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Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Д.Бадамдаш, Д.Бумдарь


Хураангуй хэсэг: Энэхүү өгүүллээр 1989 оноос хойших үеийн коммунизмаас ардчилсан тогтолцоонд шилжсэн орнуудын улс төрийн хөгжлийг ойлгоход нэн чухал ач холбогдолтой улс төрийн нам-эдийн засгийн албан бус хамаарлын тухай шинэ өнцгийг өгүүлж далд сүлжээ, далд улс төрийн бүтэц бүхий клиентелизм, авлига, патрон ёсны тухай ойлголтыг улс төрийн намын судлагдахуунд нэгтгэх зорилго бүхий албан бус сүлжээ, албан бус солилцоо, албан бус улс төр, албан бус пост-коммунист номенклатур1, албан бус намын хувьчлал ба колоничлол, албан бус “үйлчлүүлэгч-үйлчлүүлэгчийн” загвар, далд улс төрийн урсгал, далд хэлбэрээр нам, төрийг барьцаалах зэрэг нэр томьёог ашиглаж тайлбарласан Чехийн улс төр судлаач Михал Климагийн “Пост-Коммунист Европ дахь албан бус улс төр: улс төрийн нам, клиентелизм ба төрийг барьцаалах” номд анализ хийж дээрх хэсэгт өгүүлсэн нэр томьёоны тайлбарыг нэгтгэн хүргүүлэхийн чацуу “клиентлизм, намыг барьцаалах болон төрийг барьцаалах” гэх ойлголтуудыг тодорхойлон дүгнэхэд төвлөрч дүгнэлт хэсгээр дамжуулан Михал Климагийн бүтээлд анализ хийснээ танилцуулах болно.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Бадамдаш
"“Elections and Politics in Mongolia and Its Implications in East Asia”", 2023 SNUAC-ASPOS Annual International Conference, БНСУ, 2023-10-27, vol. 2023 он, pp. 13


Analysis of Parliamentary, Presidential and local elections held in Mongolia since 1992, implications of the new constitutional amendments into the party system and electoral system in Mongolia and its impact in democratic representation in East Asia

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Бумдарь, Д.Бадамдаш
"MONGOLIA’S EXPERIENCE IN E-GOVERNANCE AND CURRENT CHALLENGES" Society and Security Insights, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 71-89, 2023-7-27


Although, Mongolia carried out “E-Government Mongolia” national programme in 2005-2012, the National Programme to develop Integrated Registration System in 2008-2012, and the E-Governance National Programme in 2012-2016, the operation to separate information communication networks and services could not be successfully completed. The main reason is the inertia of mentality of the previous system to continue the state ownership of databases of all types, to monopolize of all profits for the government and to use for exercising power in implementing activities in information and communication sector resulting in ineffectiveness of political system and governance. In order to assess the digital governance issues and challenges of Mongolia, we intend to analyse policy documents, and conduct case research and make an inductive conclusion. First, we examined the implementation of the Government policy of Information and Communication Development. The Government of Mongolia prioritizes the following 6 tasks towards the development of the sector development. These include: a) legal framework, b) networks and infrastructure c) service d) innovation and research, e) production, f) investment and competition g) information security and h) e-governance.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Бумдарь, Д.Бадамдаш
"Улс төрийн санхүүжилтийн сайн туршлага", POLITICAL FINANCE AND VOTER BEHAVIOUR: MONGOLIA, JAPAN, KOREA, 2022-10-21, vol. 1, pp. 1-15


Олон улсад дэлхийн хоёрдугаар дайны дараагаас санхүүжилтийн талаарх зохицуулалт хийж эхэлсэн боловч ихэнх орнууд 1960-70 аад оны үед улс төрийн санхүүжилтийн эрхзүйн зохицуулалт хийж эхлүүлсэн байдаг. Улс төрийн санхүүжилтийн эрх зүйн зохицуулалтын нийтлэг болсон байдлаар авч үзвэл санал худалдан авалтыг хориглох агуулга эхэнд орсон байна. Улмаар удаах зохицуулалтыг агуулгууд нь улс төрийн санхүүжилтийг илэрхийлэх ойлголтууд юм

