Бидний тухай

Багш ажилтан

 /  Бидний тухай  /  Багш ажилтан /  Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Судалгааны чиглэл:
Мэдээллийг профессор, багш, ажилтан МУИС-ийн мэдээллийн санд бүртгүүлснээр танд харуулж байна. Мэдээлэл дутуу, буруу тохиолдолд бид хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
Зохиогч(ид): Х.Саранчимэг, Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"On a Mongolian translation of the term “tianmo (天魔)” in the dance name “十六天魔 舞蹈”: A word “dagini”" Asian Studies in Mongolia, vol. Vol. 2 , no. No. 1, pp. 24-31, 2024-4-29


The dance “十六天魔舞蹈” was rediscovered in the Palace of the Yuan Dynasty in 1354, during the reign of the Last Emperor Togoontumur. This article touches upon the term tianmo (天魔) in the dance name “十六天魔舞蹈” commonly recorded in the Chinese sources in which Mongolian history is noted. This term is conveyed by most Chinese readers and translators as šimnu (ᠰᠢᠮᠨᠦ) which is the literal translation into Mongolian. Having examined historical sources and linguistic facts through hermeneutics, this research reveals that the term tianmo (天魔) should be translated as dagini (ᠳᠠᠭᠭᠨᠢ) into Mongolian and dakini into English as its transliteration for keeping its Tibetan origin dakini (མཁའ་འགྲྲ།) which supports our hypothesis that the dance is a Tantric ritual of Buddhism and a path to Enlightenment for the Emperor, but not a main reason for the downfall of the Yuan Dynasty.

Зохиогч(ид): Д.Түвшинтөгс, Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"Speaking exercises for ESL students by Mongolian teachers", Creativity and innovations in English language teaching, 2024-4-12, vol. Conference Hall 4th floor Administration Building , pp.


Some exercises and training for speaking and interpreting English

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"Монгол хэлний “NP1+P(тай)+NP2” бүтэц дэх -ТАЙ нэгжийн англи орчуулга", Current studies on Applied linguistics & American and British studies, 2023-12-9, vol. “CURRENT STUDIES IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES”, pp.


Монгол хэлний “NP1+P(тай)+NP2” бүтэц дэх -ТАЙ нэгжийг хэрхэн орчуулах тухай

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"N1+P+N2 бүтэц дэх харьцаа заасан Р нэгж далд бүрдүүлбэрийг ил гаргах хэрэглүүр болох нь (Англи, монгол хэлний жишээгээр)", Чой.Лувсанжавын мэндэлсний ойд зориулсан эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал, 2021-12-16, vol. 3, pp. ***


Дэлхийн аль ч хэлэнд өгүүлбэрийг бүрдүүлж буй нэгжүүдийг хооронд нь холбож харьцаа заах үүрэгтэй нэгж гэж бий. Тэр нь SVO бүтэцтэй англи хэлний хувьд угтвар үг (preposition), харин SOV бүтэцтэй монгол хэлний хувьд тийн ялгалын нөхцөл болон дагавар үг (case markers, postposition) бөгөөд тооны хувьд харьцангуй цөөн ч хамгийн ээдрээтэй нэгжүүдийн нэг юм. Англи, монгол хоёр хэлэнд хэлзүйн шаталсан тогтолцооны хувьд хоёр өөр түвшний нэгж учраас өгүүлбэрзүйн үндсэн үүргийг нь харгалзан ийнхүү “харьцаа заасан Р нэгж” гэж томьёолоод, үндсэндээ хоёр төрлийн харьцаа заасан Р нэгж байна гэж үзсэн.

