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Abstract: This research examines the impact of climate change and land cover change on river runoff in the Mongolian part of the Selenge River basin. The Mann-Kendall analysis (MK), Innovative Trend Analysis Method (ITAM), and Slope Estimator Test (SET) methods were employed for the statistical analysis of climate and runoff series in the Selenge River basin. Data series were segmented into 10-year intervals, and land cover change (CA) was determined as the difference between the beginning and end of the selected periods. As for data used in the study, climate and river runoff data are used from 1990 to 2020 from the hydro-meteorological stations and gauges at the Ulaanbaatar, Tsetserleg, Orkhon, Baruunkharaa, Moron, Tsagaan-Uur, and Tosontsengel sites. Also, land cover data from 1990-2020 was issued by the National Geomatics Center of China. with a spatial resolution of 30 meters at 10-year intervals were used. The results of the study show that runoff of rivers in the Selenge River basin has had certain decreasing trends in the last 30 years. Climate change in the basin has contributed to this decreasing trend of river runoff. During the last 30 years, the average annual air temperature has increased by 0.5 °C in the Selenge River Basin. The sum of annual precipitation in the basin ranges from 200 to 400 mm and the long-term variation of the annual precipitation is relatively low and the annual precipitation amount has been decreasing in recent years. During the last 3 decades, the annual river runoff of the Selenge River at Zuunburen station varies from 125.2 to 576.3 m3/s and it is estimated that river runoff is decreased by 82.6 m3/s over this period at the same site. As indicated by the results of our study, the air temperature, a key natural and climate factor, has increased by 0.09 degrees each year. Additionally, the annual sum of precipitation and river runoff has decreased to some extent in the basin. In terms of land cover change, the area of water bodies and wetlands has significantly altered in the Selenge River Basin. At the same time, the area of cultivated land, impervious land, or urban area, that is impacted by human activities, has increased significantly in the last 30 years. The significant change in land cover as one of the main factors for the formation of the river runoff in the basin has influenced the decreasing trend of the river's discharge, particularly since 1995. Human influence such as mining, industry, agriculture, and urbanization especially has increased in the Selenge river basin.
Arid and semi-arid regions are the first to be affected by hydro-climatic changes. The Great Lakes Depression Basin in western Mongolia is the most notable example of such a region. Therefore, analyzing hydro-climatic changes in the Great Lakes Depression region is essential for future climate, hydrological, eco-hydrological processes, and ecosystem studies in similar areas and basins. In this study, Mann–Kendall (MK), innovative trend analysis method (ITAM), and Sen’s slope estimator test (SSET) were used to determine the interrelationship between climate and river discharge changes and lake water level changes through statistical analysis. During the last 30 years, the air temperature has increased by 1.2 °C (Z=1.16). Total annual precipitation decreased by 23.44 mm, resulting in 134.16 mm (Z=0.79). The river discharge of the major rivers, such as Khovd River (Z=3.51) and Zavkhan River (Z=6.01), has significantly decreased. In Uvs (Z=0.30) and Khyargas (Z=2.03) lakes, the water level has also dropped. This study confirms that the increase in air temperature in the depression area of the Great Lakes reduces the amount of precipitation, and the decrease in precipitation affects the decrease in river discharge, which further affects the water level of the inflowing lakes
Biodiversity conservation is an important aspect of sustainable development. The leading international environmental and sustainability programs – the Aichi Biodiversity Aims and the Sustainable Development Goals – have pledged countries to protect important habitats by preserving a certain percentage of their land and sea areas. In line with the goal of expanding the protected area network set out in these documents, many countries worldwide aim to expand the network of protected areas (PAs) in their territories. At the beginning of 2020, 21% of the land in Mongolia is under special protection. In order to protect its biodiversity, the Mongolian government has encouraged the expansion of its PA network gradually. According to the National Program on PAs (Mongolian Parliament, 1998), 30% of the nation's territory is expected to be covered by PAs by 2030. Regarding population density and size, Mongolia is a nation with the potential to expand its PAs. The chance for the expansion of PAs in Mongolia includes the formal identification and demarcation of PAs (or renewing and expanding previously established boundaries) to improve connectivity between the areas and increase the representation of natural zones and ecosystems. This research aims to identify the main factors or aspects that can affect the expansion of protected areas, rank them according to their impact, and put forward a recommendation that should be taken into account in the expansion of protected areas. In this research, knowledge-based management methods, target group survey, and Analytics hierarchy process (AHP) have been applied. Using the knowledge-based management method, 8 (eight) aspects or factors affecting the expansion of protected areas were identified, and a criteria tree was created by grouping them. In order to rank these criteria according to their importance or impact, we surveyed the target group. Then, the pair-wise matrixes were created for each rank, and the consistency ratio was calculated from them to check the reliability of the rank. Finally, the rankings were weighted and the most influential or significant criteria were determined.