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Бумдарь, Б.Хишигням, Д.Бадамдаш
"Монгол улсын Цахим засаглалын хөгжлийн үе шат тойм судалгаа" Политологи, vol. 20, pp. 1, 2022-5-1


Although, Mongolia carried out “Digital Mongolia” national programme in 2005-2012, the National Programme to develop Integrated Registration System in 2008-2012, and the E-Governance National Programme in 2012-2016, the operation to separate information communication networks and services could not be successfully completed. The main reason is the inertia of mentality of the previous system to continue the state ownership of databases of all types, to monopolize of all profits for the government and to use for exercising power in implementing activities in information and communication sector resulting in ineffectiveness of political system and governance. In order to assess the digital governance issues and challenges of Mongolia, we intend to analyse policy documents, and conduct case research and make an inductive conclusion.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Бумдарь, Д.Бадамдаш
"DEMOCRACY DEVELOPMENT AND ITS CHALLENGES IN MONGOLIA: STATE AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC RELATIONS", Virtual Conference “Democratic Challenges in Asia and Mongolia: Innovations through deliberative democracy, online parliament, and electoral reform”, Монгол, 2021-1-28, vol. 1, pp. 1-30


We Mongolians expect from democracy good livelihood, rapid growth, wealthy lifestile and steep increase of income. Due to unfulfilled expectations, there is a huge desperation and ever growing views opposing the democracy across the various parts of society. Thanks to democratic reforms, we were able to enjoy the rigths to own a private property, to express one’s opinion and free speech and economic liberty all of which were not allowed until 1990 where the only official political party controlled every aspect of economic, social and political affairs singlehandedly through its one tier banking system, government ownership of properties, government controlled civil-society space and huge propaganda apparatus. Perhaps we either do not appreciate these achievements anymore or the democracy itself is not developing in its natural proper course. Scholars view that the beginning of democratic transition in Mongolia started taking place since 1986. At that time, political movements and associations amoung the youth called “Shine Ue” (New Generation), “Orchlon” (Universe), and “Devshiltet Zaluuchuudiin Evsel” (Alliance of Progressive Youth) emerged and organized the first ever political mass demonstration on the 10th of December 1989 signalling the beginning of the democratic change. Mongolia’s transition to democratic government in 1990 brought about a new realistic condition for forming brand new political, social and economic structures in Mongolia. Among others, one of the main pillars for successful democratic transition was the majority of Mongolian citizens supported and favorably viewed the free society where every individuals could enjoy liberty. On the other hand, key players in politics were able to reach a political consensus to make a peaceful transition. Although through democratic transformation, Mongolia established new democratic constitution, parliamentary government, proclaiming human rights, democratic values and principles and Free market economy, as series of domestic and international researches and observations indicate that citizens’ expectation about democracy and its quality continue to decline. Today, Mongolia’s democracy is facing major challenges such as declining living condition, differentiation of social strata, growth of foreign debts, corruption, natural resource curse, disobedience of laws, partisan politics, paradoxical institutional development and other deviations in the system. One of the reasons that helped cause democracy crisis and deviate the governance is social psychology that perceived democratic values as a just too much freedom. On the other hand, inappropriate dominance of partisan politics that penetrated in every sphere of society arbitrarily interfering in all issues. This article aims to examine how relations of state, society and economy evolved until today and their impacts both negative and positive upon the democratic development. We reviewed that roles of spread of democratic values, Constitutional principles, rule of law, checks and balances of power branches, multiparty system, economic growth, livelihood of the population, and civil society as a whole in systemic interrelationship in building of Mongolia’s democracy.

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