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"The Nonverbal means of Communication in Mongolian using the Word “Tolgoi (‘Head’ in English)”, Volume number: 12" Advances in Language and Literary Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 50-58, 2021-4-30


One of the most important activities in which we engage, is communication. It plays a vital role in our lifestyles, careers and demeanors. This paper, which can be considered a continuation of early observations and then a study, touches upon the types of nonverbal means of communication in the modern Mongolian language, based on examples that have used the word “tolgoi (‘head’ in English)” and cited modern Mongolian literature. In modern Mongolia, nonverbal means of communication have their own special types, forms and grammar, which all use real words and expressions related to Mongolian culture, customs and lifestyle. For this research paper, 23 nonverbal means of communication using the word tolgoi were recorded, and most of them expressed ignorance, sadness or regret, which indicated a negative attitude

Зохиогч(ид): Ц.Онон, Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"The Nonverbal means of Communication in Mongolian using the Word “Tolgoi (‘Head’ in English)”" Advances in Language and Literary Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 50-58, 2021-4-30


One of the most important activities in which we engage, is communication. It plays a vital role in our lifestyles, careers and demeanors. This paper, which can be considered a continuation of early observations and then a study, touches upon the types of nonverbal means of communication in the modern Mongolian language, based on examples that have used the word “tolgoi (‘head’ in English)” and cited modern Mongolian literature. In modern Mongolia, nonverbal means of communication have their own special types, forms and grammar, which all use real words and expressions related to Mongolian culture, customs and lifestyle. For this research paper, 23 nonverbal means of communication using the word tolgoi were recorded, and most of them expressed ignorance, sadness or regret, which indicated a negative attitude.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Аззаяа, Н.Гэрэлмаа, Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"The Runic inscription monuments and stamps in Bayankhongor province, Mongolia ", 2nd International Congress On New Horizons In Education And Social Sciences (ICES - 2019), Turkey, 2019-6-19, vol. 2, pp. 287-295


In last two decades, numbers of runic inscriptions have been found in the western part of Mongolia: mostly in Bayan-Ulgii, Khovd and Govi-Altai provinces, and comparatively less in Uvs and Zavkhan provinces, and also Bayankhongor province in which the following five inscriptions date back to the Ancient Turkic Period: 1. Inscription of Bömbögör monument (1986) 2. Inscription of the Three Mandalas: Adag mandala (the End Mandala) and Dund Mandala (The Middle Mandala) (1987) 3. Inscription of Olon Nuur (2008) 4. Inscription of Dalt (2012) 5. Inscription of Khirgisiin Ovoo Monument (2016). Of them, the initial two inscriptions had been discovered by 1990, and the latter three since 2008, which have been followed by some alternative versions of deciphering due to some inadequate reviews. So they have given us a motivation to review the meanings of the words and expressions incorporated in them, as the following: These two inscriptions – properly viewed to be the classical monuments of the runic inscription, have some special words and expressions as well as personal names those are not noted in the monuments found in other provinces. One of these words, tulton which occurs twice in the Bömbögör inscription, is a compound name which is derived from tul (widow) and ton (gown) and which means “a mourning gown”. These five inscriptions have 77 tamgas in them, 35 of which are in the inscription of Bömbögör, like , , , and , to require some urgent and careful studies.

Зохиогч(ид): Б.Аззаяа, Ц.Отгонсүрэн
"Dictionary of Ancient Turkic and monuments of Mongolian runic inscription", International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX), БНТУ, 2019-6-19, vol. 13, pp. 63-79


Mongolia is rich in culturally and historically precious stone monuments in connection with the Ancient Turkic which established its State in VI-IX AD and remained its name in the world history. Of them, the monuments of runic inscription have stood at a special position as a scientifically valuable proof of the Ancient Turkic history, language and culture. We, in Mongolia, have still discovered some new findings of the inscriptions that have reached 160 and more in number since the first discovery in 1889. For these years, we have used a couple of dictionaries: “Drevnetyurkski slovari (Древнетюркский словарь)” compiled by Russian scholars (Наделяев В.М., Насилов Д.М., Тенишев Э.Р., & Щербак А.М., 1969) in 1969 and “An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish”, by Sir Gerard Clauson in 1972. Since the time when the aforementioned dictionaries compiled, more than 90 runic inscriptions have been newly found in the land of Mongolia every year, which incorporate numbers of words and expressions we have no longer met before. As a result, we should conduct some lexicological studies based on the relevant monuments of runic inscriptions and compile a dictionary of Mongolian runic inscriptions then, which brings some significance for the development of ancient Turkic vocabulary, the definition for unknown words and expressions, as well as some comparative studies on the Altaic languages in the sphere of semantics.

Сул хараатай иргэдэд
зориулсан хувилбар
Энгийн хувилбар