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Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Д.Нямбаяр, Г.Баярмаа, Д.Оюунцэцэг
"On the phylogeny of some Alchemilla L. species in the Flora of Mongolia", International conference on Plant Science 2024, Монгол, 2024-5-31, vol. Session IV, pp. 12.30-12.45


The number of species in the genus Alchemilla fluctuates greatly, as many agamospermous microspecies have been described based on minor morphological differences. There are eleven species of Alchemilla in the Flora of Mongolia, and most of them, especially endemic species, are not clearly morphologically and spatially distinct. To assess the genetic relatedness between such similar species, we analysed the variation within and among seven species occurring in the Khangai mountainous region of Mongolia. Furthermore, we aimed to reveal the systematic affinities of Mongolian species in the molecular phylogeny of the genus. Maximum parsimony analyses were performed using nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (trnL-F) sequence data. The studied species all belong to the lobed clade within the Eualchemilla clade, according to molecular and morphological data. The differences between the not clearly morphologically and spatially distinct species are mostly not supported by molecular data. The species level of the Mongolian “endemic” species, A. changaica, A. gubanovii and A. pavlovii, including A. circularis, the Siberian endemic species should be reconsidered.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, L.Wurijimusi, W.Ying, Y.Fengting, G.Qianhui, F.Yongyi, W.Li, L.Fengjiao, B.Xiuyan, Z.Yue, X.Xingjian, G.Xinmei, Q.Geqi, W.Wurilige, G.Longyu, Z.Mingwei, F.Ying, W.Yingjie, W.Jingyu
"Research on the Effects of the Relationship between Agronomic Traits and Dwarfing Genes on Yield in Colored Wheat" Genes, vol. 15, pp. 649, 2024-5-21


This research focuses on 72 approved varieties of colored wheat from different provinces in China. Utilizing coefficients of variation, structural equation models, and correlation analyses, six agronomic traits of colored wheat were comprehensively evaluated, followed by further research on different dwarfing genes in colored wheat. Using the entropy method revealed that among the 72 colored wheat varieties, 10 were suitable for cultivation. Variety 70 was the top-performing variety, with a comprehensive index of 87.15%. In the final established structural equation model, each agronomic trait exhibited a positive direct effect on yield. Notably, plant height, spike length, and flag leaf width had significant impacts on yield, with path coefficients of 0.55, 0.40, and 0.27. Transcriptome analysis and real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) validation were used to identify three dwarfing genes controlling plant height: Rht1, Rht-D1, and Rht8. Subsequent RT-qPCR validation clustering heatmap results indicated that Rht-D1 gene expression increased with the growth of per-acre yield. Rht8 belongs to the semi-dwarf gene category and has a significant positive effect on grain yield. However, the impact of Rht1, as a dwarfing gene, on agronomic traits varies. These research findings provide crucial references for the breeding of new varieties.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Оюунцэцэг, Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, C.Hyeok Jae Choi, N.Nudkhuu Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, Y.Jung Won, M.Urgamal
"The complete chloroplast genome and phylogentic results support the species position of Swertia banzragczii and Swertia marginata (Gentianaceae) in Mongolia" Botanical studies, vol. (2024) 65:11, no., pp. 65:11(1-13), 2024-4-24


Abstract Background Swertia banzragczii and S. marginata are important medicinal species in Mongolia. However, their taxonomic positions and genetic backgrounds remain unknown. In this study, we explored the complete chloroplast genomes and DNA barcoding of these species and compared them with those of closely related species within the subgenus to determine their taxonomic positions and phylogenetic relationships. Result The chloroplast genomes of S. banzragczii and S. marginata encoded 114 genes, including 80 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, and 4 rRNA genes. Among them, 16 genes contained a single intron, and 2 genes had two introns. Closely related species had a conserved genome structure and gene content. Only differences in genome length were noticed, which were caused by the expansion and contraction of the inverted repeat (IR) region and loss of exons in some genes. The trnH-GUG–psbA and trnD-GUC–trnY-GUA intergenic regions had high genetic diversity within Swertia plastomes. Overall, S. banzragczii and S. marginata are true species and belong to the subgenus Swertia. Conclusions These results provide valuable genetic and morphological information on rare and subendemic Swertia species in Mongolia, which can be used for further advanced studies on the Swertia genus.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, Д.Оюунцэцэг, Ш.Баасанмөнх, Н.Нямгэрэл
"МОНГОЛ ОРНЫ ЗАРИМ УРГАМЛЫН ХЛОРОПЛАСТЫН БҮТЭН ГЕНОМЫН ХАРЬЦУУЛСАН СУДАЛГАА, ФИЛОГЕНЕТИК АНАЛИЗ", Шинжлэх ухаан технологийн сэргэлт: Их сургуулиудын оролцоо - Эрдэм шинжилгээний анхны их хурлын 80 жилийн ой, Монгол, 2024-4-22, vol. 1, pp. 28-29


