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In today's world, the foundation of an organization's existence, work outcomes, and achievements directly depend on the management skills and competence of that organization. The Government of Mongolia has made amendments to the "Law on Health" and the "Law on Hospital Services" with the aim of improving the quality and accessibility of healthcare services. These amendments include the introduction of market elements to create and develop a competitive market within the state-owned hospital management system, the establishment of a legal environment for the reform of hospital management, and detailed provisions on management and organization. In order to deliver quality, accessible, and timely healthcare services to consumers, healthcare institutions need to assess their current management capabilities and subsequently improve their competitiveness. Therefore, our researchers conducted a study to determine the level of client satisfaction at health centers (HC), identify influencing factors, and improve the quality and accessibility of services, as well as the working conditions and environment of medical services. They conducted two quality assessments to evaluate the working conditions, diagnostic and treatment equipment availability, and staff skills, which formed the basis for a phased analysis of the management capabilities of the center. The study was conducted using the "Business Organization Management Competency Survey Model," adapted to the specifics of the health sector, with a survey of managers, doctors, and staff at the health center based on nine groups and 90 indicators. The survey was evaluated using a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was developed using the SPSS-21 software package and content analysis method. The overall assessment of the study was 3.1, or "average," indicating the need for strategic planning to improve the quality and capacity of services, enhance the knowledge and skills of doctors and staff, improve knowledge management, modernize technical equipment, learn modern management methods and techniques, and improve operations.
The term 'digital divide' is used to describe the inequality that exists in accessing and utilizing information and communication technologies (ICTs) to gain information and participate in the digital world. This digital divide is increasing due to the rapid pace of technological change, and is causing disparities in economic, social, and political development. Therefore, governments around the world are working to reduce this digital divide and promote the overall development of their citizens. To address this issue, many countries are implementing various initiatives to bridge the digital divide and create equal access to technology. These initiatives include policies and programs that aim to increase access to ICTs, improve digital literacy skills, and promote the development of digital infrastructure. By doing so, governments hope to create more opportunities for their citizens and help them fully participate in the digital world. Researchers have noted the importance of addressing the issue of the digital divide, which is a significant obstacle to achieving these goals. The current state of Mongolia's digital communication and the digital literacy of students in business schools has been analyzed, and recommendations along with the results of their research. Keywords: Information technology, digitalization, digital divide, digital nation, digital governance
Abstract. In today's world, where digital communication has become essential, governments are working to provide public services to everyone through the internet, increase business revenues, improve digital literacy, and increase the country's development potential. Researchers have noted the importance of addressing the issue of the digital divide, which is a significant obstacle to achieving these goals. The current state of Mongolia's digital communication and the digital literacy of students in business schools has been analyzed, and recommendations along with the results of their research. Keywords: Information technology, digitalization, digital divide, digital nation, digital governance
Abstract: The COVID-19 virus is irreversibly altering humanity’s opinions, attitudes, and lives. Ever since it began to spread in late 2019 and early 2020, COVID-19 has affected all parts of society, especially the educational sector. The pandemic has hastened the effect of the fourth industrial revolution, plunging us deeper into the grasp of the internet and modern technology. With the changes in globalization, society, and the characteristics of current college students, as well as future college students, the concept of “New Normal Students” has emerged. The pandemic has sped up the changes in students. The topic of how students’ characteristics, an important aspect of university, have been affected by COVID-19 is catching the attention of researchers. We have gathered information and observed how the overall attitude and state of mind of students have shifted. Keywords: new normal student, education, COVID-19 pandemic.
Abstract: there is a demand for businesses to increase the amount of cooperation and synergy they have with universities especially if such businesses wish to implement the products and and research outcomes in the industrial market in order to increase their revenues, as well as adding strength to their position on the market. Businesses are able to develop their technological advancements, product quality and economic outcome immensely by working with universities. This helps businesses add to their competitive advantages. Therefore, this research paper aims at defining what affects businesses' and universities' innovative cooperation. In order for the research paper to be conclusive, businesses that work with universities and within those businesses, ones that have been0 successful have been chosen. The authors took questionnaires and focus group interviews from these businesses. The main research methods are descriptive analysis on today's situation on business-university innovative cooperation and the correlation between the factors that affect the situation. The authors have come to conclusion by how smallmedium businesses are involved with innovative cooperation, the interior and exterior factors affecting them and calculated correlation between these factors.
