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Багш ажилтан
Ахмад настны асрамжийн үйлчилгээний харьцууулсан судалгааг хийсэн бөгөөд БНСУ-ын сайн туршлагыг илүү анхаарч судалсан.
Олон соёлт гэр бүлийг судлах, түүнд үүсдэг соёл, нийгэм, эдийн засгийн тулгамдсан асуудлыг судалж нийгмийн ажлын үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх хэрэгцээ шаардлага байгааг авч үзсэн.
Монгол улсын ахмад настанд үзүүлэг асрамжийн үйлчилгээний тулгамдсан асуудлыг судалсан.
Arid and semi-arid regions are the first to be affected by hydro-climatic changes. The Great Lakes Depression Basin in western Mongolia is the most notable example of such a region. Therefore, analyzing hydro-climatic changes in the Great Lakes Depression region is essential for future climate, hydrological, eco-hydrological processes, and ecosystem studies in similar areas and basins. In this study, Mann–Kendall (MK), innovative trend analysis method (ITAM), and Sen’s slope estimator test (SSET) were used to determine the interrelationship between climate and river discharge changes and lake water level changes through statistical analysis. During the last 30 years, the air temperature has increased by 1.2 °C (Z=1.16). Total annual precipitation decreased by 23.44 mm, resulting in 134.16 mm (Z=0.79). The river discharge of the major rivers, such as Khovd River (Z=3.51) and Zavkhan River (Z=6.01), has significantly decreased. In Uvs (Z=0.30) and Khyargas (Z=2.03) lakes, the water level has also dropped. This study confirms that the increase in air temperature in the depression area of the Great Lakes reduces the amount of precipitation, and the decrease in precipitation affects the decrease in river discharge, which further affects the water level of the inflowing lakes
Орон гэргүй иргэдийн нийгмийн үйлчилгээний олон улсын туршлагыг харьцуулсан судалсан.
Монголын нийгмийн бүтэц, давхаргад ахмад настны эзлэх байр суурийг авч үзсэн.
Mongolia used to be said to be a young country in terms of the age of the population, but the average life expectancy of the population has increased in the last 20 years. This situation is expected to significantly increase the share of the elderly among the total population in the next 30 years. In this regard, there is a need to improve social security services for the elderly. For example, it is important to support the availability and quality of care services for the elderly, as well as funding, preparation of human resources, and policy support.
Боовсролын социологийн үүсэл хөгжил, өнөөгийн байдал, цаашдын төлөв байдлыг харуулсан.
Ядуурлыг бууруулахад нийгмийн ажилтны үүрэг оролцоо хэрхэн өөрчлөгдөж байгаа болон нийгмийн ажилтны үнэт зүйл, ёс зүйн зарчимын талаар авч үзсэн өгүүлэл.
Abstract: In the article, how the situation during the global Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 affected the education system, including how university education was carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, and the difficulties that arose in 2022-2023 during the "Pandemic Period" "e-learning" survey was conducted among teachers and students of major national universities, together a consortium of universities Mongolian Society for Higher Education Studies and the results of the survey conducted among teachers and students of NUM which is a subsection of it, are presented.
Abstract: In the article, how the situation during the global Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 affected the education system, including how university education was carried out, the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, and the difficulties that arose in 2022-2023 during the "Pandemic Period" "e-learning" survey was conducted among teachers and students of major national universities, together a consortium of universities Mongolian Society for Higher Education Studies and the results of the survey conducted among teachers and students of NUM which is a subsection of it, are presented.
Ядуурлыг бууруулах бодлогын үр өгөөж ба нийгмийн ажлын үүрэг оролцоог, мөн нийгмийн ажилтны ёс зүй, үнэт зүйлийн талаар авч үзсэн.
Боловсролын социологийн хөгжил төвөвшил, цаашдын чиг хандлага
шинэ зуунд хүмүүсийн амьдралын чанарт өөрчлөлт орж тэд урт насалж, ихэнх улс орнуудын дундаж наслалт уртасч байна. Ялангуяа Монгол улсын хувьд ч гэсэн энэ хандлагаруу явж байна. энэ нь бидэнд нийгмийн бодлогыг төлөвлөхдөө ахмад настны нийгмийн хамгаалал, тэтгэвэрийн оновчтой хувилбаруудыг тусгах бэлтгэх шаардлатайг харуулж байна.
боловсролын тэгш бус байдал нь эдийн засаг, нийгэм, социаль олон хүчин зүйлээс шалтгаалан боловсролын бүх салбарт түгээмэл байгаа бөгөөд хүүхдийн сурч хөгжих эрхтэй холбоотой нийгмийн тулгамдсан асуудлын нэг мөн.