Бид эмийн болон уламжлалт анагаах ухаанд өргөн хэрэглэгддэг ч өнөөдрийг хүртэл дэлхийн шинжлэх ухаанд ангилалзүйн хувьд маргаантай хэвээр байгаа Saussurea төрлийн таван зүйл (Saussurea bogedaensis Yu J.Wang & J.Chen, S. involucrata (Kar. & Kir.) Sch.Bip., S. orgaadayi Khanm. & Krasnob., S. dorogostaiskii Palib., S. baicalensis (Adams) B.L.Rob.); Swertia төрлийн хоёр зүйл (Swertia banzragczii Sanchir, S. marginata Schrenk); болон Монголын унаган зүйл Adonis mongolica Simonov.-ийн хлоропластын бүтэн геномын дарааллыг тогтоож, бүтцийн болон филогенетик анализ хийж гүйцэтгэлээ. Судалгааны хүрээнд дээрх зүйлүүдийн хлоропластын бүтэн геномд агуулагдах генийн бүтэц, дараалал, генетик вариац болон генетик вариацын эволюцид үзүүлсэн нөлөө, дэд төрөл доторх филогенетик хамаарал зэргийг судалсан.

Зохиогч(ид): N.Nyangerel, S.Baasanmunkh, Б.Оюунцэцэг, Z.Tsegmed, Г.Баярмаа, L.Georgy, P.Elizaveta, H.Gil, P.Inkyu, C.Hyeok Jae
"Comparative plastome analysis and taxonomic classification of snow lotus species (Saussurea, Asteraceae) in Central Asia and Southern Siberia" Functional and integrative genomics, vol. 24, pp. 42, 2024-2-23


Four species of Saussurea, namely S. involucrata, S. orgaadayi, S. bogedaensis, and S. dorogostaiskii, are known as the “snow lotus,” which are used as traditional medicines in China (Xinjiang), Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Russia (Southern Siberia). These species are threatened globally, because of illegal harvesting and climate change. Furthermore, the taxonomic classification and identification of these threatened species remain unclear owing to limited research. The misidentification of medicinal species can sometimes be harmful to health. Therefore, the phylogenetic and genomic features of these species need to be confirmed. In this study, we sequenced five complete chloroplast genomes and seven nuclear ITS regions of four snow lotus species and other Saussurea species. We further explored their genetic variety, selective pressure at the sequence level, and phylogenetic relationships using the chloroplast genome, nuclear partial DNA sequences, and morphological features. Plastome of the snow lotus species has a conserved structure and gene content similar to most Saussurea species. Two intergenic regions (ndhJ–ndhK and ndhD-psaC) show significantly high diversity among chloroplast regions. Thus, ITS and these markers are suitable for identifying snow lotus species. In addition, we characterized 43 simple sequence repeats that may be useful in future population genetic studies. Analysis of the selection signatures identified three genes (rpoA, ndhB, and ycf2) that underwent positive selection. These genes may play important roles in the adaptation of the snow lotus species to alpine environments. S. dorogostaiskii is close to S. baicalensis and exhibits slightly different adaptation from others. The taxonomic position of the snow lotus species, confirmed by morphological and molecular evidence, is as follows: (i) S. involucrata has been excluded from the Mongolian flora due to misidentification as S. orgaadayi or S. bogedaensis for a long time; (ii) S. dorogostaiskii belongs to section Pycnocephala subgenus Saussurea, whereas other the snow lotus species belong to section Amphilaena subgenus Amphilaena; and (iii) S. krasnoborovii is synonymous of S. dorogostaiskii. This study clarified the speciation and lineage diversification of the snow lotus species in Central Asia and Southern Siberia.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, C.Hyeok Jae, E.Andrey, P.Inkyu
"Insight into chloroplast genome structural variation of the Mongolian endemic species Adonis mongolica (Ranunculaceae) in the Adonideae tribe" Scientific Reports, vol. 13, pp. 22014, 2023-12-12


Adonis mongolica is a threatened species that is endemic to Mongolia. It is a medicinal plant from the Adonis genus and has been used to treat heart diseases. However, the genomics and evolution of this species have not been thoroughly studied. We sequenced the first complete plastome of A. mongolica and compared it with ten Adonideae species to describe the plastome structure and infer phylogenetic relationships. The complete plastome of A. mongolica was 157,521 bp long and had a typical quadripartite structure with numerous divergent regions. The plastomes of Adonideae had relatively constant genome structures and sizes, except for those of Adonis. The plastome structure was consistent across Adonis. We identified a 44.8 kb large-scale inversion within the large single-copy region and rpl32 gene loss in the Adonis plastomes compared to other members of the Adonideae tribe. Additionally, Adonis had a smaller plastome size (156,917–157,603 bp) than the other genera within the tribe (159,666–160,940 bp), which was attributed to deletions of intergenic regions and partial and complete gene losses. These results suggested that an intramolecular mutation occurred in the ancestor of the Adonis genus. Based on the phylogenetic results, Adonis separated earlier than the other genera within the Adonideae tribe. The genome structures and divergences of specific regions in the Adonis genus were unique to the Adonideae tribe. This study provides fundamental knowledge for further genomic research in Mongolia and a better understanding of the evolutionary history of endemic plants.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Оюунцэцэг, Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, Ш.Баасанмөнх
"Taxonomic revision of genus Swertia L. (Gentianaceae) in Mongolia", Баруун Монгол, түүний хил залгаа нутгийн байгалийн нөхцөл, нөөц, ард түмний түүх, хэл, соёл сэдэвт олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний XVI хурал, Khovd branch of National University of Mongolia. Mongolia, 2023-9-29, vol. 1, pp. 53-55