Хураангуй: Хураангуй: Artificial intelligence буюу хүний оюун ухааныг орлох хиймэл оюун ухаан хүн төрөлхтний амьдралд маш хурдацтайгаар, хүч түрэн орж ирж байна. Сүүлийн үед техник, технологийн хөгжил, шинжлэх ухааны анхаарлаа хандуулж байгаа гол сэдэв нь хиймэл оюун ухаан болоод байна. Саяхан Арабын Эмират Улсад роботод анх удаа иргэншил олгосон. Оросын Ерөнхийлөгч В.Путин 9 сарын 1-ний өдөр хүүхдүүдэд хиймэл оюун ухааны талаар хичээл заасан. Дэлхийн тэрбумтнууд хиймэл оюун ухааныг хөгжүүлэхэд асар их хөрөнгө оруулах сонирхолтой болсон байна. Өнөөдөр хүн төрөлхтний гайхамшигт оюун ухаан нь роботчилогдсон, smart технологийн шийдэл бүхий хиймэл оюун ухаанаар солигдох боломжтой болоод байна. Энэ бол өмнөх үеийн хүн төрөлхтний хувьд мөрөөдөл, домог, уран зөгнөл байгаагүй гэж үү. Хиймэл оюун ухааныг ашиглан бүтээгдсэн Робот хүний өдөр тутмын амьдралд оролцож эхэлснээр хүмүүсийн амьдралын өдөр тутмын хэв маяг гайхамшигтайгаар өөрчлөгдөнө, хиймэл оюун хөгжсөнөөр олон ажил мэргэжлүүд алга болж, шинэ шинэ ажил мэргэжлүүд бий болно, ажилгүй хүмүүсийн тоо нэмэгдэнэ, түүнчлэн хиймэл оюун ухааны хөгжил эрчимжиж, нэн шинэ технологиуд бий болох тусам хүний чадавхийг доройтолд оруулж, хүн төрөлхтнийг мөхөлд хүргэх аюул нүүрлэх болзошгүй хэмээн шуугицгааж байна. Өнөөдөр хүн төрөлхтөн аж үйлдвэрийн IV хувьсгалын эрин үетэй золгоод байна. Хүн төрөлхтөн энэ шинэ эрин үеэс бултах аргагүй болжээ. Тэд гайхаж байна, баярлаж байна, айж байна, түгшиж байна, сэтгэл догдлон хүлээж байна. Технологийн хувьсгал айсуй. Дэлхийн хүн төрөлхнийг ямар ирээдүй хүлээж байнаа? Тэд үүнд ямар бэлтгэлтэй байх ёстой вэ? Монгол улс ямар нөхцөл байдалтай байна вэ? Байгууллага бүр хүн бүр үүнд хэрхэн хандах ёстой вэ? гэсэн олон асуултууд тулгарах болов. Тиймээс бид шинэ мянганыхны дунд судалгаа явуулж, 21-р зууны тренд сэдэв болох аж үйлдвэрийн IV хувьсгал, хиймэл оюун ухааны талаарх тэдний төсөөлөл, хандлагын талаар судалж үзлээ. Түлхүүр үг: Аж үйлдвэрийн IV хувьсгал, хиймэл оюун ухаан, робот, шинэ ажил мэргэжил.
