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В целях ускорения социально-экономического развития западного региона вдали от центра, реализации краткосрочных и долгосрочных целей, поставленных правительством в рамках концепции развития региона, необходимо детальное изучение этнокультуры. -туристские условия и ресурсы западного региона, обладающего огромными этническими ресурсами, и их правильное использование, экологическое. Существует реальная необходимость в разработке научно обоснованных методов поддержания баланса. Исследование и продвижение местных этнических ресурсов важно для привлечения отечественных и иностранных инвесторов, исследователей, путешественников и туристов, защиты их от негативных последствий и предоставления людям точного понимания и сотрудничества.
Мянган Угалзатын нуруунаас Алтайн цаад говь болох Зүүн гарын говийн хөрсний хэв шинж, тэдгээрийн өнөөгийн төлөв байдал
By involving Specially protected areas, their environmental zones, and ecologically linked areas which were selected to determine the main criteria for evaluating the results of sustainable pasture management, we conducted a research work of collecting the basic information or database for sustainable pasture management in 4 provinces’ 10 soums. This article presents the typology of the grasslands Khar-us Nuur National park in Buyant soum of Khovd province. We followed the methodology specified in this order to calculate the carrying capacity of each type of pasture. The grazing capacity of each soum was calculated based on our field research materials according to the natural zoning and the results of the 2022 photo-monitoring report of soum. 100276.2 hectares or 53.46% of the territory of Buyant soum Khovd province is desert steppe, 50327.72 hectares or 26.83% is desert-like steppe, 36958.81 hectares or 19.70% belongs to dry steppe zone, it has 187562.7 hectares of pasture land, 53421 or 109325 thousand head of sheep, vegetation cover is 42.74%.
By involving Specially protected areas, their environmental zones, and ecologically linked areas which were selected to determine the main criteria for evaluating the results of sustainable pasture management, we conducted a research work of collecting the basic information or database for sustainable pasture management in 4 provinces’ 10 soums. This article presents the typology of the grasslands Khar-us Nuur National park in Buyant soum of Khovd province. We followed the methodology specified in this order to calculate the carrying capacity of each type of pasture. The grazing capacity of each soum was calculated based on our field research materials according to the natural zoning and the results of the 2022 photo-monitoring report of soum. 100276.2 hectares or 53.46% of the territory of Buyant soum Khovd province is desert steppe, 50327.72 hectares or 26.83% is desert-like steppe, 36958.81 hectares or 19.70% belongs to dry steppe zone, it has 187562.7 hectares of pasture land, 53421 or 109325 thousand head of sheep, vegetation cover is 42.74%.
Бэлчээрийн даац, малын тоо, төрлөөр, аймгуудын хадлангийн ургацын хэмжээ (ц/га), өвөлжөө, хаваржаа, зуслан, намаржааны байршил, нүүдэл, Ус цаг уур орчны шинжилгээний газрын бэлчээрийн мониторингийн 63 цэгийн тоо, хамрах хадлан, судалгааны багийн 480 цэгийн фотомониторингийн цэгийн бичиглэл түүнд тулгуурласан бэлчээрийн төлөв байдал, доройтлын зэрэг, даацын тоон мэдээлэл гаргав.
Mongolia is rich in medicinal plants. Essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants generally have a diverse range of activities because they possess many active constituents that work through a several modes of action.Artemisia, the largest genus of the family Asteraceae, has a number of effects against human and plant diseases [8].This study was aimed to evaluate antioxidant, cytotoxic activities of aerial parts ethanol extracts from Artemisia scoparia Waldst.et Kitgrown in Mongolia. The antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the essential oil and ethanol extract was determined by using DPPH and MTT assays. The ethanol extracts showed higher antioxidant activity than essential oil.The essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst.et Kitwith a concentration of 150 mg/ml or 3μg/disk inhibits the growth of S.enterica 10.6±0.58mm, B.subtillus 11.6±1.15mm, and has a moderate bacterial activity.The half-lethal dose (IC50) 56.542 μg/mlis of essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et. Kit, so essential oilof Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et. Kit is active in inhibiting of liver cancer cell line (HepG2).The half-lethal dose (IC50)72.611 μg/mlis of essential oil Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et. Kit, which has the active in inhibiting the growth of human stomach cancer cell line (AGS).The results clearly showed that the essential oil presented satisfactory cytotoxic activity against human stomach cancer cell line AGS. Our work revealed that the ethanol extracts and essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst.et Kitgrown in Mongolia haspotential as sources of new antioxidant, and cytotoxic compounds, respectively.