Dashzeveg Oyuntsetsega , Batlai Oyuntsetsega , Gun-Aajav Bayarmaaa & Shukherdorj Baasanmunkhb aDepartment of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia,. bDepartment of Biology & Chemistry, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, South Korea. 54 TAXONOMIC REVISION OF GENUS SWERTIA (GENTIANACEAE) IN MONGOLIA The genus Swertia L. exhibits a broad global distribution across many geographic regions. This genus is classified within the Gentanaceae family, which is a major group of Angiosperms. It encompasses a substantial number of species, over 170 in total. Swertia species are herbaceous plants that exhibit annual, biennial, or perennial life cycles (Ho & James, 1995; Joshi, 2015). These plants are distributed over multiple continents, including Asia, Africa, North America, and Europe (Ho & James, 1995; Joshi & Joshi, 2008; Yang et al., 2022). The majority of identified Swertia species are primarily found in Asia, with China having the highest number at 75 species (Ho & Lui, 2015; Li et al., 2019). Nepal follows with 29 species (Rijal & Joshi, 2007; Shrestha, 2013), and India with 32 species (Singh, 2021). According to the most recent revised and updated checklist of vascular plants in Mongolia, there are a total of 3041 native vascular taxa belonging to 653 genera and 111 families (Baasanmunkh Shukherdorj, 2022). Based on the provided checklist, it is observed that the taxonomic group Gentanaceae Juss. encompasses a total of eight genera and 32 taxa. Notably, within this group, the genus Swertia L. is represented by four distinct species, namely Swertia banzragczii Sanchz, Swertia dichotoma L., Swertia marginata Schrenk, and Swertia obtusa Ledeb. These findings have been documented by Baasanmunkh et al. (2022). This study focused on the taxonomic revision of the genus Swertia in Mongolia, incorporating both morphological and genetic evidence. The Swertia species distribution covers areas mostly with high species richness Mongolian Altai, Khangai, Khentei, Mongolian Daura, Khuvsgul, and Khovd (Shukherdorj Baasanmunkh, 2022). Based on the DNA barcoding study utilizing nuclear and cytoplasmic markers (ITS; rbcL), it has been observed that the species under investigation can be categorized into three distinct clades. In addition, we have supplied point distribution maps, detailed descriptions, and vivid photographic pictures for each individual species. Keywords: Swertia, DNA barcoding, clade, nuclear and cytoplasmic marker

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Оюунцэцэг, Г.Баярмаа, Д.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, N.Joscelyn, C.Hyeok Jae
"Genetic diversity of the threatened Saussurea dorogostaiskii (Asteraceae) in the Khuvsgul region of Mongolia" Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 14-24, 2023-3-31


Saussurea dorogostaiskii Palib. (Asteraceae) is a critically endangered medic-inal plant in Mongolia and Russia. We studied the genetic variation of S. dorogostaiskii fromthree mountains of northern Mongolia. The genetic profile was assessed in 70 individualsfrom eight populations using five inter-simple sequence repeat markers, producing 53 lociwith 96.4% polymorphism across all bands. Shannon’s index (I) and Nei’s gene diversity (H)value at the species level of S. dorogostaiskii are 0.25 and 0.17, respectively. An AMOVAshowed high genetic variation among the populations (22% of populations and 32% ofmountains), consistent with the high genetic differentiation (GST = 0.49) and low gene flow(Nm = 0.51) in S. dorogostaiskii populations. Eight populations were clustered into twogroups, corresponding to their geographic locations. The low within-population geneticdiversity and high genetic differentiation among S. dorogostaiskii populations factor intotheir endangered designation. This genetic analysis reveals that all populations are equallythreatened, and community-based conservation is appropriate for these species. (PDF) Genetic diversity of the threatened Saussurea dorogostaiskii (Asteraceae) in the Khuvsgul region, Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Д.Баярлхагва, B.Мөнхжаргал, Ө.Болортуяа, Б.Даваа, Э.Батмагнай
"Phylogenetic analysis of a region of mitochondrial cox-1 as a DNA barcode marker sequence of Gazella subgutturosa (goitered gazelle) in Mongolia" Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 213-217, 2023-3-11


Phylogenetic analysis of a region of mitochondrial cox-1 as a DNA barcode marker sequence of Gazella subgutturosa (goitered gazelle) in Mongolia. Gazella subgutturosa, a vulnerable species, is threatened by illegal hunting for meat and sport. The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (cox-1) is used as a DNA marker to distinguish mammalian species for the investigation of illegal hunting. In this study, we sequenced a part of the cox-1 gene (709 bp) of six Mongolian G. subgutturosa individuals. Our DNA sequences were clustered in a clade of Gazella which is distinct from other clades of mammalian species in the phylogenetic tree. Our findings suggest that DNA sequences can be useful in the investigation of illegal hunting.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, P.Inkyu, C.Hyeok Jae
"Taxonomic revision of Snow Lotus group (Saussurea, Asteraceae) in Central Asia and South Siberia", The Korean Plant Taxonomic Society Annual meeting, БНСУ, 2023-2-2, vol. 1, pp. 64