Abstract: Artificial intelligence also known as the intelligence that will substitute human intelligence is rapidly developing and entering our day-to-day lives. Currently, the sector that technological development has been focusing on is that of artificial intelligence. Just recently, The UAE made robot citizenship possible, On September 1st, Russian president Vladimir Putin gave a lesson about artificial intelligence to kids. We can see that the world's richest people are interested in investing in the research of AI. In today's world, the human mind and intelligence is looking more and more vulnerable to being replaced by more robotic alternatives. Is this not the future that our predecessors dreamed, predicted, and imagined of? People say the impact of such a novel precedent is how AI will be more and more present in human daily life, old jobs becoming obsolete, new jobs being created following the introduction of new technologies, and humans in general will face the danger of becoming less and less needed in this new era. Humankind is now at the doorsteps of the IV industrial revolution. It is pretty clear that we cannot escape this inevitable change in our development. It is as if we do not quite know how to deal with the idea of it; some are happy, some excited, some surprised and other scared. A new age is upon us.
Efficiency is the one of the key operational aspects which indicates the organization’s competitiveness. The efficiency is influenced by many organizational internal and external factors. It is certain that the most influencing factor to the organization’s successful and efficient operation is its own management activities. Purpose of this research paper is to identify influence of organizational structure and management to the organization’s efficiency. With this purpose, we have done analysis on general information, current status of organizational structure and management and correlation between the factors for Mongolian business organizations. This research is done based on the data of “Business environment study” which was previously completed covering 1,534 business organizations.
Abstract: business environment is the key influencing aspect for business operation success. The business environment consists of the internal and external factors which influence business operation directly and indirectly. They are: taxation environment, financial environment, legal environment, government activities, interrelationships between government organizations, organizational structure and management, etc. [4]. This article explores the current business environment situation of Mongolia and consists of the following sections: The Analysis for current business environment situation of business organizations, and The Analysis for business environment factors of organizations. This research covers 1,543 business organizations from the countryside and urban areas of Mongolia.
ABSTRACT. The development of mining industry in Mongolia characterized by high input, energy consumption, and pollution has done so much harm to the environment that environmental stress in Mongolia has raised to the extent that it affects the country’s economic and social sustainability. The aims of the paper are highlight in short the importance of the corporate social responsibility practices in terms of environmental activities in Mongolia, and to analyze the results of a research regarding MBA students’ perception on environmental activities of Mongolian companies. By using primary data obtained from a survey based on a questionnaire, this research analyzes the corporate social responsibility activities of Mongolian companies with respect to following five areas: environmental policies and plan considerations, top management support to the environmental concerns, environmental control and organizing specifics, barriers to the implementation of environmental activities and stakeholders involvement and future trends. KEW WORDS: corporate social responsibility, environmental disclosures, environmental management practices,
In 2014, due to political instability and poor economic decisions, Mongolia plunged into its worst economic crisis in the past 25 years. Many companies shut their doors, and thousands of people were laid off. The development of mining industry in Mongolia characterized by high input, energy consumption, and pollution has done so much harm to the environment that environmental stress in Mongolia has raised to the extent that it affects the country’s economic and social sustainability. The main purpose paper is to investigate the environmental management policies and practices of Mongolian companies as a disclosed on MBA students’ perception. More specifically, this study analyzes the content of corporate environmental disclosers with respect to the following five areas: environmental policies and plan considerations, top management support to the environmental concerns, environmental control and organizing specifics, barriers to the implementation of environmental activities and stakeholders involvement and future trends. By using primary data obtained from a survey based on a questionnaire, this research analyzes the corporate social responsibility activities of Mongolian companies with respect to following five areas: environmental policies and plan considerations, top management support to the environmental concerns, environmental control and organizing specifics, barriers to the implementation of environmental activities and stakeholders involvement and future trends. KEW WORDS: corporate social responsibility, environmental management practices environmental disclosures.
Монгол улсад уул уурхайн салбар хурдацтай хөгжиж эдийн засгийн хувьд чухал салбарын нэг болж байна. 2003-2010 онд уул уурхайн салбарын ДНБ-д эзлэх хэмжээ 10.1%-аар өсч 22.7 %, экспортод эзлэх хэмжээ 45.2 %-аар өсч 81 %-д хүрсэн бол энэ салбарт оруулсан ГШХО-ын хэмжээ нийт дүнгийн 80 % хүртэл өссөн байна.