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The previous study has shown that a naked mole rat that has a high tissue content of hyaluronan and its fragments is insensitive to pain. The previous study has also shown that hyaluronan modulates pain-regulated TRPV1 channel opening, reducing peripheral nociceptor activity and pain. The previous study has again shown that local injection of 35 kDa hyaluronan fragment HA35 is effective in treating inflammatory and neuropathic pain. This study employs a freshly made HA35 injection for treatment of pain associated with radiotherapy for treatment of colorectal and rectal cancer. A numerical rating scale from 0 to 10 was used to assess the pain after 1 hour, 3 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours of the injection. The results in this study indicate that HA35 of 100mg of abdominal deep fat layer injection effectively alleviates pain associated with radiotherapy, suggesting its important role in palliative care for patients with advanced colorectal and rectal cancer.
The global urgency for environmentally friendly technologies has steadily intensified, and as a result, the synthesis of silver nanoparticles with antibacterial properties derived from medicinal plants traditionally used to combat bacterial infections has garnered significant interest. Goals. This research endeavors to synthesize silver nanoparticles utilizing Jidanga and Banzdo plants, widely recognized in traditional medicine, while elucidating their physical, chemical attributes, and biological potential. Methods. The physicochemical characteristics of these silver nanoparticles, synthesized through phytosynthesis, were meticulously examined via various analytical techniques. Ultraviolet and visible light spectrophotometry (UV/Vis), Photon Cross Correlation Spectroscopy (PCCS), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray Crystallography (XRD) were employed for comprehensive analysis. Additionally, their antitumor efficacy was assessed via MTT assay utilizing RAW264.7 cell cultures, while antibacterial properties were evaluated through agar diffusion tests against selected bacterial strains. Results. Silver nanoparticles exhibited distinctive UV/Vis absorption peaks at 407-426 nm, affirming their composition. PCCS measurements revealed nanoparticles with hydrodynamic diameters spanning from ~100 nm to ~450 nm, while AFM imaging showcased spherical nanoparticles ranging from ~35 nm to ~97 nm. Crystallography analysis identified both simple cubic and polycrystalline structures. FTIR analysis unveiled the presence of organic compounds adsorbed onto the nanoparticle surfaces, in addition to silver bonds. Notably, the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Banzdo plants demonstrated dose-dependent inhibition of RAW264.7 cell growth via the MTT assay. Furthermore, the silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against a range of test bacteria with inhibition zones spanning 1-4 mm. Conclusion, this study successfully synthesized silver nanoparticles utilizing Jidanga and Banzdo plants from traditional medicine, comprehensively characterizing their physicochemical attributes and demonstrating their biological activity. These findings hold promise for the future utilization of phytosynthetically derived silver nanoparticles. Keywords: Jidanga, Banzdo, silver nanoparticles, phytosynthesis Түлхүүр үг: Жиданга, банздо, мөнгөний нанопартикл, фитосинтез
A probiotics bacterium, such as lactic acid bacteria and bacillus sp are capable of hydrolyzing non-digestible saccharides, such as melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose, found in soy meal components. Strains S252 were hydrolyzed 26 types of saccharides and produced 11 types of enzymes, these were checked API 50CHB and API ZYM kit, specially β-galactosidase and α-glucosidase activity was high. Strains S254 were hydrolyzed 28 types of saccharides and produced 9 types of enzymes. The isolated strain S252 and S254 was identified as Weismannia coagulans by 16S rDNA analysis (99.81% and 99.72% of homology, respectively), and named as Weismannia coagulans S252 and Weismannia coagulans S254, previously known as Bacillus coagulans and before that as Lactobacillus sporogenes. Also revealed the biochemical properties of fermented soybean meal during 48 hours incubation and strains S252 and S254 was hydrolyzed anti nutritional compound, such as stachyose, raffinose and melibiose. After incubation 48h using strain S252, amount of stachyose, raffinose and melibiose was decreased from 17.23mg/g, 16.02mg/g, 23.07mg/g to 1.93mg/g, 5.96mg/g, 1.97mg/g, respectively. In the case of strain S252, amount of stachyose, raffinose and melibiose was decreased from 17.23mg/g, 16.02mg/g, 23.07mg/g to 1.20mg/g, 11.51mg/g, 4.64mg/g, respectively. At 24 hours fermentation, the viable cell count of strain S252 was highest 1.25x109. Viable cell count of strain S254 was increased rapidly from 1.89x106 to 2.23x109 than strain S252. These results suggest that fermented soybean meal by strain S252 and S254 has a hydrolyzing activity anti-nutritional soy meal component and could be utilized in feed manufacturing.
Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Jidanga and Banzdo Plant Extracts from Traditional Medicinal Sources A.Bayanmunkh1, D.Dejidmaa3, G.Oyuundelger1, O.Odgerel2, J.Boldbaatar1 1. Laboratory of food Analysis, Department of biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia 2. Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Department of chemical and biological engineering, School and applied science and engineering, National University of Mongolia 3. Laboratory of Nanomaterials, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, School of Applied Science and Engineering, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 14200, Mongolia. Email:boldbaatar.j@seas.num.edu.mn Abstract The global imperative for environmentally friendly technologies has grown increasingly urgent. This research endeavors to synthesize silver nanoparticles utilizing Jidanga and Banzdo plants, widely recognized in traditional medicine, while elucidating their physical, chemical attributes, and biological potential. The physicochemical characteristics of these silver nanoparticles, synthesized through phytosynthesis, were meticulously examined via various analytical techniques. Ultraviolet and visible light spectrophotometry (UV/Vis), Photon Cross Correlation Spectroscopy (PCCS), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray Crystallography (XRD) were employed for comprehensive analysis. Additionally, their antitumor efficacy was assessed via MTT assay utilizing RAW264.7 cell cultures, while antibacterial properties were evaluated through agar diffusion tests against selected bacterial strains. Silver nanoparticles exhibited distinctive UV/Vis absorption peaks at 407-426 nm, affirming their composition. PCCS measurements revealed nanoparticles with hydrodynamic diameters spanning from ~100 nm to ~450 nm, while AFM imaging showcased spherical nanoparticles ranging from ~35 nm to ~97 nm. Crystallography analysis identified both simple cubic and polycrystalline structures. FTIR analysis unveiled the presence of organic compounds adsorbed onto the nanoparticle surfaces, in addition to silver bonds. Notably, the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Banzdo plants demonstrated dose-dependent inhibition of RAW264.7 cell growth via the MTT assay. Furthermore, the silver nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against a range of test bacteria with inhibition zones spanning 1-4 mm. In conclusion, this study successfully synthesized silver nanoparticles utilizing Jidanga and Banzdo plants from traditional medicine, comprehensively characterizing their physicochemical attributes and demonstrating their biological activity. These findings hold promise for the future utilization of phytosynthetically derived silver nanoparticles. Keywords: Jidanga, Banzdo, silver nanoparticles, phytosynthesis