Six species of Saussurea namely S. involucrata, S. orgaadayi, S. bogedaensis, S. dorogostaiskii, S. revjakinae and S. krasnoborovii are known as the “snow lotus” in Kyrgyzstan, east Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia (south Siberia), and China (Xinjiang). These species are globally threatened because of their use as traditional medicines. In addition, all species are decreasing primarily due to illegal harvesting from the wild and climate change. However, taxonomic classification and identification remains unclear due to limited researches with these rare and endangered species. In this study, we critically examined those species based on morphological and molecular data using the samples from Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Russia. Based on the results, we found several fundamental results: (i) S. krasnoborovii is synonymous with S. dorogostaiskii; (ii) S. involucrata is excluded from the Mongolian flora due to misidentification as S. orgaadayi or S. bogedaensis for long time. The morphological characteristics of S. dorogostaiskii is belong to the subgenus Amphilaena but our phylogenetic results suggest that S. dorogostaiskii is closely clustered with S. baicalensis (section Lagurostemon, subgenus Saussurea). Thus, S. dorogostaiskii is hold an intermediate position between the subgenus Amphilaena and Saussurea. During our field surveys, we found also an unknown species of Saussure from Mongolia, which is morphologically similar both S. dorogostaiskii and S. baicalensis. Overall, the most important morphological character is phyllary (glabrous or pubescence) among the Snow Lotus. In addition, each species is clearly distinguished by ITS and cpDNA (trnK and trnH-psbA) regions. Finally, we provided the morphological description, distribution map, photo illustration, conservation assessment, taxonomic notes for Snow Lotus and its related species.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, C.Hyeok Jae, P.Inkyu, E.Andrey
"COMPLETE CHLOPLAST GENOME OF ADONIS MONGOLICA", The Korean Plant Taxonomic Society Annual meeting, БНСУ, 2023-2-2, vol. 1, pp. 77


Adonis mongolica Simonov. is a Mongolian endemic plant that has been used as a medicinal herb in traditional medicine to treat patients with congestive heart failure who exhibit tachycardia and oedema. Because the plant contained the molecules that are supposed to be cardiac glycosides. In this article, we used the genome skimming approach to determine the complete chloroplast genome of A. mongolica. The cp genome was 157,522 bp in length and exhibited conserved quadripartite structure. The overall GC contents of the total length, LSC, SSC and IR regions were 37.86%, 55%, 11.55% and 16.17%, respectively. It encodes 131 genes, including 85 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, and 8 ribosomal RNA genes. We discovered highly divergent genes of A. mongolica that are different from the other species of Adonis genus. We used Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method for phylogeny analysis, including our data and previously reported cp genomes of related taxa within the family Ranunculaceae. With strong bootstrap support, the phylogenetic tree shows that A. mongolica is closely related to A. sutchuenensis.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Д.Баярлхагва, Х.Али, B.Munkhjargal, B.Davaa, U.Bolortuya
"Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial D-loop sequence of Mongolian wild boars" Proceeding of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 22, 2022-12-26


Genomic DNA was extracted from tissue specimens of wild boars (Sus scrofa) in 10 different locations Mongolia. D-loop part of genome was amplified by PCR and was subjected to DNA sequencing. Determined sequences from 18 specimens were registered with the GenBank and accession numbers were obtained. A total of 54 complete mitochondrial D-loop sequences of wild boars available with NCBI GenBank were taken as a reference for comparison with that of Mongolian wild boars. Sequence alignment, detection of parsimonious informative sites, model selection, calculation of nucleotide distances, and Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree construction with 1000 bootstrapped replications were conducted using MEGA X software. Maximum Likelihood trees were constructed by the Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano (HKY) model. The results of the study showed that geographic location played an important role in sequence divergence between wild boars from various locations. Most of them were grouped together according to their respective geographic locations, except for several individuals. It is highly likely that the Mongolian subpopulation of wild boars, such as S. scrofa raddianus and S. scrofa nigripes, have had the same ancestor. In order to fully evaluate the distribution, ecology, and biology of Mongolian wild boars, it is essential to compare supplemental gene sequences that can reveal phylogenetic differences from the populations in the neighboring areas, such as Russia, northeast China, and Kazakhstan. The results of this study will be useful and informative for the protecting and conserving of wild boars in Mongolia.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Оюунцэцэг, Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, Z.Tsegmid, H.Choi
"DNA barcoding, distribution and conservation status of genus Swertia L. (Gentianaceae) in Mongolia", “БИОЛОГИ, БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЙН СУДАЛГАА – 80 ЖИЛ”, 2022-10-3, vol. 1, pp. 11