Говийн их дархан цаазат газрын Б хэсгийн хөрсөн бүрхэвч, хөрсний шинж чанарын талаарх судалгааны ажил
Одоогийн байдлаар аялал жуулчлалын хөгжилд нөлөөлөх байгалийн хүчин зүйлсийн судалгаа, нийгэм эдийн засгийн хүчин зүйлсийн судалгаа, аялал жуулчлал хөгжүүлэх дэд бүтэц, гадаад зар сурталчилгааны гүйцэтгэх үүргийн судалгаа зэрэг олон талын судалгаа хийгдсэн байдаг. Төрийн захиргааны байгууллагууд болон төрийн бус байгууллагууд, их сургуулийн судлаачид хамтран Ховд аймгийн аялал жуулчлалын нөөцийн судалгаанд үндэслэн Ховд аймагт олон ястны амьдралын хэв маягт түшиглэсэн Этно-Эко аялал жуулчлалын эвентүүдийг 2009 оноос эхлэн зохион хоёр жил тутамд зохион байгуулж ирсэн. Тухайлбал: “Ховд аймагт аялал жуулчлал хөгжүүлэх мастер төлөвлөгөө 2005”, Ховд аймагт аялал жуулчлал хөгжүүлэх “Гурван цэнхэр таван од 2017“ хөтөлбөрүүдэд ажилласан байна. Харин Мөнгөн шагшуурга цас мөсний баяр манай аймгийн санал болгож чадах онцгой бренд юм. Гэвч энэ баярын тухай ойлголт, нийтийн дунд төдийлөн сайн биш, зөвхөн зорьсон хэсэг бүлэг хүмүүс ирж оролцдог. Ийм байдлыг халахын тулд сурталчлах болон гүнзгийлэн судлах, үр дүнгээ танилцуулах гэсэн хэд хэдэн томоохон ажлууд хийгдэж байгаа ч одоогоор шууд өгөөжөө өгөөгүй хэвээр л байна. Мөн энэ баярын үр ашиг, дутагдалтай тал, хөгжиж бололцоо зэргийг тодорхойлох нь юун түрүүний чухал шаардлагатай ажил учраас урьд нь маш олон судлагаа энэ чиглэлээр хийгдэж байсан билээ.
Mongolia is rich in medicinal plants. Essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants generally have a diverse range of activities because they possess many active constituents that work through a several modes of action. Artemisia, the largest genus of the family Asteraceae, has a number of effects against human and plant diseases [8]. This study was aimed to evaluate antioxidant, cytotoxic activities of aerial parts ethanol extracts from Artemisia scoparia Waldst.et Kit grown in Mongolia. The antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the essential oil and ethanol extract was determined by using DPPH and MTT assays. The ethanol extracts showed higher antioxidant activity than essential oil. The essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst.et Kit with a concentration of 150 mg/ml or 3μg/disk inhibits the growth of S.enterica 10.6±0.58 mm, B.subtillus 11.6±1.15 mm, and has a moderate bacterial activity. The half-lethal dose (IC50) 56.542 μg/ml is of essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et. Kit, so essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et. Kit is active in inhibiting of liver cancer cell line (HepG2). The half-lethal dose (IC50) 72.611 μg / ml is of essential oil Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et. Kit, which has the active in inhibiting the growth of human stomach cancer cell line (AGS). The results clearly showed that the essential oil presented satisfactory cytotoxic activity against human stomach cancer cell line AGS. Our work revealed that the ethanol extracts and essential oil of Artemisia scoparia Waldst.et Kit grown in Mongolia has potential as sources of new antioxidant, and cytotoxic compounds, respectively.
В исследовании были использованы образцы полыни сантолинолистной (Artemisia Santolinifolia Turczex Bess), собранные в горах Хархираа в Убсунурском аймаке (N 89007/682//E 52057/945//) Монголии 24 июля 2019 года. Для исследования антиоксидантной активности эфирного масла полыни сантолинолистной использовали DPPH-метод, и для исследования противораковой активности – МТТ-метод. При исследовании антиоксидантной активности эфирного масла полыни сантолинолистной методом DPPH антиоксидантная активность эфирного масла имеет значение 3.688 процентов при концентрации 1500 мкг/мл. В результате противоракового эксперимента на двух типах клетки было определено, что этаноловый экстракт полыни сантолинолистной показывает самую большую эффективность (95.63%) на клетку (HepG2) и (98.58%) на клетку (AGS).
The article considers the content of macro- and microelements in the plant Schizonepeta multifida L, collected in the area of Mount Kharhiraa in the Uvs province of Mongolia. The chemical composition of the plant was determined by X-ray fluorescence. Sample Schizonepeta multifida L. it contains mainly elements such as strontium, barium, copper and zinc. Elements such as cadmium, chromium and tin in plant samples did not exceed the norm.
Mongolia is rich in medicinal plants. In recent years, interest in plant-derived food additives has grown. This study was aimed to evaluate antioxidant, cytotoxic activities of aerial parts ethanol extracts from Artemisia rutifolia Steph.ex Spreng grown in Mongolia. The essential oil composition variability of A.rutifolia Steph.ex Spreng aerial parts collected from three different slopes of Kharkhiraa mountain was assessed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Chromatographic analysis of A.rutifolia Steph.ex Spreng essential oils showed the predominance of monoterpene hydrocarbons represented mainly by santolina triene, β-myrcene. The antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the essential oil and ethanol crude extracts were determined by using
Mongolia is rich in medicinal plants. In recent years, interest in plant-derived food additives has grown. Many Lamiaceae species have a characteristic scent or taste, which in many cases are the reason for their application in Mongolian traditional medicine. This study was aimed to evaluate antioxidant, cytotoxic activities of aerial parts ethanol extracts from Nepeta sibirica L. grown in Mongolia. The antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the essential oil and ethanol crude extracts were determined by using DPPH and MTT assays. The ethanol extracts showed higher antioxidant activity than essential oil. The results clearly showed that the essential oil presented satisfactory cytotoxic activity against two human tumor cell lines HepG2 (human liver cancer cell line); AGS (human stomach cancer cell line). Our work revealed that the ethanol extracts and essential oil of Nepeta sibirica L. grown in Mongolia has potential as sources of new antioxidant, and cytotoxic compounds, respectively.