ЭМИЙН УРГАМАЛ АШИГЛАН ГАРГАН АВСАН МӨНГӨНИЙ НАНОПАРКТИКЛЫН БАКТЕРИЙН ЭСРЭГ ҮЙЛДЛИЙГ ТОГТООСОН ДҮН Ж.Болдбаатар1, Г.Оюундэлгэр1, Ж.Ирэхбаяр1, А.Баянмөнх2 1 Монгол улсын их сургууль, ХШУИС, Хими, биологийн инженерчлэлийн тэнхим 1 Монгол улсын их сургууль, ШУС, БУС, Биологийн тэнхими 1 Монгол улсын их сургууль, ШУС, БУС, Химийн тэнхим 2 Эм судлалын хүрээлэн, Монос групп Хураангуй: Мөнгөнийн нанопартикл нь бактерийн эсрэг өргөн эмчилгээний үйлдэлтэй бөгөөд орчин үед халдваргүйжүүлэх, ариутгах зорилгоор эмчилгээний бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэхэд өргөнөөр ашиглаж байгаа хэдий ч гарган авах технологи нь өртөг өндөртэйд тооцогддог. Сүүлийн жилүүдэд ногоон технологи буюу эмийн ургамлыг ашиглан нанопартикл гарган авах технологи түгээмэл болж байгаа бөгөөд ургамлын бионэгдэлтэй нэгдсэн нэгдэл нь эмчилгээний үр дүн өндөр байх магадлалтай юм. Бидний судалгааны дүнд уламжлалт анагаах ухаанд бактерийн эсрэг үйлдэл бүхий Жиданга, Банздо ургамлыг ашиглан мөнгөний нитратаас ~142 – 221 нм хэмжээтэй, ургамлын бионэгдлийн 6 химийн холбоос агуулсан мөнгөнийн нанопартикл гарган авсан бөгөөд B.subtilis, P.aeruginosa E.faecalis, E. M.luteus бактерийн эсрэг үйлдэлтэй болохыг тогтоов. Түлхүүр үг: Мөнгөнийн нанопартикл, фотосинтез, эмийн ургамал, бактерийн эсрэг үйлдэл Оршил: Монгол улсын 1000 хүн ам тутамд өдөрт 64,41 нэгж тун антибиотик ноогдож байгаа нь антибиотикийн хэрэглээ өндөртөй орны тоонд орж байна. Антибиотик нь бактерийн гаралтай өвчлөлд үр дүнтэй боловч сүүлийн хэдэн арван жил түүний зохисгүй хэрэглээ нь эмчилгээний үр дүнг бууруулж байгаагаас гадна ихэнх өвчин үүсгэгч бактериуд антибиотикт тэсвэртэй болсон байна. Тухайлбал манай улсын 2019 оны антибиотикийн хэрэглээ ба нянгийн тэсвэржилтийн судалгааны тайланд улсын 4-р шатлалын нэг эмнэлэгт антибиотикийн хэрэглээ зохисгүй түвшинд байсан ба грамм эерэг коккийн хувьд ампициллинд 48%, гентамицинд 55%, эритромицинд 57%, ципрофлоксацинд 18%, цефазолинд 45%, левомицетинд 45%, нитрофурантоинд 40%, триметопримд 75% тэсвэржсэн байна. Грам сөрөг савханцар Pseudomnonas нь ампициллинд 100%, гентамицинд 73%, эритромицинд 100%, ципрофлоксацинд 27%, цефазолинд 91%, левомицетинд 73%, нитрофурантоинд 100%, триметопримд 100% тэсвэржсэн байжээ 1. Сүүлийн жилүүдэд антибиотикийг орлохуйц нэгдлийг хайх судалгаа болон уламжлалт хэрэглэж ирсэн мөнгөнийн ионыг өөрчлөх замаар шинэ эм бэлдмэлийн судалгаа эрчимжсэн 2,3,4. Мөнгөнийн давсыг фотосинтезын /зарим тохиолдолд ногоон технологи ч гэж нэрлэнэ/ аргаар нанохэмжээст оруулах арга ихээхэн түгээмэл болж байгаа бөгөөд үүнд эмийн ургамлыг өргөн ашиглаж ихээхэн сонирхол татахуйцаас гадна эмийн ургамалтай хосолсон мөнгөнийн нэгдлийг эмчилгээнд ашиглах боломжийг олгох бололцоог бий болгож байна. Энэхүү ажлын хүрээнд бид Монголын уламжлалт анагаах ухааны жоронд нян нядлах чадалтай гэж тэмдэглэгдсэн ургамлаас 2 зүйл ургамлыг сонгон авч ногоон фотосинтезэд ашиглан мөнгөнийн нано партикл гарган авч бактерийн эсрэг болон эсийн хорон чанарыг судлав.