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One of the severely affected business sectors from COVID 19 pandemic is tourism sector. Globally practiced lockdown measures made tourism, hospitality and civil aviation businesses considering diverse approaches dealing with an exceptional circumstances such shut down operations, and in solvency which made thousands of their employees working for reduced hours with partial pay or taking unpaid holiday (Fernandes, 2020). According to the study of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mongolia, 90% of businesses in tourism sector affected by the pandemic (MNCCI, 2020). Due to the pandemic employees’ income decreased sharply or became impoverished and immediately changed their life style, well-being and mental health. By the second quarter of the 2020, 300 companies out of 450 tour operators provided services for the tourists visiting Mongolia fully closed their operations. The purpose of the study is examining how the stress potentially may affect their employee’s attitude and commitment to the organization or lose the trust in their organization, and finding alternative solutions to overcome the situation they face in the meantime
Монгол улс нэг сая гаруй га талбайд тариалалт эрхэлдэг бөгөөд энэ нь нийт газар нутгийн 1% юм. 2018 онд Монгол улс дотоодын нийт улаан буудайн хэрэгцээг 100% хангасан эерэг үзүүлэлт гарсан хэдий ч ижил төстэй уур амьсгалтай бусад орнуудтай харьцуулахад улаан буудайн үйлдвэрлэлийн нэг га талбайгаас авах дундаж ургац доогуур тооцогддог. Энэхүү судалгаагаар ОХУ болон Канад улсын улаан буудайн гарцыг Монголын улаан буудайн үйлдвэрлэлтэй харьцуулан үзэж манай улсад улаан буудайн үйлдвэрлэлийн гарцыг нэмэгдүүлэхтэй холбоотой боломжуудыг судалж үзсэн болно. Өргөн уудам газар нутаг, сийрэг хүн амтай тул Монгол Улсын газар тариалангийн салбарт эдийн засгийн боломж маш их байдаг.
Mongolia is the second largest land locked country in the world having more than 1 million hectares of arable land where sufficient amount of wheat is harvested domestically. However, fluctuation of the wheat price is a pressing challenge for the domestic producers and buyers. This study attempts to determine the Mongolian wheat production market structure based on the data collected from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and National Statistical Office of Mongolia. Our estimates indicate that wheat market in Mongolia has characteristics of oligopoly where the price of the wheat is highly dependent on the few companies. Finally, the paper discusses the alternative market structure that enhances production and stabilize price.