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Монгол орны хувьд хот суурин газруудад хүн ам суурьших үйл явц ХХ зууны сүүлийн хагаст явагдаж эхэлсэн хэдий ч 1990 оны нийгмийн өөрчлөлттэй холбоотой зөв зохистой суурьшил, хүн амын нягтшилын бодлого алдагдсан. Олон хүн бөөгнөрөн суурьших байгалийн нөхцөл, нөөц багатай манай орны хувьд томоохон хот суурин газрууд ихэвчилэн томоохон голын хөндий, уулын ам хөндийн системд төвлөрсөн шинжтэй байгаа нь хүн амын төвлөрөлтэй уялдан техноген нөлөөлөлд хялбар өртөх, байгаль орчны тэнцэл алдагдах үндсэн шалтгаан болж байна. Энэ судалгааны ажлын хүрээнд баруун бүсийн хөгжлийн томоохон төв болох Завхан аймгийн Улиастай хотын орчны бохирдол, антропогени нөлөөллийг тодорхойлох зорилгын хүрээнд хөрсний хүнд металлаас хүрээлэн буй орчин болон хүний эрүүл мэндэд үзүүлэх эрсдлиийн үнэлгээг тооцоолох, Улаанбаатар хотын хөрсний судалгааны үр дүнг харьцуулсан судалгааг хийж гүйцэтгэсэн. Улиастай сумын төвийн бүсд газар ашиглалтын эрчим, төрөл, нягтшилтай уялдуулан хөрсний 38 цэгээс холбогдох стандартын дагуу өнгөн хөрсний дээжлэлт гүйцэтгэсэн бөгөөд хэмжилтийн үр дүнгийн үнэмшилийг нэмэгдүүлэх зорилгоор Завхан аймгийн Ус, цаг уур орчны шинжилгээний газрын Улиастай төвийн мониторингийн цэгүүдийг хамруулсан. Лабораторийн задлан шинжилгээг МУИС-ийн Хүрээлэн буй орчны лаборатори болон Япон улсын Каназава их сургуулийн Байгаль орчны технологийн хүрээлэнгийн Геохимийн лабораторид хөрсний хүнд элементийн агууламжыг ICP-MS болон ICP-OES аргазүйгээр хэмжилт гүйцэтгэсэн. Судалгааны үр дүнгийн урьдчилсан боловсруулалтаас үзэхэд Улиастай хотын хүрээнд хүнцэлийн агууламж анхаарал татахуйц өндөр агууламтай байгаа бол хүлцэх агууламжаас кобальт, хром зэрэг элементүүд давсан утгатай байгаа бөгөөд бохирдлын гол тархалт нь голын арал орчмын бүс, цахилгаан станц, сургуулийн халаалтын уурын зуух зэрэг газрууд багтаж байна. Улиастай хот нь орчим жилийн хугацаанд баруун бүсийн засаг захиргаа, эдийн засгийн бүс болж байсан газар ашиглалтын түүхтэй бүс нутгийн хувьд хөрсний бохирдол анхаарал татах хэмжээнд хүрсэн байна. Улаанбаатар хот нь нийгэм-эдийн засгийн голлох төв ач холбогдол бүхий суурин газрын хувьд хөрсний бохирдолд хүчтэй өртөн, хар тугалга, хром, азот зэрэг элементүүд цагаан хаалга, баянбүрд, 100-н айлын худалдааны төв, Нарантуул ОУХТ зэрэг газруудад бүртгэгдсэн байна. иймд хөрсний бохирдолоос хүний эрүүл мэндэд үзүүлэх нөлөөллийн эрсдэлийн үнэлгээг USEPA-ийн аргыг ашиглан хүүхэд том хүн дээр тооцоолсон. Үр дүнд бидний Улаанбаатар хотын гэр хороололд хийгдсэн тооцоотой харьцуулахад Улиастай сумын хөрсний бохирдол хүний эрүүл мэндэд үзүүлэх эрсдлийн үнэлгээний үр дүн эрсдэл өндөр гарсан нь суурийн газрын хөрсний хүнд металлын бохирдол хот хөдөөд нүүрснээс шалтгаалан ижилхэн өндөр байгааг харуулж байна.