DNA BARCODING, DISTRIBUTION, AND CONSERVATION STATUS OF GENUS SWERTIA L. (GENTIANACEAE) IN MONGOLIA Dashzeveg OYUNTSETSEG1, Shukherdorj BAASANMUNKH2, Gun-Aajav BAYARMAA1, Batlai OYUNTSETSEG1, ZAGARJAV TSEGMED3, Hyeok Jae CHOI2,* 1Department of Biology, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,,, 2Department of Biology & Chemistry, Changwon National University, South Korea,, 3Laboratory of Plant Systematics and Phylogeny, Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, The Swertia L., comprises 170 species, and is one of the largest genera in Gentianaceae family in the world. In Mongolia, currently, four species have been recorded including Swertia banzragczii Sanchir, S. dichotoma L., S. marginata Schrenk, and S. obtusa Ledeb. Among these, S. banzragczii, rare and endangered species, was discovered in western Mongolia and is also found in Xinjiang, China. Since 2016, we gathered fresh leaves, herbarium, and photographs from various vegetation during our field surveys. Here, we provided some results of DNA barcoding, distribution map, conservation status, and wild photographs for each species. According to phylogenetic results, all species were well clustered within other species of Swertia based on plant DNA barcoding markers. Keywords: plant DNA markers, taxonomic description

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Оюунцэцэг, Г.Баярмаа, L.Ser-Od, O.Altanzul, G.Oyundari
"Characterization of an ZpR31 cDNA from Zygophyllum potaninii Maxim. (Zygophyllaceae)", “БИОЛОГИ, БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЙН СУДАЛГАА – 80 ЖИЛ”, 2022-10-3, vol. 1, pp. 36


Zygophyllum potaninii Maxim. is a medicinal plant, distributed in arid regions of southern Mongolia. cDNA libraries prepared from stress-induced plants were screened for genes that are up and downregulated during drought stress. In this study, a full-length of ZpR31 was obtained and differential expression in response to drought stress was analyzed by RT-PCR. The expression of genes that are differentially regulated during drought stress in Z. potaninii was screened by suppression subtractive hybridization, and R31 cDNA of length 1000 bp was identifi ed from reverse subtractive hybridization. Drought stress was induced by incubating the four weeks old Z. potaninii for 48 hours on MS media containing 200 mM mannitol. Using gene-specifi c primers for ZpR31, its expression level at 0, 6, and 24 hours after stress induction was examined by RT-PCR. In the root, there is a high accumulation of ZpR31 mRNA in the control plant and its expression is down-regulated by drought stress.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Суран, Ө.Энэрэлт, Т.Сувдмаа, Г.Баярмаа, P.Suld
"Зүүнгарын гоёоны (Cynomorium songaricum Rupr.) биохимийн судалгаа, нөхөн сэргээх туршилтын зарим дүн", “БИОЛОГИ, БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЙН СУДАЛГАА – 80 ЖИЛ”, 2022-10-3, vol. 1, pp. 78


Зүүнгарын гоёо нь Монголын Улаан ном (2013)-д “ховор”, Монгол орны ургамлын улаан данс (2019)-д “эмзэг” статуст бүртгэгдсэн. Иймд Зүүнгарын гоёог байгаль цаг уур, улирлын байдлаас шалтгаалахгүйгээр in vitro нөхцөлд өсгөвөрлөн ургуулах, нөөцийг арвижуулах, тухайн ургамлыг үржүүлэх, тэжээлийн орчинд биомассыг үйлдвэрлэж цаашдын биохими, биофизикийн олон талт судалгаа шинжилгээ хийх нэн шаардлагатай. Энэхүү судалгаагаар Зүүнгарын гоёоны махлаг зөөлөн, шүүслэг хэсгийн фитохимийн найрлагыг тогтоож, бүлэг ханд бүрийн бактерийн эсрэг идэвх, антиоксидант идэвхийг тодорхойлоход хлороформ болон этил-ацетатын ханд нь антиоксидант болон бактерийн эсрэг идэвхээрээ хамгийн өндөр байв. Зүүн гарын гоёоны газрын дээд (махлаг иш), доод (үндэслэг иш) хэсгийг модификац хийсэн фосфат-CTAB буферт хандлан, ханд тус бүрийг гель фильтрацийн аргаар фракцлан салгаж уургийн фракц ялган авсан. Зүүнгарын гоёоны газрын дээд, доод хэсгийн II фракц ~20 кДа жинтэй уурагт нэгдэл агуулсан бөгөөд бактерийн эсрэг идэвх өндөр болохыг тодорхойлов. Зүүнгарын гоёоны үрийн in vitro соёололтын судалгаанд гиббериллиний уусмалыг бусад фитогормонуудтай хослуулан үр хөврөлийн хөгжил, соёололтыг нь дэмжсэн. 2,4-дихлорофеноксицууны хүчил (2.4-D 1.0 мкг/мг), кинетин (0.5 мкг/мг), гиббериллин (1.0 мкг/мг) нэмсэн В5 тэжээлийн орчин дахь үрийн соёололт, өсөлт хамгийн өндөр байв.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, P.Inkyu, C.Hyeok Jae
"Complete chloroplast genome of Adonis mongolica Simonov. (Ranunculaceae)", “БИОЛОГИ, БИОТЕХНОЛОГИЙН СУДАЛГАА – 80 ЖИЛ”, 2022-10-3, vol. 1, pp. 42