This study used the Innovative trend analysis method, Mann-Kendall, and Sen’s slope estimator test to investigate the mean annual precipitation, annual mean air temperature, and river discharge at selected stations of the sub-basin. The results showed that the trend of annual precipitation trend was significantly increased in Nizhneangarsk station (ф = 0.88 and Z = –0.64) and Bolshoe Goloustnoe (ф = 0.24 and Z = 1.14*) whereas, the other stations showed a decreasing trend. The most decreasing trend was observed in the Ust Barguzin station (ф = –0.68, Z = –2.38**, and β = –0.95). The average air temperature has increased by 1.7°C from 1970 to 2019. All stations showed an increasing trend of annual air temperature during the study period. The most increasing condition was observed in the Ulan Ude station (ф = 9.20***, Z = 7.78***, and β = 0.04). The river discharge showed an increasing trend in Utulik River, Upper Angara River, and Barguzin rivers. The most decreasing is in the Selenga river gauge station (ф = –2.25**, Z = –2.16**, and β = –2.96**). The warming rates in the Selenga river sub-basin of the study area were higher than those in the other four sub-basins and the global climate change more affects the semi-arid region.
гэр бүлийн хүчирхийллийн түүхэн нөхцөл, ойлголтуудын талаар судлан үзсэн.
боловсролын салбарт байгаа тэгш бус байдлын талаар хэлэлцсэн болно.
цар тахлын үед гэр бүлд гарч байгаа хүндрэл бэрхшээл, авч хэрэгжүүлсэн хариу арга хэмжэний тухай бичсэн
их, дээд сургуулийн багшийн зөөлөн ур чадварыг хөгжүүлэх хэрэгцээ, шаардлага байна гэдгийг хөндөж асуудал дэвшүүлэн бичсэн.
Туул голын орчмын газарзүйн тогтоц, өөрчлөлтийн судалгааг хийсэн.
The Tuul River Basin is the most important socioeconomic and political base area of Mongolia. Therefore, studying the interrelationships between changes in the ecohydrological processes of this basin and its land cover is of great importance for maintaining sustainability and the environment. This study investigated the annual average air temperature, total annual precipitation, and river discharge variability, and land cover changes at selected stations of the basin by using the hydrometeorological analysis, satellite analysis, and land cover determination statistical analysis. During the study period, the average annual air temperature rose from 1.5 C to +0.3 C (1.8 C). The average annual precipitation exhibits relatively low change during this period. River discharge varied during the study period. A significant decreasing trend in river discharge was observed at the Terelj (j = 2.72) and Ulaanbaatar (j = 5.63) stations, whereas the other stations, Altanbulag, Lun, and Orkhontuul, showed a significant increasing trend. During the study period, changes in land cover were directly related to main hydrometeorological parameters. Between 2000 and 2020, the amount of grassland decreased by 319.67 km2, while the area of water bodies increased by 28.36 km2. In the study area, mainly water bodies and sensitive areas of the land cover types were changed due to changes in precipitation. Studies in the arid and semiarid regions of Central Asia show that changes of ecohydrological processes have a significant impact on land cover changes.
Abstract The present study attempted to investigate the trends of mean annual temperature, precipitation, and streamflow changes to determine their relationships in the upper Huai river basin. The Mann–Kendall (MK), Sen’s slope test estimator, and innovative trend detection (ф) (ITA) methods were used to detect the trends. According to the findings, average annual precipitation shows a descending trend (ф = −0.17) in most stations. An increasing trend was found only in Fuyang station (ф = 1.02). In all stations, the trends of mean annual temperature (ф = 0.36) were abruptly increased. During the past 57 years, the mean air temperature has considerably increased by 12°C/10a. The river streamflow showed a dramatic declining trend in all stations for the duration of the study period (1960–2016) (ф = −4.29). The climate variability in the study region affects the quantity of the streamflow. The river streamflow exhibits decreasing trends from 1965 onwards. The main possible reason for the declining stream flow in the study area is the declining amount of precipitation on some specific months due to the occurrence of climate change. The outcomes of this study could create awareness for the policymakers and members of the scientific community, informing them about the hydroclimatic evolutions across the study basin, and become an inordinate resource for advanced scientific research.
