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Хураангуй: Тус өгүүллэгийн зорилго нь боловсрол дахь хүний нөөцийн бодлого, тогтвор сууршилтай ажиллах боловсон хүчин, байгууллагын соёл нэвтрүүлэх хандлага төлөвшилийг бүрдүүлэх үйл явцыг судалгаанд swot шинжилгээний үр дүнг тодорхойлох явдал юм. Судалгааны арга зүй нь багш, ажилчидын харилцаа хандлага, оролцоог swot шинжилгээний аргаар илрүүлэх, байгууллагын төлөвлөгөө төлөвлөлтийн хэрэгжилтэд дүн шинжилгээ, үр дүнд үндэслэн засан сайжруулах гэсэн хоёр үе шаттай байв. Байгууллагын соёлыг нэвтрүүлэх тодорхойлох СВОТ(SWOT) шинжилгээний арга нь Англи хэлний S(Strength – Давуу тал), W(Weakness – Сул тал), O(Opportunity – Боломж), T(Threat – Аюул занал) байгууллага, гүйцэтгэлийг дүгнэх түвшинд өргөн дэлгэр хэрэглэгддэг. (Publishing, 2019) Уг шинжилгээнд үндэслэн асуумжийг хөрвүүлэн байгууллагын соёл бүрэлдсэн эсэхэд үр дүн ахицыг тодорхойлсон. Байгууллагын соёлын төлөвшил нь ЗӨӨЛӨН УР ЧАДВАР буюу SORF SKILLS түшиглэн, SWOT дүн шинжилгээгээний үр дүнд суурилан хүн хоорондын харилцаа, хөгжил, төлөвшил байгууллагын соёлд чухал нөлөөтэй болохыг энэхүү судалгаа харууллаа. Багш, ажилчидын тогтвор сууршилтай ажиллах хүсэл эрмэлзэл нэмэгдсэн. Ажилтан ажил олгогч хоёрын хоорондын зөрчил багасаж ажлын бүтээмж нэмэгдсэн давуу талтай боловч багш ажилтаны эерэг хандлага, зөв үлгэр дуурайлал суралцагчийн сурах, хөгжих эрхийн суурь хэрэгцээ хангагдаж байна. Түлхүүр үг: Хувь хүний хөгжил, Байгууллагын соёл-Байгууллагын зан үйлийг тодорхойлох үндсэн зарчим, S(Strength – Давуу тал), W(Weakness – Сул тал), O(Opportunity – Боломж), T(Threat – Аюул занал)
Abstract: Mongolia has undergone significant changes since transitioning to a market economy in 1990. These changes have affected various sectors, including the education system and the foreign language teaching policy. As English language learning gains popularity, the quality of teaching and the competence of teaching personnel have become crucial issues. To enhance the education system and its standards, English teachers must improve their professional skills and teaching methods. However, despite being a pressing issue, this problem is yet to be fully addressed. In order to enhance the quality of English teaching, it's important to recognize the necessity of professional development opportunities for English teachers. The success of such programs heavily relies on catering to the specific needs of teachers. This research study aims to identify the skills that English language teachers, who are involved in training future teachers at both public and private universities, would like to develop professionally. This will be achieved through conducting interviews. Additionally, this study aims to explore the attitudes of English teachers towards the effectiveness of teacher development programs offered by teacher training universities and colleges.Keywords:PD challenges & needs, effectiveness of TDPs, English teacher preparation institutes
Abstract: The priority of Mongolian government is to implement multiple projects and activities regarding the intensification of English training and promotion on its effectiveness in the past decades. This article is designed to enhance the students’ reading comprehension and reading strategies to become effective readers in academic area. We conducted the research and survey among the 100 freshmen in non professional course of National University of Mongolia (NUM). The data comprised two separate methods such as a self- evaluation questionnaire and a test. The self-evaluation questionnaire intended to explore how students utilize the learning strategies and the test to reveal how students employ the reading strategies as well. As a result, the study has found that the instructors are entailed to improve their methods and to encourage learners’ self study’s proficiencies in terms of promoting the learners’ reading comprehension and reading effective strategies.