Adonis mongolica Simonov. is a Mongolian endemic plant that has been used as a medicinal herb in traditional medicine to treat patients with congestive heart failure who exhibit tachycardia and oedema. Because the plant contained the molecules that are supposed to be cardiac glycosides. In this study, we used the genome skimming approach to determine the complete chloroplast genome of A. mongolica. The cp genome was 157,522 bp in length and exhibited conserved quadripartite structure. The overall GC contents of the total length, LSC, SSC and IR regions were 37.86%, 55%, 11.55% and 16.17%, respectively. It encodes 131 genes, including 85 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, and 8 ribosomal RNA genes. We discovered highly divergent genes of A. mongolica that are different from the other species of Adonis genus. We used Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method for phylogeny analysis, including our data and previously reported cp genomes of related taxa within the family Ranunculaceae. With strong bootstrap support, the phylogenetic tree shows that A. mongolica is closely related to A. sutchuenensis.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа
"Establishment of DNA barcode reference library of Mongolian mammals", International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity (ICDBB) 2022, Болгар, 2022-5-26, vol. 1, pp. 6


Mongolia is a country in Central Asia with a harsh arid climate, and a geographic location is divided into many climatic zones with rich and unique biodiversity. There are at least 128 native mammal species in Mongolia, ranging from large carnivores and ungulates to bats and rodents, many of which are globally threatened or endemic to Central Asia (1). In Mongolia, many crimes are committed related to the illegal hunting of large wild mammals and the animal trade in organs. We aim to establish the reference DNA barcode library for the use to determine the origin of animal organ and tissue on a scientific basis that will be used by law enforcement agencies, government, and public organizations such as customs, general agency for specialized inspection, animal protection, police, and forensic sciences. We have registered COI sequences of more than 80 specimens belonging to seven orders, 20 families, and 40 species of mammals distributed in Mongolia. These sequences include 14 species of rare mammals listed in the Mongolian Red Book, 3 species of Mongolian domestic livestock, 15 species of large mammals of economic and hunting importance and 8 species of small mammals. The registration in the NCBI database is also important to exchange information on the genetic diversity of mammals in Mongolia and the significance of science and knowledge will be revealed as a theoretical basis for the effective protection and restoration of rare and endangered mammal species.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, N.Nyamgerel, S.Baasanmunkh, C.Hyeok Jae, K.Oyundelger
"A new record of critically endangered Saussurea bogedaensis (Asteraceae) from Dzungarian Gobi, Mongolia" PhytoKeys, vol. 160, pp. pp. 109-121., 2020-9-8


A species in the family Asteraceae, Saussurea bogedaensis, was newly described from Bogeda Mountain in Xinjiang, China and is a critically endangered species in China. Morphological and genetic characteristics confirm the presence of this species in Mongolia, as it was found in Baitag Bogd Mountain (in the Dzungarian Gobi). In addition, the distribution and conservation status of S. bogedaensis are provided.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг


The genus Cypripedium L. consists of approximately 50 species of terrestrial herbs found in woodland and meadow habitats from sea level to middle-montane elevations. These species are distributed through subtropical to temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, excluding northern Africa (Chen and Cribb, 2005; Perner 2008). Among them, four species have been reported in Mongolia (Grubov 1982; Gubanov 1996). All four species are listed in the Red List of Mongolia as threatened (Nyambayar et al. 2011, Urgamal et al. 2019). Three orchid species (C. calceolus, C. guttatum, C. macranthos) are included under Appendices I and II of Convention on Internal Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Cypripedium calceolus and C. guttatum are vulnerable, and C. macranthos and C. ventricosum are endangered. These species is very rare in local area, and the population size is decreasing with small subpopulations and a small number of mature individuals and distribution. Cypripedium species can be found in a few localities including Khuvsgul, Khentii, Khangai, Mongolian Dauria and Khingan regions. All species are under numerous threats especially human interference, the private mineral industry, tourism, fire and climate change (Oyuntsetseg et al. 2018). Field surveys were carried out during the growing season in early June 2018. In this study, a molecular analysis has been conducted on the nuclear DNA and the two plastid DNA (rbcL and matK) in order to test the phylogenetic relationships in Cypripedium. We provide conversation status, photographs and distribution maps for species of Cypripedium.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа
"Потаниний хотирын (Zygophyllum potaninii) усны стрессээр өдөөгддөг генийн скрининг", Монголд Генетикийн шинжлэх ухаан 50 жил, 2019-10-11, vol. 1, pp. 73


Ургамал абиотик стрессэд ороход хариу үйлдэл үзүүлэх, дасан зохицох нь олон төрлийн механизмаар зохицуулагддаг. Эдгээр механизмуудын нэг нь ургамал усны стрессэд ороход өдөөгддөг генийн экспрессийн хэмжээ өөрчлөгдөх юм. Потаниний хотир (Zygophyllum potaninii) нь Монгол орны говь, цөлөрхөг хээрийн бүсэд дасан зохицсон ургамал бөгөөд усны дутагдлаас үүсэх стрессэд орсон нөхцөлд экспрессийн хэмжээ өөрчлөгддөг генийг илрүүлэх судалгааг suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) аргаар хийж гүйцэтгэлээ.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Ганзул, Т.Сувдмаа, Г.Баярмаа, Ж.Сүхдолгор
"Төвөд ланцайн биохимийн бүрэлдэхүүн, бактерийн эсрэг идэвх ба эрдэслэг элементийн судалгааны үр дүнгээс " Mongolian Medical Sciences, vol. 2, no. 188, pp. 36-41, 2019-8-23