The classic way to keep features and patterns of nature is to take them under special protection, but protected areas (PA) cannot remain outside of the risks associated with climate change and human activities. Therefore, we considered methods for conducting disaster risk assessment in protected areas, determining current threats from climate change and human activities, and developing a plan, which accounted for mitigation for the potential future risk. In this study, the risk of a specially protected area was assessed using a disaster risk survey method. The novelty of this study is to emphasize that management planning in PAs is based on the result of the risk assessment. In this study, the “Khuisiin Naiman nuur” protected area was selected as a representative PA and local economic, social, and disaster data, climatic data of the last decade, and interviews and surveys from representatives of herders, tour companies, travelers, local administrative organizations and private sectors were analyzed. Estimates were made based on data from focus group interviews and questionnaires. The methods and results of this study can be applied to other PA’s protection and utilization planning.
Abstract: There is two types of dwelling in capital city in Mongolia such as Ger and apartment. The Ger is a Mongolian traditional house. Residents of Ger districts in Ulaanbaatar, use coal as a source of fuel for their daily life activities such as heating and cooking in winter due to lack of central heating systems. Coal ash is generated into a form of powder that contains heavy metals toxic to human health deposited at the bottom the oven after coal burning. In this study, we as-sess the heavy metal exposure pathways to coal ash, which has potential adverse effects on Ger district residents’ health and quality of life, using questionnaires at specific sites where concen-trations of heavy elements were identified in our previous study. Survey results indicate that residents store the coal ash in packing bags and metal garbage cans outside and inside fences of their households for at least two weeks due to poor waste management. Due to weak seals of the packaging material and open metal cans deposited with the coal ash, the ash is easily transport-ed into the surrounding area due to wind action. Adults come into contact with contaminated soil when they are cleaning areas outside and inside the fence, and children are exposed when the play in playgrounds outside the fences. Such activities represent dermal, inhalation and in-gestion pathways of the contaminants for the adults and children. Түлхүүр үгс: өртөх замууд: залгих; амьсгалах; арьсны; нүүрсний хэрэглээ; гэр хорооллын оршин суугчид; нийгмийн судалгаа; үндсэн бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүдийн шинжилгээ
Тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутгийн төлөвлөлтийн аргазүй болон түүний сайжруулалт, мөн менежментийн үр ашигт байдлын үнэлгээний давуу болон сул тал, олон улсад шинэчлэгдэж буй хувилбарын талаарх судалгааг нэгтгэн дүгнэж, Монгол оронд ашиглагдаж буй аргазүйг шинэчлэн сайжруулах асуудлыг энэхүү ажилд тусгасан болно.
Transboundary Uvs lake basin is crucial habitat in terms of ecological importance. Therefore Russia and the Mongolian government declared it a National Park in order to preserve the biodiversity and cultural and historical values of this landscape. On the 3rd of July 2003, UNDP UNESCO declared as a “World Heritage site.” In 2010 Transboundary Uvs Lake Basin National Park was created and a collaborative management plan was developed and implemented. According to TNC organization research on Mongolian ecological important sites evaluation, there are 12 sites recommended and selected as a highly important area in terms of ecological value within in Uvs Lake basin
Судалгааны ажлын зорилго нь тусгай хамгаалалттай газар нутагт эрсдэлийн үнэлгээ хийж үнэлгээнээс гарсан дүн шинжилгээнд суурилсан менежментийн төлөвлөлт боловсруулахад чиглэгдэнэ. Судалгаанд гамшгийн эрсдэлийн тойм судалгааны арга зүйг ашигласан. Гамшгийн эрсдэлийн тойм судалгааны арга нь гамшиг болон уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтөөс үүдэлтэй эрсдэлийн түвшинг орон нутгийн түвшинд хоёрдогч мэдээлэл, гамшгийн өмнөх сургамжууд, эрсдэлийг нэмэгдүүлж буй хүчин зүйлүүдэд дүн шинжилгээ хийх замаар урьдчилан тодохойлоход чиглэсэн арга зүй юм.
