural disasters is increasing year by year, and monitoring, forecasting, and detecting evolution using satellite imaging technology are important methods for remote sensing. This study aimed to monitor the occurrence of fire disasters using Sentinel-2 satellite imaging technology to determine the burned-severity area via classification and to study the recovery process to observe extraordinary natural phenomena. The study area that was sampled was in the southeastern part of Mongolia, where most wildfires occur each year, near the Shiliin Bogd Mountain in the natural steppe zone and in the Bayan-Uul sub-province in the forest-steppe natural zone. The normalized burn ratio (NBR) method was used to map the area of the fire site and determine the classification of the burned area. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used to determine the recovery process in a timely series in the summer from April to October. The results of the burn severity were demonstrated in the distribution maps from the satellite images, where it can be seen that the total burned area of the steppe natural zone was 1164.27 km2, of which 757.34 km2 (65.00 percent) was classified as low, 404.57 km2 (34.70 percent) was moderate-low, and the remaining 2.36 km2 (0.30 percent) was moderate-high, and the total burned area of the forest-steppe natural zone was 588.35 km2, of which 158.75 km2 (26.98 percent) was classified as low, 297.75 km2 (50.61 percent) was moderate-low, 131.25 km2 (22.31 percent) was moderate-high, and the remaining 0.60 km2 (0.10 percent) was high. Finally, we believe that this research is most helpful for emergency workers, researchers, and environmental specialists.

Зохиогч(ид): Л.Ариунцэцэг, Б.Оюунсанаа
"Calibration of disk pasture meter to estimate a fire fuel load (aboveground plant biomass) for fire management in the northeastern steppe of Mongolia" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 35-40, 2022-2-23


Abstract Grassland fires are the most common disturbance in Mongolia's east. Fire risk management in Mongolia's eastern grasslands should include fuel load estimates (aboveground plant biomass) to prevent fire damage. The disc pasture meter (DPM) is a common, rapid, and nondestructive method for estimating aboveground plant biomass in grasslands. Calibration is needed for the DPM application in a given area due to regional variations in climate and plant diversity, as well as site-specific environmental factors. We calibrated a DPM for Mongolia's north-eastern grasslands bordering Russia, classified as a very high-risk region for grassland fire. The calibration was carried out at twelve different sites, and double sampling (DPM reading and plant biomass harvesting) was done at 108 points. The mean of the total dry plant biomass of the sites was 11.27 centner ha-1 (±1.93 SE). The sites differed in total dry plant biomass and its composition. It indicates that the sites are needed different fire managements. Although we developed three linear regression models for DPM readings (100, 200, and 300) to estimate an optimal sampling effort, the model with 300 DPM models had the highest determination coefficient (0.82). Therefore, we suggest the model (y=3.18x+3.1) with the 300 DPM readings for further application.

Зохиогч(ид): Л.Ариунцэцэг, Б.Оюунсанаа
"Calibration of disk pasture meter to estimate a fire fuel load (aboveground plant biomass) for fire management in the northeastern steppe of Mongolia" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 35-40, 2022-2-23


Grassland fires are the most common disturbance in Mongolia's east. Fire risk management in Mongolia's eastern grasslands should include fuel load estimates (aboveground plant biomass) to prevent fire damage. The disc pasture meter (DPM) is a common, rapid, and nondestructive method for estimating aboveground plant biomass in grasslands. Calibration is needed for the DPM application in a given area due to regional variations in climate and plant diversity, as well as site-specific environmental factors. We calibrated a DPM for Mongolia's north-eastern grasslands bordering Russia, classified as a very high-risk region for grassland fire. The calibration was carried out at twelve different sites, and double sampling (DPM reading and plant biomass harvesting) was done at 108 points. The mean of the total dry plant biomass of the sites was 11.27 centner ha-1 (±1.93 SE). The sites differed in total dry plant biomass and its composition. It indicates that the sites are needed different fire managements. Although we developed three linear regression models for DPM readings (100, 200, and 300) to estimate an optimal sampling effort, the model with 300 DPM models had the highest determination coefficient (0.82). Therefore, we suggest the model (y=3.18x+3.1) with the 300 DPM readings for further application.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Оюунсанаа
"Enhancing Cross-boundary Cooperation in Fire Management ", International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service, БНХАУ, 2020-12-1, vol. 4th Workshop , pp. 47


Overview – Cross-boundary Fires - Intercontinental – Transport of smoke - Between countries – fires crossing national borders - Across jurisdictions – fires crossing administrative borders - Between natural and cultural landscapes and protected areas - Fires burning at the interface of settlements and peri-urban areas

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Оюунсанаа, G.Johann, M.Andrey, K.Yegor, V.Yevgeney, V.Sergey, I.Evgeney


The article reviews the scientifi c and technical activities undertaken jointly by the Global Fire Monitoring Center (Germany), the Sukachev Institute of Forest, SB RAS (Russia) and its Regional Central Eurasia Fire Monitoring Center (RCEFMC), the Aerial Forest Fire Center Avialesookhrana (Russia), the Kazakh Institute for Forest Resources Research and Burabai State National Natural Park, the Fire Management Resource Center – Central Asia Region (FMRC-CAR) (Mongolia) and the Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center (REEFMC) (Ukraine). It is stated that the scientifi c basis for decision making is available but has not been used suffi ciently for introducing practical management solutions or strategic approaches in forest and fi re management that would address the consequences of climate change. The paper summarizes the activities and discussions at the science-policy-practitioners interface. It starts with the fi rst scientifi c cooperation of boreal countries in the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation in 1991, refl ects the process of scientifi c and technical consultations since then, and ends at the launch of a research and development project entitled “Nature-based silvicultural and fi re management methods for increasing the resilience of pine stands to drought and wildfi re” (RESILPINE) in 2020. The results of the scientifi c-technical consultations are calling for decisive political decisions and pragmatic management solutions.

Зохиогч(ид): Н.Баатарбилэг, Б.Оюунсанаа
"Past and future drought in Mongolia" SCIENCE REVIEW, vol. 4, pp. e1701832, 2018-3-14


The severity of recent droughts in semiarid regions is increasingly attributed to anthropogenic climate change, but it is unclear whether these moisture anomalies exceed those of the past and how past variability compares to future projections. On the Mongolian Plateau, a recent decade-long drought that exceeded the variability in the instrumental record was associated with economic, social, and environmental change. We evaluate this drought using an annual reconstruction of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) spanning the last 2060 years in concert with simulations of past and future drought through the year 2100 CE. We show that although the most recent drought and pluvial were highly unusual in the last 2000 years, exceeding the 900-year return interval in both cases, these events were not unprecedented in the 2060-year reconstruction, and events of similar duration and severity occur in paleoclimate, historical, and future climate simulations. The Community Earth System Model (CESM) ensemble suggests a drying trend until at least the middle of the 21st century, when this trend reverses as a consequence of elevated precipitation. Although the potential direct effects of elevated CO2 on plant water use efficiency exacerbate uncertainties about future hydroclimate trends, these results suggest that future drought projections for Mongolia are unlikely to exceed those of the last two millennia, despite projected warming.

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