Background The traditional medicine, medicinal plant and natural products are of great importance. Since prehistoric times, humans have used natural products, such as medicinal plants, animals, microorganisms and marine organisms in medicines to alleviate and treat diseases. Aim This study aim was defined the biochemical some composition antibacterial activity and mineral elements content in air-dried samples Lancea tibetica of Mongolia. Material and Method The antibacterial activity and Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the extracts was collected of the seed, aboveground part and root for the Lancea tibetica. From three different organs of plant Lancea tibetica was collected of the Tsenkher district Arkhangai province were evaluated by means of the Disk diffusion method against five bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Enterococcus faecalis). We have taken extracts of plant 3 organs from organic solvent (7) ethyl acetate, hexane, n-butanol, methanol, chloroform, ethanol and distilled water for antibacterial activity. MIC of the extracts were defined and compared with each other. The macro- and microelements were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer analysis (XRFA). Result We have taken a dried seed, aboveground part and root of Lancea tibetica in the investigation. In these three samples were determined biochemical composition of 11 components for quantitative analysis: moisture was 6.2±0.2%, ash 4.8%, protein content was 1.67±0.1%, raw oil 5.9±0.3%, reduction sugar 0.39±0.1%, vitamin Р 16.6±1.8 mg%, extractive substances 18.6±0.2%, tanning matter 0.05±0.02% and flavonoids 0.2±0.01% in seed. The same moisture was 6.7±0.4%, ash 9.7%, protein content 1.89±0.2%, raw oil 6.1±0.8%, reduction sugar 0.52±0.1%, vitamin С 3.52±2.2mg%, vitamin Р (rutin) 20.3±0.2mg%, carotene 12.8mg%, extractive substances 16.8±0.1%, tanning matter 0.08±0.01% and flavonoids 0.6±0.24% in aboveground part. Besides this, in root: the moisture was 6.1±0.3%, ash was 14.9%, protein content was 2.1±0.3%, raw oil was 2.9±0.2%, reduction sugar 0.62±0.02%, vitamin Р 17.8±0.05mg%, extractive substances 20.3±0.4%, tanning matter was 0.06±0.03%, flavonoid was 0.35±0.002%. Besides this, we revealed the saponin by method quality analysis in aerial part and root of Lancea tibetica. But not triterpenoid saponin in seed. The same not revealed alkaloid all the samples. Eighteen extracts (5mg/disc) of three organs showed antibacterial activity diverse. The MIC in ethanol and butanol extracts of seed, aboveground part and root was more than others. From thoroughly air-dried aboveground part samples of Lancea tibetica from Tsenkher district of Arkhangai province and Tunel district of Khuvsgul province. We determined the 43 mineral elements. 11 elements were defined by percentage, 10 elements were oxide forms (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, MnO, P2O5) of them. Other elements were defined by mg/kg unit. The same heavy metallic, mobile elements (Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Pb, Ni, Co) and rare earth elements (Ce, La, Nd, Pr, Sm) were determined. Conclusion In the result of this research work to determine the content of biologically active substances in Lancea tibetica. Plants produce a great variety of organic compounds that are not directly involved in primary metabolic processes of ground and development. Study of the biochemistry of plant natural products has many practical applications. Various detectable contents of useful or macronutrient and micronutrient oxide was found in the ash of aerial parts. Some macronutrient and micronutrient elements were detected by oxide forms.

Зохиогч(ид): J.Sukhdolgor, Т.Сувдмаа, G.Ganzul, Г.Баярмаа
"A chemical investigation and mineral elements of Lancea tibetica and its soil in Khuvsgul province of Mongolia", Proceeding of the IX International Research to Practice Conference, Орос, 2019-8-7, vol. 1, pp. 42-44


The article is devoted to chemical properties investigation, mineral elements of Lancea tibetica and its soil structure and soil microorganisms. In this investigation, we determined distribution of 45 mineral elements in surface soil and plant ash, which constituted of determined 10 elements in oxide forms, heavy metallic, mobile elements (Cu, Cr, Cd, Zn, Mn, Pb, Ni, Co) and rare earth elements (Ce, La, Nd, Pr, Sm) by X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer analysis (XRFA), but cannot determined Cd and S in plant ash. We also investigated the soil morphological description, soil profile and soil hygienic microbiological study such as E.coli, thermophile bacteria, Clostridium perfringens, total microbial number such as number of actinomycedes and fungal number. Moreover, we have been made soil profile and measured horizons such as surface earth micro surface, slope, surface stone, stone cover, predominant plant, plant cover and determined soil name. In addition, we determined as well as a physical and chemical properties of the soil such as soil pH, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), organic carbon (humus), electrical conductive (EC2.5) measure, mobile phosphoric acid (P2O5), potassium oxide (K2O) and mechanical constituents of the soil such as sand, dust particle and clay. We also determined the aboveground parts of Lancea tibetica contain the following substances: moisture content 8.8%, total protein 8.9%, cellulose 9.6%, ash 9.9% and oil (fat) 3.0%.