Abstract Projecting future changes of streamflow in the Abby River Basin (ARB) is important for planning and proper management of the basin system. The current study conducted in five stations of the Abbay river basin, and investigated the annual temperature, precipitation, and river discharge variability using the Innovative trend analysis method, Mann-Kendall, and Sen’s slope test estimator. The result showed a slightly increasing trend of annual precipitation in Assoa ( Z = 0.71), Bahir Dar ( Z = 0.13), and Gonder ( Z = 0.26) stations, while a significant increasing trend was observed in Nedgo ( Z = 2.45) and Motta ( Z = 1.06) stations. Interestingly, the trend of annual temperature in Assosa ( Z = 5.88), Bahir Dar ( Z = 3.87), Gonder ( Z = 4.38), Nedgo ( Z = 4.77), and Motta ( Z = 2.85) was abruptly increased. The average mean temperature has increased by 0.2˚C in the past 36 years (1980 to 2016). The extreme high temperature was observed in the semi-dry zone of northern Ethiopia. During the study period, a significant declining trend of the river discharge was recorded, and the river discharge was sharply decreased from 1992 onwards. The results of the current study showed annual variability of river discharge, precipitation, and temperature of the study area of the basin that could be used as a basis for future studies.
TheAbbayRiverBasin,whichoriginatesinEthiopia,isamajortributaryandmainsourceoftheNileRiverBasin.Landcoverand vegetationintheAbbayRiverBasinishighlysusceptibletoclimatechange.Thisstudywasconductedtoinvestigatethetrendsof climate change for a period of thirty-six years (1980–2016) within selected stations of the basin by using the innovative trend analysismethod,Mann–Kendalltest,andSen’sslopeestimatortesttoinvestigatethemeanannualprecipitationandtemperature variables.ChangesinlandcoverandvegetationintheAbbayRiverBasinwerestudiedforaperiodofthirteenyears(2001–2013) by using remote sensing, GIS analysis, land cover classification, and vegetation detection methods to assess the land cover and vegetation in the basin. In addition, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and Transformation Matrix were employed to analyze the spatial and temporal patterns of land cover and vegetation impacted by changesinclimate.Theresultreflectsthatthetrendofaverageannualtemperaturewasremarkablyincreased(Φ�0.12,Z�0.75) inthe36-yearperiod,andthetemperaturewasincreasedby0.5°C,althoughprecipitationhadslightlydecreasedduringthesame period. In the thirteen years’ period, forest land and water resource decreased by 3429.62km2 and 81.45km2, respectively. In contrast,anincrementwasobservedingrassland(2779.33km2),cultivatedland(535.34km2),bareland(43.08km2),urbanland (0.65km2),andwetland(152.66km2)inthesameperiod.Inthestudy,itwasalsoobservedadecreaseofanNDVIvalueby0.1was observed in 2013 in the southern part of the basin. The findings of the present study illustrate a significant change in ecohydrological conditions in the ARB with an adverse impact on the environment. Hydroclimatic changes caused the increase in temperature and decreasing trend in precipitation which significantly impacted the land cover and vegetation in the basin. The changes in land cover were mostly caused by global and local climate influence which mainly affects the hydroclimate and ecohydrologysystemsofthebasin.Theresultisconsistentwiththatofthepreviousstudiesconductedelsewhere.Thefindingsofthis paper could help researchers to understand the eco-hydrological condition of the study basin and become a foundation for further studies.
Abstract: The Lake Baikal basin contains a number of sub-basins, with a wide large area, different climate, and many rivers. Therefore, determining the changes in climate and the river discharge in these basins is important for assessing the basin conditions. This study, investigated the annual precipitation, air temperature, and river discharge variability at five selected stations of the basin, by using Mann-Kendall (MK), Innovative trend analysis method (ITAM) and Sen’s slope estimator test. The result showed that the trend of annual precipitation was significantly increased in Nizhneangarsk (Z=1.06) station. However, precipitation showed a decreasing trend in other stations. The air temperature trend was increased in Hamar Daban (Z=1.60), Bolshoe Goloustnoe (Z=1.41), Nizhneangarsk (Z=2.18), Ust Barguzin (Z=2.26), and Ulan Ude (Z=3.47). The average air temperature has significantly increased by 0.9 °C in the past 35 years. The river discharge showed an increasing trend in Utulik River, Upper Angara River, and Barguzin rivers. The Selenga River and Khara Murin River discharge trend are decreased in the determined study periods. Especially, the Selenga river discharge has been significantly decreased apparently since 1995. The findings of this paper could help researchers to understand the annual variability of precipitation, air temperature, and river discharge over the study region and become a foundation for further studies.