Судалгааны ажил нь хоёр үндсэн хэсэгтэй: Эхнийх хэсэгт ТХГН-ийн ландшафтын төлөөллийн үнэлгээг байгалийн муж, бүс бүслүүр, экосистемийн түвшинд хийж, нэгдсэн үнэлгээг гаргасан. Харин 2 дахь хэсэгтээ ТХГН-ийн менежментийн асуудалд дүн шинжилгээ хийхдээ: 1. дараах нэр бүхий ТХ-тай 6 газрын менежментийн үр ашигт байдлын үнэлгээ хийсэн, 2. Монгол Дагуурын ДЦГ-ын “А” хэсгийн газрын бүрхэвчид гарч буй өөрчлөлтийг авч үзсэн. 3. Монголын орны нийт УТХГ-ын менежментийг хариуцаж буй 32 ХЗ-ын байршлын орон зайн үнэлгээг газарзүйн хүчин зүйлсээр хийж, 4. эцэст нь ТХГН-ийн байгалийн нөөцийн зохистой ашиглалт, хамгаалалтыг сайжруулах боломжтой хамтын менежментийн хувилбарыг Горхи Тэрэлжийн БЦГ-ын жишээн дээр гаргасан.
Классификация охраняемых территорий и поясов в природных зонах и поясах Монголии была использована в качестве основы для классификации природных зон и поясов, определенных д-ром Д. Даши (2000). Чтобы оценить это представление, комплексное воздействие человеческой деятельности, были рассмотрены три фактора: населенные пункты, горные работы и дороги, и было вычтено из общей площади района. Создание и расширение сети охраняемых территорий является важным способом кардинального улучшения охраны природных ресурсов, экосистем и историко-культурного наследия. Однако, поскольку невозможно включить районы, которые уже затронуты деятельностью человека и экономической деятельностью в сеть строго охраняемых районов, важно оценить районы, затронутые деятельностью человека в каждой провинции, регионе и поясе, а затем ООПТ в незатронутых районах.
Mongolia is in the hinterland of the Mongolian Plateau, which has a varied, fragile, and sensitive geographical environment. Understanding its land cover pattern and change is of great significance for the resources, environment, ecology, and sustainable development of the Mongolia Plateau and Northeast Asia. In this study, land cover products of Mongolia in 1990 and 2010 were obtained via Landsat thematic mapper remote sensing images using an object-oriented classification method. The overall classification accuracies were 82.26% and 92.34%, respectively. Based on the products, the land cover patterns of Mongolia in 2010 and the land cover changes from 1990 to 2010 were analyzed. The spatial pattern presented an obvious regional difference and a land cover type transition from forests, real steppes, and desert steppes to barren from north to south. The provinces with the highest grassland and forest cover were Dornod in Eastern Mongolia and Selenge in Northern Mongolia. From 1990 to 2010, the area of forest, real steppe, cropland, and sand presented a decreasing trend and decreased by 27337.47, 24071.44, 5256.6, and 3868.16 km2, respectively. The area of meadow steppe, desert steppe, bare land, and desert showed an increasing trend and increased by 2943.32, 27815.71, 27721.03, and 2110.26 km2. Our results indicate that the vegetative cover of Mongolia showed a decreasing trend, and the desertification was severe. These changes could be attributed to a combination of climate change, increased livestock grazing and natural disasters, socioeconomic shifts, and exhaustive exploitation of natural resources.