Зохиогч(ид): G.Ganzul, Т.Сувдмаа, Г.Баярмаа, J.Sukhdolgor
"Цагаан дэгд (Gentiana algida Pall.)-ийн биохимийн судалгаа ", Монголын уламжлалт анагаах ухааны олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний II их хурал, Монгол, 2019-6-20, vol. 1, pp. хх


Үндэслэл: Цагаан дэгд нь Дэгдтэний овгийн ургамал бөгөөд газрын дээд хэсгийг Хятад, Монгол, Төвдийн уламжлалт анагаах ухаанд хоолой, ходоод, уушиг, арьсны өвчний үед хэрэглэж ирсэн уламжлалтай. Иймээс бид энэ судалгаандаа устаж болзошгүй ангилалд орсон эмийн ургамал болох “Цагаан Дэгд”-ийг сонгон авч биохими, биологийн идэвхийн зарим судалгааг хийсэн. Арга, аргачлал: Судалгаанд Цагаан Дэгдийн цэцэг, газрын дээд хэсэг, үндэс зэрэг эрхтэн тус бүр дээр 10 гаруй биохимийн тодорхойлолтыг 2-3 давтамжтай хийсэн. Микробын эсрэг идэвхийн судалгаанд 5 г хатаасан ургамлын дээж авч (цэцэг, газрын дээд хэсэг, үндэс) 1:5 харьцаагаар 6 органик уусгагч (этилацетат, гексан, бутанол, метанол, хлороформ, этанол)-аар тасалгааны температурт хандалсан. Нийт 18 ханданд таван тест организм (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aures, Micrococcus luteus, Enterococcus faecalis) ашиглан бактерийн эсрэг идэвхийг цаасан дискийн аргаар тодорхойлсон. Эерэг хяналтаар канамициныг авсан. Ургамлын газрын дээд хэсгийн үнсэнд макро- болон микроэлементийн агууламжыг Рентген флуоресценцийн шинжилгээний (РФА) аргаар тодорхойлов.

Зохиогч(ид): Г.Баярмаа, Б.Оюунцэцэг, E.Munkhbileg
"Characterization of an Aquaporin Gene ZpPIP2 from Zygophyllum potaninii Maxim. (Zygophyllaceae)" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1-2, pp. 33-38, 2016-12-27


Zygophyllum potaninii Maxim. is a medicinal plant, distributed in arid regions of southern Mongolia. Full length of a cDNA clone, which was identified as a stress induced gene by suppression subtractive hybridization was obtained by 5’RACEPCR, and named ZpPIP2 as deduced amino acid sequence shows high homology to plant aquaporin PIP2. ZpPIP2 is expressed in leaf and stem under normal conditions, and it is accumulated in the root in response to drought stress in Z. potaninii

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Суран, Г.Баярмаа, T.Bolor
"In vitro Seed Germination and Callus Induction of Ferula" Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 14(1-2), pp. 53-58, 2016-12-27


Ferula ferulaeoides is a highly valuable medicinal plant native to Mongolia. In vitro seed germination effi ciency of F. ferulaeoides was low, and it required cold stratifi cation for longer than 21 days and exogenous application of the hormone gibberellic acid (GA3) for germination. Cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots of two week old seedlings were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with diff erent auxins including 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), napthalene acetic acid (NAA) and indole-acetic acid (IAA) and cytokinin 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP). This experiment showed that combination of BAP (0.5 mg/L) and auxins IAA and 2, 4 D was the most effi cient media for callus initiation from in vitro germinated seedling explants. Callus was sub-cultured with 4 weeks interval on the same media as callus initiation for a long term maintenance.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Билгүүн, О.Соланге, Б.Кларис, Г.Баярмаа
"Low diversity of mesorhizobia found in Beja chickpea fields", Хүрэлтогоот, 2016-10-14, vol. 2016, pp. 268-279


The aim of this work was to evaluate the diversity of chickpea rhizobia isolated from soil samples of a field used to cultivate chickpea and to evaluate the impact of glyphosate in the native chickpea rhizobia populations. To identify the rhizobia species, PCR amplification and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene sequence was performed using DNA extracted from 22 pure cultures of rhizobia isolated from the nodules of chickpea that were used as trap plants. Most rhizobia isolates belong to Mesorhizobium ciceri, a species previously described as specific for chickpea. Only two rhizobia isolates were identified as M. temperatum and M. mediterraneum, species also known to be able to nodulate chickpea. Other bacterial species were isolated as well from the chickpea nodules, namely species belonging to the genera Burkholderia, Luteibacter, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas, probably co-existing with the nodulating rhizobia as root endophytes.

Сул хараатай иргэдэд
зориулсан хувилбар
Энгийн хувилбар