Abstract: Since 1990, Mongolia has been open to the whole world and has transitioned to a market economy. Not only did many changes occur in the country's economy, but it also affected the education system, including the foreign language teaching policy. As people's interest in learning English increases, it is clear that the problem of English language teaching personnel and the quality of teaching will be affected. In order to develop the education system and improve its quality, the development must start with the teachers and educators and from the professional skills and teaching methods of the teachers in the teacher training schools. During that time, this problem was one of the most pressing problems, but it is still not completely solved. In order to improve the quality of English teaching, there is a need for professional development of English teachers. In doing so, taking into account the needs of teachers is the basis for effective and rewarding teacher development programs. This research aims to find the skills that English language teachers of public and private universities who prepare teachers want to develop professionally through interviews. It also aims to explore attitudes toward the effectiveness of teacher development programs for teachers at teacher training universities. Keywords: professional development challenges, professional development needs, EFL teacher educators, research skills, teacher preparation institutes
This article is concerned from beginning to end with translation skills and translation-related skills of all types. Although the study of translation skills appears to be only theoretical, this work will combine the theoretical literature on these skills with a host of illustrative applications and examples from both languages involved, English and Mongolian. Translation skills sound familiar to everyone involved in one way or another in the field of translation. Almost all books on translation refer to these skills as though axiomatic to readers. Translation skills of all types should be developed simultaneously in both languages involved, the foreign as well as the mother tongue. Mongolian students of translation and translators alike have exhibited a number of weaknesses in their Mongolian Language skills, which have bad effects on the quality of their translations. Therefore, they must attend more seriously to mastering their native language skills of all types with a view to improving their understanding, style of writing, means of expression, and, hence, translations. This paper is meant to introduce the main types of translation skills in detail in theory as much as in practice, elaborating and covering all aspects of translation as a discipline and a profession. Keywords: translation skills, types of translation skills, native language skills, translation accuracy,
Abstract: Teacher development is the development of the education system. There is still an urgent need for the government to focus on the development of the lecturers and teachers working in teacher training schools and to develop them in a phased and reasonable manner. When organizing teacher development programs and activities, it is effective to organize them according to the needs and preferences of teachers. In this study, the researchers interviewed English language teachers in public and private universities, and the teachers participated in the study voluntarily. Twenty-four English lecturers at universities including two public universities (NUM, MSUE) and one private university (University of Humanities) were interviewed in the study the purpose of which is to find out how they feel about the results of teacher development programs. Although the respondents have a positive attitude towards teacher development programs, they are interested in further self-development. Also, when organizing teacher development programs, it is considered appropriate to take into consideration what skills teachers need to develop and acquire new ones. Considering that teachers are fully capable of defining their own needs and requirements as adults, it is appropriate to increase their participation in teacher development programs. Keywords: professional development, tertiary level teachers, teacher educators, adult learning theory, the impact of professional development programs, teaching practice
The pandemic has led to lasting effects on ELT communities and practices worldwide. Writing can be challenging for learners because of the need for appropriate vocabulary, grammar, content knowledge, and competence in writing processes. This session shares the experience of converting academic writing classes into an online format. It demonstrates the class building steps with different platforms and discusses challenges encountered during the process. Attendees will take away quick tips and best practices on how to design secure online academic writing classes. Assignment structure, example module, and best practices review provide participants with a practical technique for any classroom management system. Panelists will present examples of engaging activities and assessment strategies that have been successfully adopted in online academic writing classes.
Tertiary level EFL teachers’ professional development and its effectiveness Teacher education is the field which should be focused from the authorities since teachers are the key players in an effort to achieve the education change and quality. Teachers who are key players and directly involved in teacher preparation have to be professionally developed and should be put much greater attention from the government. Offering and providing high quality professional development programs is a cornerstone in improvement of teaching practice of teachers and the achievement of student teachers. In order to make professional development programs more effective, the teachers’ professional development programs should be based on the professional development theories. This study emphasizes how tertiary level EFL teachers and teacher educators perceive their professional development programs and their effectiveness. Key words: Tertiary level teachers, teacher educators, teachers’ professional development programs, professional development programs, EFL teachers
ДАЯАРШИЛ –ИНТЕРНЭТ – ОРЧУУЛГА GLOBALIZATION- INTERNET- TRANSLATION Б. Батчимэг1, У.Лхагвасүрэн2 Abstract: The Cold War that divided the world into mutually opposing two poles ended in the early 1990s, creating favorable conditions to international relations. This transformation led to intensification of relations among world nations. Broadening of cooperation impacted on globalization. The need for barrier free, speedy relations triggered information technology advancement. The internet which initially was created to simply connect computers in order to share information, became the key mediator of global communication. The launch of the internet has opened a new horizon which is not restricted by time and space. The growing flow of information tremendously increased the demand for translation. From this point of view, translation can be defined as an integral part of globalization which has been made possible with the internet. With this paper we aimed to define interconnectedness, reciprocal impacts and future trend of these three phenomena. Key words: globalization, translation, information, network, technological advancement and progress
Боловсролын чанар болон өөрчлөлт шинэчлэлтийн гол тулгуур нь багш нар билээ. Тиймээс багш нарын мэргэжлийн хөгжилд төр засгаас бодлогоор анхаарлаа хандуулах шаардлага тулгарсан хэвээр байна. Багшийн мэргэжлийн хөгжлийн чанартай сургалт санал болгож явуулах нь сургалтын чанар чансааг сайжруулах нэг түлхүүр. Судлаачид энэхүү тоон аргын судалгаагаар төрийн өмчит болон хувийн их дээд сургуулийн англи хэлний 250 орчим багш нарын тэдний мэргэжлийн хөгжлийн талаарх хандлагад дүн шинжилгээ хийсэн болно. Судалгааны үр дүнгээр багш нар хэдийгээр мэргэжлийн хөгжлийн сургалтуудын чанарт сэтгэл дундуур байгаа ч мэргэжлээрээ хөгжих хүсэлтэй, эерэг хандлагатай байна.
ДАЯАРШИЛ –ИНТЕРНЭТ – ОРЧУУЛГА GLOBALIZATION- INTERNET- TRANSLATION Б. Батчимэг1, У.Лхагвасүрэн2 Abstract: The Cold War that divided the world into mutually opposing two poles ended in the early 1990s, creating favorable conditions to international relations. This transformation led to intensification of relations among world nations. Broadening of cooperation impacted on globalization. The need for barrier free, speedy relations triggered information technology advancement. The internet which initially was created to simply connect computers in order to share information, became the key mediator of global communication. The launch of the internet has opened a new horizon which is not restricted by time and space. The growing flow of information tremendously increased the demand for translation. From this point of view, translation can be defined as an integral part of globalization which has been made possible with the internet. With this paper we aimed to define interconnectedness, reciprocal impacts and future trend of these three phenomena. Key words: globalization, translation, information, network, technological advancement and progress