Abstract: There is two types of dwelling in capital city in Mongolia such as Ger and apartment. The Ger is a Mongolian traditional house. Residents of Ger districts in Ulaanbaatar, use coal as a source of fuel for their daily life activities such as heating and cooking in winter due to lack of central heating systems. Coal ash is generated into a form of powder that contains heavy metals toxic to human health deposited at the bottom the oven after coal burning. In this study, we as-sess the heavy metal exposure pathways to coal ash, which has potential adverse effects on Ger district residents’ health and quality of life, using questionnaires at specific sites where concen-trations of heavy elements were identified in our previous study. Survey results indicate that residents store the coal ash in packing bags and metal garbage cans outside and inside fences of their households for at least two weeks due to poor waste management. Due to weak seals of the packaging material and open metal cans deposited with the coal ash, the ash is easily transport-ed into the surrounding area due to wind action. Adults come into contact with contaminated soil when they are cleaning areas outside and inside the fence, and children are exposed when the play in playgrounds outside the fences. Such activities represent dermal, inhalation and in-gestion pathways of the contaminants for the adults and children. Түлхүүр үгс: өртөх замууд: залгих; амьсгалах; арьсны; нүүрсний хэрэглээ; гэр хорооллын оршин суугчид; нийгмийн судалгаа; үндсэн бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгүүдийн шинжилгээ
The aim of the present study was to evaluate human health and potential ecological risk assessment in the ger district of Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. To perform these risk assessments, soil samples were collected based on reference studies that investigated heavy element distribution in soil samples near the ger area in Ulaanbaatar city. In total, 42 soil samples were collected and 26 heavy metals were identified by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) methods. The measurement results were compared with the reference data in order to validate the soil contamination level. Although there was a large difference between the measurement results of the present and reference data, the general tendency was similar. Soil contamination was assessed by pollution indexes such as geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor. Mo and As were the most enriched elements compared with the other elements. The carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risks to children exceeded the permissible limits, and for adults, only 12 out of 42 sampling points exceeded the permissible limit of noncarcinogenic effects.
In total, 28 drinking samples were collected between May 2020 and September 2020. Total 20 heavy metals were identified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) methods at SGS company. The cancer risk evaluated by the USEPA guideline based on concentration of Co, Cr, As, Cd, Al and B elements.
In total, 28 drinking samples were collected between May 2020 and September 2020. Total 20 heavy metals were identified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) methods at SGS company. The cancer risk evaluated by the USEPA guideline based on concentration of Co, Cr, As, Cd, Al and B elements.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate human health and potential ecological risk assessment in the ger district of Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. To perform these risk assessments, soil samples were collected based on reference studies that investigated heavy element distribution in soil samples near the ger area in Ulaanbaatar city. In total, 42 soil samples were collected and 26 heavy metals were identified by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) methods. The measurement results were compared with the reference data in order to validate the soil contamination level. Although there was a large difference between the measurement results of the present and reference data, the general tendency was similar. Soil contamination was assessed by pollution indexes such as geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor. Mo and As were the most enriched elements compared with the other elements. The carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risks to children exceeded the permissible limits, and for adults, only 12 out of 42 sampling points exceeded the permissible limit of noncarcinogenic effects. According to the results of the ecological risk assessment, Zn and Pb showed from moderate to considerable contamination indexes and high toxicity values for ecological risk of a single element. The Cr and As ranged as very high ecological risk than that of the other measured heavy metals. View Full-Text Keywords: health risk assessment; ecological risk assessment; ger district; heavy metals; soil pollution
The capital city in Mongolia comprises two types of dwellings: apartments and Gers. The Ger is a traditional Mongolian house. Residents of Ger districts in Ulaanbaatar use coal as a source of fuel for daily activities such as heating and cooking in winter due to lack of central heating systems. After coal burning, the ash deposited at the bottom of the oven converts into a powder containing heavy metals that are toxic to human health. Through questionnaires at sites where concentrations of heavy elements were identified in our previous study, we examined the heavy metal exposure pathways of coal ash, which has potentially adverse effects on the health and quality of life of Ger district residents. Survey results indicate that residents have to store the coal ash in packing bags and metal garbage cans near their household fences for at least two weeks because of poor waste management. Owing to the weak seals of the packaging material and open metal cans that contain the coal ash, it is easily transported into surrounding areas by the wind. Adults come into contact with contaminated soil when they are cleaning areas outside and inside the fences, and children are exposed when they play outside the fences. Such activities enhance the dermal exposure as well as inhalation and ingestion pathways of the contaminants for adults and children. View Full-Text Keywords: exposure pathways; ingestion; inhalation; dermal; coal usage; Ger residents; questionnaire survey; principle component analyses